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+<i>This program was contributed by Marc Fehling, Peter Munch and
+Wolfgang Bangerth.
+This material is based upon work partly supported by the National
+Science Foundation under Award No. DMS-1821210, EAR-1550901, and
+OAC-1835673. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
+expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not
+necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
+Peter Munch would like to thank Timo Heister, Martin Kronbichler, and
+Laura Prieto Saavedra for many very interesting discussions.
+@note As a prerequisite of this program, you need to have the p4est
+library and the Trilinos library installed. The installation of deal.II
+together with these additional libraries is described in the <a
+href="../../readme.html" target="body">README</a> file.
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+In the finite element context, more degrees of freedom usually yield a
+more accurate solution but also require more computational effort.
+Throughout previous tutorials, we found ways to effectively distribute
+degrees of freedom by aligning the grid resolution locally with the
+complexity of the solution (adaptive mesh refinement, step-6). This
+approach is particularly effective if we do not only adapt the grid
+alone, but also locally adjust the polynomial degree of the associated
+finite element on each cell (hp-adaptation, step-27).
+In addition, assigning more processes to run your program simultaneously
+helps to tackle the computational workload in lesser time. Depending on
+the hardware architecture of your machine, your program must either be
+prepared for the case that all processes have access to the same memory
+(shared memory, step-18), or that processes are hosted on several
+independent nodes (distributed memory, step-40).
+In the high-performance computing segment, memory access turns out to be
+the current bottleneck on supercomputers. We can avoid storing matrices
+altogether by computing the effect of matrix-vector products on the fly
+with MatrixFree methods (step-37). They can be used for geometric
+multigrid methods (step-50) and also for polynomial multigrid methods to
+speed solving the system of equation tremendously.
+This tutorial combines all of these particularities and presents a
+state-of-the-art way how to solve a simple Laplace problem: utilizing
+both hp-adaptation and matrix-free hybrid multigrid methods on machines
+with distributed memory.
+<h3>Load balancing</h3>
+For parallel applications in FEM, we partition the grid into
+subdomains (aka domain decomposition), which are assigned to processes.
+This partitioning happens on active cells in deal.II as demonstrated in
+step-40. There, each cell has the same finite element and the same
+number of degrees of freedom assigned, and approximately the same
+workload. To balance the workload among all processes, we have to
+balance the number of cells on all participating processes.
+With hp-adaptive methods, this is no longer the case: the finite element
+type may vary from cell to cell and consequently also the number of
+degrees of freedom. Matching the number of cells does not yield a
+balanced workload. In the matrix-free context, the workload can be
+assumed to be proportional the number of degrees of freedom of each
+process, since in the best case only the source and the destination
+vector have to be loaded.
+One could balance the workload by assigning weights to every cell which
+are proportional to the number of degrees of freedom, and balance the
+sum of all weights between all processes. Assigning individual weights
+to each cell can be realized with the class parallel::CellWeights which
+we will use later.
+<h3>hp-decision indicators</h3>
+With hp-adaptive methods, we not only have to decide which cells we want
+to refine or coarsen, but we also have the choice how we want to do
+that: either by adjusting the grid resolution or the polynomial degree
+of the finite element.
+We will again base the decision on which cells to adapt on (a
+posteriori) computed error estimates of the current solution, e.g.,
+using the KellyErrorEstimator. We will similarly decide how to adapt
+with (a posteriori) computed smoothness estimates: large polynomial
+degrees work best on smooth parts of the solution while fine grid
+resolutions are favorable on irregular parts. In step-27, we presented a
+way to calculate smoothness estimates based on the decay of Fourier
+coefficients. Let us take here the opportunity and present an
+alternative that follows the same idea, but with Legendre coefficients.
+We will briefly present the idea of this new technique, but limit its
+description to 1D for simplicity. Suppose $u_\text{hp}(x)$ is a finite
+element function defined on a cell $K$ as
+u_\text{hp}(x) = \sum c_i \varphi_i(x)
+where each $\varphi_i(x)$ is a shape function.
+We can equivalently represent $u_\text{hp}(x)$ in the basis of Legendre
+polynomials $P_k$ as
+u_\text{hp}(x) = \sum l_k P_k(x).
+Our goal is to obtain a mapping between the finite element coefficients
+$c_i$ and the Legendre coefficients $l_k$. We will accomplish this by
+writing the problem as a $L^2$-projection of $u_\text{hp}(x)$ onto the
+Legendre basis. Each coefficient $l_k$ can be calculated via
+l_k = \int_K u_\text{hp}(x) P_k(x) dx.
+By construction, the Legendre polynomials are orthogonal under the
+$L^2$-inner product on $K$. Additionally, we assume that they have been
+normalized, so their inner products can be written as
+\int_K P_i(x) P_j(x) dx = \det(J_K) \, \delta_{ij}
+where $\delta_{ij}$ is the Kronecker delta, and $J_K$ is the Jacobian of
+the mapping from $\hat{K}$ to $K$, which (in this tutorial) is assumed
+to be constant (i.e., the mapping must be affine).
+Hence, combining all these assumptions, the projection matrix for
+expressing $u_\text{hp}(x)$ in the Legendre basis is just $\det(J_K) \,
+\mathbb{I}$ -- that is, $\det(J_K)$ times the identity matrix. Let $F_K$
+be the Mapping from $K$ to its reference cell $\hat{K}$. The entries in
+the right-hand side in the projection system are, therefore,
+\int_K u_\text{hp}(x) P_k(x) dx
+= \det(J_K) \int_\hat{K} u_\text{hp}(F_K(\hat{x})) P_k(F_K(\hat{x})) d\hat{x}.
+Recalling the shape function representation of $u_\text{hp}(x)$, we can
+write this as $\det(J_K) \, \mathbf{C} \, \mathbf{c}$, where
+$\mathbf{C}$ is the change-of-basis matrix with entries
+\int_K P_i(x) \varphi_j(x) dx
+= \det(J_K) \int_{\hat{K}} P_i(F_K(\hat{x})) \varphi_j(F_K(\hat{x})) d\hat{x}
+= \det(J_K) \int_{\hat{K}} \hat{P}_i(\hat{x}) \hat{\varphi}_j(\hat{x}) d\hat{x}
+\dealcoloneq \det(J_K) \, C_{ij}
+so the values of $\mathbf{C}$ can be written <em>independently</em> of
+$K$ by factoring $\det(J_K)$ out front after transforming to reference
+coordinates. Hence, putting it all together, the projection problem can
+be written as
+\det(J_K) \, \mathbb{I} \, \mathbf{l} = \det(J_K) \, \mathbf{C} \, \mathbf{c}
+which can be rewritten as simply
+\mathbf{l} = \mathbf{C} \, \mathbf{c}.
+At this point, we need to emphasize that most finite element
+applications use unstructured meshes for which mapping is almost always
+non-affine. Put another way: the assumption that $J_K$ is constant
+across the cell is not true for general meshes. Hence, a correct
+calculation of $l_k$ requires not only that we calculate the
+corresponding transformation matrix $\mathbf{C}$ for every single cell,
+but that we also define a set of Legendre-like orthogonal functions on a
+cell $K$ which may have an arbitrary and very complex geometry. The
+second part, in particular, is very computationally expensive. The
+current implementation of the FESeries transformation classes relies on
+the simplification resulting from having a constant Jacobian to increase
+performance and thus only yields correct results for affine mappings.
+The transformation is only used for the purpose of smoothness estimation
+to decide on the type of adaptation, which is not a critical component
+of a finite element program. Apart from that, this circumstance does not
+pose a problem for this tutorial as we only use square-shaped cells.
+Eibner and Melenk @cite eibner2007hp argued that a function is analytic,
+i.e., representable by a power series, if and only if the absolute
+values of the Legendre coefficients decay exponentially with increasing
+index $k$:
+\exists C,\sigma > 0 : \quad \forall k \in \mathbb{N}_0 : \quad |l_k|
+\leq C \exp\left( - \sigma k \right) .
+The rate of decay $\sigma$ can be interpreted as a measure for the
+smoothness of that function. We can get it as the slope of a linear
+regression fit of the transformation coefficients:
+\ln(|l_k|) \sim \ln(C) - \sigma k .
