#include <Sacado.hpp>
- // And this again is C++:
+ // And this again is C++ as well as two
+ // include files from the BOOST library that
+ // provide us with counted pointers and
+ // arrays of fixed size:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <boost/array.hpp>
// To end this section, introduce everythin
// in the dealii library into the current
// namespace:
// other entries in subsections that
// are too short to warrent a
// structure by themselves.
+ //
+ // It is worth pointing out one thing here:
+ // None of the classes below have a
+ // constructor that would initialize the
+ // various member variables. This isn't a
+ // problem, however, since we will read all
+ // variables declared in these classes from
+ // the input file (or indirectly: a
+ // ParameterHandler object will read it from
+ // there, and we will get the values from
+ // this object), and they will be initialized
+ // this way. In case a certain variable is
+ // not specified at all in the input file,
+ // this isn't a problem either: The
+ // ParameterHandler class will in this case
+ // simply take the default value that was
+ // specified when declaring an entry in the
+ // <code>declare_parameters()</code>
+ // functions of the classes below.
namespace Parameters
+ // @sect4{Parameters::AllParameters}
+ //
+ // Finally the class that brings it all
+ // together. It declares a number of
+ // parameters itself, mostly ones at the
+ // top level of the parameter file as well
+ // as several in section too small to
+ // warrant their own classes. It also
+ // contains everything that is actually
+ // space dimension dependent, like initial
+ // or boundary conditions.
+ //
+ // Since this class is derived from all the
+ // ones above, the
+ // <code>declare_parameters()</code> and
+ // <code>parse_parameters()</code>
+ // functions call the respective functions
+ // of the base classes as well.
+ //
+ // Note that this class also handles the
+ // declaration of initial and boundary
+ // conditions specified in the input
+ // file. To this end, in both cases, there
+ // are entries like "w_0 value" which
+ // represent an expression in terms of
+ // $x,y,z$ that describe the initial or
+ // boundary condition as a formula that
+ // will later be parsed by the
+ // FunctionParser class. Similar
+ // expressions exist for "w_1", "w_2", etc,
+ // denoting the <code>dim+2</code>
+ // conserved variables of the Euler
+ // system. Similarly, we allow up to
+ // <code>max_n_boundaries</code> boundary
+ // indicators to be used in the input file,
+ // and each of these boundary indicators
+ // can be associated with an inflow,
+ // outflow, or pressure boundary condition,
+ // with inhomogenous boundary conditions
+ // being specified for each component and
+ // each boundary indicator separately.
+ template <int dim>
+ struct AllParameters : public Solver,
+ public Refinement,
+ public Flux,
+ public Output
+ {
+ static const unsigned int max_n_boundaries = 10;
+ enum BoundaryKind
+ {
+ inflow_boundary,
+ outflow_boundary,
+ no_penetration_boundary,
+ pressure_boundary
+ };
+ AllParameters ();
+ double diffusion_power;
+ double gravity;
+ double time_step, final_time;
+ bool is_stationary;
+ // Name of the mesh to read in.
+ std::string mesh;
+ FunctionParser<dim> initial_conditions;
+ // For each boundary we store a map
+ // from boundary # to the type of
+ // boundary condition. If the boundary
+ // condition is prescribed, we store a
+ // pointer to a function object that
+ // will hold the expression for that
+ // boundary condition.
