// compute quadrature points with
// a Newton algorithm.
- // set tolerance
+ // Set tolerance. See class QGauss
+ // for detailed explanation.
const long double
- epsilon = static_cast<long double>(std::numeric_limits<long double>::epsilon());
+ long_double_eps = static_cast<long double>(std::numeric_limits<long double>::epsilon()),
+ double_eps = static_cast<long double>(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
const long double
- epsilon = 1.e-19L;
+ long_double_eps = 1.09-19L,
+ double_eps = 2.23-16;
+ // check whether long double is
+ // more accurate than double, and
+ // set tolerances accordingly
+ const long double epsilon
+ = (static_cast<long double>(1.0) + long_double_eps != static_cast<long double>(1.0)
+ ?
+ std::max (double_eps / 100, long_double_eps * 5)
+ :
+ double_eps * 5
+ );
// we take the zeros of the Chebyshev
// polynomial (alpha=beta=-0.5) as
// initial values: