#include <sundials/sundials_math.h>
#include <sundials/sundials_types.h>
+#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <memory>
- * Interface to SUNDIALS IDA (Implicit Differential-Algebraic) solver.
+ * Interface to SUNDIALS Implicit Differential-Algebraic (IDA) solver.
- * The class IDAInterface is a wrapper to the Implicit
- * Differential-Algebraic solver which is a general purpose solver for
- * systems of Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs).
+ * The class IDA is a wrapper to SUNDIALS Implicit Differential-Algebraic
+ * solver which is a general purpose solver for systems of
+ * Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs).
* The user has to provide the implementation of the following std::functions:
* - reinit_vector;
* thrown.
* - solver_should_restart;
* - differential_components;
- * - output_step;
* - get_local_tolerances;
+ * To output steps, connect a function to the signal
+ * - output_step;
+ *
* Citing from the SUNDIALS documentation:
* Consider a system of Differential-Algebraic Equations written in the
* \f]
* That is $F(y', y, t) = y' + A y = 0 $
- *
* where
* \f[
* \begin{matrix}
* k^2 &0
* \end{matrix}
* \f]
- *
- * and $y(0)=(0, k)$, $y'(0) = (k, 0)$
+ * and $y(0)=(0, k)$, $y'(0) = (k, 0)$.
* The exact solution is $y_0(t) = \sin(k t)$, $y_1(t) = y_0'(t) = k \cos(k t)$,
- * $y_1'(t) = -k^2 \sin(k t)$
+ * $y_1'(t) = -k^2 \sin(k t)$.
- * The Jacobian to assemble is the following: $J = \alpha I + A$
+ * The Jacobian to assemble is the following: $J = \alpha I + A$.
* This is achieved by the following snippet of code:
* @code
- * Constructor. It is possible to fine tune the SUNDIALS IDA solver by tweaking some of
- * the input parameters.
+ * Additional parameters that can be passed to the IDA class.
+ */
+ class AdditionalData
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * IDA is a Differential Algebraic solver. As such, it requires initial
+ * conditions also for the first order derivatives. If you do not provide
+ * consistent initial conditions, (i.e., conditions for which F(y_dot(0),
+ * y(0), 0) = 0), you can ask SUNDIALS to compute initial conditions for
+ * you by specifying InitialConditionCorrection for the initial
+ * conditions both at the `initial_time` (`ic_type`) and after a reset
+ * has occurred (`reset_type`).
+ */
+ enum InitialConditionCorrection
+ {
+ /**
+ * Do not try to make initial conditions consistent.
+ */
+ none = 0,
+ /**
+ * Compute the algebraic components of y and differential
+ * components of y_dot, given the differential components of y.
+ * This option requires that the user specifies differential and
+ * algebraic components in the function get_differential_components.
+ */
+ use_y_diff = 1,
+ /**
+ * Compute all components of y, given y_dot.
+ */
+ use_y_dot = 2
+ };
+ /**
+ * Initialization parameters for IDA.
