#include <dofs/dof_accessor.h>
#include <dofs/dof_tools.h>
#include <fe/fe.h>
+#include <fe/fe_nedelec.h>
#include <fe/fe_tools.h>
#include <fe/fe_values.h>
#include <fe/fe_nedelec.h>
#include <fe/mapping_q1.h>
#include <hp/mapping_collection.h>
#include <hp/q_collection.h>
-#include <lac/precondition.h>
-#include <lac/solver_cg.h>
-#include <lac/solver_control.h>
#include <numerics/vectors.h>
#include <numerics/matrices.h>
-namespace internals
- namespace VectorTools
- {
- // This function computes the
- // projection of the boundary
- // function on edges for 3D.
+namespace internals {
+ namespace VectorTools {
+ // This function computes the
+ // projection of the boundary
+ // function on edges for 3D.
template<typename cell_iterator>
compute_edge_projection (const cell_iterator& cell,
- const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned int line,
- FEValues<3>& fe_values,
- const Quadrature<3>& quadrature,
- const Function<3>& boundary_function,
- const unsigned int first_vector_component,
- std::vector<double>& dof_values)
+ const unsigned int face,
+ const unsigned int line,
+ hp::FEValues<3>& hp_fe_values,
+ const Function<3>& boundary_function,
+ const unsigned int first_vector_component,
+ std::vector<double>& dof_values)
const unsigned int dim = 3;
- fe_values.reinit (cell);
- // Initialize the required
- // objects.
- const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> > &
- jacobians = fe_values.get_jacobians ();
- const std::vector<Point<dim> > &
- quadrature_points = quadrature.get_points ();
+ hp_fe_values.reinit
+ (cell,
+ (cell->active_fe_index () * GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell + face)
+ * GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face + line);
+ // Initialize the required
+ // objects.
+ const FEValues<dim>&
+ fe_values = hp_fe_values.get_present_fe_values ();
+ const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> >&
+ jacobians = fe_values.get_jacobians ();
+ const std::vector<Point<dim> >&
+ quadrature_points = fe_values.get_quadrature_points ();
std::vector<Point<dim> > tangentials (fe_values.n_quadrature_points);
std::vector<Vector<double> > values (fe_values.n_quadrature_points,
- Vector<double> (dim));
- // Get boundary function values
- // at quadrature points.
+ Vector<double> (dim));
+ // Get boundary function values
+ // at quadrature points.
boundary_function.vector_value_list (quadrature_points, values);
+ const std::vector<Point<dim> >&
+ reference_quadrature_points = fe_values.get_quadrature ().get_points ();
const unsigned int superdegree = cell->get_fe ().degree;
const unsigned int degree = superdegree - 1;
- // coordinate directions of
- // the edges of the face.
+ // coordinate directions of
+ // the edges of the face.
const unsigned int
- edge_coordinate_direction
- [GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell]
- [GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face]
- = { { 2, 2, 1, 1 },
- { 2, 2, 1, 1 },
- { 0, 0, 2, 2 },
- { 0, 0, 2, 2 },
- { 1, 1, 0, 0 },
- { 1, 1, 0, 0 } };
- // The interpolation for the
- // lowest order edge shape
- // functions is just the mean
- // value of the tangential
- // components of the boundary
- // function on the edge.
+ edge_coordinate_direction
+ [GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell]
+ [GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face]
+ = { { 2, 2, 1, 1 },
+ { 2, 2, 1, 1 },
+ { 0, 0, 2, 2 },
+ { 0, 0, 2, 2 },
+ { 1, 1, 0, 0 },
+ { 1, 1, 0, 0 } };
+ // The interpolation for the
+ // lowest order edge shape
+ // functions is just the mean
+ // value of the tangential
+ // components of the boundary
+ // function on the edge.
for (unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < fe_values.n_quadrature_points;
- ++q_point)
- {
- // Therefore compute the
- // tangential of the edge at
- // the quadrature point.
- Point<dim> shifted_reference_point_1;
- Point<dim> shifted_reference_point_2;
- for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
- shifted_reference_point_1 (d)
- = shifted_reference_point_2 (d)
- = quadrature_points[q_point] (d);
- shifted_reference_point_1 (edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]) += 1e-13;
- shifted_reference_point_2 (edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]) -= 1e-13;
- tangentials[q_point]
- = (2e13 *
- (fe_values.get_mapping ()
- .transform_unit_to_real_cell (cell,
- shifted_reference_point_1)
- -
- fe_values.get_mapping ()
- .transform_unit_to_real_cell (cell,
- shifted_reference_point_2)));
- tangentials[q_point]
- /= std::sqrt (tangentials[q_point].square ());
- // Compute the mean value.
- dof_values[line * superdegree]
- += (fe_values.JxW (q_point)
- * (values[q_point] (0) * tangentials[q_point] (0)
- + values[q_point] (1) * tangentials[q_point] (1)
- + values[q_point] (2) * tangentials[q_point] (2))
- / (jacobians[q_point][0][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
- * jacobians[q_point][0][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
- +
- jacobians[q_point][1][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
- * jacobians[q_point][1][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
- +
- jacobians[q_point][2][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
- * jacobians[q_point][2][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]));
- }
- // If there are also higher
- // order shape functions we
- // have still some work left.
+ ++q_point)
+ {
+ // Therefore compute the
+ // tangential of the edge at
+ // the quadrature point.
+ Point<dim> shifted_reference_point_1 = reference_quadrature_points[q_point];
+ Point<dim> shifted_reference_point_2 = reference_quadrature_points[q_point];
+ shifted_reference_point_1 (edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]) += 1e-13;
+ shifted_reference_point_2 (edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]) -= 1e-13;
+ tangentials[q_point]
+ = (2e13 *
+ (fe_values.get_mapping ()
+ .transform_unit_to_real_cell (cell,
+ shifted_reference_point_1)
+ -
+ fe_values.get_mapping ()
+ .transform_unit_to_real_cell (cell,
+ shifted_reference_point_2)));
+ tangentials[q_point]
+ /= std::sqrt (tangentials[q_point].square ());
+ // Compute the mean value.
+ dof_values[line * superdegree]
+ += (fe_values.JxW (q_point)
+ * (values[q_point] (0) * tangentials[q_point] (0)
+ + values[q_point] (1) * tangentials[q_point] (1)
+ + values[q_point] (2) * tangentials[q_point] (2))
+ / (jacobians[q_point][0][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][0][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
+ + jacobians[q_point][1][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][1][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
+ + jacobians[q_point][2][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][2][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]));
+ }
+ // If there are also higher
+ // order shape functions we
+ // have still some work left.
if (degree > 0)
- {
- const FEValuesExtractors::Vector vec (first_vector_component);
- FullMatrix<double> assembling_matrix (degree, fe_values.n_quadrature_points);
- Vector<double> assembling_vector (fe_values.n_quadrature_points);
- // We set up a linear system
- // of equations to get the
- // values for the remaining
- // degrees of freedom
- // associated with the edge.
- for (unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < fe_values.n_quadrature_points;
- ++q_point)
- {
- // The right hand side of
- // the corresponding
- // problem is the
- // tangential components of
- // the residual of the
- // boundary function and
- // the interpolated part
- // above.
- const Tensor<1, dim> tmp
- =
- std::sqrt (fe_values.JxW (q_point)
- / (jacobians[q_point][0][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
- * jacobians[q_point][0][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
- +
- jacobians[q_point][1][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
- * jacobians[q_point][1][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
- +
- jacobians[q_point][2][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
- * jacobians[q_point][2][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]))
- * tangentials[q_point];
- const Tensor<1, dim> shape_value
- = fe_values[vec].value (cell->get_fe ()
- .face_to_cell_index (line * superdegree, face),
- q_point);
- // In the weak form the
- // right hand side function
- // is multiplicated by the
- // higher order shape
- // functions.
