enum AssembleFlags
- //! No update
- assemble_default = 0,
- //! Own cells
- * Assemble on cells.
+ * Do Nothing.
+ */
+ assemble_nothing = 0,
+ /**
+ * Assemble on locally owned cells.
assemble_own_cells = 0x0001,
- //! Ghost cells
* Assemble on ghost cells.
assemble_ghost_cells = 0x0002,
- //! Own faces once
- * Assemble on own interior faces, visiting each face only once
+ * Assemble on interior faces between two locally owned cells,
+ * visiting each face only once
assemble_own_interior_faces_once = 0x0004,
- //! Own faces both
- * Assemble on own interior faces, visiting each interior face twice
+ * Assemble on interior faces between two locally owned cells,
+ * visiting each interior face twice
assemble_own_interior_faces_both = 0x0008,
- //! Ghost faces once
* Assemble on faces between a locally owned cell and a ghost cell, making
* sure that only one of the processes will assemble these faces (from the
* finer side or the process with the lower mpi rank)
assemble_ghost_faces_once = 0x0010,
- //! Ghost faces both
* Assemble on faces between a locally owned cell and a ghost cell, both
* processes will assemble these faces. Note that these faces are never
* assembled from both sides on a single process.
assemble_ghost_faces_both = 0x0020,
- //! Assemble cells before faces
- * Assemble cell integrals before face integrals.
+ * Assemble on boundary faces of the locally owned cells
- assemble_cells_first = 0x0040,
- //! Assemble boundary faces
+ assemble_boundary_faces = 0x0040,
- * Assemble on boundary faces
+ * Assemble cell integrals before face integrals.
- assemble_boundary_faces = 0x0080,
- //! Assemble own interior aces
+ cells_first = 0x0080,
- * Assemble own interior faces, either interior ones or on the boundary.
+ * Combination of flags to determine if any work on cells is done
- assemble_own_interior_faces = assemble_own_interior_faces_both | assemble_own_interior_faces_once,
- //! Assemble own faces
+ work_on_cells = assemble_own_cells | assemble_ghost_cells,
- * Assemble own faces, either interior ones or on the boundary.
+ * Combination of flags to determine if any work is done on faces
- assemble_own_faces = assemble_own_interior_faces | assemble_boundary_faces,
- //! Assemble ghost faces
+ work_on_faces = assemble_own_interior_faces_once
+ | assemble_own_interior_faces_both
+ | assemble_ghost_faces_once
+ | assemble_ghost_faces_both,
- * Assemble ghost faces
+ * Combination of flags to determine if any work is done on the boundary
+ * faces
- assemble_ghost_faces = assemble_ghost_faces_both | assemble_ghost_faces_once,
+ work_on_boundary = assemble_boundary_faces,
const unsigned int queue_length = 2*MultithreadInfo::n_threads(),
const unsigned int chunk_size = 8)
+ Assert((!cell_worker)
+ || (flags & work_on_cells),
+ ExcMessage("If you specify a cell_worker, you need to set assemble_own_cells or assemble_ghost_cells."));
+ Assert((flags & (assemble_own_interior_faces_once|assemble_own_interior_faces_both))
+ != (assemble_own_interior_faces_once|assemble_own_interior_faces_both),
+ ExcMessage("You can only specify assemble_own_interior_faces_once OR assemble_own_interior_faces_both."));
+ Assert((flags & (assemble_ghost_faces_once|assemble_ghost_faces_both))
+ != (assemble_ghost_faces_once|assemble_ghost_faces_both),
+ ExcMessage("You can only specify assemble_ghost_faces_once OR assemble_ghost_faces_both."));
+ Assert(!(flags & cells_first) ||
+ (flags & (assemble_own_cells | assemble_ghost_cells)),
+ ExcMessage("The option cells_first only makes sense if you assemble on cells."));
+ Assert((!face_worker)
+ || (flags & work_on_faces),
+ ExcMessage("If you specify a boundary_worker, assemble_boundary_faces needs to be set."));
+ Assert((!boundary_worker)
+ || (flags & assemble_boundary_faces),
+ ExcMessage("If you specify a boundary_worker, assemble_boundary_faces needs to be set."));
auto cell_action = [&] (const CellIteratorType &cell, ScratchData &scratch, CopyData ©)
const bool ignore_subdomain = (cell->get_triangulation().locally_owned_subdomain()
if ((!ignore_subdomain) && (current_subdomain_id == numbers::artificial_subdomain_id))
- if ( (flags & (assemble_cells_first)) &&
+ if ( (flags & (cells_first)) &&
( ((flags & (assemble_own_cells)) && own_cell)
|| ( (flags & assemble_ghost_cells) && !own_cell) ) )
cell_worker(cell, scratch, copy);
- if (flags & assemble_own_faces)