+ *
+ * Global parameters:
+ *
+ * @param initial_time Initial time
+ * @param final_time Final time
+ * @param initial_step_size Initial step size
+ * @param output_period Time interval between each output
+ *
+ * Running parameters:
+ *
+ * @param minimum_step_size Minimum step size
+ * @param maximum_order Maximum BDF order
+ * @param maximum_non_linear_iterations Maximum number of nonlinear iterations
+ *
+ * Error parameters:
+ *
+ * @param absolute_tolerance Absolute error tolerance
+ * @param relative_tolerance Relative error tolerance
+ * @param use_local_tolerances Use local tolerances when computing errors
+ * @param ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors Ignore algebraic terms for error computations
+ *
+ * Initial condition correction parameters:
+ *
+ * @param ic_type Initial condition correction type
+ * @param reset_type Initial condition correction type after restart
+ * @param maximum_non_linear_iterations_ic Initial condition Newton max iterations
+ */
+ AdditionalData(// Initial parameters
+ const double &initial_time = 0.0,
+ const double &final_time = 1.0,
+ const double &initial_step_size = 1e-2,
+ const double &output_period = 1e-1,
+ // Running parameters
+ const double &minimum_step_size = 1e-6,
+ const unsigned int &maximum_order = 5,
+ const unsigned int &maximum_non_linear_iterations = 10,
+ // Error parameters
+ const double &absolute_tolerance = 1e-6,
+ const double &relative_tolerance = 1e-5,
+ const bool &use_local_tolerances = false,
+ const bool &ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors = true,
+ // Initial conditions parameters
+ const InitialConditionCorrection &ic_type = use_y_diff,
+ const InitialConditionCorrection &reset_type = use_y_diff,
+ const unsigned int &maximum_non_linear_iterations_ic = 5) :
+ initial_time(initial_time),
+ final_time(final_time),
+ initial_step_size(initial_step_size),
+ minimum_step_size(minimum_step_size),
+ absolute_tolerance(absolute_tolerance),
+ relative_tolerance(relative_tolerance),
+ maximum_order(maximum_order),
+ output_period(output_period),
+ ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors(ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors),
+ ic_type(ic_type),
+ reset_type(reset_type),
+ maximum_non_linear_iterations_ic(maximum_non_linear_iterations_ic),
+ maximum_non_linear_iterations(maximum_non_linear_iterations),
+ use_local_tolerances(use_local_tolerances)
+ {};
+ /**
+ * Add all AdditionalData() parameters to the given ParameterHandler
+ * object. When the parameters are parsed from a file, the internal
+ * parameters are automatically updated.
+ *
+ * The following parameters are declared:
+ *
+ * @code
+ * set Final time = 1.000000
+ * set Initial time = 0.000000
+ * set Time interval between each output = 0.2
+ * subsection Error control
+ * set Absolute error tolerance = 0.000001
+ * set Ignore algebraic terms for error computations = true
+ * set Relative error tolerance = 0.00001
+ * set Use local tolerances = false
+ * end
+ * subsection Initial condition correction parameters
+ * set Correction type at initial time = none
+ * set Correction type after restart = none
+ * set Maximum number of nonlinear iterations = 5
+ * end
+ * subsection Running parameters
+ * set Initial step size = 0.1
+ * set Maximum number of nonlinear iterations = 10
+ * set Maximum order of BDF = 5
+ * set Minimum step size = 0.000001
+ * end
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * These are one-to-one with the options you can pass at construction time.
+ *
+ * The options you pass at construction time are set as default values in
+ * the ParameterHandler object `prm`. You can later modify them by parsing
+ * a parameter file using `prm`. The values of the parameter will be updated
+ * whenever the content of `prm` is updated.
+ *
+ * Make sure that this class lives longer than `prm`. Undefined behaviour
+ * will occurr if you destroy this class, and then parse a parameter file
+ * using `prm`.