+We will perform this fit on each cell $K$ to get a local estimate for
+the smoothness of the finite element approximation. The decay rate
+$\sigma_K$ then acts as the decision indicator for hp-adaptation. For a
+finite element on a cell $K$ with a polynomial degree $p$, calculating
+the coefficients for $k \leq (p+1)$ proved to be a reasonable choice to
+estimate smoothness. You can find a more detailed and dimension
+independent description in @cite fehling2020.
+All of the above is already implemented in the FESeries::Legendre class
+and the SmoothnessEstimator::Legendre namespace. With the error
+estimates and smoothness indicators, we are then left to flag the cells
+for actual refinement and coarsening. Some functions from the
+parallel::distributed::GridRefinement and hp::Refinement namespaces will
+help us with that later.
+<h3>Hybrid geometric multigrid</h3>
+Finite element matrices are typically very sparse. Additionally,
+hp-adaptive methods correspond to matrices with highly variable numbers
+of nonzero entries per row. Some state-of-the-art preconditioners, like
+the algebraic multigrid (AMG) ones as used in step-40, behave poorly in
+these circumstances.
+We will thus rely on a matrix-free hybrid multigrid preconditioner.
+step-50 has already demonstrated the superiority of geometric multigrid
+methods method when combined with the MatrixFree framework. The
+application on hp-adaptive FEM requires some additional work though
+since the children of a cell might have different polynomial degrees. As
+a remedy, we perform a p-relaxation to linear elements first (similar to
+Mitchell @cite mitchell2010hpmg) and then perform h-relaxation in the
+usual manner. On the coarsest level, we apply an algebraic multigrid
+solver. The combination of p-multigrid, h-multigrid, and AMG makes the
+solver to a hybrid multigrid solver.
+We will create a custom hybrid multigrid preconditioner with the special
+level requirements as described above with the help of the existing
+global-coarsening infrastructure via the use of
+<h3>The test case</h3>
+For elliptic equations, each reentrant corner typically invokes a
+singularity @cite brenner2008. We can use this circumstance to put our
+hp-decision algorithms to a test: on all cells to be adapted, we would
+prefer a fine grid near the singularity, and a high polynomial degree
+As the simplest elliptic problem to solve under these conditions, we
+chose the Laplace equation in a L-shaped domain with the reentrant
+corner in the origin of the coordinate system.
+To be able to determine the actual error, we manufacture a boundary
+value problem with a known solution. On the above mentioned domain, one
+solution to the Laplace equation is, in polar coordinates,
+$(r, \varphi)$:
+u_\text{sol} = r^{2/3} \sin(2/3 \varphi).
+See also @cite brenner2008 or @cite mitchell2014hp. The solution looks as follows:
+<div style="text-align:center;">
+ <img src="https://www.dealii.org/images/steps/developer/step-75.solution.svg"
+ alt="Analytic solution.">
+The singularity becomes obvious by investigating the solution's gradient
+in the vicinity of the reentrant corner, i.e., the origin
+\left\| \nabla u_\text{sol} \right\|_{2} = 2/3 r^{-1/3} , \quad
+\lim\limits_{r \rightarrow 0} \left\| \nabla u_\text{sol} \right\|_{2} =
+\infty .
+As we know where the singularity will be located, we expect that our
+hp-decision algorithm decides for a fine grid resolution in this
+particular region, and high polynomial degree anywhere else.
+So let's see if that is actually the case, and how hp-adaptation
+performs compared to pure h-adaptation. But first let us have a detailed
+look at the actual code.
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+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 by the deal.II authors
+ *
+ * This file is part of the deal.II library.
+ *
+ * The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+ * it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+ * the top level directory of deal.II.
+ *
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Author: Marc Fehling, Colorado State University, 2021
+ * Peter Munch, Technical University of Munich and Helmholtz-Zentrum
+ * hereon, 2021
+ * Wolfgang Bangerth, Colorado State University, 2021
+ */
+// @sect3{Include files}
+// The following include files have been used and discussed in previous tutorial
+// programs, especially in step-27 and step-40.
+#include <deal.II/base/conditional_ostream.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/index_set.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/mpi.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/timer.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/grid_refinement.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_series.h>
+#include <deal.II/hp/fe_collection.h>
+#include <deal.II/hp/refinement.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/affine_constraints.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/dynamic_sparsity_pattern.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/precondition.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/solver_cg.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_precondition.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_sparse_matrix.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/data_out.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/error_estimator.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/smoothness_estimator.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/vector_tools.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+// For load balancing we will assign individual weights on cells, and for that
+// we will use the class parallel::CellWeights.
+#include <deal.II/distributed/cell_weights.h>
+// The solution function requires a transformation from Cartesian to polar
+// coordinates. The GeometricUtilities::Coordinates namespace provides the
+// necessary tools.
+#include <deal.II/base/function.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/geometric_utilities.h>
+// The following include files will enable the MatrixFree functionality.
+#include <deal.II/matrix_free/matrix_free.h>
+#include <deal.II/matrix_free/fe_evaluation.h>
+#include <deal.II/matrix_free/tools.h>
+// We will use LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector for linear algebra operations.
+#include <deal.II/lac/la_parallel_vector.h>
+// We are left to include the files needed by the multigrid solver.
+#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_coarse.h>
+#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_constrained_dofs.h>
+#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_matrix.h>
+#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_smoother.h>
+#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_transfer_global_coarsening.h>
+#include <deal.II/multigrid/multigrid.h>
+namespace Step75
+ using namespace dealii;
+ // @sect3{The <code>Solution</code> class template}
+ // We have an analytic solution to the scenario at our disposal. We will use
+ // this solution to impose boundary conditions for the numerical solution of
+ // the problem. The formulation of the solution requires a transformation to
+ // polar coordinates. To transform from Cartesian to spherical coordinates, we
+ // will use a helper function from the GeometricUtilities::Coordinates
+ // namespace. The first two coordinates of this transformation correspond to
+ // polar coordinates in the x-y-plane.
+ template <int dim>
+ class Solution : public Function<dim>
+ {
+ public:
+ Solution()
+ : Function<dim>()
+ {}
+ virtual double value(const Point<dim> &p,
+ const unsigned int /*component*/) const override
+ {
+ const std::array<double, dim> p_sphere =
+ GeometricUtilities::Coordinates::to_spherical(p);
+ constexpr const double alpha = 2. / 3.;
+ return std::pow(p_sphere[0], alpha) * std::sin(alpha * p_sphere[1]);
+ }
+ };
+ // @sect3{Parameters}
+ // For this tutorial, we will use a simplified set of parameters. It is also
+ // possible to use a ParameterHandler class here, but to keep this tutorial
+ // short we decided on using simple structs. The actual intention of all these
+ // parameters will be described in the upcoming classes at their respective
+ // location where they are used.
+ //
+ // The following parameter set controls the coarse-grid solver, the smoothers,
+ // and the inter-grid transfer scheme of the multigrid mechanism.
+ // We populate it with default parameters.
+ struct MultigridParameters
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ std::string type = "cg_with_amg";
+ unsigned int maxiter = 10000;
+ double abstol = 1e-20;
+ double reltol = 1e-4;
+ unsigned int smoother_sweeps = 1;
+ unsigned int n_cycles = 1;
+ std::string smoother_type = "ILU";
+ } coarse_solver;
+ struct
+ {
+ std::string type = "chebyshev";
+ double smoothing_range = 20;
+ unsigned int degree = 5;
+ unsigned int eig_cg_n_iterations = 20;
+ } smoother;
+ struct
+ {
+ MGTransferGlobalCoarseningTools::PolynomialCoarseningSequenceType
+ p_sequence = MGTransferGlobalCoarseningTools::
+ PolynomialCoarseningSequenceType::decrease_by_one;
+ bool perform_h_transfer = true;
+ } transfer;
+ };
+ // This is the general parameter struct for the problem class. You will find
+ // this struct divided into several categories, including general runtime
+ // parameters, level limits, refine and coarsen fractions, as well as
+ // parameters for cell weighting. It also contains an instance of the above
+ // struct for multigrid parameters which will be passed to the multigrid
+ // algorithm.
