#include <deal.II/numerics/data_out.h>
#include <deal.II/numerics/vector_tools.h>
-// This includes the data structures for the implementation of matrix-free
-// methods on GPU
+// The following ones include the data structures for the
+// implementation of matrix-free methods on GPU:
#include <deal.II/base/cuda.h>
#include <deal.II/matrix_free/cuda_fe_evaluation.h>
#include <fstream>
+// As usual, we enclose everything into a namespace of its own:
namespace Step64
using namespace dealii;
- // Define a class that implements the varying coefficients we want to use in
- // the Helmholtz operator.
- // Later, we want to pass an object of this type to a
- // CUDAWrappers::MatrixFree<dim, double> object that expects the class to have
- // an operator that fills the values provided in the constructor for a given
- // cell.
+ // @sect3{Class <code>VaryingCoefficientFunctor</code>}
+ // Next, we define a class that implements the varying coefficients
+ // we want to use in the Helmholtz operator. Later, we want to pass
+ // an object of this type to a CUDAWrappers::MatrixFree
+ // object that expects the class to have an `operator()` that fills the
+ // values provided in the constructor for a given cell. This operator
+ // needs to run on the devide, so it needs to be marked as `__device__`
+ // for the compiler.
template <int dim, int fe_degree>
class VaryingCoefficientFunctor
+ // The following function implements this coefficient. Recall from
+ // the introduction that we have defined it as $a(\mathbf
+ // x)=\frac{10}{0.05 + 2\|\mathbf x\|^2}$
template <int dim, int fe_degree>
__device__ void VaryingCoefficientFunctor<dim, fe_degree>::operator()(
const unsigned int cell,
double p_square = 0.;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
- double coord = q_point[i];
+ const double coord = q_point[i];
p_square += coord * coord;
coef[pos] = 10. / (0.05 + 2. * p_square);
- // The class `HelmholtzOperatorQuad` implements the evaluation of the
- // Helmholtz operator at each quadrature point. It uses a similar mechanism as
- // the MatrixFree framework introduced in step-37.
+ // @sect3{Class <code>HelmgholtzOperatorQuad</code>}
+ // The class `HelmholtzOperatorQuad` implements the evaluation of
+ // the Helmholtz operator at each quadrature point. It uses a
+ // similar mechanism as the MatrixFree framework introduced in
+ // step-37. As before, the functions of this class need to run on
+ // the device, so need to be marked as `__device__` for the
+ // compiler.
template <int dim, int fe_degree>
class HelmholtzOperatorQuad
- // The Helmholtz problem reads in weak form
+ // The Helmholtz problem we want to solve here reads in weak form as follows:
// @f{eqnarray*}
// (\nabla v, \nabla u)+ (v, a(\mathbf x) u) &=&(v,1) \quad \forall v.
// @f}
- // The two terms on the left-hand side correspond to the two function calls
- // here.
+ // If you have seen step-37, then it will be obvious that
+ // the two terms on the left-hand side correspond to the two function calls
+ // here:
template <int dim, int fe_degree>
__device__ void HelmholtzOperatorQuad<dim, fe_degree>::
operator()(CUDAWrappers::FEEvaluation<dim, fe_degree> *fe_eval,
+ // @sect3{Class <code>LocalHelmholtzOperator</code>}
// Finally, we need to define a class that implements the whole operator
// evaluation that corresponds to a matrix-vector product in matrix-based
// approaches.
+ // @sect3{Class <code>HelmholtzOperator</code>}
- // The HelmholtzOperator class acts as wrapper for LocalHelmholtzOperator
- // defining an interface that can be used with linear solvers like SolverCG.
+ // The `HelmholtzOperator` class acts as wrapper for
+ // `LocalHelmholtzOperator` defining an interface that can be used
+ // with linear solvers like SolverCG. In particular, like every
+ // class that implements the interface of a linear operator, it
+ // needs to have a `vmult()` function that performs the product of
+ // the linear operator and a source vector.
template <int dim, int fe_degree>
class HelmholtzOperator
+ // The following is the implementation of the constructor of this
+ // class. In the first part, we initialize the `mf_data` member
+ // variable that is going to provide us with the necessary
+ // information when doing matrix-vector products.
+ //
+ // In the second half, we need to store the value of the coefficient
+ // for each quadrature point in every locally owned cells. In
+ // actuality, however, the code stores the coefficient on
+ // <i>every</i> cell of the local DoFHandler object, including the
+ // ghost and artificial cells. (See the glossary entries on
+ // @ref @ref GlossGhostCell "ghost cells"
+ // and
+ // @ref GlossArtificialCell "artificial cells".)
template <int dim, int fe_degree>
HelmholtzOperator<dim, fe_degree>::HelmholtzOperator(
const DoFHandler<dim> & dof_handler,
const QGauss<1> quad(fe_degree + 1);
mf_data.reinit(mapping, dof_handler, constraints, quad, additional_data);
- // We need to store the value of the coefficient for each quadrature point
- // in every locally owned cells.
const unsigned int n_owned_cells =
- std::distance<decltype(dof_handler.begin_active())>(
+ std::distance<typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator>(
dof_handler.begin_active(), dof_handler.end());
coef.reinit(Utilities::pow(fe_degree + 1, dim) * n_owned_cells);
- VaryingCoefficientFunctor<dim, fe_degree> functor(coef.get_values());
+ const VaryingCoefficientFunctor<dim, fe_degree> functor(coef.get_values());