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authorWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@math.tamu.edu>
Fri, 30 Sep 2011 00:03:46 +0000 (00:03 +0000)
committerWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@math.tamu.edu>
Fri, 30 Sep 2011 00:03:46 +0000 (00:03 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@24478 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d


index 8917fca3171f8d96ef774232c15a1680bb8ad771..34c8ff91e98b590854dbc39f33df69ed2384a968 100644 (file)
@@ -1548,53 +1548,71 @@ namespace Step32
-// @sect4{The BoussinesqFlowProblem helper functions}
-// Except two small details, the function
-// to compute the global maximum of
-// the velocity is the very same as in
-// step-31. The first detail is
-// actually common to all functions
-// that implement loop over all cells
-// in the triangulation: When
-// operating in %parallel, each
-// processor only works on a chunk of
-// cells. This chunk of cells is
-// identified via a so-called
-// <code>subdomain_id</code>, as we
-// also did in step-18. All we need
-// to change is hence to perform the
-// cell-related operations only on
-// the process with the correct
-// ID. The second difference is the
-// way we calculate the maximum
-// value. Before, we could simply
-// have a <code>double</code>
-// variable that we checked against
-// on each quadrature point for each
-// cell. Now, we have to be a bit
-// more careful since each processor
-// only operates on a subset of
-// cells. What we do is to first let
-// each processor calculate the
-// maximum among its cells, and then
-// do a global communication
-// operation
-// <code>Utilities::MPI::max</code> that searches
-// for the maximum value among all
-// the maximum values of the
-// individual processors. MPI
-// provides such a call, but it's
-// even simpler to use the respective
-// function of the MPI
-// communicator object since that
-// will do the right thing even if we
-// work without MPI and on a single
-// machine only. The call to
-// <code>Utilities::MPI::max</code> needs two
-// arguments, namely the local
-// maximum (input) and the MPI communicator,
-// which is MPI_COMM_WORLD in this example.
+                                  // @sect4{The BoussinesqFlowProblem helper functions}
+                                  //
+                                  // Except for two small details,
+                                  // the function to compute the
+                                  // global maximum of the velocity
+                                  // is the same as in step-31. The
+                                  // first detail is actually common
+                                  // to all functions that implement
+                                  // loops over all cells in the
+                                  // triangulation: When operating in
+                                  // %parallel, each processor can
+                                  // only work on a chunk of cells
+                                  // since each processor only has a
+                                  // certain part of the entire
+                                  // triangulation. This chunk of
+                                  // cells that we want to work on is
+                                  // identified via a so-called
+                                  // <code>subdomain_id</code>, as we
+                                  // also did in step-18. All we need
+                                  // to change is hence to perform
+                                  // the cell-related operations only
+                                  // on cells that are owned by the
+                                  // current process (as opposed to
+                                  // ghost or artificial cells),
+                                  // i.e. for which the subdomain id
+                                  // equals the number of the process
+                                  // ID. Since this is a commonly
+                                  // used operation, there is a
+                                  // shortcut for this operation: we
+                                  // can ask whether the cell is
+                                  // owned by the current processor
+                                  // using
+                                  // <code>cell-@>is_locally_owned()</code>.
+                                  //
+                                  // The second difference is the way
+                                  // we calculate the maximum
+                                  // value. Before, we could simply
+                                  // have a <code>double</code>
+                                  // variable that we checked against
+                                  // on each quadrature point for
+                                  // each cell. Now, we have to be a
+                                  // bit more careful since each
+                                  // processor only operates on a
+                                  // subset of cells. What we do is
+                                  // to first let each processor
+                                  // calculate the maximum among its
+                                  // cells, and then do a global
+                                  // communication operation
+                                  // <code>Utilities::MPI::max</code>
+                                  // that computes the maximum value
+                                  // among all the maximum values of
+                                  // the individual processors. MPI
+                                  // provides such a call, but it's
+                                  // even simpler to use the
+                                  // respective function in namespace
+                                  // Utilities::MPI using the MPI
+                                  // communicator object since that
+                                  // will do the right thing even if
+                                  // we work without MPI and on a
+                                  // single machine only. The call to
+                                  // <code>Utilities::MPI::max</code>
+                                  // needs two arguments, namely the
+                                  // local maximum (input) and the
+                                  // MPI communicator, which is
+                                  // MPI_COMM_WORLD in this example.
