--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// Version: $Name$
+// Copyright (C) 2010 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+#ifndef __deal2__integrators_differential_h
+#define __deal2__integrators_differential_h
+#include <base/config.h>
+#include <base/exceptions.h>
+#include <base/quadrature.h>
+#include <lac/full_matrix.h>
+#include <fe/mapping.h>
+#include <fe/fe_values.h>
+#include <numerics/mesh_worker_info.h>
+namespace LocalIntegrators
+ * @brief Local integrators related to first order differential operators and their traces.
+ *
+ * @author Guido Kanschat
+ * @date 2010
+ */
+ namespace Differential
+ {
+ * Cell matrix for divergence. The derivative is on the trial function.
+ *
+ * \f[
+ * \int_Z v\nabla \cdot u \,dx
+ * \f]
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ void divergence_matrix (
+ FullMatrix<double>& M,
+ const FEValuesBase<dim>& fe,
+ const FEValuesBase<dim>& fetest,
+ double factor = 1.)
+ {
+ unsigned int fecomp = fe.get_fe().n_components();
+ const unsigned int n_dofs = fe.dofs_per_cell;
+ const unsigned int t_dofs = fetest.dofs_per_cell;
+ AssertDimension(fecomp, dim);
+ AssertDimension(M.m(), t_dofs);
+ AssertDimension(M.n(), n_dofs);
+ for (unsigned k=0;k<fe.n_quadrature_points;++k)
+ {
+ const double dx = fe.JxW(k) * factor;
+ for (unsigned i=0;i<t_dofs;++i)
+ {
+ const double vv = fetest.shape_value(i,k);
+ for (unsigned int d=0;d<dim;++d)
+ for (unsigned j=0;j<n_dofs;++j)
+ {
+ const double du = fe.shape_grad_component(j,k,d)[d];
+ M(i,j) += dx * du * vv;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Cell matrix for divergence. The derivative is on the test function.
+ *
+ * \f[
+ * \int_Z \nabla u \cdot v\,dx
+ * \f]
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ void gradient_matrix(
+ FullMatrix<double>& M,
+ const FEValuesBase<dim>& fe,
+ const FEValuesBase<dim>& fetest,
+ double factor = 1.)
+ {
+ unsigned int fecomp = fetest.get_fe().n_components();
+ const unsigned int t_dofs = fetest.dofs_per_cell;
+ const unsigned int n_dofs = fe.dofs_per_cell;
+ AssertDimension(fecomp, dim);
+ AssertDimension(fe.get_fe().n_components(), 1);
+ AssertDimension(M.m(), t_dofs);
+ AssertDimension(M.n(), n_dofs);
+ for (unsigned k=0;k<fe.n_quadrature_points;++k)
+ {
+ const double dx = fe.JxW(k) * factor;
+ for (unsigned int d=0;d<dim;++d)
+ for (unsigned i=0;i<t_dofs;++i)
+ {
+ const double vv = fetest.shape_value_component(i,k,d);
+ for (unsigned j=0;j<n_dofs;++j)
+ {
+ const Tensor<1,dim>& Du = fe.shape_grad(j,k);
+ M(i,j) += dx * vv * Du[d];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * The trace of the divergence
+ * operator, namely the product
+ * of the normal component of the
+ * vector valued trial space and
+ * the test space.
+ * @f[
+ * \int_F (\mathbf u\cdot \mathbf n) v \,ds
+ * @f]
+ */
+ template<int dim>
+ void
+ u_dot_n_matrix (
+ FullMatrix<double>& M,
+ const FEValuesBase<dim>& fe,
+ const FEValuesBase<dim>& fetest,
+ double factor = 1.)
+ {
+ unsigned int fecomp = fe.get_fe().n_components();
+ const unsigned int n_dofs = fe.dofs_per_cell;
+ const unsigned int t_dofs = fetest.dofs_per_cell;
+ AssertDimension(fecomp, dim);
+ AssertDimension(fetest.get_fe().n_components(), 1);
+ AssertDimension(M.m(), t_dofs);
+ AssertDimension(M.n(), n_dofs);
+ for (unsigned k=0;k<fe.n_quadrature_points;++k)
+ {
+ const Tensor<1,dim> ndx = factor * fe.JxW(k) * fe.normal_vector(k);
+ for (unsigned i=0;i<t_dofs;++i)
+ for (unsigned j=0;j<n_dofs;++j)
+ for (unsigned int d=0;d<dim;++d)
+ M(i,j) += ndx[d] * fe.shape_value_component(j,k,d)
+ * fetest.shape_value(i,k);
+ }
+ }
+ * The trace of the divergence
+ * operator, namely the product
+ * of the normal component of the
+ * vector valued trial space and
+ * the test space.
