#include <functional>
#include <map>
-# include <netcdfcpp.h>
# include <assimp/Importer.hpp> // C++ importer interface
# include <assimp/postprocess.h> // Post processing flags
-template <>
-GridIn<1>::read_netcdf(const std::string &)
- AssertThrow(false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
-template <>
-GridIn<1, 2>::read_netcdf(const std::string &)
- AssertThrow(false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
-template <>
-GridIn<1, 3>::read_netcdf(const std::string &)
- AssertThrow(false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
-template <>
-GridIn<2, 3>::read_netcdf(const std::string &)
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
-template <>
-GridIn<2>::read_netcdf(const std::string &filename)
- (void)filename;
- AssertThrow(false, ExcNeedsNetCDF());
- const unsigned int dim = 2;
- const unsigned int spacedim = 2;
- Assert(tria != nullptr, ExcNoTriangulationSelected());
- // this function assumes the TAU
- // grid format.
- //
- // This format stores 2d grids as
- // 3d grids. In particular, a 2d
- // grid of n_cells quadrilaterals
- // in the y=0 plane is duplicated
- // to y=1 to build n_cells
- // hexaeders. The surface
- // quadrilaterals of this 3d grid
- // are marked with boundary
- // marker. In the following we read
- // in all data required, find the
- // boundary marker associated with
- // the plane y=0, and extract the
- // corresponding 2d data to build a
- // Triangulation<2>.
- // In the following, we assume that
- // the 2d grid lies in the x-z
- // plane (y=0). I.e. we choose:
- // point[coord]=0, with coord=1
- const unsigned int coord = 1;
- // Also x-y-z (0-1-2) point
- // coordinates will be transformed
- // to x-y (x2d-y2d) coordinates.
- // With coord=1 as above, we have
- // x-z (0-2) -> (x2d-y2d)
- const unsigned int x2d = 0;
- const unsigned int y2d = 2;
- // For the case, the 2d grid lies
- // in x-y or y-z plane instead, the
- // following code must be extended
- // to find the right value for
- // coord, and setting x2d and y2d
- // accordingly.
- // First, open the file
- NcFile nc(filename.c_str());
- AssertThrow(nc.is_valid(), ExcIO());
- // then read n_cells
- NcDim *elements_dim = nc.get_dim("no_of_elements");
- AssertThrow(elements_dim->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- const unsigned int n_cells = elements_dim->size();
- // then we read
- // int marker(no_of_markers)
- NcDim *marker_dim = nc.get_dim("no_of_markers");
- AssertThrow(marker_dim->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- const unsigned int n_markers = marker_dim->size();
- NcVar *marker_var = nc.get_var("marker");
- AssertThrow(marker_var->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(marker_var->num_dims() == 1, ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(static_cast<unsigned int>(marker_var->get_dim(0)->size()) ==
- n_markers,
- ExcIO());
- std::vector<int> marker(n_markers);
- // use &* to convert
- // vector<int>::iterator to int *
- marker_var->get(&*marker.begin(), n_markers);
- // next we read
- // int boundarymarker_of_surfaces(
- // no_of_surfaceelements)
- NcDim *bquads_dim = nc.get_dim("no_of_surfacequadrilaterals");
- AssertThrow(bquads_dim->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- const unsigned int n_bquads = bquads_dim->size();
- NcVar *bmarker_var = nc.get_var("boundarymarker_of_surfaces");
- AssertThrow(bmarker_var->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(bmarker_var->num_dims() == 1, ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(static_cast<unsigned int>(bmarker_var->get_dim(0)->size()) ==
- n_bquads,
- ExcIO());
- std::vector<int> bmarker(n_bquads);
- bmarker_var->get(&*bmarker.begin(), n_bquads);
- // for each marker count the
- // number of boundary quads
- // which carry this marker
- std::map<int, unsigned int> n_bquads_per_bmarker;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_markers; ++i)
- {
- // the markers should all be
- // different
- AssertThrow(n_bquads_per_bmarker.find(marker[i]) ==
- n_bquads_per_bmarker.end(),
- ExcIO());
- n_bquads_per_bmarker[marker[i]] =
- count(bmarker.begin(), bmarker.end(), marker[i]);
- }
- // Note: the n_bquads_per_bmarker
- // map could be used to find the
- // right coord by finding the
- // marker0 such that
- // a/ n_bquads_per_bmarker[marker0]==n_cells
- // b/ point[coord]==0,
- // Condition a/ would hold for at
- // least two markers, marker0 and
- // marker1, whereas b/ would hold
- // for marker0 only. For marker1 we
- // then had point[coord]=constant
- // with e.g. constant=1 or -1
- // next we read
- // int points_of_surfacequadrilaterals(
- // no_of_surfacequadrilaterals,
- // points_per_surfacequadrilateral)
- NcDim *quad_vertices_dim = nc.get_dim("points_per_surfacequadrilateral");
