* There is another function,
* #add_timestep#, which inserts a
* time step at the end of the list.
+ *
+ * Note that this function does not
+ * change the timestep numbers stored
+ * within the other timestep objects,
+ * nor does it set the timestep number
+ * of this new timestep. This is only
+ * done upon calling the #start_sweep#
+ * function. In not changing the timestep
+ * numbers, it is simpler to operate
+ * on a space-time triangulation since
+ * one can always use the timestep numbers
+ * that were used in the previous sweep.
void insert_timestep (TimeStepBase *new_timestep,
const unsigned int position);
* Deletion of the object by the
* destructor is done through this
* function also.
+ *
+ * Note that this function does
+ * not change the timestep
+ * numbers stored within the
+ * other timestep objects. This
+ * is only done upon calling the
+ * #start_sweep# function. In not
+ * changing the timestep numbers,
+ * it is simpler to operate on a
+ * space-time triangulation since
+ * one can always use the
+ * timestep numbers that were
+ * used in the previous sweep.
void delete_timestep (const unsigned int position);