% Graham Harper,
Timo Heister,
% Luca Heltai,
-% Martin Kronbichler,
+ Martin Kronbichler,
% Ross Maguire Kynch,
% Matthias Maier,
% Jean-Paul Pelteret,
% Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1 Bethel Valley Rd.,
% TN 37831, USA.
% {\texttt{\{arndtd,turcksinbr\}@ornl.gov}}}
% \author[2]{Wolfgang~Bangerth}
% \affil[2]{Department of Mathematics, Colorado State University, Fort
% Collins, CO 80523-1874, USA.
% {\texttt{bangerth@colostate.edu},
% \texttt{harper@math.colostate.edu}}}
% \author[3]{Thomas~C.~Clevenger}
% \affil[3]{School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,
% Clemson University,
% Clemson, SC, 29634, USA
% {\texttt{\{tcleven, heister\}@clemson.edu}}}
% \author[4]{Denis~Davydov}
% \affil[4]{Chair of Applied Mechanics,
% Friedrich-Alexander-Universit\"{a}t Erlangen-N\"{u}rnberg,
% Egerlandstr.\ 5,
% 91058 Erlangen, Germany.
% {\texttt{\{denis.davydov,jean-paul.pelteret\}@fau.de}}}
% \author[5]{Marc~Fehling}
% \affil[5]{Institute for Advanced Simulation,
% Forschungszentrum J\"{u}lich GmbH,
% 52425 J\"{u}lich, Germany.
% {\texttt{m.fehling@fz-juelich.de}}}
% \author[6]{Daniel Garcia-Sanchez}
% \affil[6]{Sorbonne Universit\'es, UPMC Univ.\ Paris 06, CNRS-UMR 7588,
% Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, F-75005, Paris, France
% {\texttt{daniel.garcia-sanchez@insp.upmc.fr}}}
% \author[2]{Graham Harper}
\affil[3]{School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,
Clemson University,
% Via Bonomea 265,
% 34136, Trieste, Italy.
% {\texttt{luca.heltai@sissa.it}}}
-% \author[9]{Martin~Kronbichler}
-% \affil[9]{Institute for Computational Mechanics,
-% Technical University of Munich,
-% Boltzmannstr.~15, 85748 Garching, Germany.
-% {\texttt{kronbichler@lnm.mw.tum.de}}}
+ \author[9]{Martin~Kronbichler}
+ \affil[9]{Institute for Computational Mechanics,
+ Technical University of Munich,
+ Boltzmannstr.~15, 85748 Garching, Germany.
+ {\texttt{kronbichler@lnm.mw.tum.de}}}
% \author[10]{Ross~Maguire~Kynch}
% \affil[10]{Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering,
% College of Engineering, Swansea University,
% Bay Campus, Fabian Way, Swansea SA1 8EN, Wales, UK.
% {\texttt{rkynch@gmail.com}}}
% \author[11]{Matthias~Maier}
% \affil[11]{Department of Mathematics,
% Texas A\&M University,
% 3368 TAMU,
% College Station, TX 77845, USA.
% {\texttt{maier@math.tamu.edu}}}
% \author[4]{Jean-Paul~Pelteret}
% \author[*1]{Bruno~Turcksin}
% \author[12]{David Wells}
% \affil[12]{Department of Mathematics, University of North Carolina,
% Chapel Hill, NC 27516, USA.
% tensor product evaluators according to the performance analysis of
% \cite{KronbichlerKormann2019} in the context of more quadrature points than
% shape functions has been revised for better performance.
% \item A new class \texttt{ParsedConvergenceTable} has been introduced
% that greatly simplifies the construction of convergence tables,
% reading the options for the generation of the table from a parameter
% file, and providing methods that, combined with a parameter file,
% allow one to generate convergence tables using one-liners in user
% codes.
% \item
% The \texttt{FE\_BernardiRaugel} class implements the non-standard
% Bernardi-Raugel (BR) element that can be used to construct a stable
% stable but converges with only first-order at the cost of the large
% number of velocity unknowns. The BR space is thus intermediate between the
% $Q_1^d$ and $Q_2^d$ spaces.
% The element is currently only implemented for parallelogram meshes due to
% difficulties associated with the mapping of shape functions: The shape
% functions of the $Q_1^d$ part of the element need to be mapped as
% element. \dealii{} does not currently have the ability to use different
% mappings for individual shape functions, though this functionality is
% planned for the next release.
% \item
% The \texttt{FE\_NedelecSZ} class is a new implementation of the
% N{\'e}d{\'e}lec element on quadrilaterals and hexahedra. It is based on
% assigning a globally defined orientation to local edges and faces. A
% detailed overview of the implementation of the \texttt{FE\_NedelecSZ}
% element in \dealii{} can be found in \cite{Kynch2017}.
% \item All of the elementary geometrical objects of the library (namely
% \texttt{Point<dim>}, \texttt{Segment<dim>}, and
% \texttt{BoundingBox<dim>}) have been augmented with the traits
that now allow for simpler code through the use of C++11 features such
as range-based for loops and lambda functions.
-In addition, there are four new tutorial programs and one new code
-gallery program:
+In addition, there are seven new tutorial programs:
-% \texttt{step-61} is a program that implements the ``weak
-% Galerkin'' method to solve the Laplace equation. Weak Galerkin
-% methods are related to the Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin method
-% in that they introduce degrees of freedom on the interfaces between
-% cells, but they do not require the reformulation of the problem as a
-% first-order system and instead re-define what the gradient of a
-% discontinuous function is.
-% \item \texttt{step-62} demonstrates the solution of problems related
-% to phononic or photonic crystals. Among the techniques shown in this
-% program is the solution of complex-valued linear systems, and the
-% use of absorbing boundary conditions through the Perfectly Matched
-% Layer technique.
-% \item \texttt{step-63} implements a geometric multigrid preconditioner
-% and solver for the advection-diffusion equation, yielding optimal
-% complexity. The tutorial compares
-% point-based smoothers to cell-based smoothers and
-% demonstrates the effect of downstream ordering on smoother performance.
-% \item \texttt{step-64} demonstrates the usage of matrix-free methods on Nvidia GPUs.
-% GPUs are shown to be advantageous for these kind of operations because of their superior
-% hardware characteristics, in particular a higher memory bandwidth than server
-% CPUs within a given power envelope.
-% \item The \texttt{MCMC-Laplace} code gallery program is a code useful
-% for the forward solution used as a building block in
-% Bayesian inverse problems, and for sampling the parameter space
-% through a Metropolis--Hastings sampler (a kind of Monte Carlo
-% Markov Chain method).
+\item \texttt{step-47}
+\item \texttt{step-50}
+\item \texttt{step-58}
+\item \texttt{step-65}
+\item \texttt{step-67}
+\item \texttt{step-69}
+\item \texttt{step-70}
\subsection{Incompatible changes}
The 9.2 release includes
- {around 15 incompatible changes}; see \cite{changes91}. The majority of these changes
+ {around 15 incompatible changes}; see \cite{changes92}. The majority of these changes
should not be visible to typical user codes; some remove previously
deprecated classes and functions; and the majority change internal
interfaces that are not usually used in external
The two previous releases of \dealii can be cited as