#include <cmath>
-// Remark: The following explicit instantiations needed to be moved to
-// this place here to work around a problem with gcc3.3 on Apple MacOSX.
-// The reason is that some of the functions instantiated here are used
-// further down; if they are not explicitly instantiated here, then the
-// compiler will do an implicit instantiation and give it internal linkage
-// (despite the later explicit instantiation that should make sure it
-// gets external linkage). To make sure the functions have external
-// linkage, we need to place the explicit instantiation before the first
-// use.
-// For more information, see http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=24331
-// +++++++++++++
-template class TriaObjectAccessor<1, deal_II_dimension>;
-#if deal_II_dimension >= 2
-template class TriaObjectAccessor<2, deal_II_dimension>;
-#if deal_II_dimension >= 3
-template class TriaObjectAccessor<3, deal_II_dimension>;
/*------------------------ Functions: LineAccessor ---------------------------*/
+// Remark: The following explicit instantiations needed to be moved to
+// this place here to work around a problem with gcc3.3 on Apple MacOSX.
+// The reason is that some of the functions instantiated here are used
+// further down; if they are not explicitly instantiated here, then the
+// compiler will do an implicit instantiation and give it internal linkage
+// (despite the later explicit instantiation that should make sure it
+// gets external linkage). To make sure the functions have external
+// linkage, we need to place the explicit instantiation before the first
+// use.
+// For more information, see http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=24331
+template class TriaObjectAccessor<1, deal_II_dimension>;
+#if deal_II_dimension >= 2
+template class TriaObjectAccessor<2, deal_II_dimension>;
+#if deal_II_dimension >= 3
+template class TriaObjectAccessor<3, deal_II_dimension>;
/*------------------------ Functions: CellAccessor<1> -----------------------*/
#include <lac/block_sparsity_pattern.h>
-// Remark: The following explicit instantiations needed to be moved to
-// this place here to work around a problem with gcc3.3 on Apple MacOSX.
-// The reason is that some of the functions instantiated here are used
-// further down; if they are not explicitly instantiated here, then the
-// compiler will do an implicit instantiation and give it internal linkage
-// (despite the later explicit instantiation that should make sure it
-// gets external linkage). To make sure the functions have external
-// linkage, we need to place the explicit instantiation before the first
-// use.
-// For more information, see http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=24331
-// +++++++++++++
-template class BlockSparsityPatternBase<SparsityPattern>;
-template class BlockSparsityPatternBase<CompressedSparsityPattern>;
template <class SparsityPatternBase>
BlockSparsityPatternBase<SparsityPatternBase>::BlockSparsityPatternBase ()
+// Remark: The following explicit instantiations needed to be moved to
+// this place here to work around a problem with gcc3.3 on Apple MacOSX.
+// The reason is that some of the functions instantiated here are used
+// further down; if they are not explicitly instantiated here, then the
+// compiler will do an implicit instantiation and give it internal linkage
+// (despite the later explicit instantiation that should make sure it
+// gets external linkage). To make sure the functions have external
+// linkage, we need to place the explicit instantiation before the first
+// use.
+// For more information, see http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=24331
+// +++++++++++++
+template class BlockSparsityPatternBase<SparsityPattern>;
+template class BlockSparsityPatternBase<CompressedSparsityPattern>;
BlockSparsityPattern::BlockSparsityPattern ()