+ */
+ void add_parameters(ParameterHandler &prm)
+ {
+ prm.add_parameter("Initial time", initial_time);
+ prm.add_parameter("Final time", final_time);
+ prm.add_parameter("Time interval between each output", output_period);
+ prm.enter_subsection("Running parameters");
+ prm.add_parameter("Initial step size",initial_step_size);
+ prm.add_parameter("Minimum step size", minimum_step_size);
+ prm.add_parameter("Maximum order of BDF", maximum_order);
+ prm.add_parameter("Maximum number of nonlinear iterations", maximum_non_linear_iterations);
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ prm.enter_subsection("Error control");
+ prm.add_parameter("Absolute error tolerance", absolute_tolerance);
+ prm.add_parameter("Relative error tolerance", relative_tolerance);
+ prm.add_parameter("Ignore algebraic terms for error computations", ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors,
+ "Indicate whether or not to suppress algebraic variables "
+ "in the local error test.");
+ prm.add_parameter("Use local tolerances", use_local_tolerances);
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ prm.enter_subsection("Initial condition correction parameters");
+ static std::string ic_type_str="use_y_diff";
+ prm.add_parameter("Correction type at initial time", ic_type_str,
+ "This is one of the following three options for the "
+ "initial condition calculation. \n"
+ " none: do not try to make initial conditions consistent. \n"
+ " use_y_diff: compute the algebraic components of y and differential\n"
+ " components of y_dot, given the differential components of y. \n"
+ " This option requires that the user specifies differential and \n"
+ " algebraic components in the function get_differential_components.\n"
+ " use_y_dot: compute all components of y, given y_dot.",
+ Patterns::Selection("none|use_y_diff|use_y_dot"));
+ prm.add_action("Correction type at initial time",[&](const std::string &value)
+ {
+ if (value == "use_y_diff")
+ ic_type = use_y_diff;
+ else if (value == "use_y_dot")
+ ic_type = use_y_dot;
+ else if (value == "none")
+ ic_type = none;
+ else
+ AssertThrow(false, ExcInternalError());
+ });
+ static std::string reset_type_str="use_y_diff";
+ prm.add_parameter("Correction type after restart", reset_type_str,
+ "This is one of the following three options for the "
+ "initial condition calculation. \n"
+ " none: do not try to make initial conditions consistent. \n"
+ " use_y_diff: compute the algebraic components of y and differential\n"
+ " components of y_dot, given the differential components of y. \n"
+ " This option requires that the user specifies differential and \n"
+ " algebraic components in the function get_differential_components.\n"
+ " use_y_dot: compute all components of y, given y_dot.",
+ Patterns::Selection("none|use_y_diff|use_y_dot"));
+ prm.add_action("Correction type after restart",[&](const std::string &value)
+ {
+ if (value == "use_y_diff")
+ reset_type = use_y_diff;
+ else if (value == "use_y_dot")
+ reset_type = use_y_dot;
+ else if (value == "none")
+ reset_type = none;
+ else
+ AssertThrow(false, ExcInternalError());
+ });
+ prm.add_parameter("Maximum number of nonlinear iterations", maximum_non_linear_iterations_ic);
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initial time for the DAE.
+ */
+ double initial_time;
+ /**
+ * Final time.
+ */
+ double final_time;
+ /**
+ * Initial step size.
+ */
+ double initial_step_size;
+ /**
+ * Minimum step size.
+ */
+ double minimum_step_size;
+ /**
+ * Absolute error tolerance for adaptive time stepping.
+ */
+ double absolute_tolerance;
+ /**
+ * Relative error tolerance for adaptive time stepping.
+ */
+ double relative_tolerance;
+ /**
+ * Maximum order of BDF.
+ */
+ unsigned int maximum_order;
+ /**
+ * Time period between each output.
+ */
+ double output_period;
+ /**
+ * Ignore algebraic terms for errors.
+ */
+ bool ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors;
+ /**
+ * Type of correction for initial conditions.
+ *
+ * If you do not provide consistent initial conditions, (i.e., conditions
+ * for which $F(y_dot(0), y(0), 0) = 0$), you can ask SUNDIALS to compute
+ * initial conditions for you by using the `ic_type` parameter at
+ * construction time.
+ *
+ * Notice that you could in principle use this capabilities to solve for
+ * stady state problems by setting y_dot to zero, and asking to compute
+ * $y(0)$ that satisfies $F(0, y(0), 0) = 0$, however the nonlinear solver
+ * used inside IDA may not be robust enough for complex problems with
+ * several millions unknowns.
+ */
+ InitialConditionCorrection ic_type;
+ /**
+ * Type of correction for initial conditions to be used after a solver
+ * restart.
+ *
+ * If you do not have consistent initial conditions after a restart, (i.e.,
+ * conditions for which F(y_dot(t_restart), y(t_restart), t_restart) = 0),
+ * you can ask SUNDIALS to compute the new initial conditions for you by
+ * using the `reset_type` parameter at construction time.
