// might work also on single cells, grids
// with both kind of cells are very likely to
// be broken. Check for this here.
- AssertThrow(n_negative_cells==0 || n_negative_cells==cells.size(), ExcInternalError());
+ AssertThrow(n_negative_cells==0 || n_negative_cells==cells.size(),
+ ExcMessage(std::string("This class assumes that either all cells have positive "
+ "volume, or that all cells have been specified in an "
+ "inverted vertex order so that their volume is negative. "
+ "(In the latter case, this class automatically inverts "
+ "every cell.) However, the mesh you have specified "
+ "appears to have both cells with positive and cells with "
+ "negative volume. You need to check your mesh which "
+ "cells these are and how they got there.\n"
+ "As a hint, of the total ")
+ + Utilities::int_to_string (cells.size())
+ + " cells in the mesh, "
+ + Utilities::int_to_string (n_negative_cells)
+ + " appear to have a negative volume."));