+ struct Parameters
+ {
+ unsigned int n_cycles = 8;
+ double tolerance_factor = 1e-12;
+ MultigridParameters mg_data;
+ unsigned int min_h_level = 5;
+ unsigned int max_h_level = 12;
+ unsigned int min_p_degree = 2;
+ unsigned int max_p_degree = 6;
+ unsigned int max_p_level_difference = 1;
+ double refine_fraction = 0.3;
+ double coarsen_fraction = 0.03;
+ double p_refine_fraction = 0.9;
+ double p_coarsen_fraction = 0.9;
+ double weighting_factor = 1e6;
+ double weighting_exponent = 1.;
+ };
+ // @sect3{Matrix-free Laplace operator}
+ // This is a matrix-free implementation of the Laplace operator that will
+ // basically take over the part of the `assemble_system()` function from other
+ // tutorials. The meaning of all member functions will be explained at their
+ // definition later.
+ //
+ // We will use the FEEvaluation class to evaluate the solution vector
+ // at the quadrature points and to perform the integration. In contrast to
+ // other tutorials, the template arguments `degree` is set to $-1$ and
+ // `number of quadrature in 1D` to $0$. In this case, FEEvaluation selects
+ // dynamically the correct polynomial degree and number of quadrature
+ // points. Here, we introduce an alias to FEEvaluation with the correct
+ // template parameters so that we do not have to worry about them later on.
+ template <int dim, typename number>
+ class LaplaceOperator : public Subscriptor
+ {
+ public:
+ using VectorType = LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<number>;
+ using FECellIntegrator = FEEvaluation<dim, -1, 0, 1, number>;
+ LaplaceOperator() = default;
+ LaplaceOperator(const hp::MappingCollection<dim> &mapping,
+ const DoFHandler<dim> & dof_handler,
+ const hp::QCollection<dim> & quad,
+ const AffineConstraints<number> & constraints,
+ VectorType & system_rhs);
+ void reinit(const hp::MappingCollection<dim> &mapping,
+ const DoFHandler<dim> & dof_handler,
+ const hp::QCollection<dim> & quad,
+ const AffineConstraints<number> & constraints,
+ VectorType & system_rhs);
+ types::global_dof_index m() const;
+ number el(unsigned int, unsigned int) const;
+ void initialize_dof_vector(VectorType &vec) const;
+ void vmult(VectorType &dst, const VectorType &src) const;
+ void Tvmult(VectorType &dst, const VectorType &src) const;
+ const TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix &get_system_matrix() const;
+ void compute_inverse_diagonal(VectorType &diagonal) const;
+ private:
+ void do_cell_integral_local(FECellIntegrator &integrator) const;
+ void do_cell_integral_global(FECellIntegrator &integrator,
+ VectorType & dst,
+ const VectorType &src) const;
+ void do_cell_integral_range(
+ const MatrixFree<dim, number> & matrix_free,
+ VectorType & dst,
+ const VectorType & src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> &range) const;
+ MatrixFree<dim, number> matrix_free;
+ // To solve the equation system on the coarsest level with an AMG
+ // preconditioner, we need an actual system matrix on the coarsest level.
+ // For this purpose, we provide a mechanism that optionally computes a
+ // matrix from the matrix-free formulation, for which we introduce a
+ // dedicated SparseMatrix object. In the default case, this matrix stays
+ // empty. Once `get_system_matrix()` is called, this matrix is filled (lazy
+ // allocation). Since this is a `const` function, we need the "mutable"
+ // keyword here. We also need a the constraints object to build the matrix.
+ AffineConstraints<number> constraints;
+ mutable TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix system_matrix;
+ };
+ // The following section contains functions to initialize and reinitialize
+ // the class. In particular, these functions initialize the internal
+ // MatrixFree instance. For sake of simplicity, we also compute the system
+ // right-hand-side vector.
+ template <int dim, typename number>
+ LaplaceOperator<dim, number>::LaplaceOperator(
+ const hp::MappingCollection<dim> &mapping,
+ const DoFHandler<dim> & dof_handler,
+ const hp::QCollection<dim> & quad,
+ const AffineConstraints<number> & constraints,
+ VectorType & system_rhs)
+ {
+ this->reinit(mapping, dof_handler, quad, constraints, system_rhs);
+ }
+ template <int dim, typename number>
+ void LaplaceOperator<dim, number>::reinit(
+ const hp::MappingCollection<dim> &mapping,
+ const DoFHandler<dim> & dof_handler,
+ const hp::QCollection<dim> & quad,
+ const AffineConstraints<number> & constraints,
+ VectorType & system_rhs)
+ {
+ // Clear internal data structures (in the case that the operator is reused).
+ this->system_matrix.clear();
+ // Copy the constraints, since they might be needed for computation of the
+ // system matrix later on.
+ this->constraints.copy_from(constraints);
+ // Set up MatrixFree. At the quadrature points, we only need to evaluate
+ // the gradient of the solution and test with the gradient of the shape
+ // functions so that we only need to set the flag `update_gradients`.
+ typename MatrixFree<dim, number>::AdditionalData data;
+ data.mapping_update_flags = update_gradients;
+ matrix_free.reinit(mapping, dof_handler, constraints, quad, data);
+ // Compute the right-hand side vector. For this purpose, we set up a second
+ // MatrixFree instance that uses a modified AffineConstraints not containing
+ // the constraints due to Dirichlet-boundary conditions. This modified
+ // operator is applied to a vector with only the Dirichlet values set. The
+ // result is the negative right-hand-side vector.
+ {
+ AffineConstraints<number> constraints_without_dbc;
+ IndexSet locally_relevant_dofs;
+ DoFTools::extract_locally_relevant_dofs(dof_handler,
+ locally_relevant_dofs);
+ constraints_without_dbc.reinit(locally_relevant_dofs);
+ DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints(dof_handler,
+ constraints_without_dbc);
+ constraints_without_dbc.close();
+ VectorType b, x;
+ this->initialize_dof_vector(system_rhs);
+ MatrixFree<dim, number> matrix_free;
+ matrix_free.reinit(
+ mapping, dof_handler, constraints_without_dbc, quad, data);
+ matrix_free.initialize_dof_vector(b);
+ matrix_free.initialize_dof_vector(x);
+ constraints.distribute(x);
+ matrix_free.cell_loop(&LaplaceOperator::do_cell_integral_range,
+ this,
+ b,
+ x);
+ constraints.set_zero(b);
+ system_rhs -= b;
+ }
+ }
+ // The following functions are implicitly needed by the multigrid algorithm,
+ // including the smoothers.
+ // Since we do not have a matrix, query the DoFHandler for the number of
+ // degrees of freedom.
+ template <int dim, typename number>
+ types::global_dof_index LaplaceOperator<dim, number>::m() const
+ {
+ return matrix_free.get_dof_handler().n_dofs();
+ }
+ // Access a particular element in the matrix. This function is neither
+ // needed nor implemented, however, is required to compile the program.
+ template <int dim, typename number>
+ number LaplaceOperator<dim, number>::el(unsigned int, unsigned int) const
+ {
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Initialize the given vector. We simply delegate the task to the
+ // MatrixFree function with the same name.
+ template <int dim, typename number>
+ void
+ LaplaceOperator<dim, number>::initialize_dof_vector(VectorType &vec) const
+ {
+ matrix_free.initialize_dof_vector(vec);
+ }
+ // Perform an operator evaluation by looping with the help of MatrixFree
+ // over all cells and evaluating the effect of the cell integrals (see also:
+ // `do_cell_integral_local()` and `do_cell_integral_global()`).
+ template <int dim, typename number>
+ void LaplaceOperator<dim, number>::vmult(VectorType & dst,
+ const VectorType &src) const
+ {
+ this->matrix_free.cell_loop(
+ &LaplaceOperator::do_cell_integral_range, this, dst, src, true);
+ }
+ // Perform the transposed operator evaluation. Since we are considering
+ // symmetric "matrices", this function can simply delegate it task to vmult().
+ template <int dim, typename number>
+ void LaplaceOperator<dim, number>::Tvmult(VectorType & dst,
+ const VectorType &src) const
+ {
+ this->vmult(dst, src);
+ }
+ // Since we do not have a system matrix, we cannot loop over the the
+ // diagonal entries of the matrix. Instead, we compute the diagonal by
+ // performing a sequence of operator evaluations to unit basis vectors.
+ // For this purpose, an optimized function from the MatrixFreeTools
+ // namespace is used. The inversion is performed manually afterwards.