+ */
+ InitialConditionCorrection reset_type;
+ /**
+ * Maximum number of iterations for Newton method in IC calculation.
+ */
+ unsigned maximum_non_linear_iterations_ic;
+ /**
+ * Maximum number of iterations for Newton method during time advancement.
+ */
+ unsigned int maximum_non_linear_iterations;
+ /**
+ * Use local tolerances when computing absolute tolerance.
+ */
+ bool use_local_tolerances;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Constructor. It is possible to fine tune the SUNDIALS IDA solver by passing an
+ * AdditionalData() object that sets all of the solver parameters.
* IDA is a Differential Algebraic solver. As such, it requires initial conditions also for
* the first order derivatives. If you do not provide consistent initial conditions, (i.e.,
* options that you used for the initial conditions in `reset_type`.
* @param mpi_comm MPI communicator
- * @param initial_time Initial time
- * @param final_time Final time
- * @param initial_step_size Initial step size
- * @param min_step_size Minimum step size
- * @param abs_tol Absolute error tolerance
- * @param rel_tol Relative error tolerance
- * @param max_order Maximum BDF order
- * @param output_period Time interval between each output
- * @param ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors Ignore algebraic terms for error computations
- * @param ic_type Initial condition type
- * @param reset_type Initial condition type after restart
- * @param ic_alpha Initial condition Newton parameter
- * @param ic_max_iter Initial condition Newton max iterations
- * @param max_non_linear_iterations Maximum number of nonlinear iterations
- * @param verbose Show output of time steps
- * @param use_local_tolerances Use local tolerances
+ * @param data IDA configuration data
IDA(const MPI_Comm mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD,
- const double &initial_time = 0.0,
- const double &final_time = 1.0,
- const double &initial_step_size = 1e-4,
- const double &min_step_size = 1e-6,
- const double &abs_tol = 1e-6,
- const double &rel_tol = 1e-5,
- const unsigned int &max_order = 5,
- const double &output_period = .1,
- const bool &ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors = true,
- const std::string &ic_type = "none",
- const std::string &reset_type = "none",
- const double &ic_alpha = .33,
- const unsigned int &ic_max_iter = 5,
- const unsigned int &max_non_linear_iterations = 10,
- const bool &verbose = true,
- const bool &use_local_tolerances = false);
+ const AdditionalData &data=AdditionalData());
- * House cleaning.
+ * Destructor.
- * Add all internal parameters to the given ParameterHandler object. When
- * the paramaters are parsed from a file, the internal parameters are automatically
- * updated.
- *
- * The following parameters are declared:
- *
- * @code
- * set Absolute error tolerance = 0.000001
- * set Final time = 1.000000
- * set Ignore algebraic terms for error computations = true
- * set Initial condition Newton max iterations = 5
- * set Initial condition Newton parameter = 0.330000
- * set Initial condition type = use_y_diff
- * set Initial condition type after restart = use_y_dot
- * set Initial step size = 0.000100
- * set Initial time = 0.000000
- * set Maximum number of nonlinear iterations = 10
- * set Maximum order of BDF = 5
- * set Min step size = 0.000001
- * set Relative error tolerance = 0.000010
- * set Show output of time steps = true
- * set Time units between each output = 0.05
- * set Use local tolerances = false
- * @endcode
- *
- * These are one-to-one with the options you can pass at construction time.
- *
- * Those options are set as default value in the ParameterHandler object
- * `prm`.
- */
- virtual void add_parameters(ParameterHandler &prm);
- /**
- * Evolve. This function returns the final number of steps.
+ * Integrate differential-algebraic equations. This function returns the
+ * final number of computed steps.
unsigned int solve_dae(VectorType &solution,
VectorType &solution_dot);
* called when the simulation start and when the user returns true to a
* call to solver_should_restart().
