+++ /dev/null
-# $Id$
-# Copyright W. Bangerth, University of Heidelberg, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
-# Make a dependency file tree
-# usage: make_dep -Iinc_path1 -Iinc_path2 ... -Bbasepath files
-# This program makes for each of the given files a makefile dependency
-# list, also considering nested includes. It only considers included
-# files which are located in the given include pathes (you can give any
-# number of paths). The output looks like this:
-# $basepath/.o-file: file included_files
-# $basepath/.g.o-file: file included_files
-# $basepath is the dir where the object files are to be placed (as
-# given by the -B parameter to this script)
-# Author: Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
-# list of include pathes (from command line)
-@include_path = ();
-# list of files to be checked (from command line)
-@input_files = ();
-# associate list of files together with the files they include
-%include_files = ();
-# fill include paths
-while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-I/) {
- $_ = shift;
- /^-I(.*)/;
- $_ = $1;
- if (m![^/]$!) {
- @include_path = (@include_path, $_ . "/");
- } else {
- @include_path = (@include_path, $_);
- }
-# get base path
-$_ = shift;
-$basepath = $1;
-# fill list of files to be processed
-while ($ARGV[0]) {
- @input_files = (@input_files, shift);
-foreach $file (@input_files) {
- make_include_tree ($file);
-foreach $file (keys %include_files) {
- # complete list of included files by nested include files
- foreach $include (split(' ',$include_files{$file})) {
- complete ($file, $include);
- }
-# print dependency list
-foreach $file (@input_files) {
- $file =~ /(.*)\.(cc)/;
- # get filename without path
- $basename = $1;
- $basename =~ s,^(.*/)?([^/]*),$2,g;
- @include_file_list = sort (split (' ', $include_files{$file}));
- # write rule for the .o file
- print "$basepath/$basename.o:";
- print "\\\n $file";
- foreach $f (@include_file_list) {
- print "\\\n $f";
- }
- print "\n";
- # write rule for the .go file
- print "$basepath/$basename.g.o:";
- print "\\\n $file";
- foreach $f (@include_file_list) {
- print "\\\n $f";
- }
- print "\n";
-# complete the list of included files by the files
-# included by a file included by the original one
-sub complete {
- local ($file, $include) = ($_[0], $_[1]);
- foreach $second_include (split(' ',$include_files{$include})) {
- # check whether $second_include is in the list of filenames
- # $include_file{$file}. in order to avoid that characters
- # in the filename and/or path of $second_include are
- # interpreted as special characters in the regexp matches,
- # we have to escape all such characters (well, there
- # may be more, but I hope that no one uses them in filenames).
- my $pattern = $second_include;
- $pattern =~ s/\+/\\+/g;
- $pattern =~ s/\*/\\*/g;
- $pattern =~ s/\?/\\?/g;
- $pattern =~ s/\(/\\(/g;
- $pattern =~ s/\)/\\)/g;
- $pattern =~ s/\[/\\[/g;
- $pattern =~ s/\]/\\]/g;
- $pattern =~ s/\{/\\{/g;
- $pattern =~ s/\}/\\}/g;
- if (! ($include_files{$file} =~ $pattern)) {
- #second_include not yet in list of included files
- $include_files{$file} =
- join(' ', $second_include, $include_files{$file});
- complete ($file, $second_include);
- }
- }
-# make the include tree for a file
-sub make_include_tree {
- local ($filename) = $_[0];
- open (FILE, $filename);
- while (<FILE>) {
- # look out for include statements
- if (/^#\s*include\s*(["<])([^">]*)[">]/) {
- local($include) = $2;
- if ($1 =~ /</) {
- # include by <...>. Try to find real path
- for $include_dir (@include_path) {
- $if = $include_dir . $include;
- if (-r $if) {
- # file found; delete ./ at beginning
- if ($if =~ m!^\./(.*)!) {
- $if = $1;
- }
- $include_files{$filename} =
- join (' ', $if, $include_files{$filename});
- }
- }
- } else {
- # included by "..."
- # only append file if it exists or can be found
- # first find out the path of the present file
- # and then join the path to the included one
- if ($filename =~ /\//){
- $path = $filename;
- # strip filename, leave path
- $path =~ s!/[^/]*$!/!g;
- }
- else
- {
- $path = "./";
- }
- $include = $path . $include;
- if (-r $include) {
- $include_files{$filename} =
- join (' ', $include, $include_files{$filename});
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # for each file included here: make up include tree itself
- for $if (split(/ /,$include_files{$filename})) {
- # if include file list not yet made up
- if (! defined ($include_files{$if})) {
- make_include_tree($if);
- }
- }