]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
dof_tools: fix make_sparsity_pattern and make_flux_sparsity_pattern for distributed...
authorTimo Heister <timo.heister@gmail.com>
Fri, 20 May 2011 08:55:11 +0000 (08:55 +0000)
committerTimo Heister <timo.heister@gmail.com>
Fri, 20 May 2011 08:55:11 +0000 (08:55 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@23729 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d


index 64a2240e704244bf724c49e56604fb5c50be0c12..d75b19db1443736fb2e068de5eaa2d3b6e09ff00 100644 (file)
@@ -67,6 +67,20 @@ namespace DoFTools
     Assert (sparsity.n_cols() == n_dofs,
            ExcDimensionMismatch (sparsity.n_cols(), n_dofs));
+                                    // If we have a distributed::Triangulation only
+                                    // allow locally_owned subdomain. Not setting a
+                                    // subdomain is also okay, because we skip ghost
+                                    // cells in the loop below.
+    Assert (
+      (dof.get_tria().locally_owned_subdomain() == types::invalid_subdomain_id)
+      ||
+      (subdomain_id == types::invalid_subdomain_id)
+      ||
+      (subdomain_id == dof.get_tria().locally_owned_subdomain()),
+      ExcMessage ("For parallel::distributed::Triangulation objects and "
+                 "associated DoF handler objects, asking for any subdomain other "
+                 "than the locally owned one does not make sense."));
     std::vector<unsigned int> dofs_on_this_cell;
     dofs_on_this_cell.reserve (max_dofs_per_cell(dof));
     typename DH::active_cell_iterator cell = dof.begin_active(),
@@ -122,6 +136,20 @@ namespace DoFTools
     Assert (couplings.n_cols() == dof.get_fe().n_components(),
            ExcDimensionMismatch(couplings.n_cols(), dof.get_fe().n_components()));
+                                    // If we have a distributed::Triangulation only
+                                    // allow locally_owned subdomain. Not setting a
+                                    // subdomain is also okay, because we skip ghost
+                                    // cells in the loop below.
+    Assert (
+      (dof.get_tria().locally_owned_subdomain() == types::invalid_subdomain_id)
+      ||
+      (subdomain_id == types::invalid_subdomain_id)
+      ||
+      (subdomain_id == dof.get_tria().locally_owned_subdomain()),
+      ExcMessage ("For parallel::distributed::Triangulation objects and "
+                 "associated DoF handler objects, asking for any subdomain other "
+                 "than the locally owned one does not make sense."));
     const hp::FECollection<DH::dimension,DH::space_dimension> fe_collection (dof.get_fe());
                                     // first, for each finite element, build a
@@ -238,13 +266,13 @@ namespace DoFTools
     const std::list<std::pair<typename DH::cell_iterator,
-                             typename DH::cell_iterator> >
+      typename DH::cell_iterator> >
       = GridTools::get_finest_common_cells (dof_row, dof_col);
     typename std::list<std::pair<typename DH::cell_iterator,
-                                typename DH::cell_iterator> >
+      typename DH::cell_iterator> >
       cell_iter = cell_list.begin();
@@ -495,13 +523,27 @@ namespace DoFTools
                              SparsityPattern &sparsity,
                              const ConstraintMatrix &constraints,
                              const bool              keep_constrained_dofs,
-                             const types::subdomain_id_t subdomain_id)
+                              const types::subdomain_id_t subdomain_id)
     const unsigned int n_dofs = dof.n_dofs();
     AssertDimension (sparsity.n_rows(), n_dofs);
     AssertDimension (sparsity.n_cols(), n_dofs);
+                                     // If we have a distributed::Triangulation only
+                                     // allow locally_owned subdomain. Not setting a
+                                     // subdomain is also okay, because we skip ghost
+                                     // cells in the loop below.