- assembling_vector (q_point)
- = ((values[q_point] (0)
- -
- dof_values[line * superdegree] * shape_value[0]) * tmp[0]
- +
- (values[q_point] (1)
- -
- dof_values[line * superdegree] * shape_value[1]) * tmp[1]
- +
- (values[q_point] (2)
- -
- dof_values[line * superdegree] * shape_value[2]) * tmp[2]);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; ++i)
- assembling_matrix (i, q_point)
- = fe_values[vec].value (cell->get_fe ()
- .face_to_cell_index (i + line * superdegree + 1,
- face),
- q_point) * tmp;
- }
- FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix (degree, degree);
- // Create the system matrix
- // by multiplying the
- // assembling matrix with its
- // transposed.
- assembling_matrix.mTmult (cell_matrix, assembling_matrix);
- Vector<double> cell_rhs (degree);
- // Create the system right
- // hand side vector by
- // multiplying the assembling
- // matrix with the assembling
- // vector.
- assembling_matrix.vmult (cell_rhs, assembling_vector);
- PreconditionJacobi<FullMatrix<double> > precondition;
- // Use Jacobi preconditioner
- // with the PCG method to
- // solve the problem.
- precondition.initialize (cell_matrix);
- SolverControl solver_control (degree, 1e-15, false, false);
- SolverCG<> cg (solver_control);
- Vector<double> solution (degree);
- cg.solve (cell_matrix, solution, cell_rhs, precondition);
- // Store the computed values.
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; ++i)
- dof_values[i + line * superdegree + 1] = solution (i);
- }
+ {
+ const FEValuesExtractors::Vector vec (first_vector_component);
+ FullMatrix<double> assembling_matrix (degree, fe_values.n_quadrature_points);
+ Vector<double> assembling_vector (fe_values.n_quadrature_points);
+ // We set up a linear system
+ // of equations to get the
+ // values for the remaining
+ // degrees of freedom
+ // associated with the edge.
+ for (unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < fe_values.n_quadrature_points;
+ ++q_point)
+ {
+ // The right hand side of
+ // the corresponding
+ // problem is the
+ // tangential components of
+ // the residual of the
+ // boundary function and
+ // the interpolated part
+ // above.
+ const Tensor<1, dim> tmp
+ =
+ std::sqrt (fe_values.JxW (q_point)
+ / (jacobians[q_point][0][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][0][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
+ +
+ jacobians[q_point][1][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][1][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
+ +
+ jacobians[q_point][2][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][2][edge_coordinate_direction[face][line]]))
+ * tangentials[q_point];
+ const Tensor<1, dim> shape_value
+ = fe_values[vec].value (cell->get_fe ()
+ .face_to_cell_index (line * superdegree, face),
+ q_point);
+ // In the weak form the
+ // right hand side function
+ // is multiplicated by the
+ // higher order shape
+ // functions.
+ assembling_vector (q_point)
+ = ((values[q_point] (0)
+ -
+ dof_values[line * superdegree] * shape_value[0]) * tmp[0]
+ +
+ (values[q_point] (1)
+ -
+ dof_values[line * superdegree] * shape_value[1]) * tmp[1]
+ +
+ (values[q_point] (2)
+ -
+ dof_values[line * superdegree] * shape_value[2]) * tmp[2]);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; ++i)
+ assembling_matrix (i, q_point)
+ = fe_values[vec].value (cell->get_fe ()
+ .face_to_cell_index (i + line * superdegree + 1,
+ face),
+ q_point) * tmp;
+ }
+ FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix (degree, degree);
+ // Create the system matrix
+ // by multiplying the
+ // assembling matrix with its
+ // transposed.
+ assembling_matrix.mTmult (cell_matrix, assembling_matrix);
+ FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix_inv (degree, degree);
+ // Compute its inverse.
+ cell_matrix_inv.invert (cell_matrix);
+ Vector<double> cell_rhs (degree);
+ // Create the system right
+ // hand side vector by
+ // multiplying the assembling
+ // matrix with the assembling
+ // vector.
+ assembling_matrix.vmult (cell_rhs, assembling_vector);
+ Vector<double> solution (degree);
+ cell_matrix_inv.vmult (solution, cell_rhs);
+ // Store the computed values.
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; ++i)
+ dof_values[i + line * superdegree + 1] = solution (i);
+ }
- // dummy implementation of above
- // function for all other
- // dimensions
+ // dummy implementation of above
+ // function for all other
+ // dimensions
template<int dim, typename cell_iterator>
compute_edge_projection (const cell_iterator&,
- const unsigned int,
- const unsigned int,
- FEValues<dim>&,
- const Quadrature<dim>&,
- const Function<dim>&,
- const unsigned int,
- std::vector<double>&)
- {
- Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
- }
- // This function computes the
- // projection of the boundary
- // function on the interior of
- // faces in 3D.
- template <typename cell_iterator>
- void
- compute_face_projection (const cell_iterator& cell,
- const unsigned int face,
- FEValues<3>& fe_values,
- const Function<3>& boundary_function,
- const unsigned int first_vector_component,
- std::vector<double>& dof_values)
- {
- const unsigned dim = 3;
- fe_values.reinit (cell);
- // Initialize the required objects.
- const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> > &
- jacobians = fe_values.get_jacobians ();
- const std::vector<Point<dim> > &
- quadrature_points = fe_values.get_quadrature_points ();
- std::vector<Vector<double> > values (fe_values.n_quadrature_points,
- Vector<double> (dim));
- // Get boundary function values
- // at quadrature points.
- boundary_function.vector_value_list (quadrature_points, values);
- const FEValuesExtractors::Vector vec (first_vector_component);
- const unsigned int superdegree = cell->get_fe ().degree;
- const unsigned int degree = superdegree - 1;
- FullMatrix<double> assembling_matrix (degree * superdegree,
- dim * fe_values.n_quadrature_points);
- Vector<double> assembling_vector (assembling_matrix.n ());
- Vector<double> cell_rhs (assembling_matrix.m ());
- FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix (assembling_matrix.m (),
- assembling_matrix.m ());
- Vector<double> solution (cell_matrix.m ());
- SolverControl solver_control (cell_matrix.m (), 1e-15, false, false);
- SolverCG<> cg (solver_control);
- PreconditionJacobi<FullMatrix<double> > precondition;
- // Get coordinate directions of
- // the face.
- const unsigned int
- global_face_coordinate_directions[GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell][2]
- = { { 1, 2 },
- { 1, 2 },
- { 0, 2 },
- { 0, 2 },
- { 0, 1 },
- { 0, 1 } };
- const unsigned int
- local_face_coordinate_directions[GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell][2]
- = { { 1, 0 },
- { 1, 0 },
- { 0, 1 },
- { 0, 1 },
- { 1, 0 },
- { 1, 0 } };
- // The projection is divided
- // into two steps. In the first
- // step we project the boundary
- // function on the horizontal
- // shape functions. Then the
- // bounary function is
- // projected on the vertical
- // shape functions. We begin
- // with the horizontal shape
- // functions and set up a
- // linear system of equations
- // to get the values for
- // degrees of freedom
- // associated with the interior
- // of the face.
- for (unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < fe_values.n_quadrature_points;
- ++q_point)
- {
- // The right hand side of the
- // corresponding problem is
- // the residual of the
- // boundary function and the
- // already interpolated part
- // on the edges.
- Tensor<1, dim> tmp;
- for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
- tmp[d] = values[q_point] (d);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= degree; ++j)
- tmp -= dof_values[(i + 2 * local_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]) * superdegree + j]
- * fe_values[vec].value (cell->get_fe ().face_to_cell_index
- ((i + 2 * local_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]) * superdegree + j,
- face), q_point);
- const double JxW
- = std::sqrt (fe_values.JxW (q_point)
- / ((jacobians[q_point][0][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
- * jacobians[q_point][0][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
- +
- jacobians[q_point][1][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
- * jacobians[q_point][1][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
- +
- jacobians[q_point][2][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
- * jacobians[q_point][2][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]])
- *
- (jacobians[q_point][0][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
- * jacobians[q_point][0][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
- +
- jacobians[q_point][1][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
- * jacobians[q_point][1][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
- +
- jacobians[q_point][2][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
- * jacobians[q_point][2][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]])));
- // In the weak form the right
- // hand side function is
- // multiplicated by the
- // horizontal shape functions
- // defined in the interior of
- // the face.
