MatrixFree<dim, Number>::MatrixFree()
: my_id(-1)
, n_dofs(0)
- , constrained_dofs(nullptr)
, padding_length(0)
, dof_handler(nullptr)
- Utilities::CUDA::free(constrained_dofs);
my_id = -1;
ExcMessage("src and dst vectors have different size."));
// FIXME When using C++17, we can use KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA and this
// work-around can be removed.
- types::global_dof_index *constr_dofs = constrained_dofs;
+ auto constr_dofs = constrained_dofs;
const unsigned int size = internal::VectorLocalSize<VectorType>::get(dst);
const Number * src_ptr = src.get_values();
Number * dst_ptr = dst.get_values();
Number *dst_ptr = dst.get_values();
// FIXME When using C++17, we can use KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA and this
// work-around can be removed.
- types::global_dof_index *constr_dofs = constrained_dofs;
+ auto constr_dofs = constrained_dofs;
// When working with distributed vectors, the constrained dofs are
// computed for ghosted vectors but we want to set the values of the
// constrained dofs of non-ghosted vectors.
- cuda_error = cudaMalloc(&constrained_dofs,
- n_constrained_dofs *
- sizeof(dealii::types::global_dof_index));
- AssertCuda(cuda_error);
+ constrained_dofs = Kokkos::View<types::global_dof_index *,
+ MemorySpace::Default::kokkos_space>(
+ Kokkos::view_alloc("constrained_dofs", Kokkos::WithoutInitializing),
+ n_constrained_dofs);
- cuda_error = cudaMemcpy(constrained_dofs,
- n_constrained_dofs *
- sizeof(dealii::types::global_dof_index),
- cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
- AssertCuda(cuda_error);
+ Kokkos::View<types::global_dof_index *,
+ MemorySpace::Default::kokkos_space,
+ Kokkos::MemoryTraits<Kokkos::Unmanaged>>
+ constrained_dofs_host_view(,
+ constrained_dofs_host.size());
+ Kokkos::deep_copy(constrained_dofs, constrained_dofs_host_view);