+    Assert (
+      (dof.get_tria().locally_owned_subdomain() == types::invalid_subdomain_id)
+      ||
+      (subdomain_id == types::invalid_subdomain_id)
+      ||
+      (subdomain_id == dof.get_tria().locally_owned_subdomain()),
+      ExcMessage ("For parallel::distributed::Triangulation objects and "
+                 "associated DoF handler objects, asking for any subdomain other "
+                 "than the locally owned one does not make sense."));
     std::vector<unsigned int> dofs_on_this_cell;
     std::vector<unsigned int> dofs_on_other_cell;
     dofs_on_this_cell.reserve (max_dofs_per_cell(dof));
@@ -522,9 +564,13 @@ namespace DoFTools
                                     // current cell is owned by the calling
                                     // processor. Otherwise, just continue.
     for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
-      if ((subdomain_id == types::invalid_subdomain_id)
-         ||
-         (subdomain_id == cell->subdomain_id()))
+      if (((subdomain_id == types::invalid_subdomain_id)
+          ||
+          (subdomain_id == cell->subdomain_id()))
+          &&
+          !cell->is_artificial()
+          &&
+          !cell->is_ghost())
          const unsigned int n_dofs_on_this_cell = cell->get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
          dofs_on_this_cell.resize (n_dofs_on_this_cell);
@@ -722,208 +768,209 @@ namespace DoFTools
        typename DH::active_cell_iterator cell = dof.begin_active(),
                                          endc = dof.end();
        for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
-         {
-           cell->get_dof_indices (dofs_on_this_cell);
-                                            // make sparsity pattern for this cell
-           for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
-             for (unsigned int j=0; j<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
-               if (int_dof_mask(i,j) != none)
-                 sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[i],
-                               dofs_on_this_cell[j]);
-                                            // Loop over all interior neighbors
-           for (unsigned int face = 0;
-                face < GeometryInfo<DH::dimension>::faces_per_cell;
-                ++face)
-             {
-               const typename DH::face_iterator
-                 cell_face = cell->face(face);
-               if (cell_face->user_flag_set ())
-                 continue;
-               if (cell->at_boundary (face) )
-                 {
-                   for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
-                     {
-                       const bool i_non_zero_i = support_on_face (i, face);
-                       for (unsigned int j=0; j<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
-                         {
-                           const bool j_non_zero_i = support_on_face (j, face);
-                           if ((flux_dof_mask(i,j) == always)
-                               ||
-                               (flux_dof_mask(i,j) == nonzero
-                                &&
-                                i_non_zero_i
-                                &&
-                                j_non_zero_i))
-                             sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[i],
-                                           dofs_on_this_cell[j]);
-                         }
-                     }
-                 }
-               else
-                 {
-                   typename DH::cell_iterator
-                     neighbor = cell->neighbor(face);
-                                                    // Refinement edges are taken care of
-                                                    // by coarser cells
-                   if (cell->neighbor_is_coarser(face))
-                     continue;
-                   typename DH::face_iterator cell_face = cell->face(face);
-                   const unsigned int
-                     neighbor_face = cell->neighbor_of_neighbor(face);
+          if (!cell->is_ghost() && !cell->is_artificial())
+           {
+             cell->get_dof_indices (dofs_on_this_cell);
+                                              // make sparsity pattern for this cell
+             for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+               for (unsigned int j=0; j<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+                 if (int_dof_mask(i,j) != none)
+                   sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[i],
+                                 dofs_on_this_cell[j]);
+                                              // Loop over all interior neighbors
+             for (unsigned int face = 0;
+                  face < GeometryInfo<DH::dimension>::faces_per_cell;
+                  ++face)
+               {
+                 const typename DH::face_iterator
+                   cell_face = cell->face(face);
+                 if (cell_face->user_flag_set ())
+                   continue;
-                   if (cell_face->has_children())
-                     {
-                       for (unsigned int sub_nr = 0;
-                            sub_nr != cell_face->n_children();
-                            ++sub_nr)
-                         {
-                           const typename DH::cell_iterator
-                             sub_neighbor
-                             = cell->neighbor_child_on_subface (face, sub_nr);
+                 if (cell->at_boundary (face) )
+                   {
+                     for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+                       {
+                         const bool i_non_zero_i = support_on_face (i, face);
+                         for (unsigned int j=0; j<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+                           {
+                             const bool j_non_zero_i = support_on_face (j, face);
+                             if ((flux_dof_mask(i,j) == always)
+                                 ||
+                                 (flux_dof_mask(i,j) == nonzero
+                                  &&
+                                  i_non_zero_i