   template <int dim>
   double BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::get_maximal_velocity () const
@@ -1629,14 +1647,22 @@ namespace Step32
-// Similar function to before, but we now
-// compute the CFL number, i.e., maximal
-// velocity on a cell divided by the cell
-// diameter. This number is necessary to
-// determine the time step size, as we use
-// a semi-explicit time stepping scheme for
-// the temperature equation (see step-31 for
-// a discussion).
+                                  // The next function does something
+                                  // similar, but we now compute the
+                                  // CFL number, i.e., maximal
+                                  // velocity on a cell divided by
+                                  // the cell diameter. This number
+                                  // is necessary to determine the
+                                  // time step size, as we use a
+                                  // semi-explicit time stepping
+                                  // scheme for the temperature
+                                  // equation (see step-31 for a
+                                  // discussion). We compute it in
+                                  // the same way as above: Compute
+                                  // the local maximum over all
+                                  // locally owned cells, then
+                                  // exchange it via MPI to find the
+                                  // global maximum.
   template <int dim>
   double BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::get_cfl_number () const
@@ -1674,13 +1700,23 @@ namespace Step32
-  // Next comes the computation of the global entropy variation
-  // $\|E(T)-avg(E)\|_\infty$. This is needed for the evaluation of the
-  // stabilization in the temperature equation as explained in the
-  // introduction. The entropy variation is actually only needed if we use
-  // $\alpha=2$ as a power in the residual computation. The infinity norm is
-  // computed by the maxima over quadrature points, as usual in discrete
-  // computations.
+                                  // Next comes the computation of
+                                  // the global entropy variation
+                                  // $\|E(T)-\textrm{avg}(E)\|_\infty$
+                                  // where the entropy $E$ is defined
+                                  // as discussed in the
+                                  // introduction. This is needed for
+                                  // the evaluation of the
+                                  // stabilization in the temperature
+                                  // equation as explained in the
+                                  // introduction. The entropy
+                                  // variation is actually only
+                                  // needed if we use $\alpha=2$ as a
+                                  // power in the residual
+                                  // computation. The infinity norm
+                                  // is computed by the maxima over
+                                  // quadrature points, as usual in
+                                  // discrete computations.
   template <int dim>
   BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::get_entropy_variation (const double average_temperature) const
@@ -1696,14 +1732,43 @@ namespace Step32
     std::vector<double> old_temperature_values(n_q_points);
     std::vector<double> old_old_temperature_values(n_q_points);
-                                    // Note how we preset the data fields for
-                                    // the minimum and maximum values: The
-                                    // minimum is initialized with a bigger
-                                    // and the maximum with a smaller number
-                                    // than one that is going to
-                                    // appear. These numbers will be
-                                    // overwritten in the cell loop or in the
-                                    // communication step at the latest.
+                                    // In the two functions above we
+                                    // computed the maximum of
+                                    // numbers that were all
+                                    // non-negative, so we know that
+                                    // zero was certainly a lower
+                                    // bound. On the other hand, here
+                                    // we need to find the maximum
+                                    // deviation from the average
+                                    // value, i.e., we will need to
+                                    // know the maximal and minimal
+                                    // values of the entropy for
+                                    // which we don't a priori know
+                                    // the sign.