+ template <int dim, typename number>
+ void LaplaceOperator<dim, number>::compute_inverse_diagonal(
+ VectorType &diagonal) const
+ {
+ MatrixFreeTools::compute_diagonal(matrix_free,
+ diagonal,
+ &LaplaceOperator::do_cell_integral_local,
+ this);
+ for (auto &i : diagonal)
+ i = (std::abs(i) > 1.0e-10) ? (1.0 / i) : 1.0;
+ }
+ // In the matrix-free context, no system matrix is set up during
+ // initialization of this class. As a consequence, it has to be computed
+ // here if it should be requested. Since the matrix is only computed in
+ // this tutorial for linear elements (on the coarse grid), this is
+ // acceptable.
+ // The matrix entries are obtained via sequence of operator evaluations.
+ // For this purpose, the optimized function MatrixFreeTools::compute_matrix()
+ // is used. The matrix will only be computed if it has not been set up yet
+ // (lazy allocation).
+ template <int dim, typename number>
+ const TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix &
+ LaplaceOperator<dim, number>::get_system_matrix() const
+ {
+ if (system_matrix.m() == 0 && system_matrix.n() == 0)
+ {
+ const auto &dof_handler = this->matrix_free.get_dof_handler();
+ TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern dsp(
+ dof_handler.locally_owned_dofs(),
+ dof_handler.get_triangulation().get_communicator());
+ DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern(dof_handler, dsp, this->constraints);
+ dsp.compress();
+ system_matrix.reinit(dsp);
+ MatrixFreeTools::compute_matrix(
+ matrix_free,
+ constraints,
+ system_matrix,
+ &LaplaceOperator::do_cell_integral_local,
+ this);
+ }
+ return this->system_matrix;
+ }
+ // Perform cell integral on a cell batch without gathering and scattering
+ // the values. This function is needed for the MatrixFreeTools functions
+ // since these functions operate directly on the buffers of FEEvaluation.
+ template <int dim, typename number>
+ void LaplaceOperator<dim, number>::do_cell_integral_local(
+ FECellIntegrator &integrator) const
+ {
+ integrator.evaluate(EvaluationFlags::gradients);
+ for (unsigned int q = 0; q < integrator.n_q_points; ++q)
+ integrator.submit_gradient(integrator.get_gradient(q), q);
+ integrator.integrate(EvaluationFlags::gradients);
+ }
+ // Same as above but with access to the global vectors.
+ template <int dim, typename number>
+ void LaplaceOperator<dim, number>::do_cell_integral_global(
+ FECellIntegrator &integrator,
+ VectorType & dst,
+ const VectorType &src) const
+ {
+ integrator.gather_evaluate(src, EvaluationFlags::gradients);
+ for (unsigned int q = 0; q < integrator.n_q_points; ++q)
+ integrator.submit_gradient(integrator.get_gradient(q), q);
+ integrator.integrate_scatter(EvaluationFlags::gradients, dst);
+ }
+ // This function loops over all cell batches within a cell-batch range and
+ // calls the above function.
+ template <int dim, typename number>
+ void LaplaceOperator<dim, number>::do_cell_integral_range(
+ const MatrixFree<dim, number> & matrix_free,
+ VectorType & dst,
+ const VectorType & src,
+ const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> &range) const
+ {
+ FECellIntegrator integrator(matrix_free, range);
+ for (unsigned cell = range.first; cell < range.second; ++cell)
+ {
+ integrator.reinit(cell);
+ do_cell_integral_global(integrator, dst, src);
+ }
+ }
+ // @sect3{Solver and preconditioner}
+ // @sect4{Conjugate-gradient solver with multigrid preconditioner}
+ // This function solves the equation system with a sequence of provided
+ // multigrid objects. It is meant to be treated as general as possible, hence
+ // the multitude of template parameters.
+ template <typename VectorType,
+ int dim,
+ typename SystemMatrixType,
+ typename LevelMatrixType,
+ typename MGTransferType>
+ static void
+ mg_solve(SolverControl & solver_control,
+ VectorType & dst,
+ const VectorType & src,
+ const MultigridParameters &mg_data,
+ const DoFHandler<dim> & dof,
+ const SystemMatrixType & fine_matrix,
+ const MGLevelObject<std::unique_ptr<LevelMatrixType>> &mg_matrices,
+ const MGTransferType & mg_transfer)
+ {
+ AssertThrow(mg_data.coarse_solver.type == "cg_with_amg",
+ ExcNotImplemented());
+ AssertThrow(mg_data.smoother.type == "chebyshev", ExcNotImplemented());
+ const unsigned int min_level = mg_matrices.min_level();
+ const unsigned int max_level = mg_matrices.max_level();
+ using SmootherPreconditionerType = DiagonalMatrix<VectorType>;
+ using SmootherType = PreconditionChebyshev<LevelMatrixType,
+ VectorType,
+ SmootherPreconditionerType>;
+ using PreconditionerType = PreconditionMG<dim, VectorType, MGTransferType>;
+ // We initialize level operators and Chebyshev smoothers here.
+ mg::Matrix<VectorType> mg_matrix(mg_matrices);
+ MGLevelObject<typename SmootherType::AdditionalData> smoother_data(
+ min_level, max_level);
+ for (unsigned int level = min_level; level <= max_level; level++)
+ {
+ smoother_data[level].preconditioner =
+ std::make_shared<SmootherPreconditionerType>();
+ mg_matrices[level]->compute_inverse_diagonal(
+ smoother_data[level].preconditioner->get_vector());
+ smoother_data[level].smoothing_range = mg_data.smoother.smoothing_range;
+ smoother_data[level].degree = mg_data.smoother.degree;
+ smoother_data[level].eig_cg_n_iterations =
+ mg_data.smoother.eig_cg_n_iterations;
+ }
+ MGSmootherPrecondition<LevelMatrixType, SmootherType, VectorType>
+ mg_smoother;
+ mg_smoother.initialize(mg_matrices, smoother_data);
+ // Next, we initialize the coarse-grid solver. We use conjugate-gradient
+ // method with AMG as preconditioner.
+ ReductionControl coarse_grid_solver_control(mg_data.coarse_solver.maxiter,
+ mg_data.coarse_solver.abstol,
+ mg_data.coarse_solver.reltol,
+ false,
+ false);
+ SolverCG<VectorType> coarse_grid_solver(coarse_grid_solver_control);
+ std::unique_ptr<MGCoarseGridBase<VectorType>> mg_coarse;
+ TrilinosWrappers::PreconditionAMG precondition_amg;
+ TrilinosWrappers::PreconditionAMG::AdditionalData amg_data;
+ amg_data.smoother_sweeps = mg_data.coarse_solver.smoother_sweeps;
+ amg_data.n_cycles = mg_data.coarse_solver.n_cycles;
+ amg_data.smoother_type = mg_data.coarse_solver.smoother_type.c_str();
+ precondition_amg.initialize(mg_matrices[min_level]->get_system_matrix(),
+ amg_data);
+ mg_coarse =
+ std::make_unique<MGCoarseGridIterativeSolver<VectorType,
+ SolverCG<VectorType>,
+ LevelMatrixType,
+ decltype(precondition_amg)>>(
+ coarse_grid_solver, *mg_matrices[min_level], precondition_amg);
+ // Finally, we create the Multigrid object, convert it to a preconditioner,
+ // and use it inside of a conjugate-gradient solver to solve the linear
+ // system of equations.
+ Multigrid<VectorType> mg(
+ mg_matrix, *mg_coarse, mg_transfer, mg_smoother, mg_smoother);
+ PreconditionerType preconditioner(dof, mg, mg_transfer);
+ SolverCG<VectorType>(solver_control)
+ .solve(fine_matrix, dst, src, preconditioner);
+ }
+ // @sect4{Hybrid polynomial/geometric-global-coarsening multigrid preconditioner}
+ // The above function deals with the actual solution for a given sequence of
+ // multigrid objects. This functions creates the actual multigrid levels, in
+ // particular the operators, and the transfer operator as a
+ // MGTransferGlobalCoarsening object.
+ template <typename VectorType, typename OperatorType, int dim>
+ void solve_with_gmg(SolverControl & solver_control,
+ const OperatorType & system_matrix,
+ VectorType & dst,
+ const VectorType & src,
+ const MultigridParameters & mg_data,
+ const hp::MappingCollection<dim> mapping_collection,
+ const DoFHandler<dim> & dof_handler,
+ const hp::QCollection<dim> & quadrature_collection)
+ {
+ // Create a DoFHandler and operator for each multigrid level,
+ // as well as, create transfer operators. To be able to
+ // set up the operators, we need a set of DoFHandler that we create
+ // via global coarsening of p or h. For latter, we need also a sequence
+ // of Triangulation objects that are obtained by
+ // Triangulation::coarsen_global().
