- struct line
- {
- types::global_dof_index row;
- double inhom;
- std::vector< std::pair<types::global_dof_index, double> > entries;
- template <class Archive>
- void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int)
- {
- ar &row &entries &inhom;
- }
- line() {}
- line(const ConstraintMatrix &cm, const types::global_dof_index row)
- : row (row)
- {
- inhom = cm.get_inhomogeneity(row);
- if (auto v=cm.get_constraint_entries(row))
- entries = *v;
- }
- };
bool ConstraintMatrix::is_consistent_in_parallel(const std::vector<IndexSet> &locally_owned_dofs,
const IndexSet &locally_active_dofs,
const MPI_Comm mpi_communicator,
const bool verbose) const
+ ConstraintLine empty= {};
+ // Helper to return a reference to the ConstraintLine object that belongs to row @p row.
+ // We don't want to make copies but to return a reference, we need an empty object that
+ // we store above.
+ auto get_line = [&] (const size_type row) -> const ConstraintLine&
+ {
+ const size_type line_index = calculate_line_index(row);
+ if (line_index >= lines_cache.size() ||
+ lines_cache[line_index] == numbers::invalid_size_type)
+ {
+ empty.index = row;
+ return empty;
+ }
+ else
+ return lines[lines_cache[line_index]];
+ };
// identify non-owned rows and send to owner:
- std::map< unsigned int, std::vector<line> > to_send;
+ std::map< unsigned int, std::vector<ConstraintLine> > to_send;
const unsigned int myid = dealii::Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(mpi_communicator);
+ const unsigned int nproc = dealii::Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(mpi_communicator);
// We will send all locally active dofs that are not locally owned for checking. Note
// that we allow constraints to differ on locally_relevant (and not active) DoFs.
IndexSet non_owned = locally_active_dofs;
- for (auto it = non_owned.begin(); it != non_owned.end(); ++it)
+ for (unsigned int owner=0; owner<nproc; ++owner)
- line l(*this, *it);
- unsigned int owner;
- // this is inefficient, but I guess we don't care
- for (owner=0; owner<locally_owned_dofs.size(); ++owner)
+ // find all lines to send to @p owner
+ IndexSet indices_to_send = non_owned & locally_owned_dofs[owner];
+ for (const auto &row_idx : indices_to_send)
- if (locally_owned_dofs[owner].is_element(*it))
- {
- to_send[owner].push_back(l);
- break;
- }
+ to_send[owner].push_back(get_line(row_idx));
- std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<line> > received = Utilities::MPI::some_to_some (MPI_COMM_WORLD, to_send);
+ std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<ConstraintLine> > received = Utilities::MPI::some_to_some (mpi_communicator, to_send);
unsigned int inconsistent = 0;
// from each processor:
- for (auto &kv : received)
+ for (const auto &kv : received)
// for each incoming line:
for (auto &lineit : kv.second)
- line ref(*this, lineit.row);
+ const ConstraintLine &reference = get_line(lineit.index);
- if (lineit.inhom!=ref.inhom)
+ if (lineit.inhomogeneity != reference.inhomogeneity)
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Proc " << myid
- << " got line " << lineit.row
+ << " got line " << lineit.index
<< " from " << kv.first
- << " inhomogeneity " << lineit.inhom << " != " << ref.inhom << std::endl;
+ << " inhomogeneity " << lineit.inhomogeneity << " != " << reference.inhomogeneity << std::endl;
- else if (ref.entries != lineit.entries)
+ else if (lineit.entries != reference.entries)
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Proc " << myid
- << " got line " << lineit.row
+ << " got line " << lineit.index
<< " from " << kv.first
<< " wrong values!"
<< std::endl;