+                                    //
+                                    // To compute it, we can
+                                    // therefore start with the
+                                    // largest and smallest possible
+                                    // values we can store in a
+                                    // double precision number: The
+                                    // minimum is initialized with a
+                                    // bigger and the maximum with a
+                                    // smaller number than any one
+                                    // that is going to appear. We
+                                    // are then guaranteed that these
+                                    // numbers will be overwritten in
+                                    // the loop on the first cell or,
+                                    // if this processor does not own
+                                    // any cells, in the
+                                    // communication step at the
+                                    // latest. The following loop
+                                    // then computes the minimum and
+                                    // maximum local entropy as well
+                                    // as keeps track of the
+                                    // area/volume of the part of the
+                                    // domain we locally own and the
+                                    // integral over the entropy on
+                                    // it:
     double min_entropy = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
           max_entropy = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
                  area = 0,
@@ -1734,37 +1799,63 @@ namespace Step32
-                                    // MPI data exchange: we need to sum over
-                                    // the two integrals (area,
-                                    // entropy_integrated), and get the extrema
-                                    // for maximum and minimum. combine
-                                    // MPI_Allreduce for two values since it is
-                                    // an expensive operation
-    const double local_for_sum[2] = { entropy_integrated, area },
-                local_for_max[2] = { -min_entropy, max_entropy };
-    double global_for_sum[2], global_for_max[2];
-    Utilities::MPI::sum (local_for_sum, MPI_COMM_WORLD, global_for_sum);
-    Utilities::MPI::max (local_for_max, MPI_COMM_WORLD, global_for_max);
-    const double average_entropy = global_for_sum[0] / global_for_sum[1];
-    const double entropy_diff = std::max(global_for_max[1] - average_entropy,
-                                        average_entropy - (-global_for_max[0]));
+                                    // Now we only need to exchange
+                                    // data between processors: we
+                                    // need to sum the two integrals
+                                    // (<code>area</code>,
+                                    // <code>entropy_integrated</code>),
+                                    // and get the extrema for
+                                    // maximum and minimum. We could
+                                    // do this through four different
+                                    // data exchanges, but we can it
+                                    // with two: Utilities::MPI::sum
+                                    // also exists in a variant that
+                                    // takes an array of values that
+                                    // are all to be summed up. And
+                                    // we can also utilize the
+                                    // Utilities::MPI::max function
+                                    // by realizing that forming the
+                                    // minimum over the minimal
+                                    // entropies equals forming the
+                                    // negative of the maximum over
+                                    // the negative of the minimal
+                                    // entropies; this maximum can
+                                    // then be combined with forming
+                                    // the maximum over the maximal
+                                    // entropies.
+    const double local_sums[2]   = { entropy_integrated, area },
+                local_maxima[2] = { -min_entropy, max_entropy };
+    double global_sums[2], global_maxima[2];
+    Utilities::MPI::sum (local_sums,   MPI_COMM_WORLD, global_sums);
+    Utilities::MPI::max (local_maxima, MPI_COMM_WORLD, global_maxima);
+                                    // Having computed everything
+                                    // this way, we can then compute
+                                    // the average entropy and find
+                                    // the $L_\infty$ norm by taking
+                                    // the larger of the deviation of
+                                    // the maximum or minimum from
+                                    // the average:
+    const double average_entropy = global_sums[0] / global_sums[1];
+    const double entropy_diff = std::max(global_maxima[1] - average_entropy,
+                                        average_entropy - (-global_maxima[0]));
     return entropy_diff;
-// Again, the evaluation of the extrapolated
-// temperature range is only a slightly
-// modified version of the respective
-// function in step-31. What is new is
-// that each processor works on its
-// partition of cells, and gets a minimum
-// and maximum temperature on that
-// partition. Two global communication
-// steps synchronize the data among the
-// processors.
+                                  // The next function computes the
+                                  // minimal and maximal value of the
+                                  // extrapolated temperature over
+                                  // the entire domain. Again, this
+                                  // is only a slightly modified
+                                  // version of the respective
+                                  // function in step-31. As in the
+                                  // function above, we collect local
+                                  // minima and maxima and then
+                                  // compute the global extrame using
+                                  // the same trick as above:
   template <int dim>
   BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::get_extrapolated_temperature_range () const
@@ -1832,6 +1923,7 @@ namespace Step32
+// @todo: Do as above with one communication
     return std::make_pair(-Utilities::MPI::max (-min_local_temperature,
                          Utilities::MPI::max (max_local_temperature,

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

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