the solid and the effect this has on the fluid): this is, after all, just a
tutorial program intended to demonstrate techniques, not to solve actual
problems. Furthermore, we will make the assumption that the interface between
-the subdomains is aligned with cell faces.
+the subdomains is aligned with coarse mesh cell faces.
<h3>The general idea</h3>
for (typename hp::DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator
cell = dof_handler.begin_active();
cell != dof_handler.end(); ++cell)
- if (cell->active_fe_index() == 0)
+ if (cell_is_in_fluid_domain (cell))
for (unsigned int f=0; f<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++f)
- if (not cell->at_boundary(f))
+ if (!cell->at_boundary(f))
bool face_is_on_interface = false;
if ((cell->neighbor(f)->has_children() == false)
- (cell->neighbor(f)->active_fe_index() == 1))
+ (cell_is_in_solid_domain (cell->neighbor(f))))
face_is_on_interface = true;
else if (cell->neighbor(f)->has_children() == true)
// on the other
// side are elastic
for (unsigned int sf=0; sf<cell->face(f)->n_children(); ++sf)
- if (cell->neighbor_child_on_subface(f, sf)->active_fe_index() == 1)
+ if (cell_is_in_solid_domain (cell->neighbor_child_on_subface(f, sf)))
face_is_on_interface = true;
+Note that there are cases where this may yield incorrect results:
+notably, once we find a solid neighbor child to a current fluid cell,
+we assume that all neighbor children on the common face are in the
+solid subdomain. But that need not be so; consider, for example, the
+following mesh:
+| | f | |
+| f +----+----+
+| | s | |
+In this case, we would set all velocity degrees of freedom on the
+right face of the left cell to zero, which is incorrect for the top
+degree of freedom on that face. That said, that can only happen if the
+fluid and solid subdomains do not coincide with a set of complete
+coarse mesh cells — but this is a contradiction to the
+assumption stated at the end of the first section of this