- AssertThrow(quad_vertices_dim->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- const unsigned int vertices_per_quad = quad_vertices_dim->size();
- AssertThrow(vertices_per_quad == GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell,
- ExcIO());
- NcVar *vertex_indices_var = nc.get_var("points_of_surfacequadrilaterals");
- AssertThrow(vertex_indices_var->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(vertex_indices_var->num_dims() == 2, ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(static_cast<unsigned int>(
- vertex_indices_var->get_dim(0)->size()) == n_bquads,
- ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(static_cast<unsigned int>(
- vertex_indices_var->get_dim(1)->size()) == vertices_per_quad,
- ExcIO());
- std::vector<int> vertex_indices(n_bquads * vertices_per_quad);
- vertex_indices_var->get(&*vertex_indices.begin(),
- n_bquads,
- vertices_per_quad);
- for (const int idx : vertex_indices)
- AssertThrow(idx >= 0, ExcIO());
- // next we read
- // double points_xc(no_of_points)
- // double points_yc(no_of_points)
- // double points_zc(no_of_points)
- NcDim *vertices_dim = nc.get_dim("no_of_points");
- AssertThrow(vertices_dim->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- const unsigned int n_vertices = vertices_dim->size();
- NcVar *points_xc = nc.get_var("points_xc");
- NcVar *points_yc = nc.get_var("points_yc");
- NcVar *points_zc = nc.get_var("points_zc");
- AssertThrow(points_xc->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(points_yc->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(points_zc->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(points_xc->num_dims() == 1, ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(points_yc->num_dims() == 1, ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(points_zc->num_dims() == 1, ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(points_yc->get_dim(0)->size() == static_cast<int>(n_vertices),
- ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(points_zc->get_dim(0)->size() == static_cast<int>(n_vertices),
- ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(points_xc->get_dim(0)->size() == static_cast<int>(n_vertices),
- ExcIO());
- std::vector<std::vector<double>> point_values(
- 3, std::vector<double>(n_vertices));
- points_xc->get(point_values[0].data(), n_vertices);
- points_yc->get(point_values[1].data(), n_vertices);
- points_zc->get(point_values[2].data(), n_vertices);
- // and fill the vertices
- std::vector<Point<spacedim>> vertices(n_vertices);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_vertices; ++i)
- {
- vertices[i](0) = point_values[x2d][i];
- vertices[i](1) = point_values[y2d][i];
- }
- // For all boundary quads in the
- // point[coord]=0 plane add the
- // bmarker to zero_plane_markers
- std::map<int, bool> zero_plane_markers;
- for (unsigned int quad = 0; quad < n_bquads; ++quad)
- {
- bool zero_plane = true;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertices_per_quad; ++i)
- if (point_values[coord][vertex_indices[quad * vertices_per_quad + i]] !=
- 0)
- {
- zero_plane = false;
- break;
- }
- if (zero_plane)
- zero_plane_markers[bmarker[quad]] = true;
- }
- unsigned int sum_of_zero_plane_cells = 0;
- for (std::map<int, bool>::const_iterator iter = zero_plane_markers.begin();
- iter != zero_plane_markers.end();
- ++iter)
- sum_of_zero_plane_cells += n_bquads_per_bmarker[iter->first];
- AssertThrow(sum_of_zero_plane_cells == n_cells, ExcIO());
- // fill cells with all quads
- // associated with
- // zero_plane_markers
- std::vector<CellData<dim>> cells(n_cells);
- for (unsigned int quad = 0, cell = 0; quad < n_bquads; ++quad)
- {
- bool zero_plane = false;
- for (std::map<int, bool>::const_iterator iter =
- zero_plane_markers.begin();
- iter != zero_plane_markers.end();
- ++iter)
- if (bmarker[quad] == iter->first)
- {
- zero_plane = true;
- break;
- }
- if (zero_plane)
- {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertices_per_quad; ++i)
- {
- Assert(
- point_values[coord]
- [vertex_indices[quad * vertices_per_quad + i]] == 0,
- ExcNotImplemented());
- cells[cell].vertices[i] =
- vertex_indices[quad * vertices_per_quad + i];
- }
- ++cell;
- }
- }
- SubCellData subcelldata;
- GridTools::delete_unused_vertices(vertices, cells, subcelldata);
- GridReordering<dim, spacedim>::reorder_cells(cells);
- tria->create_triangulation_compatibility(vertices, cells, subcelldata);
-template <>
-GridIn<3>::read_netcdf(const std::string &filename)
- // do something with the function argument
- // to make sure it at least looks used,
- // even if it is not
- (void)filename;
- AssertThrow(false, ExcNeedsNetCDF());
- const unsigned int dim = 3;
- const unsigned int spacedim = 3;
- Assert(tria != nullptr, ExcNoTriangulationSelected());
- // this function assumes the TAU
- // grid format.