+ typedef
+ std::map<unsigned int,
+ std::pair<boost::array<BoundaryKind,
+ EulerEquations<dim>::n_components>,
+ boost::shared_ptr<FunctionParser<dim> > > >
+ BoundaryConditions;
+ BoundaryConditions boundary_conditions;
+ static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
+ void parse_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
+ };
+ template <int dim>
+ AllParameters<dim>::AllParameters ():
+ initial_conditions (EulerEquations<dim>::n_components)
+ {}
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ AllParameters<dim>::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm)
+ {
+ prm.declare_entry("mesh", "grid.inp",
+ Patterns::Anything(),
+ "intput file");
+ prm.declare_entry("diffusion power", "2.0",
+ Patterns::Double(),
+ "power of mesh size for diffusion");
+ prm.declare_entry("gravity", "0.0",
+ Patterns::Double(),
+ "gravity forcing");
+ // Time stepping block
+ prm.enter_subsection("time stepping");
+ {
+ prm.declare_entry("time step", "0.1",
+ Patterns::Double(),
+ "simulation time step");
+ prm.declare_entry("final time", "10.0",
+ Patterns::Double(),
+ "simulation end time");
+ }
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ for (unsigned int b=0; b<max_n_boundaries; ++b)
+ {
+ prm.enter_subsection("boundary_" +
+ Utilities::int_to_string(b));
+ {
+ prm.declare_entry("no penetration", "false",
+ Patterns::Bool(),
+ "Whether the names boundary is allows gas to "
+ "penetrate or is a rigid wall");
+ for (unsigned int di=0; di<EulerEquations<dim>::n_components; ++di)
+ {
+ prm.declare_entry("w_" + Utilities::int_to_string(di),
+ "outflow",
+ Patterns::Selection("inflow|outflow|pressure"),
+ "<inflow|outflow|pressure>");
+ prm.declare_entry("w_" + Utilities::int_to_string(di) +
+ " value", "0.0",
+ Patterns::Anything(),
+ "expression in x,y,z");
+ }
+ }
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ }
+ prm.enter_subsection("initial condition");
+ {
+ for (unsigned int di=0; di<EulerEquations<dim>::n_components; ++di)
+ prm.declare_entry("w_" + Utilities::int_to_string(di) + " value",
+ "0.0",
+ Patterns::Anything(),
+ "expression in x,y,z");
+ }
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ Parameters::Solver::declare_parameters (prm);
+ Parameters::Refinement::declare_parameters (prm);
+ Parameters::Flux::declare_parameters (prm);
+ Parameters::Output::declare_parameters (prm);
+ }
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ AllParameters<dim>::parse_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm)
+ {
+ mesh = prm.get("mesh");
+ diffusion_power = prm.get_double("diffusion power");
+ gravity = prm.get_double("gravity");
+ // The time stepping.
+ prm.enter_subsection("time stepping");
+ {
+ time_step = prm.get_double("time step");
+ if (time_step == 0)
+ {
+ is_stationary = true;
+ time_step = 1.0;
+ final_time = 1.0;
+ std::cout << "Stationary mode" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ is_stationary = false;
+ final_time = prm.get_double("final time");
+ std::cout << "time_step=" << time_step << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "final_time=" << final_time << std::endl;
+ }
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ // The boundary info
+ for (unsigned int boundary_id=0; boundary_id<max_n_boundaries;
+ ++boundary_id)
+ {
+ prm.enter_subsection("boundary_" + Utilities::int_to_string(boundary_id));
+ {
+ boost::array<BoundaryKind, EulerEquations<dim>::n_components> flags;
+ // Define a parser for every boundary,
+ // though it may be unused.
+ FunctionParser<dim> *sd
+ = new FunctionParser<dim>(EulerEquations<dim>::n_components);
+ std::vector<std::string>
+ expressions(EulerEquations<dim>::n_components, "0.0");
+ const bool nopen = prm.get_bool("no penetration");
+ // Determine how each component is
+ // handled.
+ for (unsigned int di=0; di<EulerEquations<dim>::n_components; ++di)
+ {
+ const std::string boundary_type
+ = prm.get("w_" + Utilities::int_to_string(di));
+ const std::string var_value
+ = prm.get("w_" + Utilities::int_to_string(di) +
+ " value");
+ if (di < dim && nopen)
+ flags[di] = no_penetration_boundary;
+ else if (boundary_type == "inflow")
+ {
+ flags[di] = inflow_boundary;
+ expressions[di] = var_value;
+ }
+ else if (boundary_type == "pressure")
+ {
+ flags[di] = pressure_boundary;
+ expressions[di] = var_value;
+ }
+ else if (boundary_type == "outflow")
+ flags[di] = outflow_boundary;
+ else
+ AssertThrow (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
+ // Add the boundary condition to the
+ // law.