+ if (flags & (work_on_faces | work_on_boundary))
for (unsigned int face_no=0; face_no < GeometryInfo<CellIteratorType::AccessorType::Container::dimension>::faces_per_cell; ++face_no)
typename CellIteratorType::AccessorType::Container::face_iterator face = cell->face(face_no);
// only integrate boundary faces of own cells
if ( (flags & assemble_boundary_faces) && own_cell)
- {
- boundary_worker(cell, face_no, scratch, copy);
- }
+ boundary_worker(cell, face_no, scratch, copy);
- else if (flags & assemble_own_interior_faces)
+ else
- // Interior face
+ // interior face, potentially assemble
TriaIterator<typename CellIteratorType::AccessorType> neighbor = cell->neighbor_or_periodic_neighbor(face_no);
types::subdomain_id neighbor_subdomain_id = numbers::artificial_subdomain_id;
// skip if the user doesn't want faces between own cells
- if (own_cell && own_neighbor && !(flags & assemble_own_interior_faces))
+ if (own_cell && own_neighbor && !(flags & (assemble_own_interior_faces_both | assemble_own_interior_faces_once)))
// skip face to ghost
- if (own_cell != own_neighbor && !(flags & assemble_ghost_faces))
+ if (own_cell != own_neighbor && !(flags & (assemble_ghost_faces_both | assemble_ghost_faces_once)))
// Deal with refinement edges from the refined side. Assuming one-irregular
if (flags & assemble_own_interior_faces_both)
+ // If own faces are to be assembled from both sides, call the
+ // faceworker again with swapped arguments. This is because
+ // we won't be looking at an adaptively refined edge
+ // coming from the other side.
face_worker(neighbor, neighbor_face_no.first, neighbor_face_no.second,
cell, face_no, numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
scratch, copy);
&& (neighbor < cell))
- // independent of loop_control.faces_to_ghost,
- // we only look at faces to ghost on the same level once
+ // We only look at faces to ghost on the same level once
// (only where own_cell=true and own_neighbor=false)
if (!own_cell)
face_worker(cell, face_no, numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
neighbor, neighbor_face_no, numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
scratch, copy);
} // faces
- // Execute this, if faces
- // have to be handled first
- if ((flags & assemble_own_cells) && !(flags & assemble_cells_first) &&
+ // Execute the cell_worker if faces are handled before cells
+ if (!(flags & cells_first) &&
( ((flags & assemble_own_cells) && own_cell) || ((flags & assemble_ghost_cells) && !own_cell)))
cell_worker(cell, scratch, copy);
- // Loop over all cells
+ // Submit to workstream
WorkStream::run(begin, end,
cell_action, copier,
scratch_data, copy_data,
deallog << "copier" << std::endl;
+ std::function<void (const decltype(cell) &, ScratchData &, CopyData &)>
+ empty_cell_worker;
+ std::function<void (const decltype(cell) &, const unsigned int &, ScratchData &, CopyData &)>
+ empty_boundary_worker;
deallog << "CELLS ONLY" << std::endl << std::endl;
mesh_loop(cell, endc, cell_worker, copier, scratch, copy,
- assemble_own_cells,
- boundary_worker, face_worker);
+ assemble_own_cells);
deallog << "BOUNDARY ONLY" << std::endl << std::endl;
- mesh_loop(cell, endc, cell_worker, copier, scratch, copy,
+ mesh_loop(cell, endc, empty_cell_worker, copier, scratch, copy,
- boundary_worker, face_worker);
+ boundary_worker);
deallog << "CELLS AND BOUNDARY" << std::endl << std::endl;
mesh_loop(cell, endc, cell_worker, copier, scratch, copy,
assemble_own_cells | assemble_boundary_faces,
- boundary_worker, face_worker);
+ boundary_worker);
deallog << "CELLS FIRST AND BOUNDARY" << std::endl << std::endl;
mesh_loop(cell, endc, cell_worker, copier, scratch, copy,
- assemble_own_cells | assemble_cells_first | assemble_boundary_faces,
- boundary_worker, face_worker);
+ assemble_own_cells | cells_first | assemble_boundary_faces,
+ boundary_worker);
deallog << "ONLY FACES ONCE" << std::endl << std::endl;
- mesh_loop(cell, endc, cell_worker, copier, scratch, copy,
+ mesh_loop(cell, endc, empty_cell_worker, copier, scratch, copy,
- boundary_worker, face_worker);
+ empty_boundary_worker, face_worker);
deallog << "ONLY FACES BOTH" << std::endl << std::endl;
- mesh_loop(cell, endc, cell_worker, copier, scratch, copy,
+ mesh_loop(cell, endc, empty_cell_worker, copier, scratch, copy,
- boundary_worker, face_worker);
+ empty_boundary_worker, face_worker);