+                                  &&
+                                  j_non_zero_i))
+                               sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[i],
+                                             dofs_on_this_cell[j]);
+                           }
+                       }
+                   }
+                 else
+                   {
+                     typename DH::cell_iterator
+                       neighbor = cell->neighbor(face);
+                                                      // Refinement edges are taken care of
+                                                      // by coarser cells
+                     if (cell->neighbor_is_coarser(face))
+                       continue;
-                           sub_neighbor->get_dof_indices (dofs_on_other_cell);
-                           for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
-                             {
-                               const bool i_non_zero_i = support_on_face (i, face);
-                               const bool i_non_zero_e = support_on_face (i, neighbor_face);
-                               for (unsigned int j=0; j<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
-                                 {
-                                   const bool j_non_zero_i = support_on_face (j, face);
-                                   const bool j_non_zero_e = support_on_face (j, neighbor_face);
+                     typename DH::face_iterator cell_face = cell->face(face);
+                     const unsigned int
+                       neighbor_face = cell->neighbor_of_neighbor(face);
-                                   if (flux_dof_mask(i,j) == always)
-                                     {
-                                       sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[i],
-                                                     dofs_on_other_cell[j]);
-                                       sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[i],
-                                                     dofs_on_this_cell[j]);
-                                       sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[i],
-                                                     dofs_on_this_cell[j]);
-                                       sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[i],
-                                                     dofs_on_other_cell[j]);
-                                     }
-                                   else if (flux_dof_mask(i,j) == nonzero)
-                                     {
-                                       if (i_non_zero_i && j_non_zero_e)
+                     if (cell_face->has_children())
+                       {
+                         for (unsigned int sub_nr = 0;
+                              sub_nr != cell_face->n_children();
+                              ++sub_nr)
+                           {
+                             const typename DH::cell_iterator
+                               sub_neighbor
+                               = cell->neighbor_child_on_subface (face, sub_nr);
+                             sub_neighbor->get_dof_indices (dofs_on_other_cell);
+                             for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+                               {
+                                 const bool i_non_zero_i = support_on_face (i, face);
+                                 const bool i_non_zero_e = support_on_face (i, neighbor_face);
+                                 for (unsigned int j=0; j<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+                                   {
+                                     const bool j_non_zero_i = support_on_face (j, face);
+                                     const bool j_non_zero_e = support_on_face (j, neighbor_face);
+                                     if (flux_dof_mask(i,j) == always)
+                                       {
                                          sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[i],
-                                       if (i_non_zero_e && j_non_zero_i)
                                          sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[i],
-                                       if (i_non_zero_i && j_non_zero_i)
                                          sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[i],
-                                       if (i_non_zero_e && j_non_zero_e)
                                          sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[i],
-                                     }
-                                   if (flux_dof_mask(j,i) == always)
-                                     {
-                                       sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[j],
-                                                     dofs_on_other_cell[i]);
-                                       sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[j],
-                                                     dofs_on_this_cell[i]);
-                                       sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[j],
-                                                     dofs_on_this_cell[i]);
-                                       sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[j],
-                                                     dofs_on_other_cell[i]);
-                                     }
-                                   else if (flux_dof_mask(j,i) == nonzero)
-                                     {
-                                       if (j_non_zero_i && i_non_zero_e)
+                                       }
+                                     else if (flux_dof_mask(i,j) == nonzero)
+                                       {
+                                         if (i_non_zero_i && j_non_zero_e)
+                                           sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[i],
+                                                         dofs_on_other_cell[j]);
+                                         if (i_non_zero_e && j_non_zero_i)
