// <code>*_solution</code> vectors are
// therefore filled immediately after
// solving their respective linear system
- // in parallel.
+ // in %parallel.
+ //
+ // The only other new data member is
+ // <code>computing_timer</code>. Its class
+ // type, TimerOutput, can be used to
+ // conveniently account for compute time
+ // spent in certain "sections" of the code
+ // that are repeatedly entered. For example,
+ // we will enter (and leave) sections for
+ // Stokes matrix assembly and would like to
+ // accumulate the run time spent in this
+ // section over all time steps. At the end of
+ // the program, the destructor of the
+ // TimerOutput class will automatically
+ // produce a nice summary of the times spent
+ // in all the sections. For this output, one
+ // can choose whether wall clock or CPU times
+ // are to be printed, as well as whether we
+ // want a percentage breakdown of where the
+ // time was spent (this choice is made in the
+ // constructor of TimerOutput, which is
+ // called in the constructor of
+ // <code>BoussinesqFlowProblem</code>). You
+ // can take a look at the output generated
+ // from this variable in the results section
+ // of this tutorial program.
template <int dim>
class BoussinesqFlowProblem
rebuild_stokes_preconditioner (true),
rebuild_temperature_matrices (true),
rebuild_temperature_preconditioner (true),
computing_timer (pcout, TimerOutput::summary,