#include <numerics/mesh_worker_assembler.h>
#include <numerics/mesh_worker_loop.h>
+ // The include file for local
+ // integrators associated with the
+ // Laplacian
+#include <integrators/laplace.h>
// Support for multigrid methods
#include <multigrid/mg_tools.h>
#include <multigrid/multigrid.h>
// On each cell, we integrate the
- // Dirichlet form. All local
- // integrations consist of nested
- // loops, first over all quadrature
- // points and the iner loops over the
- // degrees of freedom associated
- // with the shape functions.
+ // Dirichlet form. We use the library
+ // of ready made integrals in
+ // LocalIntegrators to avoid writing
+ // these loops ourselves. Similarly,
+ // we implement Nitsche boundary
+ // conditions and the interior
+ // penalty fluxes between cells.
+ //
+ // The boundary und flux terms need a
+ // penalty parameter, which should be
+ // adjusted to the cell size and the
+ // polynomial degree. A safe choice
+ // of this parameter for constant
+ // coefficients can be found in
+ // LocalIntegrators::Laplace::compute_penalty()
+ // and we use this below.
template <int dim>
void MatrixIntegrator<dim>::cell(
MeshWorker::DoFInfo<dim>& dinfo,
typename MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo<dim>& info)
- const FEValuesBase<dim>& fe = info.fe_values();
- FullMatrix<double>& local_matrix = dinfo.matrix(0,false).matrix;
- for (unsigned int k=0; k<fe.n_quadrature_points; ++k)
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
- local_matrix(i,j) += (fe.shape_grad(i,k) * fe.shape_grad(j,k))
- * fe.JxW(k);
+ LocalIntegrators::Laplace::cell_matrix(dinfo.matrix(0,false).matrix, info.fe_values());
- // On boundary faces, we use the
- // Nitsche boundary condition
template <int dim>
void MatrixIntegrator<dim>::bdry(
MeshWorker::DoFInfo<dim>& dinfo,
typename MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo<dim>& info)
- const FEValuesBase<dim>& fe = info.fe_values();
- FullMatrix<double>& local_matrix = dinfo.matrix(0,false).matrix;
- const unsigned int deg = fe.get_fe().tensor_degree();
- const double penalty = 2. * deg * (deg+1) * dinfo.face->measure() / dinfo.cell->measure();
- for (unsigned k=0;k<fe.n_quadrature_points;++k)
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
- local_matrix(i,j) += (fe.shape_value(i,k) * penalty * fe.shape_value(j,k)
- - (fe.normal_vector(k) * fe.shape_grad(i,k)) * fe.shape_value(j,k)
- - (fe.normal_vector(k) * fe.shape_grad(j,k)) * fe.shape_value(i,k))
- * fe.JxW(k);
+ const unsigned int deg = info.fe_values(0).get_fe().tensor_degree();
+ LocalIntegrators::Laplace::nitsche_matrix(
+ dinfo.matrix(0,false).matrix, info.fe_values(0),
+ LocalIntegrators::Laplace::compute_penalty(dinfo, dinfo, deg, deg));
// Interior faces use the interior
typename MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo<dim>& info1,
typename MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo<dim>& info2)
- const FEValuesBase<dim>& fe1 = info1.fe_values();
- const FEValuesBase<dim>& fe2 = info2.fe_values();
- FullMatrix<double>& matrix_v1u1 = dinfo1.matrix(0,false).matrix;
- FullMatrix<double>& matrix_v1u2 = dinfo1.matrix(0,true).matrix;
- FullMatrix<double>& matrix_v2u1 = dinfo2.matrix(0,true).matrix;
- FullMatrix<double>& matrix_v2u2 = dinfo2.matrix(0,false).matrix;
- const unsigned int deg = fe1.get_fe().tensor_degree();
- double penalty1 = deg * (deg+1) * dinfo1.face->measure() / dinfo1.cell->measure();
- double penalty2 = deg * (deg+1) * dinfo2.face->measure() / dinfo2.cell->measure();
- if (dinfo1.cell->has_children() ^ dinfo2.cell->has_children())
- {
- Assert (dinfo1.face == dinfo2.face, ExcInternalError());
- Assert (dinfo1.face->has_children(), ExcInternalError());
-// Assert (dinfo1.cell->has_children(), ExcInternalError());
- penalty1 *= 2;
- }
-const double penalty = penalty1 + penalty2;
- for (unsigned k=0;k<fe1.n_quadrature_points;++k)
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe1.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<fe1.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
- {
- matrix_v1u1(i,j) += (fe1.shape_value(i,k) * penalty * fe1.shape_value(j,k)
- - (fe1.normal_vector(k) * fe1.shape_grad(i,k)) * fe1.shape_value(j,k)
- - (fe1.normal_vector(k) * fe1.shape_grad(j,k)) * fe1.shape_value(i,k)
- ) * .5 * fe1.JxW(k);
- matrix_v1u2(i,j) += (-fe1.shape_value(i,k) * penalty * fe2.shape_value(j,k)
- + (fe1.normal_vector(k) * fe1.shape_grad(i,k)) * fe2.shape_value(j,k)
- - (fe1.normal_vector(k) * fe2.shape_grad(j,k)) * fe1.shape_value(i,k)
- ) * .5 * fe1.JxW(k);
- matrix_v2u1(i,j) += (-fe2.shape_value(i,k) * penalty * fe1.shape_value(j,k)
- - (fe1.normal_vector(k) * fe2.shape_grad(i,k)) * fe1.shape_value(j,k)
- + (fe1.normal_vector(k) * fe1.shape_grad(j,k)) * fe2.shape_value(i,k)
- ) * .5 * fe1.JxW(k);
- matrix_v2u2(i,j) += (fe2.shape_value(i,k) * penalty * fe2.shape_value(j,k)
- + (fe1.normal_vector(k) * fe2.shape_grad(i,k)) * fe2.shape_value(j,k)
- + (fe1.normal_vector(k) * fe2.shape_grad(j,k)) * fe2.shape_value(i,k)
- ) * .5 * fe1.JxW(k);
- }
+ const unsigned int deg = info1.fe_values(0).get_fe().tensor_degree();
+ LocalIntegrators::Laplace::ip_matrix(
+ dinfo1.matrix(0,false).matrix, dinfo1.matrix(0,true).matrix,
+ dinfo2.matrix(0,true).matrix, dinfo2.matrix(0,false).matrix,
+ info1.fe_values(0), info2.fe_values(0),
+ LocalIntegrators::Laplace::compute_penalty(dinfo1, dinfo2, deg, deg));
// The second local integrator builds