- * By default solver_should_restart returns false. If the user needs to
+ * By default solver_should_restart() returns false. If the user needs to
* implement, for example, local adaptivity in space, he or she may assign
* a different function to solver_should_restart() that performs all mesh
- * changes, transfers the solution and the solution dot to the new mesh, and
- * returns true.
+ * changes, transfers the solution and the solution dot to the new mesh,
+ * and returns true.
* During reset(), both y and yp are checked for consistency, and according to
* what was specified as ic_type (if t==initial_time) or reset_type (if
std::function<void(VectorType &)> reinit_vector;
- * Compute residual.
+ * Compute residual. Return $F(t, y, \dot y)$.
* This function should return:
* - 0: Success
VectorType &res)> residual;
- * Compute Jacobian.
+ * Compute Jacobian. This function is called by IDA any time a Jacobian
+ * update is required. The user should compute the Jacobian (or update all
+ * the variables that allow the application of the Jacobian). This function
+ * is called by IDA once, before any call to solve_jacobian_system().
+ *
+ * The Jacobian $J$ should be a (possibly inexact) computation of
+ * \f[
+ * J=\dfrac{\partial G}{\partial y} = \dfrac{\partial F}{\partial y} +
+ * \alpha \dfrac{\partial F}{\partial \dot y}.
+ * \f]
+ *
+ * If the user uses a matrix based computation of the Jacobian, than this
+ * is the right place where an assembly routine shoulde be called to
+ * assemble both a matrix and a preconditioner for the Jacobian system.
+ * Subsequent calls (possibly more than one) to solve_jacobian_system() can
+ * assume that this function has been called at least once.
+ *
+ * Notice that no assumption is made by this interface on what the user
+ * should do in this function. IDA only assumes that after a call to
+ * setup_jacobian() it is possible to call solve_jacobian_system(), to
+ * obtain a solution $x$ to the system $J x = b$.
* This function should return:
* - 0: Success
const double alpha)> setup_jacobian;
- * Solve linear system.
+ * Solve the Jacobian linear system. This function will be called by IDA
+ * (possibly several times) after setup_jacobian() has been called at least
+ * once. IDA tries to do its best to call setup_jacobian() the minimum
+ * amount of times. If convergence can be achieved without updating the
+ * Jacobian, then IDA does not call setup_jacobian() again. If, on the
+ * contrary, internal IDA convergence tests fail, then IDA calls again
+ * setup_jacobian() with updated vectors and coefficents so that successive
+ * calls to solve_jacobian_systems() lead to better convergence in the
+ * Newton process.
+ *
+ * The jacobian $J$ should be (an approximation of) the system Jacobian
+ * \f[
+ * J=\dfrac{\partial G}{\partial y} = \dfrac{\partial F}{\partial y} +
+ * \alpha \dfrac{\partial F}{\partial \dot y}.
+ * \f]
+ *
+ * A call to this function should store in `dst` the result of $J^{-1}$
+ * applied to `src`, i.e., `J*dst = src`. It is the users responsability to
+ * set up proper solvers and preconditioners inside this function.
* This function should return:
* - 0: Success
std::function<int(const VectorType &rhs, VectorType &dst)> solve_jacobian_system;
- * Store solutions to file.
+ * Process solution. This function is called by IDA at fixed time steps,
+ * every `output_period` seconds, and it is passed a polynomial
+ * interpolation of the solution and of its time derivative, computed using
+ * the current BDF order and the (internally stored) previously computed
+ * solution steps.
+ *
+ * Notice that it is well possible that internally IDA computes a time step
+ * which is much larger than the `output_period` step, and therefore calls
+ * this function consecutively several times by simply performing all
+ * intermediate interpolations. There is no relationship between how many
+ * times this function is called and how many time steps have actually been
+ * computed.
std::function<void (const double t,
const VectorType &sol,
* Return an index set containing the differential components.