+ sd->initialize (FunctionParser<dim>::default_variable_names(),
+ expressions,
+ std::map<std::string, double>());
+ boundary_conditions[boundary_id] = std::make_pair (flags, sd);
+ }
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ }
+ // Initial conditions.
+ prm.enter_subsection("initial condition");
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> expressions (EulerEquations<dim>::n_components,
+ "0.0");
+ for (unsigned int di = 0; di < EulerEquations<dim>::n_components; di++)
+ expressions[di] = prm.get("w_" + Utilities::int_to_string(di) +
+ " value");
+ initial_conditions.initialize (FunctionParser<dim>::default_variable_names(),
+ expressions,
+ std::map<std::string, double>());
+ }
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ Parameters::Solver::parse_parameters (prm);
+ Parameters::Refinement::parse_parameters (prm);
+ Parameters::Flux::parse_parameters (prm);
+ Parameters::Output::parse_parameters (prm);
+ }
class ConsLaw
- ConsLaw ();
+ ConsLaw (const char *input_filename);
~ConsLaw ();
void run ();
- void declare_parameters();
- void load_parameters(const char *);
void setup_system ();
void estimate();
void compute_predictor();
- static const unsigned int max_n_boundaries = 10;
Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
const MappingQ1<dim> mapping;
- // T = current time, dT = time step, TF = final time.
- double T, dT, TF;
+ double T;
double face_diameter;
double cell_diameter;
- // An object to handle parsing the input deck.
- ParameterHandler prm;
- // Name of the mesh to read in.
- string mesh;
- FunctionParser<dim> initial_conditions;
- // Enums for the various supported boundary conditions.
- typedef enum {INFLOW_BC = 1, OUTFLOW_BC=2, NO_PENETRATION_BC=3, PRESSURE_BC=4} bc_type;
- // For each boundary we store a map from boundary # to the type
- // of boundary condition. If the boundary condition is prescribed,
- // we store a pointer to a function object that will hold the expression
- // for that boundary condition.
- typedef typename std::map<unsigned int, std::pair<std::vector<bc_type>, Function<dim>*> > bdry_map_type;
- bdry_map_type bdry_map;
- Parameters::Solver solver_params;
- Parameters::Refinement refinement_params;
- Parameters::Flux flux_params;
- Parameters::Output output_params;
- bool is_stationary;
- // Power for the mesh stabilization term.
- double diffusion_power;
- double gravity;
+ Parameters::AllParameters<dim> parameters;
Epetra_Map *Map;
Epetra_CrsMatrix *Matrix;
// Create a conservation law with some defaults.
template <int dim>
-ConsLaw<dim>::ConsLaw ()
+ConsLaw<dim>::ConsLaw (const char *input_filename)
mapping (),
fe (FE_Q<dim>(1), EulerEquations<dim>::n_components),
quadrature (2),
face_quadrature (2),
- dT(0.05),
- TF(10),
- initial_conditions (EulerEquations<dim>::n_components),
- is_stationary(false),
+ ParameterHandler prm;
+ Parameters::AllParameters<dim>::declare_parameters (prm);
+ prm.read_input (input_filename);
+ parameters.parse_parameters (prm);
// Bye bye Conservation law.
template <int dim>
void ConsLaw<dim>::initialize() {
- initial_conditions, solution);
+ parameters.initial_conditions, solution);
nlsolution = solution;
// The mass term (if the simulation is non-stationary).