- // First, open the file
- NcFile nc(filename.c_str());
- AssertThrow(nc.is_valid(), ExcIO());
- // then read n_cells
- NcDim *elements_dim = nc.get_dim("no_of_elements");
- AssertThrow(elements_dim->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- const unsigned int n_cells = elements_dim->size();
- // and n_hexes
- NcDim *hexes_dim = nc.get_dim("no_of_hexaeders");
- AssertThrow(hexes_dim->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- const unsigned int n_hexes = hexes_dim->size();
- AssertThrow(n_hexes == n_cells,
- ExcMessage("deal.II can handle purely hexaedral grids, only."));
- // next we read
- // int points_of_hexaeders(
- // no_of_hexaeders,
- // points_per_hexaeder)
- NcDim *hex_vertices_dim = nc.get_dim("points_per_hexaeder");
- AssertThrow(hex_vertices_dim->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- const unsigned int vertices_per_hex = hex_vertices_dim->size();
- AssertThrow(vertices_per_hex == GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell,
- ExcIO());
- NcVar *vertex_indices_var = nc.get_var("points_of_hexaeders");
- AssertThrow(vertex_indices_var->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(vertex_indices_var->num_dims() == 2, ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(static_cast<unsigned int>(
- vertex_indices_var->get_dim(0)->size()) == n_cells,
- ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(static_cast<unsigned int>(
- vertex_indices_var->get_dim(1)->size()) == vertices_per_hex,
- ExcIO());
- std::vector<int> vertex_indices(n_cells * vertices_per_hex);
- // use &* to convert
- // vector<int>::iterator to int *
- vertex_indices_var->get(&*vertex_indices.begin(), n_cells, vertices_per_hex);
- for (const int idx : vertex_indices)
- AssertThrow(idx >= 0, ExcIO());
- // next we read
- // double points_xc(no_of_points)
- // double points_yc(no_of_points)
- // double points_zc(no_of_points)
- NcDim *vertices_dim = nc.get_dim("no_of_points");
- AssertThrow(vertices_dim->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- const unsigned int n_vertices = vertices_dim->size();
- NcVar *points_xc = nc.get_var("points_xc");
- NcVar *points_yc = nc.get_var("points_yc");
- NcVar *points_zc = nc.get_var("points_zc");
- AssertThrow(points_xc->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(points_yc->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(points_zc->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(points_xc->num_dims() == 1, ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(points_yc->num_dims() == 1, ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(points_zc->num_dims() == 1, ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(points_yc->get_dim(0)->size() == static_cast<int>(n_vertices),
- ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(points_zc->get_dim(0)->size() == static_cast<int>(n_vertices),
- ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(points_xc->get_dim(0)->size() == static_cast<int>(n_vertices),
- ExcIO());
- std::vector<std::vector<double>> point_values(
- 3, std::vector<double>(n_vertices));
- points_xc->get(point_values[0].data(), n_vertices);
- points_yc->get(point_values[1].data(), n_vertices);
- points_zc->get(point_values[2].data(), n_vertices);
- // and fill the vertices
- std::vector<Point<spacedim>> vertices(n_vertices);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_vertices; ++i)
- {
- vertices[i](0) = point_values[0][i];
- vertices[i](1) = point_values[1][i];
- vertices[i](2) = point_values[2][i];
- }
- // and cells
- std::vector<CellData<dim>> cells(n_cells);
- for (unsigned int cell = 0; cell < n_cells; ++cell)
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertices_per_hex; ++i)
- cells[cell].vertices[i] = vertex_indices[cell * vertices_per_hex + i];
- // for setting up the SubCellData