+                                           sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[i],
+                                                         dofs_on_this_cell[j]);
+                                         if (i_non_zero_i && j_non_zero_i)
+                                           sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[i],
+                                                         dofs_on_this_cell[j]);
+                                         if (i_non_zero_e && j_non_zero_e)
+                                           sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[i],
+                                                         dofs_on_other_cell[j]);
+                                       }
+                                     if (flux_dof_mask(j,i) == always)
+                                       {
                                          sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[j],
-                                       if (j_non_zero_e && i_non_zero_i)
                                          sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[j],
-                                       if (j_non_zero_i && i_non_zero_i)
                                          sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[j],
-                                       if (j_non_zero_e && i_non_zero_e)
                                          sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[j],
-                                     }
-                                 }
-                             }
-                           sub_neighbor->face(neighbor_face)->set_user_flag ();
-                         }
-                     }
-                   else
-                     {
-                       neighbor->get_dof_indices (dofs_on_other_cell);
-                       for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
-                         {
-                           const bool i_non_zero_i = support_on_face (i, face);
-                           const bool i_non_zero_e = support_on_face (i, neighbor_face);
-                           for (unsigned int j=0; j<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
-                             {
-                               const bool j_non_zero_i = support_on_face (j, face);
-                               const bool j_non_zero_e = support_on_face (j, neighbor_face);
-                               if (flux_dof_mask(i,j) == always)
-                                 {
-                                   sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[i],
-                                                 dofs_on_other_cell[j]);
-                                   sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[i],
-                                                 dofs_on_this_cell[j]);
-                                   sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[i],
-                                                 dofs_on_this_cell[j]);
-                                   sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[i],
-                                                 dofs_on_other_cell[j]);
-                                 }
-                               if (flux_dof_mask(i,j) == nonzero)
-                                 {
-                                   if (i_non_zero_i && j_non_zero_e)
+                                       }
+                                     else if (flux_dof_mask(j,i) == nonzero)
+                                       {
+                                         if (j_non_zero_i && i_non_zero_e)
+                                           sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[j],
+                                                         dofs_on_other_cell[i]);
+                                         if (j_non_zero_e && i_non_zero_i)
+                                           sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[j],
+                                                         dofs_on_this_cell[i]);
+                                         if (j_non_zero_i && i_non_zero_i)
+                                           sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[j],
+                                                         dofs_on_this_cell[i]);
+                                         if (j_non_zero_e && i_non_zero_e)
+                                           sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[j],
+                                                         dofs_on_other_cell[i]);
+                                       }
+                                   }
+                               }
+                             sub_neighbor->face(neighbor_face)->set_user_flag ();
+                           }
+                       }
+                     else
+                       {
+                         neighbor->get_dof_indices (dofs_on_other_cell);
+                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+                           {
+                             const bool i_non_zero_i = support_on_face (i, face);
+                             const bool i_non_zero_e = support_on_face (i, neighbor_face);
+                             for (unsigned int j=0; j<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+                               {
+                                 const bool j_non_zero_i = support_on_face (j, face);
+                                 const bool j_non_zero_e = support_on_face (j, neighbor_face);
+                                 if (flux_dof_mask(i,j) == always)
+                                   {
                                      sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[i],
-                                   if (i_non_zero_e && j_non_zero_i)
                                      sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[i],
-                                   if (i_non_zero_i && j_non_zero_i)
                                      sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[i],
-                                   if (i_non_zero_e && j_non_zero_e)
                                      sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[i],