- if (!is_stationary)
- F_i += 1.0/dT*(W[point][component_i] - Wl[point][component_i]) *
+ if (parameters.is_stationary == false)
+ F_i += 1.0 / parameters.time_step *
+ (W[point][component_i] - Wl[point][component_i]) *
fe_v.shape_value_component(i, point, component_i) *
// Stabilization (cell wise diffusion)
for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; d++)
- F_i += 1.0*std::pow(cell_diameter, diffusion_power) *
+ F_i += 1.0*std::pow(cell_diameter, parameters.diffusion_power) *
fe_v.shape_grad_component(i, point, component_i)[d] *
Wgrads[point][component_i][d] *
// equation and into the vertical component of the
// velocity.
if (component_i == dim - 1)
- F_i += gravity *
+ F_i += parameters.gravity *
Wcn[point][EulerEquations<dim>::density_component] *
fe_v.shape_value_component(i,point, component_i) *
else if (component_i == EulerEquations<dim>::energy_component)
- F_i += gravity *
+ F_i += parameters.gravity *
Wcn[point][EulerEquations<dim>::density_component] *
Wcn[point][dim-1] *
fe_v.shape_value_component(i,point, component_i) *
reinterpret_cast<int*>(const_cast<unsigned int*>(&dofs[0])));
- // Add minus the residual to the right hand side.
right_hand_side(dofs[i]) -= F_i.val();
// difficult to manage without fad!!!
if (boundary >= 0) {
// Get the boundary descriptor.
- typename bdry_map_type::iterator bme = bdry_map.find(boundary);
- assert(bme != bdry_map.end());
+ typename Parameters::AllParameters<dim>::BoundaryConditions::iterator bme = parameters.boundary_conditions.find(boundary);
+ assert(bme != parameters.boundary_conditions.end());
// Evaluate the function object. This is a bit
// tricky; a given boundary might have both prescribed
for (unsigned int di = 0; di < EulerEquations<dim>::n_components; di++) {
// An inflow/dirichlet type of boundary condition
- if (bme->second.first[di] == INFLOW_BC) {
+ if (bme->second.first[di] == Parameters::AllParameters<dim>::inflow_boundary) {
Wminus[q][di] = bvals[q](di);
- } else if (bme->second.first[di] == PRESSURE_BC) {
+ } else if (bme->second.first[di] == Parameters::AllParameters<dim>::pressure_boundary) {
// A prescribed pressure boundary condition. This boundary
// condition is complicated by the fact that even though
// the pressure is prescribed, we really are setting
Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> rho_vel_sqr = 0;
Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> dens;
- dens = bme->second.first[EulerEquations<dim>::density_component] == INFLOW_BC ? bvals[q](EulerEquations<dim>::density_component) :
+ dens = bme->second.first[EulerEquations<dim>::density_component] == Parameters::AllParameters<dim>::inflow_boundary ? bvals[q](EulerEquations<dim>::density_component) :
for (unsigned int d=0; d < dim; d++) {
- if (bme->second.first[d] == INFLOW_BC)
+ if (bme->second.first[d] == Parameters::AllParameters<dim>::inflow_boundary)
rho_vel_sqr += bvals[q](d)*bvals[q](d);
rho_vel_sqr += Wplus[q][d]*Wplus[q][d];
Wminus[q][di] = bvals[q](di)/(EulerEquations<dim>::gas_gamma-1.0) +
- } else if (bme->second.first[di] == OUTFLOW_BC) {
+ } else if (bme->second.first[di] == Parameters::AllParameters<dim>::outflow_boundary) {
// A free/outflow boundary, very simple.
Wminus[q][di] = Wplus[q][di];
double alpha;
- switch(flux_params.stabilization_kind)
+ switch(parameters.stabilization_kind)
case Parameters::Flux::constant:
- alpha = flux_params.stabilization_value;
+ alpha = parameters.stabilization_value;
case Parameters::Flux::mesh_dependent:
- alpha = face_diameter/(2.0*dT);
+ alpha = face_diameter/(2.0*parameters.time_step);
Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
// Notify Epetra that the matrix is done.
// Compute the nonlinear residual.
res_norm = right_hand_side.l2_norm();
// the constructor that optimizes
// with the existing lengths per row
// variable.