* Implementation of this function is optional. The default is to return a
* complete index set. If your equation is also algebraic (i.e., it
- * contains algebraic constraings, or lagrange multipliers), you should
+ * contains algebraic constraints, or lagrange multipliers), you should
* overwrite this function in order to return only the differential
* components of your system.
std::function<VectorType&()> get_local_tolerances;
- /**
- * Set initial time equal to @p t disregarding what is written
- * in the parameter file.
- */
- void set_initial_time(const double &t);
* Handle IDA exceptions.
void set_functions_to_trigger_an_assert();
- * Initial time for the DAE.
- */
- double initial_time;
- /**
- * Final time.
- */
- double final_time;
- /**
- * Initial step size.
- */
- double initial_step_size;
- /**
- * Minimum step size.
- */
- double min_step_size;
- /**
- * Absolute error tolerance for adaptive time stepping.
- */
- double abs_tol;
- /**
- * Relative error tolerance for adaptive time stepping.
- */
- double rel_tol;
- /**
- * Maximum order of BDF.
- */
- unsigned int max_order;
- /**
- * Time period between each output.
+ * IDA configuration data.
- double output_period;
- /**
- * Ignore algebraic terms for errors.
- */
- bool ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors;
- /**
- * Type of initial conditions.
- *
- * IDA is a Differential Algebraic solver. As such, it requires initial conditions also for
- * the first order derivatives. If you do not provide consistent initial conditions, (i.e.,
- * conditions for which $F(y_dot(0), y(0), 0) = 0$), you can ask SUNDIALS to compute initial
- * conditions for you by using the `ic_type` parameter at construction time.
- *
- * You have three options
- * - none: do not try to make initial conditions consistent.
- * - use_y_diff: compute the algebraic components of y and differential
- * components of y_dot, given the differential components of y.
- * This option requires that the user specifies differential and
- * algebraic components in the function get_differential_components.
- * - use_y_dot: compute all components of y, given y_dot.
- *
- * Notice that you could in principle use this capabilities to solve for
- * stady state problems by setting y_dot to zero, and asking to compute
- * $y(0)$ that satisfies $F(0, y(0), 0) = 0$, however the nonlinear solver
- * used inside IDA may not be robust enough for complex problems with
- * several millions unknowns.
- */
- std::string ic_type;
- /**
- * Type of conditions to be used after a solver restart.
- *
- * If you do not have consistent initial conditions after a restart, (i.e.,
- * conditions for which F(y_dot(t_restart), y(t_restart), t_restart) = 0),
- * you can ask SUNDIALS to compute the new initial conditions for you by
- * using the `reset_type` parameter at construction time.
- *
- * You have three options
- * - none: do not try to make initial conditions consistent.
- * - use_y_diff: compute the algebraic components of y and differential
- * components of y_dot, given the differential components of y.
- * This option requires that the user specifies differential and
- * algebraic components in the function get_differential_components.
- * - use_y_dot: compute all components of y, given y_dot.
- */
- std::string reset_type;
- /**
- * Alpha to use in Newton method for IC calculation.
- */
- double ic_alpha;
- /**
- * Maximum number of iterations for Newton method in IC calculation.
- */
- unsigned ic_max_iter;
- /**
- * Maximum number of iterations for Newton method during time advancement.
- */
- unsigned int max_non_linear_iterations;
- /**
- * Show the progress of the time stepper.
- */
- bool verbose;
- /**
- * Use local tolerances when computing absolute tolerance.
- */
- bool use_local_tolerances;
+ AdditionalData data;
* IDA memory object.
MPI_Comm communicator;
- /**
- * Output stream. If run in parallel, only processor zero will
- * output verbose information about time steps.
