+template <class DH>
+ Table<2, unsigned int>& matrix,
+ const typename DH::cell_iterator& cell,
+ const FiniteElement<DH::dimension>& fe,
+ const Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling>& couple_cell,
+ const Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling>& couple_face)
+ // First, dofs on
+ // vertices. We assume that
+ // each vertex dof couples
+ // with all dofs on
+ // adjacent grid cells.
+ // Adding all dofs of the cells
+ // will add dofs of the faces
+ // of the cell adjacent to the
+ // vertex twice. Therefore, we
+ // subtract these here and add
+ // them in a loop over the
+ // faces below.
+ // in 1d, faces and vertices
+ // are identical. Nevertheless,
+ // this will only work if
+ // dofs_per_face is zero and
+ // dofs_per_vertex is
+ // arbitrary, not the other way
+ // round.
+ unsigned int increment;
+ unsigned int i=0;
+ while (i < fe.first_line_index)
+ {
+ const unsigned int iblock = fe.system_to_block_index(i).first;
+ for (unsigned int base=0;base<fe.n_base_elements();++base)
+ {
+ increment = fe.base_element(base).dofs_per_cell
+ - DH::dimension * fe.base_element(base).dofs_per_face;
+ for (unsigned int mult=0;mult<fe.element_multiplicity(base);++mult)
+ {
+ const unsigned int jblock = fe.first_block_of_base(base) + mult;
+ if (couple_cell(iblock, jblock) != DoFTools::none)
+ {
+ matrix(i, jblock) += increment;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // From now on, if an object is
+ // a cell, its dofs only couple
+ // inside the cell. Since the
+ // faces are handled below, we
+ // have to subtract ALL faces
+ // in this case.
+ // In all other cases we
+ // subtract adjacent faces to be
+ // added in the loop below.
+ while (i < fe.first_quad_index)
+ {
+ const unsigned int iblock = fe.system_to_block_index(i).first;
+ for (unsigned int base=0;base<fe.n_base_elements();++base)
+ {
+ increment = fe.base_element(base).dofs_per_cell
+ - ((DH::dimension>1)
+ ? (DH::dimension-1)
+ : GeometryInfo<DH::dimension>::faces_per_cell)
+ * fe.base_element(base).dofs_per_face;
+ for (unsigned int mult=0;mult<fe.element_multiplicity(base);++mult)
+ {
+ const unsigned int jblock = fe.first_block_of_base(base) + mult;
+ if (couple_cell(iblock, jblock) != DoFTools::none)
+ {
+ matrix(i, jblock) += increment;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // Now quads in 2D and 3D
+ while (i < fe.first_hex_index)
+ {
+ const unsigned int iblock = fe.system_to_block_index(i).first;
+ for (unsigned int base=0;base<fe.n_base_elements();++base)
+ {
+ increment = fe.base_element(base).dofs_per_cell
+ - ((DH::dimension>2)
+ ? (DH::dimension-2)
+ : GeometryInfo<DH::dimension>::faces_per_cell)
+ * fe.base_element(base).dofs_per_face;
+ for (unsigned int mult=0;mult<fe.element_multiplicity(base);++mult)
+ {
+ const unsigned int jblock = fe.first_block_of_base(base) + mult;
+ if (couple_cell(iblock, jblock) != DoFTools::none)
+ {
+ matrix(i, jblock) += increment;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // Finally, cells in 3D
+ while (i < fe.dofs_per_cell)
+ {
+ const unsigned int iblock = fe.system_to_block_index(i).first;
+ for (unsigned int base=0;base<fe.n_base_elements();++base)
+ {
+ increment = fe.base_element(base).dofs_per_cell
+ - GeometryInfo<DH::dimension>::faces_per_cell
+ * fe.base_element(base).dofs_per_face;
+ for (unsigned int mult=0;mult<fe.element_multiplicity(base);++mult)
+ {
+ const unsigned int jblock = fe.first_block_of_base(base) + mult;
+ if (couple_cell(iblock, jblock) != DoFTools::none)
+ {
+ matrix(i, jblock) += increment;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // At this point, we have
+ // counted all dofs
+ // contributiong from cells
+ // coupled topologically to the
+ // adjacent cells, but we
+ // subtracted some faces.
