#include <lac/dvector.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
+#include <numeric>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>
template <int dim>
void Triangulation<dim>::refine_fixed_number (const dVector &criteria,
const double fraction) {
+ // correct number of cells is
+ // checked in #refine#
+ Assert ((fraction>0) && (fraction<=1), ExcInvalidParameterValue());
dVector tmp(criteria);
nth_element (tmp.begin(),
+double sqr(double a) {
+ return a*a;
+template <int dim>
+void Triangulation<dim>::refine_fixed_fraction (const dVector &criteria,
+ const double fraction_of_error,
+ const unsigned int n_sorting_parts) {
+ // correct number of cells is
+ // checked in #refine#
+ Assert ((fraction_of_error>0) && (fraction_of_error<=1),
+ ExcInvalidParameterValue());
+ // number of cells to be sorted per part
+ const unsigned cells_per_part
+ = static_cast<int>(fraction_of_error * criteria.size() / n_sorting_parts);
+ dVector tmp(criteria);
+ transform (tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), tmp.begin(), sqr);
+ dVector partial_sums(criteria.size());
+ const double total_error = sqr(criteria.l2_norm());
+ for (unsigned int part=0; part<n_sorting_parts; ++part)
+ {
+ // partially sort next part of range
+ partial_sort (tmp.begin()+part*cells_per_part,
+ tmp.begin()+(part+1)*cells_per_part,
+ tmp.end(),
+ greater<double>());
+ partial_sum (tmp.begin(),
+ tmp.begin()+(part+1)*cells_per_part,
+ partial_sums.begin());
+ // check whether the sorted
+ // region already is enough
+ if (*(partial_sums.begin()+(part+1)*cells_per_part-1) >=
+ (fraction_of_error*total_error))
+ {
+ // find first entry in the partial
+ // sum which is greater than the
+ // fraction of the error. We only
+ // need to search the newly created
+ //region
+ dVector::const_iterator threshold_ptr
+ = lower_bound (partial_sums.begin()+part*cells_per_part,
+ partial_sums.begin()+(part+1)*cells_per_part,
+ fraction_of_error*total_error);
+ Assert (threshold_ptr<partial_sums.begin()+(part+1)*cells_per_part,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ // now find the corresponding
+ // criterion and call refine
+ if (threshold_ptr==partial_sums.begin())
+ refine (criteria, sqrt(*threshold_ptr));
+ else
+ refine (criteria,
+ sqrt(*threshold_ptr - *(threshold_ptr-1)));
+ return;
+ };
+ };
+ // this should not have happened: when
+ // we come to this point, we have either
+ // used more cells than the given fraction
+ // to reach the fraction_of_error, or
+ // something has gone terribly wrong.
+ Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
void Triangulation<1>::execute_refinement () {