- */
- ConditionalOStream pcout;
* Memory pool of vectors.
template <typename VectorType>
- IDA<VectorType>::IDA(const MPI_Comm mpi_comm,
- const double &initial_time,
- const double &final_time,
- const double &initial_step_size,
- const double &min_step_size,
- const double &abs_tol,
- const double &rel_tol,
- const unsigned int &max_order,
- const double &output_period,
- const bool &ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors,
- const std::string &ic_type,
- const std::string &reset_type,
- const double &ic_alpha,
- const unsigned int &ic_max_iter,
- const unsigned int &max_non_linear_iterations,
- const bool &verbose,
- const bool &use_local_tolerances) :
- initial_time(initial_time),
- final_time(final_time),
- initial_step_size(initial_step_size),
- min_step_size(min_step_size),
- abs_tol(abs_tol),
- rel_tol(rel_tol),
- max_order(max_order),
- output_period(output_period),
- ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors(ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors),
- ic_type(ic_type),
- reset_type(reset_type),
- ic_alpha(ic_alpha),
- ic_max_iter(ic_max_iter),
- max_non_linear_iterations(max_non_linear_iterations),
- verbose(verbose),
- use_local_tolerances(use_local_tolerances),
+ IDA<VectorType>::IDA(const MPI_Comm mpi_comm, const AdditionalData &data) :
+ data(data),
- communicator(Utilities::MPI::duplicate_communicator(mpi_comm)),
- pcout(std::cout, Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(mpi_comm)==0)
+ communicator(Utilities::MPI::duplicate_communicator(mpi_comm))
- template <typename VectorType>
- void IDA<VectorType>::add_parameters(ParameterHandler &prm)
- {
- prm.add_parameter("Initial step size",initial_step_size);
- prm.add_parameter("Minimum step size", min_step_size);
- prm.add_parameter("Absolute error tolerance", abs_tol);
- prm.add_parameter("Relative error tolerance", rel_tol);
- prm.add_parameter("Initial time", initial_time);
- prm.add_parameter("Final time", final_time);
- prm.add_parameter("Time interval between each output", output_period);
- prm.add_parameter("Maximum order of BDF", max_order);
- prm.add_parameter("Maximum number of nonlinear iterations", max_non_linear_iterations);
- prm.add_parameter("Ignore algebraic terms for error computations", ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors,
- "Indicate whether or not to suppress algebraic variables "
- "in the local error test.");
- prm.add_parameter("Initial condition type", ic_type,
- "This is one of the following three options for the "
- "initial condition calculation. \n"
- " none: do not try to make initial conditions consistent. \n"
- " use_y_diff: compute the algebraic components of y and differential\n"
- " components of y_dot, given the differential components of y. \n"
- " This option requires that the user specifies differential and \n"
- " algebraic components in the function get_differential_components.\n"
- " use_y_dot: compute all components of y, given y_dot.",
- Patterns::Selection("none|use_y_diff|use_y_dot"));
- prm.add_parameter("Initial condition type after restart", reset_type,
- "This is one of the following three options for the "
- "initial condition calculation. \n"
- " none: do not try to make initial conditions consistent. \n"
- " use_y_diff: compute the algebraic components of y and differential\n"
- " components of y_dot, given the differential components of y. \n"
- " This option requires that the user specifies differential and \n"
- " algebraic components in the function get_differential_components.\n"
- " use_y_dot: compute all components of y, given y_dot.",
- Patterns::Selection("none|use_y_diff|use_y_dot"));
- prm.add_parameter("Initial condition Newton parameter", ic_alpha);
- prm.add_parameter("Initial condition Newton max iterations", ic_max_iter);
- prm.add_parameter("Use local tolerances", use_local_tolerances);
- prm.add_parameter("Show output of time steps", verbose);
- }
template <typename VectorType>
unsigned int system_size = solution.size();
unsigned int local_system_size = system_size;
- double t = initial_time;
- double h = initial_step_size;
+ double t = data.initial_time;
+ double h = data.initial_step_size;
unsigned int step_number = 0;
int status;
diff_id = N_VNew_Serial(system_size);
abs_tolls = N_VNew_Serial(system_size);
- reset(initial_time,
- initial_step_size,
+ reset(data.initial_time,
+ data.initial_step_size,
- double next_time = initial_time;
+ double next_time = data.initial_time;
output_step( 0, solution, solution_dot, 0);
- while (t<final_time)
+ while (t<data.final_time)
- next_time += output_period;
- if (verbose)
- {
- pcout << " "//"\r"
- << std::setw(5) << t << " ----> "
- << std::setw(5) << next_time
- << std::endl;
- }
+ next_time += data.output_period;
status = IDASolve(ida_mem, next_time, &t, yy, yp, IDA_NORMAL);
output_step(t, solution, solution_dot, step_number);
- pcout << std::endl;
// Free the vectors which are no longer used.