-                                 }
+                                   }
+                                 if (flux_dof_mask(i,j) == nonzero)
+                                   {
+                                     if (i_non_zero_i && j_non_zero_e)
+                                       sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[i],
+                                                     dofs_on_other_cell[j]);
+                                     if (i_non_zero_e && j_non_zero_i)
+                                       sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[i],
+                                                     dofs_on_this_cell[j]);
+                                     if (i_non_zero_i && j_non_zero_i)
+                                       sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[i],
+                                                     dofs_on_this_cell[j]);
+                                     if (i_non_zero_e && j_non_zero_e)
+                                       sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[i],
+                                                     dofs_on_other_cell[j]);
+                                   }
-                               if (flux_dof_mask(j,i) == always)
-                                 {
-                                   sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[j],
-                                                 dofs_on_other_cell[i]);
-                                   sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[j],
-                                                 dofs_on_this_cell[i]);
-                                   sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[j],
-                                                 dofs_on_this_cell[i]);
-                                   sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[j],
-                                                 dofs_on_other_cell[i]);
-                                 }
-                               if (flux_dof_mask(j,i) == nonzero)
-                                 {
-                                   if (j_non_zero_i && i_non_zero_e)
+                                 if (flux_dof_mask(j,i) == always)
+                                   {
                                      sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[j],
-                                   if (j_non_zero_e && i_non_zero_i)
                                      sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[j],
-                                   if (j_non_zero_i && i_non_zero_i)
                                      sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[j],
-                                   if (j_non_zero_e && i_non_zero_e)
                                      sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[j],
-                                 }
-                             }
-                         }
-                       neighbor->face(neighbor_face)->set_user_flag ();
-                     }
-                 }
-             }
-         }
+                                   }
+                                 if (flux_dof_mask(j,i) == nonzero)
+                                   {
+                                     if (j_non_zero_i && i_non_zero_e)
+                                       sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[j],
+                                                     dofs_on_other_cell[i]);
+                                     if (j_non_zero_e && i_non_zero_i)
+                                       sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[j],
+                                                     dofs_on_this_cell[i]);
+                                     if (j_non_zero_i && i_non_zero_i)
+                                       sparsity.add (dofs_on_this_cell[j],
+                                                     dofs_on_this_cell[i]);
+                                     if (j_non_zero_e && i_non_zero_e)
+                                       sparsity.add (dofs_on_other_cell[j],
+                                                     dofs_on_other_cell[i]);
+                                   }
+                               }
+                           }
+                         neighbor->face(neighbor_face)->set_user_flag ();
+                       }
+                   }
+               }
+            }
@@ -4336,22 +4383,16 @@ namespace DoFTools
   dof_indices_with_subdomain_association (const DH           &dof_handler,
                                          const types::subdomain_id_t subdomain)
-                                    // if the DoFHandler is distributed, the
-                                    // only thing we can usefully ask is for
-                                    // its locally owned subdomain
-    Assert ((dynamic_cast<const parallel::distributed::
-            Triangulation<DH::dimension,DH::space_dimension>*>
-            (&dof_handler.get_tria()) == 0)
-           ||
-           (subdomain ==
-            dynamic_cast<const parallel::distributed::
-            Triangulation<DH::dimension,DH::space_dimension>*>
-            (&dof_handler.get_tria())->locally_owned_subdomain()),
-           ExcMessage ("For parallel::distributed::Triangulation objects and "
-                       "associated DoF handler objects, asking for any subdomain other "
-                       "than the locally owned one does not make sense."));
+                                    // If we have a distributed::Triangulation only
+                                    // allow locally_owned subdomain.
+    Assert (
+      (dof_handler.get_tria().locally_owned_subdomain() == types::invalid_subdomain_id)
+      ||
+      (subdomain == dof_handler.get_tria().locally_owned_subdomain()),
+      ExcMessage ("For parallel::distributed::Triangulation objects and "
+                 "associated DoF handler objects, asking for any subdomain other "
+                 "than the locally owned one does not make sense."));
     IndexSet index_set (dof_handler.n_dofs());

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.