+ * @f[
+ * \int_F (\mathbf f\cdot \mathbf n) v \,ds
+ * @f]
+ */
+ template<int dim>
+ void
+ u_dot_n_residual (
+ Vector<double>& result,
+ const FEValuesBase<dim>& fe,
+ const FEValuesBase<dim>& fetest,
+ const VectorSlice<const std::vector<std::vector<double> > >& data,
+ double factor = 1.)
+ {
+ unsigned int fecomp = fe.get_fe().n_components();
+ const unsigned int t_dofs = fetest.dofs_per_cell;
+ AssertDimension(fecomp, dim);
+ AssertDimension(fetest.get_fe().n_components(), 1);
+ AssertDimension(result.size(), t_dofs);
+ AssertVectorVectorDimension (data, dim, fe.n_quadrature_points);
+ for (unsigned k=0;k<fe.n_quadrature_points;++k)
+ {
+ const Tensor<1,dim> ndx = factor * fe.normal_vector(k) * fe.JxW(k);
+ for (unsigned i=0;i<t_dofs;++i)
+ for (unsigned int d=0;d<dim;++d)
+ result(i) += ndx[d] * fetest.shape_value(i,k) * data[d][k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// Version: $Name$
+// Copyright (C) 2010 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+#ifndef __deal2__integrators_l2_h
+#define __deal2__integrators_l2_h
+#include <base/config.h>
+#include <base/exceptions.h>
+#include <base/quadrature.h>
+#include <lac/full_matrix.h>
+#include <fe/mapping.h>
+#include <fe/fe_values.h>
+#include <numerics/mesh_worker_info.h>
+namespace LocalIntegrators
+ * @brief Local integrators related to <i>L<sup>2</sup</i>-inner products.
+ *
+ * @author Guido Kanschat
+ * @date 2010
+ */
+ namespace L2
+ {
+ * The mass matrix.
+ *
+ * \f[
+ * (a u,v)
+ * \f]
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ void mass_matrix (
+ FullMatrix<double>& M,
+ const FEValuesBase<dim>& fe,
+ const double factor = 1.)
+ {
+ const unsigned int n_dofs = fe.dofs_per_cell;
+ const unsigned int n_components = fe.get_fe().n_components();
+ for (unsigned k=0;k<fe.n_quadrature_points;++k)
+ {
+ const double dx = fe.JxW(k) * factor;
+ for (unsigned i=0;i<n_dofs;++i)
+ for (unsigned j=0;j<n_dofs;++j)
+ for (unsigned int d=0;d<n_components;++d)
+ M(i,j) += dx
+ * fe.shape_value_component(j,k,d)
+ * fe.shape_value_component(i,k,d);
+ }
+ }
+ * <i>L<sup>2</sup</i>-inner product for scalar functions.
+ *
+ * \f[
+ * (f,v)
+ * \f]
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ void L2 (
+ Vector<double>& result,
+ const FEValuesBase<dim>& fe,
+ const std::vector<double>& input,
+ const double factor = 1.)
+ {
+ const unsigned int n_dofs = fe.dofs_per_cell;
+ AssertDimension(result.size(), n_dofs);
+ AssertDimension(fe.get_fe().n_components(), 1);
+ AssertDimension(input.size(), fe.n_quadrature_points);
+ for (unsigned k=0;k<fe.n_quadrature_points;++k)
+ for (unsigned i=0;i<n_dofs;++i)
+ result(i) += fe.JxW(k) * factor * input[k] * fe.shape_value(i,k);
+ }
+ * <i>L<sup>2</sup</i>-inner product for a slice of a vector valued
+ * right hand side.
+ *
+ * \f[
+ * \int_Z f\cdot v\,dx
+ * \f]
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ void L2 (
+ Vector<double>& result,
+ const FEValuesBase<dim>& fe,
+ const VectorSlice<const std::vector<std::vector<double> > >& input,
+ const double factor = 1.)
+ {
+ const unsigned int n_dofs = fe.dofs_per_cell;
+ const unsigned int fe_components = fe.get_fe().n_components();
+ const unsigned int n_components = input.size();
+ AssertDimension(result.size(), n_dofs);
+ AssertDimension(input.size(), fe_components);
+ for (unsigned k=0;k<fe.n_quadrature_points;++k)
+ for (unsigned i=0;i<n_dofs;++i)
+ for (unsigned int d=0;d<n_components;++d)
+ result(i) += fe.JxW(k) * factor * fe.shape_value_component(i,k,d) * input[d][k];
+ }
+ }