* solution vector must be passed as template argument, and defaults to
* dealii::Vector<double>.
- * @note This version of CG is taken from D. Braess's book "Finite Elements".
- * It requires a symmetric preconditioner (i.e., for example, SOR is not a
- * possible choice).
+ * @note The CG method requires a symmetric preconditioner (i.e., for example,
+ * SOR is not a possible choice).
* <h3>Eigenvalue computation</h3>
using number = typename VectorType::value_type;
- SolverControl::State conv = SolverControl::iterate;
+ SolverControl::State solver_state = SolverControl::iterate;
LogStream::Prefix prefix("cg");
// Memory allocation
- typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer g_pointer(this->memory);
- typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer d_pointer(this->memory);
- typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer h_pointer(this->memory);
- // define some aliases for simpler access
- VectorType &g = *g_pointer;
- VectorType &d = *d_pointer;
- VectorType &h = *h_pointer;
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer r_pointer(this->memory);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer p_pointer(this->memory);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer v_pointer(this->memory);
+ // Define some aliases for simpler access, using the variables 'r' for the
+ // residual b - A*x, 'p' for the search direction, and 'v' for the auxiliary
+ // vector. This naming convention is used e.g. by the description on
+ // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjugate_gradient_method
+ VectorType &r = *r_pointer;
+ VectorType &p = *p_pointer;
+ VectorType &v = *v_pointer;
// Should we build the matrix for eigenvalue computations?
const bool do_eigenvalues =
// resize the vectors, but do not set the values since they'd be overwritten
// soon anyway.
- g.reinit(x, true);
- d.reinit(x, true);
- h.reinit(x, true);
+ r.reinit(x, true);
+ p.reinit(x, true);
+ v.reinit(x, true);
- int it = 0;
- number gh = number();
- number beta = number();
- number alpha = number();
- number old_alpha = number();
+ int it = 0;
+ number r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r = number();
+ number beta = number();
+ number alpha = number();
// compute residual. if vector is zero, then short-circuit the full
// computation
if (!x.all_zero())
- A.vmult(g, x);
- g.add(-1., b);
+ A.vmult(r, x);
+ r.sadd(-1., 1., b);
- g.equ(-1., b);
+ r.equ(1., b);
- double res = g.l2_norm();
- conv = this->iteration_status(0, res, x);
- if (conv != SolverControl::iterate)
+ double residual_norm = r.l2_norm();
+ solver_state = this->iteration_status(0, residual_norm, x);
+ if (solver_state != SolverControl::iterate)
- while (conv == SolverControl::iterate)
+ while (solver_state == SolverControl::iterate)
- old_alpha = alpha;
+ const number old_alpha = alpha;
+ const number old_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r = r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r;
- if (it > 1)
+ if (std::is_same<PreconditionerType, PreconditionIdentity>::value ==
+ false)
- if (std::is_same<PreconditionerType, PreconditionIdentity>::value ==
- false)
- {
- preconditioner.vmult(h, g);
- beta = gh;
- Assert(std::abs(beta) != 0., ExcDivideByZero());
- gh = g * h;
- beta = gh / beta;
- d.sadd(beta, -1., h);
- }
- else
- {
- beta = gh;
- gh = res * res;
- beta = gh / beta;
- d.sadd(beta, -1., g);
- }
+ preconditioner.vmult(v, r);
+ r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r = r * v;
+ r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r = residual_norm * residual_norm;
+ const VectorType &direction =
+ std::is_same<PreconditionerType, PreconditionIdentity>::value ? r : v;
+ if (it > 1)
- if (std::is_same<PreconditionerType, PreconditionIdentity>::value ==
- false)
- {
- preconditioner.vmult(h, g);
- d.equ(-1., h);
- gh = g * h;
- }
- else
- {
- d.equ(-1., g);
- gh = res * res;
- }
+ Assert(std::abs(old_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r) != 0.,
+ ExcDivideByZero());
+ beta = r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r / old_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r;
+ p.sadd(beta, 1., direction);
+ else
+ p.equ(1., direction);
- A.vmult(h, d);
+ A.vmult(v, p);
- alpha = d * h;
- Assert(std::abs(alpha) != 0., ExcDivideByZero());