- if (Matrix) delete Matrix;
+ if (Matrix != 0)
+ delete Matrix;
Matrix = new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, *Map, &row_lengths[0], true);
// We add the sparsity pattern to the matrix by
// filling a matrix. It typically does some parallel
// bookeeping; perhaps more.
// @sect3{Solving the linear system}
Epetra_Vector b(View, *Map, right_hand_side.begin());
// The Direct option selects the Amesos solver.
- if (solver_params.solver == Parameters::Solver::direct) {
+ if (parameters.solver == Parameters::Solver::direct) {
// Setup for solving with
// Amesos. Other solvers are
// out the sparsity patterns, and then the
// numerical part actually performs Gaussian
// elimination or whatever the approach is.
- if (solver_params.output == Parameters::Solver::verbose)
+ if (parameters.output == Parameters::Solver::verbose)
std::cout << "Starting Symbolic fact\n" << std::flush;
- if (solver_params.output == Parameters::Solver::verbose)
+ if (parameters.output == Parameters::Solver::verbose)
std::cout << "Starting Numeric fact\n" << std::flush;
// And finally solve the problem.
- if (solver_params.output == Parameters::Solver::verbose)
+ if (parameters.output == Parameters::Solver::verbose)
std::cout << "Starting solve\n" << std::flush;
niter = 0;
// for us.
delete solver;
- } else if (solver_params.solver == Parameters::Solver::gmres) {
+ } else if (parameters.solver == Parameters::Solver::gmres) {
// For the iterative solvers, we use Aztec.
AztecOO Solver;
// Select the appropriate level of verbosity.
- if (solver_params.output == Parameters::Solver::quiet)
+ if (parameters.output == Parameters::Solver::quiet)
Solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, AZ_none);
- if (solver_params.output == Parameters::Solver::verbose)
+ if (parameters.output == Parameters::Solver::verbose)
Solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, AZ_all);
// Select gmres. Other solvers are available.
Solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_reorder, 0);
// ILUT parameters as described above.
- Solver.SetAztecParam(AZ_drop, solver_params.ilut_drop);
- Solver.SetAztecParam(AZ_ilut_fill, solver_params.ilut_fill);
- Solver.SetAztecParam(AZ_athresh, solver_params.ilut_atol);
- Solver.SetAztecParam(AZ_rthresh, solver_params.ilut_rtol);
+ Solver.SetAztecParam(AZ_drop, parameters.ilut_drop);
+ Solver.SetAztecParam(AZ_ilut_fill, parameters.ilut_fill);
+ Solver.SetAztecParam(AZ_athresh, parameters.ilut_atol);
+ Solver.SetAztecParam(AZ_rthresh, parameters.ilut_rtol);
// Run the solver iteration. Collect the number
// of iterations and the residual.
- Solver.Iterate(solver_params.max_iterations, solver_params.linear_residual);
+ Solver.Iterate(parameters.max_iterations, parameters.linear_residual);
niter = Solver.NumIters();
lin_residual = Solver.TrueResidual();
for (unsigned int cell_no=0; cell!=endc; ++cell, ++cell_no) {
- if (cell->level() < refinement_params.shock_levels &&
- std::fabs(indicator(cell_no)) > refinement_params.shock_val ) {
+ if (cell->level() < parameters.shock_levels &&
+ std::fabs(indicator(cell_no)) > parameters.shock_val ) {
} else {
if (cell->level() > 0 &&
- std::fabs(indicator(cell_no)) < 0.75*refinement_params.shock_val)
+ std::fabs(indicator(cell_no)) < 0.75*parameters.shock_val)
template <int dim>
void ConsLaw<dim>::output_results (const unsigned int cycle) const
- std::string filename = "solution-" +
- Utilities::int_to_string (cycle, 3) +
- ".vtk";
- std::ofstream output (filename.c_str());
+ typename EulerEquations<dim>::Postprocessor
+ postprocessor (parameters.schlieren_plot);
DataOut<dim> data_out;
data_out.attach_dof_handler (dof_handler);
- typename EulerEquations<dim>::Postprocessor
- postprocessor (output_params.schlieren_plot);
data_out.add_data_vector (solution, postprocessor);
data_out.add_data_vector (indicator, "error");
data_out.build_patches ();
- data_out.write_vtk (output);
- // @sect3{Parsing the Input Deck}
- // Declare the parameters for the
- // input deck. We assume a certain
- // maximum number of boundaries and process
- // any boundary the user supplies up to
- // that maximum number. We
- // leave a detailed explanation of these
- // parameters to our description of the input
- // sample file.
-template <int dim>
-void ConsLaw<dim>::declare_parameters() {
- // Global scope parameters
- prm.declare_entry("mesh", "grid.inp",
- Patterns::Anything(),
- "intput file");
- prm.declare_entry("diffusion power", "2.0",
- Patterns::Double(),
- "power of mesh size for diffusion");
- prm.declare_entry("gravity", "0.0",
- Patterns::Double(),
- "gravity forcing");
- // Time stepping block
- prm.enter_subsection("time stepping");
- prm.declare_entry("time step", "0.1",
- Patterns::Double(),
- "simulation time step");
- prm.declare_entry("final time", "10.0",
- Patterns::Double(),
- "simulation end time");
- prm.leave_subsection();
- // Declare the boundary parameters
- for (unsigned int b = 0; b < max_n_boundaries; b++) {
- char bd[512];
- std::sprintf(bd, "boundary_%d", b);
- prm.enter_subsection(bd);
- prm.declare_entry("no penetration", "false",
- Patterns::Selection("true|false"),
- "<true|false>");
- // declare a slot for each of the conservative
- // variables.
- for (unsigned int di = 0; di < EulerEquations<dim>::n_components; di++) {
- char var[512];
- std::sprintf(var, "w_%d", di);
- prm.declare_entry(var, "outflow",
- Patterns::Selection(
- "inflow|outflow|pressure"),
- "<inflow|outflow|pressure>");
- // for dirichlet, a function in x,y,z
- std::sprintf(var, "w_%d value", di);
- prm.declare_entry(var, "0.0",
- Patterns::Anything(),
- "expression in x,y,z");
- }
- prm.leave_subsection();
- }
- // Initial condition block.
- prm.enter_subsection("initial condition");
- {
- for (unsigned int di = 0; di < EulerEquations<dim>::n_components; di++)
- prm.declare_entry("w_" + Utilities::int_to_string(di) + " value",
- "0.0",
- Patterns::Anything(),
- "expression in x,y,z");
- }
- prm.leave_subsection();
- // The linear solver block.
- Parameters::Solver::declare_parameters (prm);
- Parameters::Refinement::declare_parameters (prm);
- Parameters::Flux::declare_parameters (prm);
- Parameters::Output::declare_parameters (prm);
- // Code to actually parse an input file.
- // This function matches the declarations
- // above.
-template <int dim>
-void ConsLaw<dim>::load_parameters(const char *infile)
- prm.read_input(infile);
- // The global parameters.
- mesh = prm.get("mesh");
- diffusion_power = prm.get_double("diffusion power");
- gravity = prm.get_double("gravity");
- // The time stepping.
- prm.enter_subsection("time stepping");
- {
- dT = prm.get_double("time step");
- if (dT == 0)
- {
- is_stationary = true;
- dT = 1.0;
- TF = 1.0;
- std::cout << "Stationary mode" << std::endl;
- }
- TF = prm.get_double("final time");
- std::cout << "dT=" << dT << std::endl;
- std::cout << "TF=" << TF << std::endl;
- }
- prm.leave_subsection();
- // The boundary info
- for (unsigned int b = 0; b < max_n_boundaries; ++b)
- {
- prm.enter_subsection("boundary_" + Utilities::int_to_string(b));
- {
- std::vector<bc_type> flags(EulerEquations<dim>::n_components,
- // Define a parser for every boundary,
- // though it may be unused.
