+ <li> <p>
+ Fixed: The <tt>Tecplot</tt> library (<tt>tecio.a</tt>) was
+ detected but not added to <tt>LIBS</tt>. This is now fixed.
+ <br>
+ (RH 2005/09/23)
+ </p>
<li> <p>
New: <tt>configure</tt> will automatically detect a
<tt>NetCDF</tt> installation, when its path is given by the
+ <li> <p>
+ Fixed: The <tt>tecplot_binary</tt> <code
+ class="class">OutputFormat</code> has been added to <code
+ class="member">DataOutBase::get_output_format_names</code>. Now
+ an exception will be raised if <code
+ class="member">write_tecplot_binary</code> is envoked without
+ specifying the filename through the <code
+ class="class">DataOutBase::TecplotFlags</code> interface.
+ <br>
+ (RH 2005/09/23)
+ </p>
<li> <p>
New: The <code