- for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
- assembling_vector (dim * q_point + d) = JxW * tmp[d];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= degree; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < degree; ++j)
- {
- const Tensor<1, dim> shape_value
- = (JxW
- * fe_values[vec].value (cell->get_fe ().face_to_cell_index
- ((i + GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face)
- * degree
- + j
- + GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face,
- face),
- q_point));
- for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
- assembling_matrix (i * degree + j,
- dim * q_point + d)
- = shape_value[d];
- }
- }
- // Create the system matrix by
- // multiplying the assembling
- // matrix with its transposed
- // and the right hand side
- // vector by mutliplying the
- // assembling matrix with the
- // assembling vector. The
- // problem is solved by the PCG
- // method.
- assembling_matrix.mTmult (cell_matrix, assembling_matrix);
- assembling_matrix.vmult (cell_rhs, assembling_vector);
- precondition.initialize (cell_matrix);
- cg.solve (cell_matrix, solution, cell_rhs, precondition);
- // Store the computed values.
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= degree; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < degree; ++j)
- dof_values[(i + GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face) * degree + j
- + GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face]
- = solution (i * degree + j);
- // Now we do the same as above
- // with the vertical shape
- // functions instead of the
- // horizontal ones.
- for (unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < fe_values.n_quadrature_points;
- ++q_point)
- {
- Tensor<1, dim> tmp;
- for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
- tmp[d] = values[q_point] (d);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= degree; ++j)
- tmp
- -= dof_values[(i + 2 * local_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]) * superdegree + j]
- * fe_values[vec].value (cell->get_fe ().face_to_cell_index
- ((i + 2 * local_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]) * superdegree + j,
- face), q_point);
- const double JxW
- = std::sqrt (fe_values.JxW (q_point)
- / ((jacobians[q_point][0][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
- * jacobians[q_point][0][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
- +
- jacobians[q_point][1][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
- * jacobians[q_point][1][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
- +
- jacobians[q_point][2][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
- * jacobians[q_point][2][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]])
- *
- (jacobians[q_point][0][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
- * jacobians[q_point][0][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
- +
- jacobians[q_point][1][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
- * jacobians[q_point][1][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
- +
- jacobians[q_point][2][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
- * jacobians[q_point][2][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]])));
- for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
- assembling_vector (dim * q_point + d) = JxW * tmp[d];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= degree; ++j)
- {
- Tensor<1, dim> shape_value
- = (JxW
- * fe_values[vec].value (cell->get_fe ().face_to_cell_index
- ((i + degree + GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face) * superdegree + j,
- face), q_point));
- for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
- assembling_matrix (i * superdegree + j, dim * q_point + d)
- = shape_value[d];
- }
- }
- assembling_matrix.mTmult (cell_matrix, assembling_matrix);
- assembling_matrix.vmult (cell_rhs, assembling_vector);
- precondition.initialize (cell_matrix);
- cg.solve (cell_matrix, solution, cell_rhs, precondition);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= degree; ++j)
- dof_values[(i + degree + GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face) * superdegree + j]
- = solution (i * superdegree + j);
- }
- // dummy implementation of above
- // function for dim != 3
- template<int dim, typename cell_iterator>
- void
- compute_face_projection (const cell_iterator&,
- const unsigned int,
- FEValues<dim>&,
- const Function<dim>&,
- const unsigned int,
- std::vector<double>&)
+ const unsigned int,
+ const unsigned int,
+ hp::FEValues<dim>&,
+ const Function<dim>&,
+ const unsigned int,
+ std::vector<double>&)
Assert (false, ExcInternalError ());
- // This function computes the
- // projection of the boundary
- // function on the faces in 2D.
- template<typename cell_iterator>
- void
- compute_face_projection (const cell_iterator& cell,
- const unsigned int face,
- FEValues<2>& fe_values,
- const Quadrature<2>& quadrature,
- const Function<2>& boundary_function,
- const unsigned int first_vector_component,
- std::vector<double>& dof_values)
- {
- const unsigned int dim = 2;
- fe_values.reinit (cell);
- // Initialize the required objects.
- const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> > &
- jacobians = fe_values.get_jacobians ();
- const std::vector<Point<dim> > &
- quadrature_points = quadrature.get_points ();
- std::vector<Point<dim> > tangentials (fe_values.n_quadrature_points);
- std::vector<Vector<double> > values (fe_values.n_quadrature_points,
- Vector<double> (dim));
- // Get boundary function values
- // at quadrature points.
- boundary_function.vector_value_list (quadrature_points, values);
- const unsigned int degree = cell->get_fe ().degree - 1;
- // coordinate directions of the face.
- const unsigned int
- face_coordinate_direction[GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell]
- = { 1, 1, 0, 0 };
- // The interpolation for the
- // lowest order face shape
- // functions is just the mean
- // value of the tangential
- // components of the boundary
- // function on the edge.
- for (unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < fe_values.n_quadrature_points;
- ++q_point)
- {
- // Therefore compute the
- // tangential of the face at
- // the quadrature point.
- Point<dim> shifted_reference_point_1;
- Point<dim> shifted_reference_point_2;
- for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
- {
- shifted_reference_point_1 (d) = quadrature_points[q_point] (d);
- shifted_reference_point_2 (d) = quadrature_points[q_point] (d);
- }
- shifted_reference_point_1 (face_coordinate_direction[face]) += 1e-13;
- shifted_reference_point_2 (face_coordinate_direction[face]) -= 1e-13;
- tangentials[q_point] = 2e13
- * (fe_values.get_mapping ()
- .transform_unit_to_real_cell (cell,
- shifted_reference_point_1)
- -
- fe_values.get_mapping ()
- .transform_unit_to_real_cell (cell,
- shifted_reference_point_2));
- tangentials[q_point] /= std::sqrt (tangentials[q_point].square ());
- // Compute the mean value.
- dof_values[0] += fe_values.JxW (q_point)
- * (values[q_point] (0)
- * tangentials[q_point] (0)
- +
- values[q_point] (1) * tangentials[q_point] (1))
- / (jacobians[q_point][0][face_coordinate_direction[face]]
- * jacobians[q_point][0][face_coordinate_direction[face]]
- + jacobians[q_point][1][face_coordinate_direction[face]]
- * jacobians[q_point][1][face_coordinate_direction[face]]);
- }
- // If there are also higher
- // order shape functions we
- // have still some work left.
- if (degree > 0)
- {
- const FEValuesExtractors::Vector vec (first_vector_component);
- FullMatrix<double> assembling_matrix (degree, fe_values.n_quadrature_points);
- Vector<double> assembling_vector (fe_values.n_quadrature_points);
- // We set up a linear system
- // of equations to get the
- // values for the remaining
- // degrees of freedom
- // associated with the face.
- for (unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < fe_values.n_quadrature_points;
- ++q_point)
- {
- // The right hand side of
- // the corresponding
- // problem is the
- // tangential components of
- // the residual of the
- // boundary function and
- // the interpolated part
- // above.
- const Tensor<1, dim> tmp
- = std::sqrt (fe_values.JxW (q_point)
- / std::sqrt (jacobians[q_point][0][face_coordinate_direction[face]]
- * jacobians[q_point][0][face_coordinate_direction[face]]
- + jacobians[q_point][1][face_coordinate_direction[face]]
- * jacobians[q_point][1][face_coordinate_direction[face]])) * tangentials[q_point];
- const Tensor<1, dim> shape_value
- = fe_values[vec].value (cell->get_fe ().face_to_cell_index (0, face), q_point);
- assembling_vector (q_point) = (values[q_point] (0)
- -
- dof_values[0] * shape_value[0]) * tmp[0]
- +
- (values[q_point] (1)
- -
- dof_values[1] * shape_value[1]) * tmp[1];
- // In the weak form the
- // right hand side function
- // is multiplicated by the
- // higher order shape
- // functions.
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; ++i)
- assembling_matrix (i, q_point)
- = fe_values[vec].value (cell->get_fe ()
- .face_to_cell_index (i + 1, face),
- q_point) * tmp;
- }
- FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix (degree, degree);
- // Create the system matrix
- // by multiplying the
- // assembling matrix with its
- // transposed.
