% Section~\ref{subsec:ad}),
-The major changes are discussed in detail in Section~\ref{sec:major}. There
+These major changes are discussed in detail in Section~\ref{sec:major}. There
are a number of other noteworthy changes in the current \dealii{} release
that we briefly outline in the remainder of this section:
-\item x \todo[inline]{Wolfgang to write about complex-valued output}
-\item y \todo[inline]{Timo to write about problems and fixes for
- computations with more than $2^{32}$ unknowns}
+\item \dealii{} had decent support for solving complex-valued problems
+ (e.g., ones in quantum mechanics -- like the example covered by the
+ \texttt{step-58} tutorial program covered below -- or for
+ time-harmonic problems) for a while already. However, there were two
+ areas in which support was missing. First, the UMFPACK direct solver
+ packaged with \dealii{} did not support solving complex-valued
+ linear problems. This has now been addressed: UMFPACK actually can
+ solve such systems, we just needed to write the appropriate
+ interfaces. Second, the \texttt{DataOut} class that is responsible
+ for converting nodal data into information that can then be written
+ into files for visualization did not know how to deal with vector-
+ and tensor-valued fields whose components are complex numbers. An
+ example for this is to solve the time-harmonic version of the
+ Maxwell equations that has the electric and magnetic fields as
+ solution. This, too, has been addressed in this release.
\item z \todo[inline]{What else? Maybe mention the updated step-12?}
\subsection{Improved large-scale performance}
-Large-scale simulations with 304,128 cores have revealed bottlenecks in setup
-routines due to the usage of expensive collective operations
-like \texttt{MPI\_Allgather()} and \texttt{MPI\_\allowbreak Alltoall()}, storing
-problem sizes and offsets from all processors in the MPI universe.
+Large-scale simulations with 304,128 cores have revealed bottlenecks in release
+9.1 during initialization of a number of distributed data structures due to the usage of expensive collective operations
+like \texttt{MPI\_Allgather()} and \texttt{MPI\_\allowbreak
+ Alltoall()}. Typical examples are the
+pre-computation of those indices of the vector entries (or
+other linear index ranges) owned by
+each process, which were previously stored in an array on every process.
+This information is needed to set up
+the \texttt{Utilities::MPI::Par\-ti\-ti\-oner} class.
In release 9.2, we have replaced these functions in favor of
consensus algorithms~\cite{hoefler2010scalable}, which can be
found in the namespace \texttt{Utilities::\allowbreak MPI::\allowbreak ConsensusAlgorithms} (short: \texttt{CA}).
processes and pack/unpack routines either by implementing the interface
\texttt{CA::\allowbreak Process} or by providing \texttt{std::function}
objects to \texttt{CA::AnonymousProcess}.
\todo[inline]{Aren't the target processes the result of the operation, and the
input global numbers of indices that we request?}
-By replacing the collective communications during setup and removing the arrays
+By replacing the collective communications during set up and removing the arrays
that contain information for each process (enabled by the application of consensus
algorithms and other modifications---a full list of modifications leading to this
-improvement can be found online), we were able to significantly improve the setup
+improvement can be found online), we were able to significantly
+improve the set up
time for large-scale simulations and to solve a Poisson problem with multigrid
-with 12T unknowns.
+with \num{12e12} unknowns.
\todo[inline]{Where did we solve for 12T unknowns? The largest I [Martin] have done is 2.1T unknowns.}
-Figure~\ref{} compares the timings of a simulation (incl. setup) with the
+Figure~\ref{} compares the timings of a simulation (including set up) with the
previous release 9.1 and with the current release 9.2.
{\color{red}TODO[Peter/Martin] description of the results}
The new code has been also applied to solve problems with adaptively refined
-meshes with more than 4B unknowns. {\color{red}TODO[Timo]}
+meshes with more than \num{4e9} unknowns. {\color{red}TODO[Timo]}
\todo[inline]{We did solve adaptive problems with more than 4B unknowns before, but some were broken for a while during this release stage due to the consensus algorithms. But we did not test systems or block vectors before. But we should not make it sound too negative.}
\todo[inline]{Matthias/Ignacio to write}
\item \texttt{step-70}
- \todo[inline]{Also need to update announce and announce-short if this
- makes it into the release.}
+ \todo[inline]{Luca, please write.}
\todo[inline]{Do we have new code gallery programs?}
\dealii can interface with many other libraries:
+\todo[inline]{We picked up gingko. Anything else?}
\item ADOL-C \cite{Griewank1996a,adol-c}