+ //
+ // In case no h-transfer is requested, we provide an empty deleter for the
+ // `emplace_back()` function, since the Triangulation of our DoFHandler is
+ // an external field and its destructor is called somewhere else.
+ MGLevelObject<DoFHandler<dim>> dof_handlers;
+ MGLevelObject<std::unique_ptr<OperatorType>> operators;
+ MGLevelObject<MGTwoLevelTransfer<dim, VectorType>> transfers;
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Triangulation<dim>>>
+ coarse_grid_triangulations;
+ if (mg_data.transfer.perform_h_transfer)
+ coarse_grid_triangulations =
+ MGTransferGlobalCoarseningTools::create_geometric_coarsening_sequence(
+ dof_handler.get_triangulation());
+ else
+ coarse_grid_triangulations.emplace_back(
+ const_cast<Triangulation<dim> *>(&(dof_handler.get_triangulation())),
+ [](auto &) {});
+ // Determine the total number of levels for the multigrid operation and
+ // allocate sufficient memory for all levels.
+ const unsigned int n_h_levels = coarse_grid_triangulations.size() - 1;
+ const auto get_max_active_fe_degree = [&](const auto &dof_handler) {
+ unsigned int max = 0;
+ for (auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
+ if (cell->is_locally_owned())
+ max =
+ std::max(max, dof_handler.get_fe(cell->active_fe_index()).degree);
+ return Utilities::MPI::max(max, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ };
+ const unsigned int n_p_levels =
+ MGTransferGlobalCoarseningTools::create_polynomial_coarsening_sequence(
+ get_max_active_fe_degree(dof_handler), mg_data.transfer.p_sequence)
+ .size();
+ std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> fe_index_for_degree;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dof_handler.get_fe_collection().size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned int degree = dof_handler.get_fe(i).degree;
+ Assert(fe_index_for_degree.find(degree) == fe_index_for_degree.end(),
+ ExcMessage("FECollection does not contain unique degrees."));
+ fe_index_for_degree[degree] = i;
+ }
+ unsigned int minlevel = 0;
+ unsigned int minlevel_p = n_h_levels;
+ unsigned int maxlevel = n_h_levels + n_p_levels - 1;
+ dof_handlers.resize(minlevel, maxlevel);
+ operators.resize(minlevel, maxlevel);
+ transfers.resize(minlevel, maxlevel);
+ // Loop from the minimum (coarsest) to the maximum (finest) level and set up
+ // DoFHandler accordingly. We start with the h-levels, where we distribute
+ // on increasingly finer meshes linear elements.
+ for (unsigned int l = 0; l < n_h_levels; ++l)
+ {
+ dof_handlers[l].reinit(*coarse_grid_triangulations[l]);
+ dof_handlers[l].distribute_dofs(dof_handler.get_fe_collection());
+ }
+ // After we reached the finest mesh, we will adjust the polynomial degrees
+ // on each level. We reverse iterate over our data structure and start at
+ // the finest mesh that contains all information about the active FE
+ // indices. We then lower the polynomial degree of each cell level by level.
+ for (unsigned int i = 0, l = maxlevel; i < n_p_levels; ++i, --l)
+ {
+ dof_handlers[l].reinit(dof_handler.get_triangulation());
+ if (l == maxlevel) // finest level
+ {
+ auto &dof_handler_mg = dof_handlers[l];
+ auto cell_other = dof_handler.begin_active();
+ for (auto &cell : dof_handler_mg.active_cell_iterators())
+ {
+ if (cell->is_locally_owned())
+ cell->set_active_fe_index(cell_other->active_fe_index());
+ cell_other++;
+ }
+ }
+ else // coarse level
+ {
+ auto &dof_handler_fine = dof_handlers[l + 1];
+ auto &dof_handler_coarse = dof_handlers[l + 0];
+ auto cell_other = dof_handler_fine.begin_active();
+ for (auto &cell : dof_handler_coarse.active_cell_iterators())
+ {
+ const unsigned int next_degree =
+ MGTransferGlobalCoarseningTools::
+ create_next_polynomial_coarsening_degree(
+ cell_other->get_fe().degree, mg_data.transfer.p_sequence);
+ Assert(fe_index_for_degree.find(next_degree) !=
+ fe_index_for_degree.end(),
+ ExcMessage("Next polynomial degree in sequence "
+ "does not exist in FECollection."));
+ if (cell->is_locally_owned())
+ cell->set_active_fe_index(fe_index_for_degree[next_degree]);
+ cell_other++;
+ }
+ }
+ dof_handlers[l].distribute_dofs(dof_handler.get_fe_collection());
+ }
+ // Next, we will create all data structures additionally needed on each
+ // multigrid level. This involves determining constraints with homogeneous
+ // Dirichlet boundary conditions, and building the operator just like on the
+ // active level.
+ MGLevelObject<AffineConstraints<typename VectorType::value_type>>
+ constraints(minlevel, maxlevel);
+ for (unsigned int level = minlevel; level <= maxlevel; ++level)
+ {
+ const auto &dof_handler = dof_handlers[level];
+ auto & constraint = constraints[level];
+ IndexSet locally_relevant_dofs;
+ DoFTools::extract_locally_relevant_dofs(dof_handler,
+ locally_relevant_dofs);
+ constraint.reinit(locally_relevant_dofs);
+ DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints(dof_handler, constraint);
+ VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values(mapping_collection,
+ dof_handler,
+ 0,
+ Functions::ZeroFunction<dim>(),
+ constraint);
+ constraint.close();
+ VectorType dummy;
+ operators[level] = std::make_unique<OperatorType>(mapping_collection,
+ dof_handler,
+ quadrature_collection,
+ constraint,
+ dummy);
+ }
+ // Set up intergrid operators and collect transfer operators within a single
+ // operator as needed by the Multigrid solver class.
+ for (unsigned int level = minlevel; level < minlevel_p; ++level)
+ transfers[level + 1].reinit_geometric_transfer(dof_handlers[level + 1],
+ dof_handlers[level],
+ constraints[level + 1],
+ constraints[level]);
+ for (unsigned int level = minlevel_p; level < maxlevel; ++level)
+ transfers[level + 1].reinit_polynomial_transfer(dof_handlers[level + 1],
+ dof_handlers[level],
+ constraints[level + 1],
+ constraints[level]);
+ MGTransferGlobalCoarsening<dim, VectorType> transfer(
+ transfers, [&](const auto l, auto &vec) {
+ operators[l]->initialize_dof_vector(vec);
+ });
+ // Finally, proceed to solve the problem with multigrid.
+ mg_solve(solver_control,
+ dst,
+ src,
+ mg_data,
+ dof_handler,
+ system_matrix,
+ operators,
+ transfer);
+ }
+ // @sect3{The <code>LaplaceProblem</code> class template}
+ // Now we will finally declare the main class of this program, which solves
+ // the Laplace equation on subsequently refined function spaces. Its structure
+ // will look familiar as it is similar to the main classes of step-27 and
+ // step-40. There are basically just two additions:
+ // - The SparseMatrix object that would hold the system matrix has been
+ // replaced by an object of the LaplaceOperator class for the MatrixFree
+ // formulation.
+ // - An object of parallel::CellWeights, which will help us with load
+ // balancing, has been added.
+ template <int dim>
+ class LaplaceProblem
+ {
+ public:
+ LaplaceProblem(const Parameters ¶meters);
+ void run();
+ private:
+ void initialize_grid();
+ void setup_system();
+ void print_diagnostics();
+ void solve_system();
+ void compute_indicators();
+ void adapt_resolution();
+ void output_results(const unsigned int cycle);
+ MPI_Comm mpi_communicator;
+ const Parameters prm;
+ parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler;
+ hp::MappingCollection<dim> mapping_collection;
+ hp::FECollection<dim> fe_collection;
+ hp::QCollection<dim> quadrature_collection;
+ hp::QCollection<dim - 1> face_quadrature_collection;
+ IndexSet locally_owned_dofs;
+ IndexSet locally_relevant_dofs;
+ AffineConstraints<double> constraints;
+ LaplaceOperator<dim, double> laplace_operator;
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> locally_relevant_solution;
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> system_rhs;
+ std::unique_ptr<FESeries::Legendre<dim>> legendre;
+ std::unique_ptr<parallel::CellWeights<dim>> cell_weights;
+ Vector<float> estimated_error_per_cell;
+ Vector<float> hp_decision_indicators;
+ ConditionalOStream pcout;
+ TimerOutput computing_timer;
+ };
+ // @sect3{The <code>LaplaceProblem</code> class implementation}
+ // @sect4{Constructor}
+ // The constructor starts with an initializer list that looks similar to the
+ // one of step-40. We again prepare the ConditionalOStream object to allow
+ // only the first process to output anything over the console, and initialize
+ // the computing timer properly.