+ // Now, let's go by the faces
+ // and add the missing
+ // contribution as well as the
+ // flux contributions.
+ for (unsigned int iface=0;iface<GeometryInfo<DH::dimension>::faces_per_cell;++iface)
+ {
+ if (cell->at_boundary(iface))
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<fe.dofs_per_cell;++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned int iblock = fe.system_to_block_index(i).first;
+ for (unsigned int base=0;base<fe.n_base_elements();++base)
+ {
+ increment = fe.base_element(base).dofs_per_face;
+ for (unsigned int mult=0;mult<fe.element_multiplicity(base);++mult)
+ {
+ const unsigned int jblock = fe.first_block_of_base(base) + mult;
+ if (couple_cell(iblock, jblock) != DoFTools::none)
+ {
+ matrix(i, jblock) += increment;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template <class DH>
+ Table<2, unsigned int>& matrix,
+ Table<2, unsigned int>& nmatrix,
+ const typename DH::face_iterator& face,
+ const typename DH::cell_iterator& cell,
+ const typename DH::cell_iterator& neighbor,
+ const FiniteElement<DH::dimension>& fe,
+ const FiniteElement<DH::dimension>& nfe,
+ const Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling>& couple_cell,
+ const Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling>& couple_face)
+ // This function will be called
+ // once per face, at the refinement
+ // edge from a refined cell.
+ // The dofs on the common face
+ // will be handled below,
+ // therefore, we subtract them
+ // here.
+ for (unsigned int base=0;base<nfe.n_base_elements();++base)
+ {
+ const unsigned int increment = nfe.base_element(base).dofs_per_cell
+ - nfe.base_element(base).dofs_per_face;
+ for (unsigned int mult=0;mult<nfe.element_multiplicity(base);++mult)
+ {
+ const unsigned int jblock = nfe.first_block_of_base(base) + mult;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<fe.dofs_per_cell;++i)
+ if (couple_face(fe.system_to_block_index(i).first, jblock)
+ != DoFTools::none)
+ {
+ matrix(i,jblock) += increment;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (unsigned int base=0;base<fe.n_base_elements();++base)
+ {
+ const unsigned int increment = fe.base_element(base).dofs_per_cell
+ - fe.base_element(base).dofs_per_face;
+ for (unsigned int mult=0;mult<fe.element_multiplicity(base);++mult)
+ {
+ const unsigned int jblock = fe.first_block_of_base(base) + mult;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<nfe.dofs_per_cell;++i)
+ if (couple_face(nfe.system_to_block_index(i).first, jblock)
+ != DoFTools::none)
+ {
+ nmatrix(i,jblock) += increment;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // At this point, we assume
+ // that each cell added its
+ // dofs minus the face to
+ // the couplings of the
+ // face dofs. Since we
+ // subtracted two faces, we
+ // have to re-add one.
+ // If one side of the face
+ // is refined, all the fine
+ // face dofs couple with
+ // the coarse one.
+ // Wolfgang, do they couple
+ // with each other by
+ // constraints?
+ // This will not work with
+ // different couplings on
+ // different cells.
+ for (unsigned int base=0;base<nfe.n_base_elements();++base)
+ for (unsigned int mult=0;mult<nfe.element_multiplicity(base);++mult)
+ {
+ const unsigned int jblock = nfe.first_block_of_base(base) + mult;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<fe.dofs_per_cell;++i)
+ if (couple_cell(fe.system_to_component_index(i).first,
+ jblock) != DoFTools::none)
+ matrix(i, jblock)
+ += nfe.base_element(base).dofs_per_face;
+ }
+ for (unsigned int base=0;base<fe.n_base_elements();++base)
+ for (unsigned int mult=0;mult<fe.element_multiplicity(base);++mult)
+ {
+ const unsigned int jblock = fe.first_block_of_base(base) + mult;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<nfe.dofs_per_cell;++i)
+ if (couple_cell(nfe.system_to_component_index(i).first,
+ jblock) != DoFTools::none)
+ nmatrix(i, jblock)
+ += fe.base_element(base).dofs_per_face;
+ }
// Template for 2D and 3D. For 1D see specialization above
template <class DH>