# include <utility>
# include <vector>
+# include <tbb/task_group.h>
+# endif
Task(const std::function<RT()> &function_object)
if (MultithreadInfo::n_threads() > 1)
- task_data = std::make_shared<TaskData>(
- std::async(std::launch::async, function_object));
+ {
+ // Create a promise object and from it extract a future that
+ // we can use to refer to the outcome of the task. For reasons
+ // explained below, we can't just create a std::promise object,
+ // but have to make do with a pointer to such an object.
+ std::unique_ptr<std::promise<RT>> promise =
+ std::make_unique<std::promise<RT>>();
+ task_data = std::make_shared<TaskData>(promise->get_future());
+ // Then start the task, using a task_group object (for just this one
+ // task) that is associated with the TaskData object. Note that we
+ // have to *copy* the function object being executed so that it is
+ // guaranteed to live on the called thread as well -- the copying is
+ // facilitated by capturing the 'function_object' variable by value.
+ //
+ // We also have to *move* the promise object into the new task's
+ // memory space because promises can not be copied and we can't refer
+ // to it by reference because it's a local variable of the current
+ // (surrounding) function that may go out of scope before the promise
+ // is ultimately set. This leads to a conundrum: if we had just
+ // declared 'promise' as an object of type std::promise, then we could
+ // capture it in the lambda function via
+ // [..., promise=std::move(promise)]() {...}
+ // and set the promise in the body of the lambda. But setting a
+ // promise is a non-const operation on the promise, and so we would
+ // actually have to declare the lambda function as 'mutable' because
+ // by default, lambda captures are 'const'. That is, we would have
+ // to write
+ // [..., promise=std::move(promise)]() mutable {...}
+ // But this leads to other problems: It turns out that the
+ // tbb::task_group::run() function cannot take mutable lambdas as
+ // argument :-(
+ //
+ // We work around this issue by not declaring the 'promise' variable
+ // as an object of type std::promise, but as a pointer to such an
+ // object. This pointer we can move, and the *pointer* itself can
+ // be 'const' (meaning we can leave the lambda as non-mutable)
+ // even though we modify the object *pointed to*. One would think
+ // that a std::unique_ptr would be the right choice for this, but
+ // that's not true: the resulting lambda function can then be
+ // non-mutable, but the lambda function object is not copyable
+ // and at least some TBB variants require that as well. So
+ // instead we move the std::unique_ptr used above into a
+ // std::shared_ptr to be stored within the lambda function object.
+ task_data->task_group.run(
+ [function_object,
+ promise =
+ std::shared_ptr<std::promise<RT>>(std::move(promise))]() {
+ try
+ {
+ internal::evaluate_and_set_promise(function_object, *promise);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ // store anything thrown in the promise
+ promise->set_exception(std::current_exception());
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ // set_exception() may throw too. But ignore this on
+ // the task.
+ }
+ }
+ });
+# else
+ // If no threading library is supported, just fall back onto C++11
+ // facilities. The problem with this is that the standard does
+ // not actually say what std::async should do. The first
+ // argument to that function can be std::launch::async or
+ // std::launch::deferred, or both. The *intent* of the standard's
+ // authors was probably that if one sets it to
+ // std::launch::async | std::launch::deferred,
+ // that the task is run in a thread pool. But at least as of
+ // 2021, GCC doesn't do that: It just runs it on a new thread.
+ // If one chooses std::launch::deferred, it runs the task on
+ // the same thread but only when one calls join() on the task's
+ // std::future object. In the former case, this leads to
+ // oversubscription, in the latter case to undersubscription of
+ // resources. We choose oversubscription here.
+ //
+ // The issue illustrates why relying on external libraries
+ // with task schedulers is the way to go.
+ task_data = std::make_shared<TaskData>(
+ std::async(std::launch::async | std::launch::deferred,
+ function_object));
+# endif
+ }
// Only one thread allowed. So let the task run to completion
catch (...)
- {}
- // set_exception() may throw too
+ {
+ // set_exception() may throw too. But ignore this on
+ // the task.
+ }
+ // If we build on the TBB, then we can't just wait for the
+ // std::future object to get ready. Apparently the TBB happily
+ // enqueues a task into an arena and then just sits on it without
+ // ever executing it unless someone expresses an interest in the
+ // task. The way to avoid this is to add the task to a
+ // tbb::task_group, and then here wait for the single task
+ // associated with that task group.
+ task_group.wait();
+# endif
// Wait for the task to finish and then move its
// result. (We could have made the set_from() function
// that we call here wait for the future to be ready --
* has delivered.
internal::return_value<RT> returned_object;
+ /**
+ * A task group object we can wait for.
+ */
+ tbb::task_group task_group;
+ friend class Task<RT>;
+# endif