- assembling_matrix.mTmult (cell_matrix, assembling_matrix);
- Vector<double> cell_rhs (degree);
- // Create the system right
- // hand side vector by
- // multiplying the assembling
- // matrix with the assembling
- // vector.
- assembling_matrix.vmult (cell_rhs, assembling_vector);
- PreconditionJacobi<FullMatrix<double> > precondition;
- // Use Jacobi preconditioner
- // with the PCG method to
- // solve the problem.
- precondition.initialize (cell_matrix);
- SolverControl solver_control (degree, 1e-15, false, false);
- SolverCG<> cg (solver_control);
- Vector<double> solution (degree);
- cg.solve (cell_matrix, solution, cell_rhs, precondition);
- // Store the computed values.
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; ++i)
- dof_values[i + 1] = solution (i);
- }
- }
- // dummy implementation of above
- // function for dim != 2
+ // This function computes the
+ // projection of the boundary
+ // function on the interior of
+ // faces.
template<int dim, typename cell_iterator>
- compute_face_projection (const cell_iterator&,
- const unsigned int,
- FEValues<dim>&,
- const Quadrature<dim>&,
- const Function<dim>&,
- const unsigned int,
- std::vector<double>&)
+ compute_face_projection (const cell_iterator& cell,
+ const unsigned int face,
+ hp::FEValues<dim>& hp_fe_values,
+ const Function<dim>& boundary_function,
+ const unsigned int first_vector_component,
+ std::vector<double>& dof_values)
- Assert (false, ExcInternalError ());
+ hp_fe_values.reinit (cell, cell->active_fe_index ()
+ * GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell + face);
+ // Initialize the required
+ // objects.
+ const FEValues<dim>&
+ fe_values = hp_fe_values.get_present_fe_values ();
+ const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> >&
+ jacobians = fe_values.get_jacobians ();
+ std::vector<Vector<double> >
+ values (fe_values.n_quadrature_points, Vector<double> (dim));
+ switch (dim)
+ {
+ case 2:
+ {
+ const std::vector<Point<dim> >&
+ quadrature_points = fe_values.get_quadrature_points ();
+ std::vector<Point<dim> >
+ tangentials (fe_values.n_quadrature_points);
+ // Get boundary function
+ // values at quadrature
+ // points.
+ boundary_function.vector_value_list (quadrature_points, values);
+ const std::vector<Point<dim> >&
+ reference_quadrature_points = fe_values.get_quadrature ().get_points ();
+ const unsigned int degree = cell->get_fe ().degree - 1;
+ // coordinate directions
+ // of the face.
+ const unsigned int
+ face_coordinate_direction[GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell]
+ = { 1, 1, 0, 0 };
+ // The interpolation for
+ // the lowest order face
+ // shape functions is just
+ // the mean value of the
+ // tangential components
+ // of the boundary function
+ // on the edge.
+ for (unsigned int q_point = 0;
+ q_point < fe_values.n_quadrature_points; ++q_point)
+ {
+ // Therefore compute the
+ // tangential of the
+ // face at the quadrature
+ // point.
+ Point<dim> shifted_reference_point_1
+ = reference_quadrature_points[q_point];
+ Point<dim> shifted_reference_point_2
+ = reference_quadrature_points[q_point];
+ shifted_reference_point_1 (face_coordinate_direction[face])
+ += 1e-13;
+ shifted_reference_point_2 (face_coordinate_direction[face])
+ -= 1e-13;
+ tangentials[q_point]
+ = 2e13
+ * (fe_values.get_mapping ()
+ .transform_unit_to_real_cell (cell,
+ shifted_reference_point_1)
+ -
+ fe_values.get_mapping ()
+ .transform_unit_to_real_cell (cell,
+ shifted_reference_point_2));
+ tangentials[q_point]
+ /= std::sqrt (tangentials[q_point].square ());
+ // Compute the mean
+ // value.
+ dof_values[0]
+ += fe_values.JxW (q_point)
+ * (values[q_point] (0)
+ * tangentials[q_point] (0)
+ + values[q_point] (1) * tangentials[q_point] (1))
+ / (jacobians[q_point][0][face_coordinate_direction[face]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][0][face_coordinate_direction[face]]
+ + jacobians[q_point][1][face_coordinate_direction[face]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][1][face_coordinate_direction[face]]);
+ }
+ // If there are also
+ // higher order shape
+ // functions we have
+ // still some work left.
+ if (degree > 0)
+ {
+ const FEValuesExtractors::Vector vec (first_vector_component);
+ FullMatrix<double> assembling_matrix (degree,
+ fe_values.n_quadrature_points);
+ Vector<double> assembling_vector (fe_values.n_quadrature_points);
+ // We set up a
+ // linear system
+ // of equations to
+ // get the values
+ // for the
+ // remaining degrees
+ // of freedom
+ // associated with
+ // the face.
+ for (unsigned int q_point = 0;
+ q_point < fe_values.n_quadrature_points; ++q_point)
+ {
+ // The right
+ // hand side of
+ // the corresponding
+ // problem is
+ // the tangential
+ // components of
+ // the residual
+ // of the boundary
+ // function and
+ // the interpolated
+ // part above.
+ const Tensor<1, dim> tmp
+ = std::sqrt (fe_values.JxW (q_point)
+ / std::sqrt (jacobians[q_point][0][face_coordinate_direction[face]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][0][face_coordinate_direction[face]]
+ + jacobians[q_point][1][face_coordinate_direction[face]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][1][face_coordinate_direction[face]]))
+ * tangentials[q_point];
+ const Tensor<1, dim> shape_value
+ = fe_values[vec].value (cell->get_fe ()
+ .face_to_cell_index (0, face),
+ q_point);
+ assembling_vector (q_point) = (values[q_point] (0)
+ -
+ dof_values[0] * shape_value[0]) * tmp[0]
+ +
+ (values[q_point] (1)
+ -
+ dof_values[1] * shape_value[1]) * tmp[1];
+ // In the weak
+ // form the
+ // right hand
+ // side function
+ // is multiplicated
+ // by the higher
+ // order shape
+ // functions.
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; ++i)
+ assembling_matrix (i, q_point)
+ = fe_values[vec].value (cell->get_fe ()
+ .face_to_cell_index (i + 1, face),
+ q_point) * tmp;
+ }
+ FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix (degree, degree);
+ // Create the system
+ // matrix by multiplying
+ // the assembling
+ // matrix with its
+ // transposed.
+ assembling_matrix.mTmult (cell_matrix, assembling_matrix);
+ FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix_inv (degree, degree);
+ // Compute its inverse.
+ cell_matrix_inv.invert (cell_matrix);
+ Vector<double> cell_rhs (degree);
+ // Create the system
+ // right hand side
+ // vector by
+ // multiplying the
+ // assembling matrix
+ // with the assembling
+ // vector.
+ assembling_matrix.vmult (cell_rhs, assembling_vector);
+ Vector<double> solution (degree);
+ cell_matrix_inv.vmult (solution, cell_rhs);
+ // Store the computed
+ // values.
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; ++i)
+ dof_values[i + 1] = solution (i);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ const std::vector<Point<dim> >&
+ quadrature_points = fe_values.get_quadrature_points ();
+ // Get boundary function
+ // values at quadrature
+ // points.
+ boundary_function.vector_value_list (quadrature_points, values);
+ const FEValuesExtractors::Vector vec (first_vector_component);
+ const unsigned int superdegree = cell->get_fe ().degree;
+ const unsigned int degree = superdegree - 1;
+ FullMatrix<double>
+ assembling_matrix (degree * superdegree,
+ dim * fe_values.n_quadrature_points);
+ Vector<double> assembling_vector (assembling_matrix.n ());
+ Vector<double> cell_rhs (assembling_matrix.m ());
+ FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix (assembling_matrix.m (),
+ assembling_matrix.m ());
+ FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix_inv (assembling_matrix.m (),
+ assembling_matrix.m ());
+ Vector<double> solution (cell_matrix.m ());
+ // Get coordinate directions
+ // of the face.