+ template <int dim>
+ LaplaceProblem<dim>::LaplaceProblem(const Parameters ¶meters)
+ : mpi_communicator(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
+ , prm(parameters)
+ , triangulation(mpi_communicator)
+ , dof_handler(triangulation)
+ , pcout(std::cout,
+ (Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(mpi_communicator) == 0))
+ , computing_timer(mpi_communicator,
+ pcout,
+ TimerOutput::summary,
+ TimerOutput::wall_times)
+ {
+ Assert(prm.min_h_level <= prm.max_h_level,
+ ExcMessage(
+ "Triangulation level limits have been incorrectly set up."));
+ Assert(prm.min_p_degree <= prm.max_p_degree,
+ ExcMessage("FECollection degrees have been incorrectly set up."));
+ // We need to prepare the data structures for the hp-functionality in the
+ // actual body of the constructor, and create corresponding objects for
+ // every degree in the specified range from the parameter struct. As we are
+ // only dealing with non-distorted rectangular cells, a linear mapping
+ // object is sufficient in this context.
+ //
+ // In the Parameters struct, we provide ranges for levels on which the
+ // function space is operating with a reasonable resolution. The multigrid
+ // algorithm requires linear elements on the coarsest possible level. So we
+ // start with the lowest polynomial degree and fill the collection with
+ // consecutively higher degrees until the user-specified maximum is
+ // reached.
+ mapping_collection.push_back(MappingQ1<dim>());
+ for (unsigned int degree = 1; degree <= prm.max_p_degree; ++degree)
+ {
+ fe_collection.push_back(FE_Q<dim>(degree));
+ quadrature_collection.push_back(QGauss<dim>(degree + 1));
+ face_quadrature_collection.push_back(QGauss<dim - 1>(degree + 1));
+ }
+ // As our FECollection contains more finite elements than we want to use for
+ // the finite element approximation of our solution, we would like to limit
+ // the range on which active FE indices can operate on. For this, the
+ // FECollection class allows to register a hierarchy that determines the
+ // succeeding and preceding finite element in case of of p-refinement and
+ // p-coarsening, respectively. All functions in the hp::Refinement namespace
+ // consult this hierarchy to determine future FE indices. We will register
+ // such a hierarchy that only works on finite elements with polynomial
+ // degrees in the proposed range <code>[min_p_degree, max_p_degree]</code>.
+ const unsigned int min_fe_index = prm.min_p_degree - 1;
+ fe_collection.set_hierarchy(
+ /*next_index=*/
+ [](const typename hp::FECollection<dim> &fe_collection,
+ const unsigned int fe_index) -> unsigned int {
+ return ((fe_index + 1) < fe_collection.size()) ? fe_index + 1 :
+ fe_index;
+ },
+ /*previous_index=*/
+ [min_fe_index](const typename hp::FECollection<dim> &,
+ const unsigned int fe_index) -> unsigned int {
+ Assert(fe_index >= min_fe_index,
+ ExcMessage("Finite element is not part of hierarchy!"));
+ return (fe_index > min_fe_index) ? fe_index - 1 : fe_index;
+ });
+ // We initialize the FESeries::Legendre object in the default configuration
+ // for smoothness estimation.
+ legendre = std::make_unique<FESeries::Legendre<dim>>(
+ SmoothnessEstimator::Legendre::default_fe_series(fe_collection));
+ // The next part is going to be tricky. During execution of refinement, a
+ // few hp-algorithms need to interfere with the actual refinement process on
+ // the Triangulation object. We do this by connecting several functions to
+ // Triangulation::Signals: signals will be called at different stages during
+ // the actual refinement process and trigger all connected functions. We
+ // require this functionality for load balancing and to limit the polynomial
+ // degrees of neighboring cells.
+ //
+ // For the former, we would like to assign a weight to every cell that is
+ // proportional to the number of degrees of freedom of its future finite
+ // element. The library offers a class parallel::CellWeights that allows to
+ // easily attach individual weights at the right place during the refinement
+ // process, i.e., after all refine and coarsen flags have been set correctly
+ // for hp-adaptation and right before repartitioning for load balancing is
+ // about to happen. Functions can be registered that will attach weights in
+ // the form that $a (n_\text{dofs})^b$ with a provided pair of parameters
+ // $(a,b)$. We register such a function in the following. Every cell will be
+ // charged with a constant weight at creation, which is a value of 1000 (see
+ // Triangulation::Signals::cell_weight).
+ //
+ // For load balancing, efficient solvers like the one we use should scale
+ // linearly with the number of degrees of freedom owned. Further, to
+ // increase the impact of the weights we would like to attach, make sure
+ // that the individual weight will exceed this base weight by orders of
+ // magnitude. We set the parameters for cell weighting correspondingly: A
+ // large weighting factor of $10^6$ and an exponent of $1$.
+ cell_weights = std::make_unique<parallel::CellWeights<dim>>(
+ dof_handler,
+ parallel::CellWeights<dim>::ndofs_weighting(
+ {prm.weighting_factor, prm.weighting_exponent}));
+ // In h-adaptive applications, we ensure a 2:1 mesh balance by limiting the
+ // difference of refinement levels of neighboring cells to one. With the
+ // second call in the following code snippet, we will ensure the same for
+ // p-levels on neighboring cells: levels of future finite elements are not
+ // allowed to differ by more than a specified difference. The function
+ // hp::Refinement::limit_p_level_difference takes care of this, but needs to
+ // be connected to a very specific signal in the parallel context. The issue
+ // is that we need to know how the mesh will be actually refined to set
+ // future FE indices accordingly. As we ask the p4est oracle to perform
+ // refinement, we need to ensure that the Triangulation has been updated
+ // with the adaptation flags of the oracle first. An instantiation of
+ // parallel::distributed::TemporarilyMatchRefineFlags does exactly
+ // that for the duration of its life. Thus, we will create an object of this
+ // class right before limiting the p-level difference, and connect the
+ // corresponding lambda function to the signal
+ // Triangulation::Signals::post_p4est_refinement, which will be triggered
+ // after the oracle got refined, but before the Triangulation is refined.
+ // Furthermore, we specify that this function will be connected to the front
+ // of the signal, to ensure that the modification is performed before any
+ // other function connected to the same signal.
+ triangulation.signals.post_p4est_refinement.connect(
+ [&, min_fe_index]() {
+ const parallel::distributed::TemporarilyMatchRefineFlags<dim>
+ refine_modifier(triangulation);
+ hp::Refinement::limit_p_level_difference(dof_handler,
+ prm.max_p_level_difference,
+ /*contains=*/min_fe_index);
+ },
+ boost::signals2::at_front);
+ }
+ // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::initialize_grid}
+ // For a L-shaped domain, we could use the function GridGenerator::hyper_L()
+ // as demonstrated in step-50. However in the 2D case, that particular
+ // function removes the first quadrant, while we need the fourth quadrant
+ // removed in our scenario. Thus, we will use a different function
+ // GridGenerator::subdivided_hyper_L() which gives us more options to create
+ // the mesh. Furthermore, we formulate that function in a way that it also
+ // generates a 3D mesh: the 2D L-shaped domain will basically elongated by 1
+ // in the positive z-direction.
+ //
+ // We first pretend to build a GridGenerator::subdivided_hyper_rectangle().
+ // The parameters that we need to provide are Point objects for the lower left
+ // and top right corners, as well as the number of repetitions that the base
+ // mesh will have in each direction. We provide them for the first two
+ // dimensions and treat the higher third dimension separately.
