* @defgroup matrixfree Matrix-free infrastructure
- * This module describes the matrix-free infrastructure in deal.II. In
- * essence, the framework provided by the FEEvaluation class on top of the
+ * This module describes the matrix-free infrastructure in deal.II.
+ * An outline of how the primary groups of classes in deal.II interact with the
+ * matrix-free infrastructure is given by the following clickable graph,
+ * with a more detailed description below:
+ *
+ * @dot
+digraph G
+ graph[rankdir="TB",bgcolor="transparent"];
+ node [fontname="FreeSans",fontsize=15,
+ shape=record,height=0.2,width=0.4,
+ color="black", fillcolor="white", style="filled"];
+ edge [color="black", weight=10];
+ subgraph base {
+ rank="same";
+ tria [label="Triangulation", URL="\ref grid", ];
+ fe [label="FiniteElement", URL="\ref feall"];
+ mapping [label="Mapping", URL="\ref mapping"];
+ quadrature [label="Quadrature", URL="\ref Quadrature"];
+ }
+ dh [label="DoFHandler", URL="\ref dofs"];
+ subgraph linalglibs {
+ rank="same";
+ simd [label="SIMD", URL="\ref CUDAWrappers", fontname="FreeSans",fontsize=12,
+ shape=record,height=0.2,width=0.4,
+ color="gray", fontcolor="gray", fillcolor="white", style="filled"];
+ fevalues [label="FEEvaluation"];
+ mf [label="MatrixFree loops"];
+ cuda [label="CUDA", URL="\ref CUDAWrappers", fontname="FreeSans",fontsize=12,
+ shape=record,height=0.2,width=0.4,
+ color="gray", fontcolor="gray", fillcolor="white", style="filled"];
+ tbb [label="TBB", URL="\ref CUDAWrappers", fontname="FreeSans",fontsize=12,
+ shape=record,height=0.2,width=0.4,
+ color="gray", fontcolor="gray", fillcolor="white", style="filled"];
+ }
+ subgraph sol {
+ rank="same";
+ solvers [label="Solvers", URL="\ref Solvers"];
+ gmg [label="Geometric Multigrid", fontname="FreeSans",fontsize=12,
+ shape=record,height=0.2,width=0.4,
+ color="black", fontcolor="black", fillcolor="white", style="dashed"];
+ }
+ output [label="Graphical output", URL="\ref output"];
+ manifold [label="Manifold", URL="\ref manifold"];
+ tria -> dh [color="black",style="solid"];
+ fe -> dh [color="black",style="solid"];
+ fe -> fevalues [color="black",style="solid"];
+ mapping -> fevalues [color="black",style="solid"];
+ quadrature -> fevalues [color="black",style="solid"];
+ dh -> mf [color="black",style="solid"];
+ mf -> systems [color="black",style="solid"];
+ fevalues -> systems [color="black",style="solid"];
+ systems -> solvers [color="black",style="solid"];
+ solvers -> output [color="black",style="solid"];
+ manifold -> tria [color="black",style="solid"];
+ manifold -> mapping [color="black",style="solid"];
+ node [fontname="FreeSans",fontsize=12,
+ shape=record,height=0.2,width=0.4,
+ color="gray", fontcolor="gray", fillcolor="white", style="filled"];
+ edge [color="gray", weight=1];
+ opencascade [label="OpenCASCADE"];
+ subgraph misclibs {
+ systems [label="Operators"];
+ }
+ simd -> fevalues [dir="none", color="transparent"];
+ fevalues -> mf [dir="none", color="transparent"];
+ mf -> cuda [dir="none", color="transparent"];
+ cuda -> tbb [dir="none", color="transparent"];
+ opencascade -> manifold [dir="none"];
+ gmg -> solvers [dir="none", style="dashed", color="black"];
+ node [fontname="FreeSans",fontsize=12,
+ shape=ellipse,height=0.2,width=0.4,
+ color="gray", fontcolor="gray", fillcolor="white", style="filled"];
+ edge [color="gray", weight=1];
+ gmsh [label="gmsh", URL="\ref Gmsh"];
+ visit [label="VisIt"]
+ paraview [label="ParaView"]
+ gmsh -> tria [dir="none"];
+ output -> visit [dir="none"];
+ output -> paraview [dir="none"];
+ * @enddot
+ *
+ * In essence, the framework provided by the FEEvaluation class on top of the
* data storage in MatrixFree is a specialized operator evaluation
* framework. It is currently only compatible with a subset of the elements
* provided by the library which have a special structure, namely those where