perl -pi -e 's/.*= 0.0;\n//g;' prolongation_2d
+ # these are the basis functions differentiated with respect to
+ # xi and eta. we need them for the computation of the jacobi
+ # matrix, since we can't just differentiate a function.
+ phi_xi[0] := proc(x,y) if(y<1-x) then -1; else 0; fi; end:
+ phi_xi[1] := proc(x,y) if(y<x) then 1; else 0; fi; end:
+ phi_xi[2] := proc(x,y) if(y>1-x) then 1; else 0; fi; end:
+ phi_xi[3] := proc(x,y) if(y>x) then -1; else 0; fi; end:
+ phi_xi[4] := proc(x,y) 1 - phi_xi[0](x,y) - phi_xi[1](x,y)
+ - phi_xi[2](x,y) - phi_xi[3](x,y) ; end:
+ phi_eta[0] := proc(x,y) if(y<1-x) then -1; else 0; fi; end:
+ phi_eta[1] := proc(x,y) if(y<x) then -1; else 0; fi; end:
+ phi_eta[2] := proc(x,y) if(y>1-x) then 1; else 0; fi; end:
+ phi_eta[3] := proc(x,y) if(y>x) then 1; else 0; fi; end:
+ phi_eta[4] := proc(x,y) 1 - phi_eta[0](x,y) - phi_eta[1](x,y)
+ - phi_eta[2](x,y) - phi_eta[3](x,y) ; end:
+ # define an array of the ansatz points in real space; the first
+ # four are the vertices, the last one is the crossing point of
+ # the two diagonals
+ x := array(0..4);
+ y := array(0..4);
+ eq_sys := {(1-t)*x[0] + t*x[2] = (1-s)*x[1] + s*x[3],
+ (1-t)*y[0] + t*y[2] = (1-s)*y[1] + s*y[3]}:
+ solution := solve (eq_sys, {s,t});
+ # set last point in dependence of the first four
+ x[4] := subs (solution, (1-t)*x[0] + t*x[2]):
+ y[4] := subs (solution, (1-t)*y[0] + t*y[2]):
+ # this is the mapping from the unit cell to the real cell, only for
+ # completeness; we can't use it here, since phi[i] can't be
+ # differentiated
+ x_real := sum(x[s]*phi[s], s=0..4):
+ y_real := sum(y[s]*phi[s], s=0..4):
+ # correct form of the jacobi determinant:
+ # detJ := diff(x_real,xi)*diff(y_real,eta)
+ # - diff(x_real,eta)*diff(y_real,xi):
+ # better now:
+ detJ1 := proc(xi,eta) sum(x[s]*phi_xi[s](xi,eta), s=0..4); end:
+ detJ2 := proc(xi,eta) sum(y[s]*phi_eta[s](xi,eta), s=0..4); end:
+ detJ3 := proc(xi,eta) sum(x[s]*phi_eta[s](xi,eta), s=0..4); end:
+ detJ4 := proc(xi,eta) sum(y[s]*phi_xi[s](xi,eta), s=0..4); end:
+ detJ := proc(xi,eta)
+ detJ1(xi,eta) * detJ2(xi,eta) -
+ detJ3(xi,eta) * detJ4(xi,eta);
+ end:
#if deal_II_dimension == 1