- alpha = gh / alpha;
+ const number p_dot_A_dot_p = p * v;
+ Assert(std::abs(p_dot_A_dot_p) != 0., ExcDivideByZero());
+ alpha = r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r / p_dot_A_dot_p;
- x.add(alpha, d);
- res = std::sqrt(std::abs(g.add_and_dot(alpha, h, g)));
+ x.add(alpha, p);
+ residual_norm = std::sqrt(std::abs(r.add_and_dot(-alpha, v, r)));
- print_vectors(it, x, g, d);
+ print_vectors(it, x, r, p);
if (it > 1)
- conv = this->iteration_status(it, res, x);
+ solver_state = this->iteration_status(it, residual_norm, x);
- // in case of failure: throw exception
- if (conv != SolverControl::success)
- AssertThrow(false, SolverControl::NoConvergence(it, res));
- // otherwise exit as normal
+ AssertThrow(solver_state == SolverControl::success,
+ SolverControl::NoConvergence(it, residual_norm));
DEAL::Size 4 Unknowns 9
DEAL:no-fail:cg::Starting value 3.000
-DEAL:no-fail:cg::Convergence step 3 value 4.807e-17
+DEAL:no-fail:cg::Convergence step 3 value 5.917e-17
DEAL:no-fail:Bicgstab::Starting value 3.000
-DEAL:no-fail:Bicgstab::Convergence step 3 value 1.104e-17
+DEAL:no-fail:Bicgstab::Convergence step 3 value 4.768e-18
DEAL:no-fail:GMRES::Starting value 3.000
-DEAL:no-fail:GMRES::Convergence step 3 value 4.551e-16
+DEAL:no-fail:GMRES::Convergence step 3 value 6.160e-16
DEAL:no-fail:GMRES::Starting value 3.000
-DEAL:no-fail:GMRES::Convergence step 3 value 4.551e-16
+DEAL:no-fail:GMRES::Convergence step 3 value 6.160e-16
DEAL:no-fail:SQMR::Starting value 3.000
-DEAL:no-fail:SQMR::Convergence step 3 value 1.280e-15
+DEAL:no-fail:SQMR::Convergence step 3 value 9.088e-16
DEAL:no-fail:FIRE::Starting value 9.000
DEAL:no-fail:FIRE::Convergence step 38 value 0.0002184
DEAL:no:Richardson::Starting value 3.000
DEAL:no:Richardson::Convergence step 24 value 0.0007118
DEAL:no:cg::Starting value 3.000
-DEAL:no:cg::Convergence step 3 value 4.807e-17
+DEAL:no:cg::Convergence step 3 value 5.917e-17
DEAL:no:Bicgstab::Starting value 3.000
-DEAL:no:Bicgstab::Convergence step 3 value 1.104e-17
+DEAL:no:Bicgstab::Convergence step 3 value 4.768e-18
DEAL:no:GMRES::Starting value 3.000
-DEAL:no:GMRES::Convergence step 3 value 4.551e-16
+DEAL:no:GMRES::Convergence step 3 value 6.160e-16
DEAL:no:GMRES::Starting value 3.000
-DEAL:no:GMRES::Convergence step 3 value 4.551e-16
+DEAL:no:GMRES::Convergence step 3 value 6.160e-16
DEAL:no:SQMR::Starting value 3.000
-DEAL:no:SQMR::Convergence step 3 value 1.280e-15
+DEAL:no:SQMR::Convergence step 3 value 9.088e-16
DEAL:no:FIRE::Starting value 9.000
DEAL:no:FIRE::Convergence step 38 value 0.0002184
DEAL:rich:Richardson::Starting value 3.000
DEAL:rich:Richardson::Convergence step 42 value 0.0008696
DEAL:rich:cg::Starting value 3.000
-DEAL:rich:cg::Convergence step 3 value 2.871e-16
+DEAL:rich:cg::Convergence step 3 value 2.009e-16
DEAL:rich:Bicgstab::Starting value 3.000
-DEAL:rich:Bicgstab::Convergence step 3 value 3.238e-18
+DEAL:rich:Bicgstab::Convergence step 3 value 1.708e-17
DEAL:rich:GMRES::Starting value 1.800
-DEAL:rich:GMRES::Convergence step 3 value 3.294e-16
+DEAL:rich:GMRES::Convergence step 3 value 2.927e-16
DEAL:rich:GMRES::Starting value 3.000
-DEAL:rich:GMRES::Convergence step 3 value 7.148e-16
+DEAL:rich:GMRES::Convergence step 3 value 6.449e-16
DEAL:rich:SQMR::Starting value 3.000
-DEAL:rich:SQMR::Convergence step 3 value 1.422e-15
+DEAL:rich:SQMR::Convergence step 3 value 1.351e-15
DEAL:rich:FIRE::Starting value 9.000
DEAL:rich:FIRE::Convergence step 32 value 0.0009708
DEAL:ssor:RichardsonT::Starting value 3.000
DEAL:sor:Richardson::Convergence step 7 value 0.0004339
DEAL:sor:cg::Starting value 3.000
DEAL:sor:cg::Failure step 100 value 0.2585
-DEAL:sor::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence (it, res)
+DEAL:sor::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence(it, residual_norm)
DEAL:sor:Bicgstab::Starting value 3.000
-DEAL:sor:Bicgstab::Convergence step 5 value 4.331e-18
+DEAL:sor:Bicgstab::Convergence step 5 value 4.201e-18
DEAL:sor:GMRES::Starting value 1.462
-DEAL:sor:GMRES::Convergence step 5 value 9.441e-19
+DEAL:sor:GMRES::Convergence step 5 value 2.605e-18
DEAL:sor:GMRES::Starting value 3.000
-DEAL:sor:GMRES::Convergence step 5 value 1.393e-17
+DEAL:sor:GMRES::Convergence step 5 value 5.190e-18
DEAL:sor:FIRE::Starting value 9.000