if (is_serial_vector<VectorType>::value == false)
unsigned int system_size;
unsigned int local_system_size;
- bool first_step = (current_time == initial_time);
+ bool first_step = (current_time == data.initial_time);
if (ida_mem)
status = IDAInit(ida_mem, t_dae_residual<VectorType>, current_time, yy, yp);
- if (use_local_tolerances)
+ if (data.use_local_tolerances)
copy(abs_tolls, get_local_tolerances());
- status = IDASVtolerances(ida_mem, rel_tol, abs_tolls);
+ status = IDASVtolerances(ida_mem, data.relative_tolerance, abs_tolls);
- status = IDASStolerances(ida_mem, rel_tol, abs_tol);
+ status = IDASStolerances(ida_mem, data.relative_tolerance, data.absolute_tolerance);
status = IDASetUserData(ida_mem, (void *) this);
- if (ic_type == "use_y_diff" || reset_type == "use_y_diff" || ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors)
+ if (data.ic_type == AdditionalData::use_y_diff ||
+ data.reset_type == AdditionalData::use_y_diff ||
+ data.ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors)
VectorType diff_comp_vector(solution);
diff_comp_vector = 0.0;
- status = IDASetSuppressAlg(ida_mem, ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors);
+ status = IDASetSuppressAlg(ida_mem, data.ignore_algebraic_terms_for_errors);
// status = IDASetMaxNumSteps(ida_mem, max_steps);
- status = IDASetStopTime(ida_mem, final_time);
+ status = IDASetStopTime(ida_mem, data.final_time);
- status = IDASetMaxNonlinIters(ida_mem, max_non_linear_iterations);
+ status = IDASetMaxNonlinIters(ida_mem, data.maximum_non_linear_iterations);
// Initialize solver
IDA_mem->ida_lsolve = t_dae_solve<VectorType>;
IDA_mem->ida_setupNonNull = true;
- status = IDASetMaxOrd(ida_mem, max_order);
+ status = IDASetMaxOrd(ida_mem, data.maximum_order);
- std::string type;
+ typename AdditionalData::InitialConditionCorrection type;
if (first_step)
- type = ic_type;
+ type = data.ic_type;
- type = reset_type;
+ type = data.reset_type;
- if (verbose)
- {
- pcout << "computing consistent initial conditions with the option "
- << type
- << " please be patient."
- << std::endl;
- }
+ status = IDASetMaxNumItersIC(ida_mem, data.maximum_non_linear_iterations_ic);
+ AssertIDA(status);
- if (type == "use_y_dot")
+ if (type == AdditionalData::use_y_dot)
// (re)initialization of the vectors
status = IDACalcIC(ida_mem, IDA_Y_INIT, current_time+current_time_step);
copy(solution, yy);
copy(solution_dot, yp);
- else if (type == "use_y_diff")
+ else if (type == AdditionalData::use_y_diff)
status = IDACalcIC(ida_mem, IDA_YA_YDP_INIT, current_time+current_time_step);
copy(solution, yy);
copy(solution_dot, yp);
- if (verbose)
- {
- pcout << "compute initial conditions: done."
- << std::endl;
- }
- }
- template<typename VectorType>
- void IDA<VectorType>::set_initial_time(const double &t)
- {
- initial_time = t;
template<typename VectorType>