- // we read the vertex indices of
- // the boundary quadrilaterals and
- // their boundary markers
- // first we read
- // int points_of_surfacequadrilaterals(
- // no_of_surfacequadrilaterals,
- // points_per_surfacequadrilateral)
- NcDim *quad_vertices_dim = nc.get_dim("points_per_surfacequadrilateral");
- AssertThrow(quad_vertices_dim->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- const unsigned int vertices_per_quad = quad_vertices_dim->size();
- AssertThrow(vertices_per_quad == GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_face,
- ExcIO());
- NcVar *bvertex_indices_var = nc.get_var("points_of_surfacequadrilaterals");
- AssertThrow(bvertex_indices_var->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(bvertex_indices_var->num_dims() == 2, ExcIO());
- const unsigned int n_bquads = bvertex_indices_var->get_dim(0)->size();
- AssertThrow(static_cast<unsigned int>(
- bvertex_indices_var->get_dim(1)->size()) ==
- GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_face,
- ExcIO());
- std::vector<int> bvertex_indices(n_bquads * vertices_per_quad);
- bvertex_indices_var->get(&*bvertex_indices.begin(),
- n_bquads,
- vertices_per_quad);
- // next we read
- // int boundarymarker_of_surfaces(
- // no_of_surfaceelements)
- NcDim *bquads_dim = nc.get_dim("no_of_surfacequadrilaterals");
- AssertThrow(bquads_dim->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(static_cast<unsigned int>(bquads_dim->size()) == n_bquads,
- ExcIO());
- NcVar *bmarker_var = nc.get_var("boundarymarker_of_surfaces");
- AssertThrow(bmarker_var->is_valid(), ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(bmarker_var->num_dims() == 1, ExcIO());
- AssertThrow(static_cast<unsigned int>(bmarker_var->get_dim(0)->size()) ==
- n_bquads,
- ExcIO());
- std::vector<int> bmarker(n_bquads);
- bmarker_var->get(&*bmarker.begin(), n_bquads);
- // we only handle boundary
- // indicators that fit into an
- // types::boundary_id. Also, we don't
- // take numbers::internal_face_boundary_id
- // as it denotes an internal face
- for (const int id : bmarker)
- {
- Assert(0 <= id && static_cast<types::boundary_id>(id) !=
- numbers::internal_face_boundary_id,
- ExcIO());
- (void)id;
- }
- // finally we setup the boundary
- // information
- SubCellData subcelldata;
- subcelldata.boundary_quads.resize(n_bquads);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_bquads; ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned int v = 0; v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_face; ++v)
- subcelldata.boundary_quads[i].vertices[v] =
- bvertex_indices[i * GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_face + v];
- subcelldata.boundary_quads[i].boundary_id =
- static_cast<types::boundary_id>(bmarker[i]);
- }
- GridTools::delete_unused_vertices(vertices, cells, subcelldata);
- GridReordering<dim, spacedim>::invert_all_cells_of_negative_grid(vertices,
- cells);
- GridReordering<dim, spacedim>::reorder_cells(cells);
- tria->create_triangulation_compatibility(vertices, cells, subcelldata);
template <int dim, int spacedim>
format = parse_format(ext);
- if (format == netcdf)
- read_netcdf(filename);
- else
- read(in, format);
+ read(in, format);
- case netcdf:
- Assert(false,
- ExcMessage("There is no read_netcdf(istream &) function. "
- "Use the read_netcdf(string &filename) "
- "functions, instead."));
- return;
case tecplot:
// UCD.
case xda:
return ".xda";
- case netcdf:
- return ".nc";
case tecplot:
return ".dat";
if (format_name == "xda")
return xda;
- if (format_name == "netcdf")
- return netcdf;
- if (format_name == "nc")
- return netcdf;
if (format_name == "tecplot")
return tecplot;
GridIn<dim, spacedim>::get_format_names()
- return "dbmesh|msh|unv|vtk|vtu|ucd|abaqus|xda|netcdf|tecplot|assimp";
+ return "dbmesh|msh|unv|vtk|vtu|ucd|abaqus|xda|tecplot|assimp";