std::function<VectorType &()> get_function_scaling;
+ /**
+ * A function object that users may supply and which is intended to perform
+ * custom setup on the supplied @p kinsol_mem object. Refer to the
+ * SUNDIALS documentation for valid options.
+ *
+ * For instance, the following code attaches a file for error output of the
+ * internal KINSOL implementation:
+ *
+ * @code
+ * // Open C-style file handle and manage it inside a shared_ptr which
+ * // is handed to the lambda capture in the next statement. When the
+ * // custom_setup function is destroyed, the file is closed.
+ * auto errfile = std::shared_ptr<FILE>(
+ * fopen("kinsol.err", "w"),
+ * [](FILE *fptr) { fclose(fptr); });
+ *
+ * ode.custom_setup = [&, errfile](void *kinsol_mem) {
+ * KINSetErrFile(kinsol_mem, errfile.get());
+ * };
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @note This function will be called at the end of all other setup code
+ * right before the actual solve call is issued to KINSOL. Consult the
+ * SUNDIALS manual to see which options are still available at this point.
+ *
+ * @param kinsol_mem pointer to the KINSOL memory block which can be used
+ * for custom calls to `KINSet...` functions.
+ */
+ std::function<void(void *kinsol_mem)> custom_setup;
* Handle KINSOL exceptions.
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2017 - 2023 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+#include <deal.II/base/parameter_handler.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/full_matrix.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/sundials/kinsol.h>
+#include "../tests.h"
+// Like the _05 test but in addition, this test checks that an optional
+// custom_setup callback is called correctly.
+ /**
+ * Callback to test whether KINSOL::custom_setup() works.
+ */
+ void
+ kinsol_info_callback(const char *module,
+ const char *function,
+ char * msg,
+ void * ih_data)
+ {
+ (void)ih_data;
+ deallog << "KINSOL info: " << module << ":" << function << ": " << msg
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+} // namespace
+ initlog();
+ using VectorType = Vector<double>;
+ SUNDIALS::KINSOL<VectorType>::AdditionalData data;
+ ParameterHandler prm;
+ data.add_parameters(prm);
+ std::ifstream ifile(SOURCE_DIR "/kinsol_linesearch.prm");
+ prm.parse_input(ifile);
+ // Update the Jacobian in each iteration:
+ data.maximum_setup_calls = 1;
+ // Size of the problem
+ const unsigned int N = 2;
+ SUNDIALS::KINSOL<VectorType> kinsol(data);
+ kinsol.reinit_vector = [N](VectorType &v) { v.reinit(N); };
+ kinsol.residual = [](const VectorType &u, VectorType &F) {
+ deallog << "Evaluating the solution at u=(" << u[0] << ',' << u[1] << ')'
+ << std::endl;
+ F(0) = std::cos(u[0] + u[1]) - 1 + 2 * u[0];
+ F(1) = std::sin(u[0] - u[1]) + 2 * u[1];
+ };
+ kinsol.iteration_function = [](const VectorType &u, VectorType &F) {
+ // We want a Newton-type scheme, not a fixed point iteration. So we
+ // shouldn't get into this function.
+ std::abort();
+ // But if anyone wanted to see how it would look like:
+ F(0) = std::cos(u[0] + u[1]) - 1 + 2 * u[0] - u[0];
+ F(1) = std::sin(u[0] - u[1]) + 2 * u[1] - u[1];
+ };
+ FullMatrix<double> J_inverse(2, 2);
+ kinsol.setup_jacobian = [&J_inverse](const VectorType &u,
+ const VectorType &F) {
+ // We don't do any kind of set-up in this program, but we can at least
+ // say that we're here
+ deallog << "Setting up Jacobian system at u=(" << u[0] << ',' << u[1] << ')'
+ << std::endl;
+ FullMatrix<double> J(2, 2);
+ J(0, 0) = -std::sin(u[0] + u[1]) + 2;
+ J(0, 1) = -std::sin(u[0] + u[1]);
+ J(1, 0) = std::cos(u[0] - u[1]);
+ J(1, 1) = -std::cos(u[0] - u[1]) + 2;
+ J_inverse.invert(J);
+ };
+ kinsol.solve_with_jacobian =
+ [&J_inverse](const VectorType &rhs, VectorType &dst, double) {
+ deallog << "Solving Jacobian system with rhs=(" << rhs[0] << ',' << rhs[1]
+ << ')' << std::endl;
+ J_inverse.vmult(dst, rhs);
+ };
+ kinsol.custom_setup = [](void *kinsol_mem) {
+ // test custom_setup callback by querying some information from KINSOL
+ KINSetInfoHandlerFn(kinsol_mem, kinsol_info_callback, nullptr);
+ KINSetPrintLevel(kinsol_mem, 1);
+ };
+ VectorType v(N);
+ v(0) = 0.5;
+ v(1) = 1.234;
+ auto niter = kinsol.solve(v);
+ v.print(deallog.get_file_stream());
+ deallog << "Converged in " << niter << " iterations." << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::KINSOL info: KINSOL:KINSolInit: scsteptol = 3.67e-11 fnormtol = 6.06e-06
+DEAL::Evaluating the solution at u=(0.500000,1.23400)
+DEAL::KINSOL info: KINSOL:KINSolInit: nni = 0 nfe = 1 fnorm = 1.805480887742806
+DEAL::Setting up Jacobian system at u=(0.500000,1.23400)
+DEAL::Solving Jacobian system with rhs=(0.162480,-1.79816)
+DEAL::Evaluating the solution at u=(0.500000,1.23400)
+DEAL::Evaluating the solution at u=(-0.282294,0.265967)
+DEAL::KINSOL info: KINSOL:KINSol: nni = 1 nfe = 2 fnorm = 0.5648238454047571
+DEAL::Setting up Jacobian system at u=(-0.282294,0.265967)
+DEAL::Solving Jacobian system with rhs=(0.564722,-0.0107297)
+DEAL::Evaluating the solution at u=(-0.282294,0.265967)
+DEAL::Evaluating the solution at u=(-0.000445202,0.0468183)
+DEAL::KINSOL info: KINSOL:KINSol: nni = 2 nfe = 3 fnorm = 0.04643227263854082
+DEAL::Setting up Jacobian system at u=(-0.000445202,0.0468183)
+DEAL::Solving Jacobian system with rhs=(0.00196544,-0.0463907)
+DEAL::Evaluating the solution at u=(-0.000445202,0.0468183)
+DEAL::Evaluating the solution at u=(-0.000536539,0.000570488)
+DEAL::KINSOL info: KINSOL:KINSol: nni = 3 nfe = 4 fnorm = 0.001073616152656229
+DEAL::Setting up Jacobian system at u=(-0.000536539,0.000570488)
+DEAL::Solving Jacobian system with rhs=(0.00107308,-3.39491e-05)
+DEAL::Evaluating the solution at u=(-0.000536554,0.000570504)
+DEAL::Evaluating the solution at u=(-2.88123e-10,7.40347e-10)
+DEAL::KINSOL info: KINSOL:KINSol: nni = 4 nfe = 5 fnorm = 7.325069237808057e-10
+DEAL::KINSOL info: KINSOL:KINSol: Return value: 0 (KIN_SUCCESS)
+-2.881e-10 7.403e-10
+DEAL::Converged in 4 iterations.