DEAL:sor:FIRE::Convergence step 51 value 0.0004993
DEAL:psor:RichardsonT::Starting value 3.000
DEAL:psor:Richardson::Convergence step 8 value 0.0004237
DEAL:psor:cg::Starting value 3.000
DEAL:psor:cg::Failure step 100 value 0.1024
-DEAL:psor::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence (it, res)
+DEAL:psor::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence(it, residual_norm)
DEAL:psor:Bicgstab::Starting value 3.000
DEAL:psor:Bicgstab::Convergence step 4 value 0.0007969
DEAL:psor:GMRES::Starting value 1.467
DEAL:no-fail:cg::Starting value 11.00
DEAL:no-fail:cg::Failure step 10 value 0.1496
-DEAL:no-fail::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence (it, res)
+DEAL:no-fail::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence(it, residual_norm)
DEAL:no-fail:Bicgstab::Starting value 11.00
DEAL:no-fail:Bicgstab::Failure step 10 value 0.002830
DEAL:no-fail:Bicgstab::Failure step 10 value 0.001961
-DEAL:no-fail::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence (state.last_step, state.last_residual)
+DEAL:no-fail::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence(state.last_step, state.last_residual)
DEAL:no-fail:GMRES::Starting value 11.00
DEAL:no-fail:GMRES::Failure step 10 value 0.8414
-DEAL:no-fail::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence (accumulated_iterations, last_res)
+DEAL:no-fail::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence(accumulated_iterations, last_res)
DEAL:no-fail:GMRES::Starting value 11.00
DEAL:no-fail:GMRES::Failure step 10 value 0.8414
-DEAL:no-fail::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence (accumulated_iterations, last_res)
+DEAL:no-fail::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence(accumulated_iterations, last_res)
DEAL:no-fail:SQMR::Starting value 11.00
DEAL:no-fail:SQMR::Failure step 10 value 0.4215
-DEAL:no-fail::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence (step, state.last_residual)
+DEAL:no-fail::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence(step, state.last_residual)
DEAL:no-fail:FIRE::Starting value 121.0
DEAL:no-fail:FIRE::Failure step 50 value 2.971
-DEAL:no-fail::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence (iter, gradients * gradients)
+DEAL:no-fail::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence(iter, gradients * gradients)
DEAL:no:Richardson::Starting value 11.00
DEAL:no:Richardson::Failure step 100 value 0.3002
-DEAL:no::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence (iter, last_criterion)
+DEAL:no::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence(iter, last_criterion)
DEAL:no:cg::Starting value 11.00
DEAL:no:cg::Convergence step 15 value 0.0005794
DEAL:no:Bicgstab::Starting value 11.00
DEAL:no:SQMR::Convergence step 16 value 0.0002583
DEAL:no:FIRE::Starting value 121.0
DEAL:no:FIRE::Failure step 100 value 0.003317
-DEAL:no::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence (iter, gradients * gradients)
+DEAL:no::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence(iter, gradients * gradients)
DEAL:rich:Richardson::Starting value 11.00
DEAL:rich:Richardson::Failure step 100 value 1.219
-DEAL:rich::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence (iter, last_criterion)
+DEAL:rich::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence(iter, last_criterion)
DEAL:rich:cg::Starting value 11.00
DEAL:rich:cg::Convergence step 15 value 0.0005794
DEAL:rich:Bicgstab::Starting value 11.00
DEAL:sor:Richardson::Convergence step 88 value 0.0009636
DEAL:sor:cg::Starting value 11.00
DEAL:sor:cg::Failure step 100 value 5.643
-DEAL:sor::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence (it, res)
+DEAL:sor::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence(it, residual_norm)
DEAL:sor:Bicgstab::Starting value 11.00
DEAL:sor:Bicgstab::Convergence step 14 value 0.0009987
DEAL:sor:GMRES::Starting value 7.322
DEAL:psor:Richardson::Convergence step 89 value 0.0009736
DEAL:psor:cg::Starting value 11.00
DEAL:psor:cg::Failure step 100 value 2.935
-DEAL:psor::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence (it, res)
+DEAL:psor::Exception: SolverControl::NoConvergence(it, residual_norm)
DEAL:psor:Bicgstab::Starting value 11.00
DEAL:psor:Bicgstab::Convergence step 11 value 0.0005151
DEAL:psor:GMRES::Starting value 7.345