+ const unsigned int
+ global_face_coordinate_directions[GeometryInfo<3>::faces_per_cell][2]
+ = { { 1, 2 },
+ { 1, 2 },
+ { 0, 2 },
+ { 0, 2 },
+ { 0, 1 },
+ { 0, 1 } };
+ const unsigned int
+ local_face_coordinate_directions[GeometryInfo<3>::faces_per_cell][2]
+ = { { 1, 0 },
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 1 },
+ { 0, 1 },
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 1, 0 } };
+ // The projection is
+ // divided into two steps.
+ // In the first step we
+ // project the boundary
+ // function on the
+ // horizontal shape
+ // functions. Then the
+ // bounary function is
+ // projected on the
+ // vertical shape
+ // functions. We begin
+ // with the horizontal
+ // shape functions and
+ // set up a linear system
+ // of equations to get
+ // the values for degrees
+ // of freedom associated
+ // with the interior of
+ // the face.
+ for (unsigned int q_point = 0;
+ q_point < fe_values.n_quadrature_points; ++q_point)
+ {
+ // The right hand
+ // side of the
+ // corresponding problem
+ // is the residual
+ // of the boundary
+ // function and
+ // the already
+ // interpolated part
+ // on the edges.
+ Tensor<1, dim> tmp;
+ for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ tmp[d] = values[q_point] (d);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= degree; ++j)
+ tmp -= dof_values[(i + 2 * local_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]) * superdegree + j]
+ * fe_values[vec].value (cell->get_fe ().face_to_cell_index
+ ((i + 2 * local_face_coordinate_directions[face][0])
+ * superdegree + j, face), q_point);
+ const double JxW
+ = std::sqrt (fe_values.JxW (q_point)
+ / ((jacobians[q_point][0][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][0][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
+ +
+ jacobians[q_point][1][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][1][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
+ +
+ jacobians[q_point][2][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][2][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]])
+ *
+ (jacobians[q_point][0][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][0][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
+ +
+ jacobians[q_point][1][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][1][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
+ +
+ jacobians[q_point][2][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][2][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]])));
+ // In the weak form
+ // the right hand
+ // side function
+ // is multiplicated
+ // by the horizontal
+ // shape functions
+ // defined in the
+ // interior of
+ // the face.
+ for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ assembling_vector (dim * q_point + d) = JxW * tmp[d];
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= degree; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < degree; ++j)
+ {
+ const Tensor<1, dim> shape_value
+ = (JxW
+ * fe_values[vec].value (cell->get_fe ()
+ .face_to_cell_index
+ ((i + GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face)
+ * degree
+ + j
+ + GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face,
+ face),
+ q_point));
+ for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ assembling_matrix (i * degree + j,
+ dim * q_point + d)
+ = shape_value[d];
+ }
+ }
+ // Create the system
+ // matrix by
+ // multiplying the
+ // assembling matrix
+ // with its transposed
+ // and the right
+ // hand side vector
+ // by mutliplying
+ // the assembling
+ // matrix with the
+ // assembling vector.
+ // Invert the system
+ // matrix.
+ assembling_matrix.mTmult (cell_matrix, assembling_matrix);
+ cell_matrix_inv.invert (cell_matrix);
+ assembling_matrix.vmult (cell_rhs, assembling_vector);
+ cell_matrix_inv.vmult (solution, cell_rhs);
+ // Store the computed
+ // values.
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= degree; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < degree; ++j)
+ dof_values[(i + GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face)
+ * degree + j + GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face]
+ = solution (i * degree + j);
+ // Now we do the
+ // same as above
+ // with the vertical
+ // shape functions
+ // instead of the
+ // horizontal ones.
+ for (unsigned int q_point = 0;
+ q_point < fe_values.n_quadrature_points; ++q_point)
+ {
+ Tensor<1, dim> tmp;
+ for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ tmp[d] = values[q_point] (d);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= degree; ++j)
+ tmp
+ -= dof_values[(i + 2 * local_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]) * superdegree + j]
+ * fe_values[vec].value (cell->get_fe ().face_to_cell_index
+ ((i + 2 * local_face_coordinate_directions[face][1])
+ * superdegree + j, face), q_point);
+ const double JxW
+ = std::sqrt (fe_values.JxW (q_point)
+ / ((jacobians[q_point][0][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][0][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
+ +
+ jacobians[q_point][1][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][1][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
+ +
+ jacobians[q_point][2][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][2][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][0]])
+ *
+ (jacobians[q_point][0][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][0][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
+ +
+ jacobians[q_point][1][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][1][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
+ +
+ jacobians[q_point][2][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]]
+ * jacobians[q_point][2][global_face_coordinate_directions[face][1]])));
+ for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ assembling_vector (dim * q_point + d) = JxW * tmp[d];
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= degree; ++j)
+ {
+ const Tensor<1, dim> shape_value
+ = (JxW
+ * fe_values[vec].value (cell->get_fe ().face_to_cell_index
+ ((i + degree + GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face)
+ * superdegree + j, face), q_point));
+ for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ assembling_matrix (i * superdegree + j, dim * q_point + d)
+ = shape_value[d];
+ }
+ }
+ assembling_matrix.mTmult (cell_matrix, assembling_matrix);
+ cell_matrix_inv.invert (cell_matrix);
+ assembling_matrix.vmult (cell_rhs, assembling_vector);
+ cell_matrix_inv.vmult (solution, cell_rhs);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= degree; ++j)
+ dof_values[(i + degree + GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face) * superdegree + j]
+ = solution (i * superdegree + j);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented ());
+ }
template <int dim>
project_boundary_values_curl_conforming (const DoFHandler<dim>& dof_handler,
- const unsigned int first_vector_component,
- const Function<dim>& boundary_function,
- const unsigned char boundary_component,
- ConstraintMatrix& constraints,
- const Mapping<dim>& mapping)
+ const unsigned int first_vector_component,
+ const Function<dim>& boundary_function,
+ const unsigned char boundary_component,
+ ConstraintMatrix& constraints,
+ const Mapping<dim>& mapping)
- // Projection-based interpolation
- // is performed in two (in 2D)
- // respectively three (in 3D)
- // steps. First the tangential
- // component of the function is
- // interpolated on each edge. This
- // gives the values for the degrees
- // of freedom corresponding to the
- // lowest order edge shape
- // functions. Then the interpolated
- // part of the function is
- // subtracted and we project the
- // tangential component of the
- // residual onto the space of the
- // remaining (higher order) edge
- // shape functions. This is done by
- // building a linear system of
- // equations of dimension
- // <tt>degree</tt>. The solution
- // gives us the values for the
- // degrees of freedom corresponding
- // to the remaining edge shape
- // functions. Now we are done for
- // 2D, but in 3D we possibly have
- // also degrees of freedom, which
- // are located in the interior of
- // the faces. Therefore we compute
- // the residual of the function
- // describing the boundary values
- // and the interpolated part, which
- // we have computed in the last two
- // steps. On the faces there are
- // two kinds of shape functions,
- // the horizontal and the vertical
- // ones. Thus we have two solve two
- // linear systems of equations of
- // size <tt>degree * (degree +
- // 1)<tt> to obtain the values for
- // the corresponding degrees of
- // freedom.
- std::vector<double> dof_values;
- std::vector<unsigned int> face_dof_indices;
+ // Projection-based interpolation
+ // is performed in two (in 2D)
+ // respectively three (in 3D)
+ // steps. First the tangential
+ // component of the function is
+ // interpolated on each edge. This
+ // gives the values for the degrees
+ // of freedom corresponding to the
+ // lowest order edge shape
+ // functions. Then the interpolated
+ // part of the function is
+ // subtracted and we project the
+ // tangential component of the
+ // residual onto the space of the
+ // remaining (higher order) edge
+ // shape functions. This is done by
+ // building a linear system of
+ // equations of dimension
+ // <tt>degree</tt>. The solution
+ // gives us the values for the
+ // degrees of freedom corresponding
+ // to the remaining edge shape
+ // functions. Now we are done for
+ // 2D, but in 3D we possibly have
+ // also degrees of freedom, which
+ // are located in the interior of
+ // the faces. Therefore we compute
+ // the residual of the function
+ // describing the boundary values
+ // and the interpolated part, which
+ // we have computed in the last two
+ // steps. On the faces there are
+ // two kinds of shape functions,
+ // the horizontal and the vertical
+ // ones. Thus we have to solve two
+ // linear systems of equations of
+ // size <tt>degree * (degree +
+ // 1)<tt> to obtain the values for
+ // the corresponding degrees of
+ // freedom.
+ const unsigned int superdegree = dof_handler.get_fe ().degree;
+ const QGauss<dim - 1> reference_face_quadrature (2 * superdegree);
+ const unsigned int dofs_per_face = dof_handler.get_fe ().dofs_per_face;
+ hp::FECollection<dim> fe_collection (dof_handler.get_fe ());
+ hp::MappingCollection<dim> mapping_collection (mapping);
+ hp::QCollection<dim> face_quadrature_collection;
+ for (unsigned int face = 0; face < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
+ face_quadrature_collection.push_back
+ (QProjector<dim>::project_to_face (reference_face_quadrature, face));
+ hp::FEValues<dim> fe_face_values (mapping_collection, fe_collection,
+ face_quadrature_collection,
+ update_jacobians |
+ update_JxW_values |
+ update_quadrature_points |
+ update_values);
+ std::vector<double> dof_values (dofs_per_face);
+ std::vector<unsigned int> face_dof_indices (dofs_per_face);
typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator cell = dof_handler.begin_active ();
switch (dim)
case 2:
- for (; cell != dof_handler.end (); ++cell)
- if (cell->at_boundary ())
- for (unsigned int face = 0; face < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
- if (cell->face (face)->boundary_indicator () == boundary_component)
- {
- // this is only
- // implemented, if the
- // FE is a Nedelec
- // element
- typedef FiniteElement<dim> FEL;
- AssertThrow (dynamic_cast<const FE_Nedelec<dim>*>(&cell->get_fe()) == 0,
- typename FEL::ExcInterpolationNotImplemented ());
- const unsigned int dofs_per_face = cell->get_fe ().dofs_per_face;
- dof_values.resize (dofs_per_face);
- for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
- dof_values[dof] = 0.0;
- const unsigned int superdegree = cell->get_fe ().degree;
- const QGauss<dim - 1> reference_face_quadrature (2 * superdegree);
- const Quadrature<dim> face_quadrature
- = QProjector<dim>::project_to_face (reference_face_quadrature, face);
- FEValues<dim> fe_face_values (mapping, cell->get_fe (),
- face_quadrature,
- update_jacobians |
- update_JxW_values |
- update_quadrature_points |
- update_values);
- // Compute the
- // projection of the
- // boundary function on
- // the edge.
- internals::VectorTools
- ::compute_face_projection (cell, face, fe_face_values,
- face_quadrature, boundary_function,
- first_vector_component, dof_values);
- face_dof_indices.resize (dofs_per_face);
- cell->face (face)->get_dof_indices (face_dof_indices,
- cell->active_fe_index ());
- // Add the computed
- // constraints to the
- // constraint matrix.
- for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
- {
- constraints.add_line (face_dof_indices[dof]);
- if (std::abs (dof_values[dof]) > 1e-14)
- constraints.set_inhomogeneity (face_dof_indices[dof],
- dof_values[dof]);
- }
- }
- break;
+ for (; cell != dof_handler.end (); ++cell)
+ if (cell->at_boundary ())
+ for (unsigned int face = 0; face < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
+ if (cell->face (face)->boundary_indicator () == boundary_component)
+ {
+ // this is only
+ // implemented, if the
+ // FE is a Nedelec
+ // element
+ typedef FiniteElement<dim> FEL;
+ AssertThrow (dynamic_cast<const FE_Nedelec<dim>*> (&cell->get_fe ()) != 0,
+ typename FEL::ExcInterpolationNotImplemented ());
+ for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
+ dof_values[dof] = 0.0;
+ // Compute the
+ // projection of the
+ // boundary function on
+ // the edge.
+ internals::VectorTools
+ ::compute_face_projection (cell, face, fe_face_values,
+ boundary_function,
+ first_vector_component, dof_values);
+ cell->face (face)->get_dof_indices (face_dof_indices,
+ cell->active_fe_index ());
+ // Add the computed
+ // constraints to the
+ // constraint matrix.
+ for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
+ {
+ constraints.add_line (face_dof_indices[dof]);
+ if (std::abs (dof_values[dof]) > 1e-14)
+ constraints.set_inhomogeneity (face_dof_indices[dof], dof_values[dof]);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
case 3:
- const unsigned int n_dofs = dof_handler.n_dofs ();
- std::vector<double> computed_constraints (n_dofs);
- std::vector<int> projected_dofs (n_dofs);
- for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < n_dofs; ++dof)
- projected_dofs[dof] = -1;
- for (; cell != dof_handler.end (); ++cell)
- if (cell->at_boundary ())
- for (unsigned int face = 0; face < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
- if (cell->face (face)->boundary_indicator () == boundary_component)
- {
- // this is only
- // implemented, if the
- // FE is a Nedelec
- // element
- typedef FiniteElement<dim> FEL;
- AssertThrow (dynamic_cast<const FE_Nedelec<dim>*>(&cell->get_fe()) == 0,
- typename FEL::ExcInterpolationNotImplemented ());
- const unsigned int superdegree = cell->get_fe ().degree;
- const unsigned int degree = superdegree - 1;
- const QGauss<dim - 2> reference_edge_quadrature (2 * superdegree);
- const unsigned int dofs_per_face = cell->get_fe ().dofs_per_face;
- dof_values.resize (dofs_per_face);
- for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
- dof_values[dof] = 0.0;
- face_dof_indices.resize (dofs_per_face);
- cell->face (face)->get_dof_indices (face_dof_indices,
- cell->active_fe_index ());
- // First we compute the
- // projection on the
- // edges.
- for (unsigned int line = 0;
- line < GeometryInfo<3>::lines_per_face; ++line)
- {
- // If we have reached
- // this edge through
- // another cell
- // before, we do not
- // do here anything
- // unless we have a
- // good reason,
- // i.e. a higher
- // polynomial degree.
- if (projected_dofs[face_dof_indices[line * superdegree]]
- <
- (int) degree)
- {
- const Quadrature<dim> edge_quadrature
- = QProjector<dim>::project_to_face (QProjector<dim - 1>::project_to_face
- (reference_edge_quadrature, line), face);
- FEValues<dim> fe_edge_values (mapping, cell->get_fe (),
- edge_quadrature,
- update_JxW_values |
- update_jacobians |
- update_quadrature_points |
- update_values);
- // Compute the
- // projection of
- // the boundary
- // function on the
- // edge.
- internals::VectorTools
- ::compute_edge_projection (cell, face, line,
- fe_edge_values,
- edge_quadrature,
- boundary_function,
- first_vector_component,
- dof_values);
- // Mark the
- // projected
- // degrees of
- // freedom.
- for (unsigned int dof = line * superdegree;
- dof < (line + 1) * superdegree; ++dof)
- projected_dofs[face_dof_indices[dof]] = degree;
- }
- // If we have
- // computed the
- // values in a
- // previous step of
- // the loop, we just
- // copy the values in
- // the local vector.
- else
- for (unsigned int dof = line * superdegree;
- dof < (line + 1) * superdegree;
- ++dof)
- dof_values[dof] = computed_constraints[face_dof_indices[dof]];
- }
- // If there are higher
- // order shape
- // functions, there is
- // still some work
- // left.
- if (degree > 0)
- {
- const QGauss<dim - 1> reference_face_quadrature (2 * superdegree);
- const Quadrature<dim> face_quadrature
- = QProjector<dim>::project_to_face (reference_face_quadrature,
- face);
- FEValues<dim> fe_face_values (mapping, cell->get_fe (),
- face_quadrature,
- update_JxW_values |
- update_jacobians |
- update_quadrature_points |
- update_values);
- // Compute the
- // projection of the
- // boundary function
- // on the interior of
- // the face.
- internals::VectorTools
- ::compute_face_projection (cell, face, fe_face_values,
- boundary_function,
- first_vector_component,
- dof_values);
- // Mark the projected
- // degrees of
- // freedom.
- for (unsigned int dof = GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face * superdegree;
- dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
- projected_dofs[face_dof_indices[dof]] = degree;
- }
- // Store the computed
- // values in the global
- // vector.
- for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
- if (std::abs (dof_values[dof]) > 1e-14)
- computed_constraints[face_dof_indices[dof]] = dof_values[dof];
- }
- // Add the computed constraints
- // to the constraint matrix.
- for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < n_dofs; ++dof)
- if (projected_dofs[dof] != -1)
- {
- constraints.add_line (dof);
- constraints.set_inhomogeneity (dof, computed_constraints[dof]);
- }
+ const QGauss<dim - 2> reference_edge_quadrature (2 * superdegree);
+ const unsigned int degree = superdegree - 1;
+ const unsigned int n_dofs = dof_handler.n_dofs ();
+ hp::QCollection<dim> edge_quadrature_collection;
+ for (unsigned int face = 0; face < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
+ for (unsigned int line = 0; line < GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face; ++line)
+ edge_quadrature_collection.push_back
+ (QProjector<dim>::project_to_face
+ (QProjector<dim - 1>::project_to_face
+ (reference_edge_quadrature, line), face));
+ hp::FEValues<dim> fe_edge_values (mapping_collection, fe_collection,
+ edge_quadrature_collection,
+ update_jacobians |
+ update_JxW_values |
+ update_quadrature_points |
+ update_values);
+ std::vector<double> computed_constraints (n_dofs);
+ std::vector<int> projected_dofs (n_dofs);
+ for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < n_dofs; ++dof)
+ projected_dofs[dof] = -1;
+ for (; cell != dof_handler.end (); ++cell)
+ if (cell->at_boundary ())
+ for (unsigned int face = 0; face < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
+ if (cell->face (face)->boundary_indicator () == boundary_component)
+ {
+ // this is only
+ // implemented, if the
+ // FE is a Nedelec
+ // element
+ typedef FiniteElement<dim> FEL;
+ AssertThrow (dynamic_cast<const FE_Nedelec<dim>*> (&cell->get_fe ()) != 0,
+ typename FEL::ExcInterpolationNotImplemented ());
+ for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
+ dof_values[dof] = 0.0;
+ cell->face (face)->get_dof_indices (face_dof_indices,
+ cell->active_fe_index ());
+ // First we compute the
+ // projection on the
+ // edges.
+ for (unsigned int line = 0;
+ line < GeometryInfo<3>::lines_per_face; ++line)
+ {
+ // If we have reached
+ // this edge through
+ // another cell
+ // before, we do not
+ // do here anything
+ // unless we have a
+ // good reason, i.e.
+ // a higher
+ // polynomial degree.
+ if (projected_dofs[face_dof_indices[line * superdegree]]
+ <
+ (int) degree)
+ {
+ // Compute the
+ // projection of
+ // the boundary
+ // function on the
+ // edge.
+ internals::VectorTools
+ ::compute_edge_projection (cell, face, line,
+ fe_edge_values,
+ boundary_function,
+ first_vector_component,
+ dof_values);
+ // Mark the
+ // projected
+ // degrees of
+ // freedom.
+ for (unsigned int dof = line * superdegree;
+ dof < (line + 1) * superdegree; ++dof)
+ projected_dofs[face_dof_indices[dof]] = degree;
+ }
+ // If we have
+ // computed the
+ // values in a
+ // previous step of
+ // the loop, we just
+ // copy the values in
+ // the local vector.
+ else
+ for (unsigned int dof = line * superdegree;
+ dof < (line + 1) * superdegree; ++dof)
+ dof_values[dof] = computed_constraints[face_dof_indices[dof]];
+ }
+ // If there are higher
+ // order shape
+ // functions, there is
+ // still some work
+ // left.
+ if (degree > 0)
+ {
+ // Compute the
+ // projection of the
+ // boundary function
+ // on the interior of
+ // the face.
+ internals::VectorTools
+ ::compute_face_projection (cell, face, fe_face_values,
+ boundary_function,
+ first_vector_component,
+ dof_values);
+ // Mark the projected
+ // degrees of
+ // freedom.
+ for (unsigned int dof = GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face * superdegree;
+ dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
+ projected_dofs[face_dof_indices[dof]] = degree;
+ }
+ // Store the computed
+ // values in the global
+ // vector.
+ for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
+ if (std::abs (dof_values[dof]) > 1e-14)
+ computed_constraints[face_dof_indices[dof]] = dof_values[dof];
+ }
+ // Add the computed constraints
+ // to the constraint matrix.
+ for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < n_dofs; ++dof)
+ if (projected_dofs[dof] != -1)
+ {
+ constraints.add_line (dof);
+ constraints.set_inhomogeneity (dof, computed_constraints[dof]);
+ }
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented ());
project_boundary_values_curl_conforming (const hp::DoFHandler<dim>& dof_handler,
- const unsigned int first_vector_component,
- const Function<dim>& boundary_function,
- const unsigned char boundary_component,
- ConstraintMatrix& constraints,
- const hp::MappingCollection<dim>& mapping_collection)
+ const unsigned int first_vector_component,
+ const Function<dim>& boundary_function,
+ const unsigned char boundary_component,
+ ConstraintMatrix& constraints,
+ const hp::MappingCollection<dim>& mapping_collection)
+ hp::FECollection<dim> fe_collection (dof_handler.get_fe ());
+ hp::QCollection<dim> face_quadrature_collection;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fe_collection.size (); ++i)
+ {
+ const QGauss<dim - 1>
+ reference_face_quadrature (2 * fe_collection[i].degree);
+ for (unsigned int face = 0; face < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
+ face_quadrature_collection.push_back
+ (QProjector<dim>::project_to_face (reference_face_quadrature, face));
+ }
+ hp::FEValues<dim> fe_face_values (mapping_collection, fe_collection,
+ face_quadrature_collection,
+ update_jacobians |
+ update_JxW_values |
+ update_quadrature_points |
+ update_values);
std::vector<double> dof_values;
std::vector<unsigned int> face_dof_indices;
typename hp::DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator cell = dof_handler.begin_active ();
switch (dim)
case 2:
- for (; cell != dof_handler.end (); ++cell)
- if (cell->at_boundary ())
- for (unsigned int face = 0; face < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
- if (cell->face (face)->boundary_indicator () == boundary_component)
- {
- // this is only
- // implemented, if the
- // FE is a Nedelec
- // element
- typedef FiniteElement<dim> FEL;
- AssertThrow ((cell->get_fe ().get_name ().find ("FE_Nedelec<") == 0),
- typename FEL::ExcInterpolationNotImplemented ());
- const unsigned int dofs_per_face = cell->get_fe ().dofs_per_face;
- dof_values.resize (dofs_per_face);
- for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
- dof_values[dof] = 0.0;
- const QGauss<dim - 1>
- reference_face_quadrature (2 * (cell->get_fe ().degree));
- const Quadrature<dim> face_quadrature
- = QProjector<dim>::project_to_face (reference_face_quadrature, face);
- FEValues<dim> fe_face_values (mapping_collection[cell->active_fe_index ()],
- cell->get_fe (), face_quadrature,
- update_jacobians |
- update_JxW_values |
- update_quadrature_points |
- update_values);
- internals::VectorTools
- ::compute_face_projection (cell, face, fe_face_values,
- face_quadrature,
- boundary_function,
- first_vector_component,
- dof_values);
- face_dof_indices.resize (dofs_per_face);
- cell->face (face)->get_dof_indices (face_dof_indices,
- cell->active_fe_index ());
- for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
- {
- constraints.add_line (face_dof_indices[dof]);
- if (std::abs (dof_values[dof]) > 1e-14)
- constraints.set_inhomogeneity (face_dof_indices[dof],
- dof_values[dof]);
- }
- }
- break;
+ for (; cell != dof_handler.end (); ++cell)
+ if (cell->at_boundary ())
+ for (unsigned int face = 0; face < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
+ if (cell->face (face)->boundary_indicator () == boundary_component)
+ {
+ // this is only
+ // implemented, if the
+ // FE is a Nedelec
+ // element
+ typedef FiniteElement<dim> FEL;
+ AssertThrow (dynamic_cast<const FE_Nedelec<dim> *> (&cell->get_fe ()) != 0,
+ typename FEL::ExcInterpolationNotImplemented ());
+ const unsigned int dofs_per_face = cell->get_fe ().dofs_per_face;
+ dof_values.resize (dofs_per_face);
+ for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
+ dof_values[dof] = 0.0;
+ internals::VectorTools
+ ::compute_face_projection (cell, face, fe_face_values,
+ boundary_function,
+ first_vector_component,
+ dof_values);
+ face_dof_indices.resize (dofs_per_face);
+ cell->face (face)->get_dof_indices (face_dof_indices,
+ cell->active_fe_index ());
+ for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
+ {
+ constraints.add_line (face_dof_indices[dof]);
+ if (std::abs (dof_values[dof]) > 1e-14)
+ constraints.set_inhomogeneity (face_dof_indices[dof], dof_values[dof]);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
case 3:
- const unsigned int n_dofs = dof_handler.n_dofs ();
- std::vector<double> computed_constraints (n_dofs);
- std::vector<int> projected_dofs (n_dofs);
- unsigned int degree;
- unsigned int superdegree;
- for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < n_dofs; ++dof)
- projected_dofs[dof] = -1;
- for (; cell != dof_handler.end (); ++cell)
- if (cell->at_boundary ())
- for (unsigned int face = 0; face < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
- if (cell->face (face)->boundary_indicator () == boundary_component)
- {
- // this is only
- // implemented, if the
- // FE is a Nedelec
- // element
- typedef FiniteElement<dim> FEL;
- AssertThrow ((cell->get_fe ().get_name ().find ("FE_Nedelec<") == 0),
- typename FEL::ExcInterpolationNotImplemented ());
- superdegree = cell->get_fe ().degree;
- degree = superdegree - 1;
- const QGauss<dim - 2> reference_edge_quadrature (2 * superdegree);
- const unsigned int dofs_per_face = cell->get_fe ().dofs_per_face;
- dof_values.resize (dofs_per_face);
- for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
- dof_values[dof] = 0.0;
- face_dof_indices.resize (dofs_per_face);
- cell->face (face)->get_dof_indices (face_dof_indices,
- cell->active_fe_index ());
- for (unsigned int line = 0;
- line < GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face; ++line)
- {
- if (projected_dofs[face_dof_indices[line * superdegree]]
- <
- (int) degree)
- {
- const Quadrature<dim> edge_quadrature
- =
- QProjector<dim>::project_to_face
- (QProjector<dim - 1>::project_to_face (reference_edge_quadrature,
- line),
- face);
- FEValues<dim> fe_edge_values (mapping_collection[cell->active_fe_index ()],
- cell->get_fe (),
- edge_quadrature,
- update_JxW_values |
- update_jacobians |
- update_quadrature_points |
- update_values);
- internals::VectorTools
- ::compute_edge_projection (cell, face, line,
- fe_edge_values,
- edge_quadrature,
- boundary_function,
- first_vector_component,
- dof_values);
- for (unsigned int dof = line * superdegree;
- dof < (line + 1) * superdegree;
- ++dof)
- projected_dofs[face_dof_indices[dof]] = degree;
- }
- else
- for (unsigned int dof = line * superdegree;
- dof < (line + 1) * superdegree;
- ++dof)
- dof_values[dof] = computed_constraints[face_dof_indices[dof]];
- }
- if (degree > 0)
- {
- const QGauss<dim - 1> reference_face_quadrature (2 * superdegree);
- const Quadrature<dim> face_quadrature
- = QProjector<dim>::project_to_face (reference_face_quadrature,
- face);
- FEValues<dim> fe_face_values (mapping_collection[cell->active_fe_index ()],
- cell->get_fe (),
- face_quadrature,
- update_JxW_values |
- update_jacobians |
- update_quadrature_points |
- update_values);
- internals::VectorTools
- ::compute_face_projection (cell, face, fe_face_values,
- boundary_function,
- first_vector_component,
- dof_values);
- for (unsigned int dof = GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face * superdegree;
- dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
- projected_dofs[face_dof_indices[dof]] = degree;
- }
- for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
- if (std::abs (dof_values[dof]) > 1e-14)
- computed_constraints[face_dof_indices[dof]] = dof_values[dof];
- }
- for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < n_dofs; ++dof)
- if (projected_dofs[dof] != -1)
- {
- constraints.add_line (dof);
- constraints.set_inhomogeneity (dof,
- computed_constraints[dof]);
- }
+ const unsigned int n_dofs = dof_handler.n_dofs ();
+ hp::QCollection<dim> edge_quadrature_collection;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fe_collection.size (); ++i)
+ {
+ const QGauss<dim - 2>
+ reference_edge_quadrature (2 * fe_collection[i].degree);
+ for (unsigned int face = 0; face < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
+ for (unsigned int line = 0; line < GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face; ++line)
+ edge_quadrature_collection.push_back
+ (QProjector<dim>::project_to_face
+ (QProjector<dim - 1>::project_to_face (reference_edge_quadrature, line),
+ face));
+ }
+ hp::FEValues<dim> fe_edge_values (mapping_collection, fe_collection,
+ edge_quadrature_collection,
+ update_jacobians |
+ update_JxW_values |
+ update_quadrature_points |
+ update_values);
+ std::vector<double> computed_constraints (n_dofs);
+ std::vector<int> projected_dofs (n_dofs);
+ for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < n_dofs; ++dof)
+ projected_dofs[dof] = -1;
+ for (; cell != dof_handler.end (); ++cell)
+ if (cell->at_boundary ())
+ for (unsigned int face = 0; face < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
+ if (cell->face (face)->boundary_indicator () == boundary_component)
+ {
+ // this is only
+ // implemented, if the
+ // FE is a Nedelec
+ // element
+ typedef FiniteElement<dim> FEL;
+ AssertThrow (dynamic_cast<const FE_Nedelec<dim> *> (&cell->get_fe ()) != 0,
+ typename FEL::ExcInterpolationNotImplemented ());
+ const unsigned int superdegree = cell->get_fe ().degree;
+ const unsigned int degree = superdegree - 1;
+ const unsigned int dofs_per_face = cell->get_fe ().dofs_per_face;
+ dof_values.resize (dofs_per_face);
+ for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
+ dof_values[dof] = 0.0;
+ face_dof_indices.resize (dofs_per_face);
+ cell->face (face)->get_dof_indices (face_dof_indices,
+ cell->active_fe_index ());
+ for (unsigned int line = 0;
+ line < GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face; ++line)
+ {
+ if (projected_dofs[face_dof_indices[line * superdegree]]
+ <
+ (int) degree)
+ {
+ internals::VectorTools
+ ::compute_edge_projection (cell, face, line,
+ fe_edge_values,
+ boundary_function,
+ first_vector_component,
+ dof_values);
+ for (unsigned int dof = line * superdegree;
+ dof < (line + 1) * superdegree; ++dof)
+ projected_dofs[face_dof_indices[dof]] = degree;
+ }
+ else
+ for (unsigned int dof = line * superdegree;
+ dof < (line + 1) * superdegree; ++dof)
+ dof_values[dof] = computed_constraints[face_dof_indices[dof]];
+ }
+ if (degree > 0)
+ {
+ internals::VectorTools
+ ::compute_face_projection (cell, face, fe_face_values,
+ boundary_function,
+ first_vector_component,
+ dof_values);
+ for (unsigned int dof = GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face * superdegree;
+ dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
+ projected_dofs[face_dof_indices[dof]] = degree;
+ }
+ for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < dofs_per_face; ++dof)
+ if (std::abs (dof_values[dof]) > 1e-14)
+ computed_constraints[face_dof_indices[dof]] = dof_values[dof];
+ }
+ for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < n_dofs; ++dof)
+ if (projected_dofs[dof] != -1)
+ {
+ constraints.add_line (dof);
+ constraints.set_inhomogeneity (dof, computed_constraints[dof]);
+ }
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented ());