* resizing the array, and then later assigning a suitable object to each
* element of the array.
- Scalar();
+ constexpr Scalar();
* Constructor. Take the selected vector component as argument.
- Scalar(const unsigned int component);
+ constexpr Scalar(const unsigned int component);
* Return a string that uniquely identifies this finite element extractor.
* resizing the array, and then later assigning a suitable object to each
* element of the array.
- Vector();
+ constexpr Vector();
* Constructor. Take the first component of the selected vector inside the
* FEValues object as argument.
- Vector(const unsigned int first_vector_component);
+ constexpr Vector(const unsigned int first_vector_component);
* Return a string that uniquely identifies this finite element extractor.
* resizing the array, and then later assigning a suitable object to each
* element of the array.
- SymmetricTensor();
+ constexpr SymmetricTensor();
* Constructor. Take the first component of the selected tensor inside the
* FEValues object as argument.
- SymmetricTensor(const unsigned int first_tensor_component);
+ constexpr SymmetricTensor(const unsigned int first_tensor_component);
* Return a string that uniquely identifies this finite element extractor.
* resizing the array, and then later assigning a suitable object to each
* element of the array.
- Tensor();
+ constexpr Tensor();
* Constructor. Take the first component of the selected tensor inside the
* FEValues object as argument.
- Tensor(const unsigned int first_tensor_component);
+ constexpr Tensor(const unsigned int first_tensor_component);
* Return a string that uniquely identifies this finite element extractor.
* Construct a new FirstCoupling object with the given extractor.
- FirstCoupling(const Extractor &extractor);
+ constexpr FirstCoupling(const Extractor &extractor);
* The actual extractor object.
* Construct a new SecondCoupling object with the given extractor.
- SecondCoupling(const Extractor &extractor);
+ constexpr SecondCoupling(const Extractor &extractor);
* The actual extractor object.
namespace FEValuesExtractors
- inline Scalar::Scalar()
+ constexpr inline Scalar::Scalar()
: component(numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- inline Scalar::Scalar(const unsigned int component)
+ constexpr inline Scalar::Scalar(const unsigned int component)
: component(component)
- inline Vector::Vector()
+ constexpr inline Vector::Vector()
: first_vector_component(numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- inline Vector::Vector(const unsigned int first_vector_component)
+ constexpr inline Vector::Vector(const unsigned int first_vector_component)
: first_vector_component(first_vector_component)
template <int rank>
- inline SymmetricTensor<rank>::SymmetricTensor()
+ constexpr inline SymmetricTensor<rank>::SymmetricTensor()
: first_tensor_component(numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
template <int rank>
- inline SymmetricTensor<rank>::SymmetricTensor(
+ constexpr inline SymmetricTensor<rank>::SymmetricTensor(
const unsigned int first_tensor_component)
: first_tensor_component(first_tensor_component)
template <int rank>
- inline Tensor<rank>::Tensor()
+ constexpr inline Tensor<rank>::Tensor()
: first_tensor_component(numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
template <int rank>
- inline Tensor<rank>::Tensor(const unsigned int first_tensor_component)
+ constexpr inline Tensor<rank>::Tensor(
+ const unsigned int first_tensor_component)
: first_tensor_component(first_tensor_component)
template <typename Extractor>
- inline FirstCoupling<Extractor>::FirstCoupling(const Extractor &extractor)
+ constexpr inline FirstCoupling<Extractor>::FirstCoupling(
+ const Extractor &extractor)
: extractor(extractor)
template <typename Extractor>
- inline SecondCoupling<Extractor>::SecondCoupling(const Extractor &extractor)
+ constexpr inline SecondCoupling<Extractor>::SecondCoupling(
+ const Extractor &extractor)
: extractor(extractor)
} // namespace FEValuesExtractors