+ //
+ // To create a L-shaped domain, we need to remove the excess cells. For this,
+ // we specify the <code>cells_to_remove</code> accordingly. We would like to
+ // remove one cell in every cell from the negative direction, but remove one
+ // from the positive x-direction.
+ //
+ // In the end, we supply the number of initial refinements that corresponds to
+ // the supplied minimal grid refinement level. Further, we set the initial
+ // active FE indices accordingly.
+ template <int dim>
+ void LaplaceProblem<dim>::initialize_grid()
+ {
+ TimerOutput::Scope t(computing_timer, "initialize grid");
+ std::vector<unsigned int> repetitions(dim);
+ Point<dim> bottom_left, top_right;
+ for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ if (d < 2)
+ {
+ repetitions[d] = 2;
+ bottom_left[d] = -1.;
+ top_right[d] = 1.;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ repetitions[d] = 1;
+ bottom_left[d] = 0.;
+ top_right[d] = 1.;
+ }
+ std::vector<int> cells_to_remove(dim, 1);
+ cells_to_remove[0] = -1;
+ GridGenerator::subdivided_hyper_L(
+ triangulation, repetitions, bottom_left, top_right, cells_to_remove);
+ triangulation.refine_global(prm.min_h_level);
+ const unsigned int min_fe_index = prm.min_p_degree - 1;
+ for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
+ if (cell->is_locally_owned())
+ cell->set_active_fe_index(min_fe_index);
+ }
+ // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::setup_system}
+ // This function looks exactly the same to the one of step-40, but you will
+ // notice the absence of the system matrix as well as the scaffold that
+ // surrounds it. Instead, we will initialize the MatrixFree formulation of the
+ // <code>laplace_operator</code> here. For boundary conditions, we will use
+ // the Solution class introduced earlier in this tutorial.
+ template <int dim>
+ void LaplaceProblem<dim>::setup_system()
+ {
+ TimerOutput::Scope t(computing_timer, "setup system");
+ dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe_collection);
+ locally_owned_dofs = dof_handler.locally_owned_dofs();
+ DoFTools::extract_locally_relevant_dofs(dof_handler, locally_relevant_dofs);
+ locally_relevant_solution.reinit(locally_owned_dofs,
+ locally_relevant_dofs,
+ mpi_communicator);
+ system_rhs.reinit(locally_owned_dofs, mpi_communicator);
+ constraints.clear();
+ constraints.reinit(locally_relevant_dofs);
+ DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints(dof_handler, constraints);
+ VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values(
+ mapping_collection, dof_handler, 0, Solution<dim>(), constraints);
+ constraints.close();
+ laplace_operator.reinit(mapping_collection,
+ dof_handler,
+ quadrature_collection,
+ constraints,
+ system_rhs);
+ }
+ // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::print_diagnostics}
+ // This is a function that prints additional diagnostics about the equation
+ // system and its partitioning. In addition to the usual global number of
+ // active cells and degrees of freedom, we also output their local
+ // equivalents. For a regulated output, we will communicate the local
+ // quantities with a Utilities::MPI::gather operation to the first process
+ // which will then output all information. Output of local quantities is
+ // limited to the first 8 processes to avoid cluttering the terminal.
+ //
+ // Furthermore, we would like to print the frequencies of the polynomial
+ // degrees in the numerical discretization. Since this information is only
+ // stored locally, we will count the finite elements on locally owned cells
+ // and later communicate them via Utilities::MPI::sum.
+ template <int dim>
+ void LaplaceProblem<dim>::print_diagnostics()
+ {
+ const unsigned int first_n_processes =
+ std::min<unsigned int>(8,
+ Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(mpi_communicator));
+ const bool output_cropped =
+ first_n_processes < Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(mpi_communicator);
+ {
+ pcout << " Number of active cells: "
+ << triangulation.n_global_active_cells() << std::endl
+ << " by partition: ";
+ std::vector<unsigned int> n_active_cells_per_subdomain =
+ Utilities::MPI::gather(mpi_communicator,
+ triangulation.n_locally_owned_active_cells());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < first_n_processes; ++i)
+ pcout << ' ' << n_active_cells_per_subdomain[i];
+ if (output_cropped)
+ pcout << " ...";
+ pcout << std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ pcout << " Number of degrees of freedom: " << dof_handler.n_dofs()
+ << std::endl
+ << " by partition: ";
+ std::vector<unsigned int> n_dofs_per_subdomain =
+ Utilities::MPI::gather(mpi_communicator,
+ dof_handler.n_locally_owned_dofs());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < first_n_processes; ++i)
+ pcout << ' ' << n_dofs_per_subdomain[i];
+ if (output_cropped)
+ pcout << " ...";
+ pcout << std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ std::vector<unsigned int> n_constraints_per_subdomain =
+ Utilities::MPI::gather(mpi_communicator, constraints.n_constraints());
+ pcout << " Number of constraints: "
+ << std::accumulate(n_constraints_per_subdomain.begin(),
+ n_constraints_per_subdomain.end(),
+ 0)
+ << std::endl
+ << " by partition: ";
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < first_n_processes; ++i)
+ pcout << ' ' << n_constraints_per_subdomain[i];
+ if (output_cropped)
+ pcout << " ...";
+ pcout << std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ std::vector<unsigned int> n_fe_indices(fe_collection.size(), 0);
+ for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
+ if (cell->is_locally_owned())
+ n_fe_indices[cell->active_fe_index()]++;
+ Utilities::MPI::sum(n_fe_indices, mpi_communicator, n_fe_indices);
+ pcout << " Frequencies of poly. degrees:";
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fe_collection.size(); ++i)
+ if (n_fe_indices[i] > 0)
+ pcout << ' ' << fe_collection[i].degree << ":" << n_fe_indices[i];
+ pcout << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::solve_system}
+ // The scaffold around the solution is similar to the one of step-40. We
+ // prepare a vector that matches the requirements of MatrixFree and collect
+ // the locally-relevant degrees of freedoms we solved the equation system. The
+ // solution happens with the function introduced earlier.
+ template <int dim>
+ void LaplaceProblem<dim>::solve_system()
+ {
+ TimerOutput::Scope t(computing_timer, "solve system");
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> completely_distributed_solution;
+ laplace_operator.initialize_dof_vector(completely_distributed_solution);
+ SolverControl solver_control(system_rhs.size(),
+ prm.tolerance_factor * system_rhs.l2_norm());
+ solve_with_gmg(solver_control,
+ laplace_operator,
+ completely_distributed_solution,
+ system_rhs,
+ prm.mg_data,
+ mapping_collection,
+ dof_handler,
+ quadrature_collection);
+ pcout << " Solved in " << solver_control.last_step() << " iterations."
+ << std::endl;
+ constraints.distribute(completely_distributed_solution);
+ locally_relevant_solution.copy_locally_owned_data_from(
+ completely_distributed_solution);
+ locally_relevant_solution.update_ghost_values();
+ }
+ // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::compute_indicators}
+ // This function contains only a part of the typical <code>refine_grid</code>
+ // function from other tutorials and is new in that sense. Here, we will only
+ // calculate all indicators for adaptation with actually refining the grid. We
+ // do this for the purpose of writing all indicators to the file system, so we
+ // store them for later.
+ //
+ // Since we are dealing the an elliptic problem, we will make use of the
+ // KellyErrorEstimator again, but with a slight difference. Modifying the
+ // scaling factor of the underlying face integrals to be dependent on the
+ // actual polynomial degree of the neighboring elements is favorable in
+ // hp-adaptive applications @cite davydov2017hp. We can do this by specifying
+ // the very last parameter from the additional ones you notices. The others
+ // are actually just the defaults.
+ //
+ // For the purpose of hp-adaptation, we will calculate smoothness estimates
+ // with the strategy presented in the tutorial introduction and use the
+ // implementation in SmoothnessEstimator::Legendre. In the Parameters struct,
+ // we set the minimal polynomial degree to 2 as it seems that the smoothness
+ // estimation algorithms have trouble with linear elements.