- FunctionParser<dim> *sd
- = new FunctionParser<dim>(EulerEquations<dim>::n_components);
- std::vector<std::string> expressions(EulerEquations<dim>::n_components,
- "0.0");
- const std::string nopen = prm.get("no penetration");
- // Determine how each component is
- // handled.
- for (unsigned int di=0; di<EulerEquations<dim>::n_components; ++di)
- {
- const std::string btype
- = prm.get("w_" + Utilities::int_to_string(di));
- const std::string var_value
- = prm.get("w_" + Utilities::int_to_string(di) +
- " value");
- if (di < dim && nopen == "true")
- flags[di] = NO_PENETRATION_BC;
- else if (btype == "inflow")
- {
- flags[di] = INFLOW_BC;
- expressions[di] = var_value;
- }
- else if (btype == "pressure")
- {
- flags[di] = PRESSURE_BC;
- expressions[di] = var_value;
- }
- }
- // Add the boundary condition to the
- // law.
- sd->initialize (FunctionParser<dim>::default_variable_names(),
- expressions,
- std::map<std::string, double>());
- bdry_map[b] = std::make_pair (flags, sd);
- }
- prm.leave_subsection();
- }
- // Initial conditions.
- prm.enter_subsection("initial condition");
- {
- std::vector<std::string> expressions (EulerEquations<dim>::n_components,
- "0.0");
- for (unsigned int di = 0; di < EulerEquations<dim>::n_components; di++)
- expressions[di] = prm.get("w_" + Utilities::int_to_string(di) +
- " value");
- initial_conditions.initialize (FunctionParser<dim>::default_variable_names(),
- expressions,
- std::map<std::string, double>());
- }
- prm.leave_subsection();
- solver_params.parse_parameters (prm);
- refinement_params.parse_parameters (prm);
- flux_params.parse_parameters (prm);
- output_params.parse_parameters (prm);
+ std::string filename = "solution-" +
+ Utilities::int_to_string (cycle, 3) +
+ ".vtk";
+ std::ofstream output (filename.c_str());
+ data_out.write_vtk (output);
// Open and load the mesh.
GridIn<dim> grid_in;
- std::cout << "Opening mesh <" << mesh << ">" << std::endl;
- std::ifstream input_file(mesh.c_str());
+ std::cout << "Opening mesh <" << parameters.mesh << ">" << std::endl;
+ std::ifstream input_file(parameters.mesh.c_str());
- Assert (input_file, ExcFileNotOpen(mesh.c_str()));
+ Assert (input_file, ExcFileNotOpen(parameters.mesh.c_str()));
// Initial refinement. We apply the ic,
// estimate, refine, and repeat until
// happy.
- if (refinement_params.do_refine == true)
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < refinement_params.shock_levels; i++)
+ if (parameters.do_refine == true)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameters.shock_levels; i++)
output_results (nstep);
// Determine when we will output next.
- double next_output = T + output_params.output_step;
+ double next_output = T + parameters.output_step;
// @sect4{Main time stepping loop}
predictor = solution;
- while(T < TF)
+ while (T < parameters.final_time)
std::cout << "T=" << T << ", ";
- T += dT;
+ T += parameters.time_step;
// Output if it is time.
- if (output_params.output_step < 0) {
+ if (parameters.output_step < 0) {
output_results (++nstep);
} else if (T >= next_output) {
output_results (++nstep);
- next_output += output_params.output_step;
+ next_output += parameters.output_step;
// Refine, if refinement is selected.
- if (refinement_params.do_refine == true)
+ if (parameters.do_refine == true)
- ConsLaw<2> cons;
- cons.declare_parameters();
- cons.load_parameters(argv[1]);
+ ConsLaw<2> cons (argv[1]);
cons.run ();
catch (std::exception &exc)