+ template <int dim>
+ void LaplaceProblem<dim>::compute_indicators()
+ {
+ TimerOutput::Scope t(computing_timer, "compute indicators");
+ estimated_error_per_cell.grow_or_shrink(triangulation.n_active_cells());
+ KellyErrorEstimator<dim>::estimate(
+ dof_handler,
+ face_quadrature_collection,
+ std::map<types::boundary_id, const Function<dim> *>(),
+ locally_relevant_solution,
+ estimated_error_per_cell,
+ /*component_mask=*/ComponentMask(),
+ /*coefficients=*/nullptr,
+ /*n_threads=*/numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
+ /*subdomain_id=*/numbers::invalid_subdomain_id,
+ /*material_id=*/numbers::invalid_material_id,
+ /*strategy=*/
+ KellyErrorEstimator<dim>::Strategy::face_diameter_over_twice_max_degree);
+ hp_decision_indicators.grow_or_shrink(triangulation.n_active_cells());
+ SmoothnessEstimator::Legendre::coefficient_decay(*legendre,
+ dof_handler,
+ locally_relevant_solution,
+ hp_decision_indicators);
+ }
+ // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::adapt_resolution}
+ // With the previously calculated indicators, we will finally flag all cells
+ // for adaptation and also execute refinement in this function. As in previous
+ // tutorials, we will use the "fixed number" strategy, but now for
+ // hp-adaptation.
+ template <int dim>
+ void LaplaceProblem<dim>::adapt_resolution()
+ {
+ TimerOutput::Scope t(computing_timer, "adapt resolution");
+ // First, we will set refine and coarsen flags based on the error estimates
+ // on each cell. There is nothing new here.
+ //
+ // We will use general refine and coarsen fractions that have been
+ // elaborated in the other deal.II tutorials: using the fixed number
+ // strategy, we will flag 30% of all cells for refinement and 3% for
+ // coarsening, as provided in the Parameters struct.
+ parallel::distributed::GridRefinement::refine_and_coarsen_fixed_number(
+ triangulation,
+ estimated_error_per_cell,
+ prm.refine_fraction,
+ prm.coarsen_fraction);
+ // Next, we will make all adjustments for hp-adaptation. We want to refine
+ // and coarsen those cells flagged in the previous step, but need to decide
+ // if we would like to do it by adjusting the grid resolution or the
+ // polynomial degree.
+ //
+ // The next function call sets future FE indices according to the previously
+ // calculated smoothness indicators as p-adaptation indicators. These
+ // indices will only be set on those cells that have refine or coarsen flags
+ // assigned.
+ //
+ // For the p-adaptation fractions, we will take an educated guess. Since we
+ // only expect a single singularity in our scenario, i.e., in the origin of
+ // the domain, and a smooth solution anywhere else, we would like to
+ // strongly prefer to use p-adaptation over h-adaptation. This reflects in
+ // our choice of a fraction of 90% for both p-refinement and p-coarsening.
+ hp::Refinement::p_adaptivity_fixed_number(dof_handler,
+ hp_decision_indicators,
+ prm.p_refine_fraction,
+ prm.p_coarsen_fraction);
+ // At this stage, we have both the future FE indices and the classic refine
+ // and coarsen flags set, from which the latter will be interpreted by
+ // Triangulation::execute_coarsening_and_refinement() for h-adaptation.
+ // We would like to only impose one type of adaptation on cells, which is
+ // what the next function will sort out for us. In short, on cells which
+ // have both types of indicators assigned, we will favor the p-adaptation
+ // one and remove the h-adaptation one.
+ hp::Refinement::choose_p_over_h(dof_handler);
+ // After setting all indicators, we will remove those that exceed the
+ // specified limits of the provided level ranges in the Parameters struct.
+ // This limitation naturally arises for p-adaptation as the number of
+ // supplied finite elements is limited. In addition, we registered a custom
+ // hierarchy for p-adaptation in the constructor. Now, we need to do this
+ // manually in the h-adaptive context like in step-31.
+ //
+ // We will iterate over all cells on the designated min and max levels and
+ // remove the corresponding flags. As an alternative, we could also flag
+ // these cells for p-adaptation by setting future FE indices accordingly
+ // instead of simply clearing the refine and coarsen flags.
+ Assert(triangulation.n_levels() >= prm.min_h_level + 1 &&
+ triangulation.n_levels() <= prm.max_h_level + 1,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ if (triangulation.n_levels() > prm.max_h_level)
+ for (const auto &cell :
+ triangulation.active_cell_iterators_on_level(prm.max_h_level))
+ cell->clear_refine_flag();
+ for (const auto &cell :
+ triangulation.active_cell_iterators_on_level(prm.min_h_level))
+ cell->clear_coarsen_flag();
+ // In the end, we are left to execute coarsening and refinement. Here, not
+ // only the grid will be updated, but also all previous future FE indices
+ // will become active.
+ //
+ // Remember that we have attached functions to triangulation signals in the
+ // constructor, will be triggered in this function call. So there is even
+ // more happening: weighted repartitioning will be performed to ensure load
+ // balancing, as well as we will limit the difference of p-levels between
+ // neighboring cells.
+ triangulation.execute_coarsening_and_refinement();
+ }
+ // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::output_results}
+ // Writing results to the file system in parallel applications works exactly
+ // like in step-40. In addition to the data containers that we prepared
+ // throughout the tutorial, we would also like to write out the polynomial
+ // degree of each finite element on the grid as well as the subdomain each
+ // cell belongs to. We prepare necessary containers for this in the scope of
+ // this function.
+ template <int dim>
+ void LaplaceProblem<dim>::output_results(const unsigned int cycle)
+ {
+ TimerOutput::Scope t(computing_timer, "output results");
+ Vector<float> fe_degrees(triangulation.n_active_cells());
+ for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
+ if (cell->is_locally_owned())
+ fe_degrees(cell->active_cell_index()) = cell->get_fe().degree;
+ Vector<float> subdomain(triangulation.n_active_cells());
+ for (auto &subd : subdomain)
+ subd = triangulation.locally_owned_subdomain();
+ DataOut<dim> data_out;
+ data_out.attach_dof_handler(dof_handler);
+ data_out.add_data_vector(locally_relevant_solution, "solution");
+ data_out.add_data_vector(fe_degrees, "fe_degree");
+ data_out.add_data_vector(subdomain, "subdomain");
+ data_out.add_data_vector(estimated_error_per_cell, "error");
+ data_out.add_data_vector(hp_decision_indicators, "hp_indicator");
+ data_out.build_patches(mapping_collection);
+ data_out.write_vtu_with_pvtu_record(
+ "./", "solution", cycle, mpi_communicator, 2, 1);
+ }
+ // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::run}
+ // The actual run function again looks very familiar to step-40. The only
+ // addition is the bracketed section that precedes the actual cycle loop.
+ // Here, we will pre-calculate the Legendre transformation matrices. In
+ // general, these will be calculated on the fly via lazy allocation whenever a
+ // certain matrix is needed. For timing purposes however, we would like to
+ // calculate them all at once before the actual time measurement begins. We
+ // will thus designate their calculation to their own scope.
+ template <int dim>
+ void LaplaceProblem<dim>::run()
+ {
+ pcout << "Running with Trilinos on "
+ << Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(mpi_communicator)
+ << " MPI rank(s)..." << std::endl;
+ {
+ pcout << "Calculating transformation matrices..." << std::endl;
+ TimerOutput::Scope t(computing_timer, "calculate transformation");
+ legendre->precalculate_all_transformation_matrices();
+ }
+ for (unsigned int cycle = 0; cycle < prm.n_cycles; ++cycle)
+ {
+ pcout << "Cycle " << cycle << ':' << std::endl;
+ if (cycle == 0)
+ initialize_grid();
+ else
+ adapt_resolution();
+ setup_system();
+ print_diagnostics();
+ solve_system();
+ compute_indicators();
+ if (Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(mpi_communicator) <= 32)
+ output_results(cycle);
+ computing_timer.print_summary();
+ computing_timer.reset();
+ pcout << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace Step75
+// @sect4{main()}
+// The final function is the <code>main</code> function that will ultimately
+// create and run a LaplaceOperator instantiation. Its structure is similar to
+// most other tutorial programs.
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ try
+ {
+ using namespace dealii;
+ using namespace Step75;
+ Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_initialization(argc, argv, 1);
+ Parameters prm;
+ LaplaceProblem<2> laplace_problem(prm);
+ laplace_problem.run();
+ }
+ catch (std::exception &exc)
+ {
+ std::cerr << std::endl
+ << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Exception on processing: " << std::endl
+ << exc.what() << std::endl
+ << "Aborting!" << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ std::cerr << std::endl
+ << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Unknown exception!" << std::endl
+ << "Aborting!" << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;