MGDoFHandler }
-TRIANGULATION_AND_DOFHANDLERS := { Triangulation<deal_II_dimension>;
- DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>;
- hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>;
- MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> }
+ DoFHandler;
+ hp::DoFHandler;
+ MGDoFHandler}
+TRIANGULATION_AND_DOFHANDLERS := { Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> }
FEVALUES_BASES := { FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>;
FEFaceValuesBase<deal_II_dimension> }
DIMENSIONS := { 1; 2; 3 }
+SPACE_DIMENSIONS := { 1; 2; 3 }
<a name="general"></a>
+New: Added support for codimension 2, i.e. for dim-dimensional objects
+embedded into spacedim=dim+2 dimensional space.
+(Sebastian Pauletti, 2012/03/02)
<li> Changed: Material and Boundary indicators have been both of the
type unsigned char. Throughout the library, we changed their datatype
to <code>types::material_id_t</code>
much easier to extend the range of boundary or material ids, if
-(Wolfgang Bangerth, Christian Goll 2012/02/27)
+(Christian Goll 2012/02/27)
<li> New: Functions like FEValues::get_function_values have long been
able to extract values from pretty much any vector kind given to it (e.g.
<h3>Specific improvements</h3>
+<li> Changed:
+A new method to determine an initial guess for the Newton method was coded
+in MappingQ::transform_real_to_unit_cell.
+The code in transform_real_to_unit_cell was cleaned a little bit and a new code
+for the @<2,3@> case was added.
+(Sebastian Pauletti, 2012/03/02)
+<li> Changed:
+In the context of codim@>0, Mapping::transform would require different inputs
+depending on the mapping type.
+For mapping_covariant, mapping_contravariant the input is DerivativeForm<1, dim, spacedim>
+but for mapping_covariant_gradient, mapping_contravariant_gradient the input is Tensor<2,dim>.
+(Sebastian Pauletti, 2012/03/02)
+<li> New:
+A new class DerivativeForm was added.
+This class is supposed to represent the derivatives of a mapping.
+(Sebastian Pauletti, 2012/03/02)
<li> Fixed: TrilinosWrappers::Vector::all_zero() in parallel.
(Timo Heister, Jörg Frohne, 2012/03/06)
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef __deal2__derivative_form_h
+#define __deal2__derivative_form_h
+#include <deal.II/base/tensor.h>
+ This class represents the (tangential) derivatives of a function
+ \f f: ${\mathbb R}^{\text{dim}} \rightarrow {\mathbb R}^{\text{spacedim}}\f$.
+ Such functions are always used to map the reference dim-dimensional
+ cell into spacedim-dimensional space.
+ For such objects, the first derivative of the function is a linear map from
+ \f${\mathbb R}^{\text{dim}}\f$ to \f${\mathbb R}^{\text{spacedim}}\f$,
+ the second derivative a bilinear map
+ from \f${\mathbb R}^{\text{dim}} \times {\mathbb R}^{\text{dim}}\f$
+ to \f${\mathbb R}^{\text{spacedim}}\f$ and so on.
+ In deal.II we represent these derivaties using objects of
+ type DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim>, DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> and so on.
+ @author Sebastian Pauletti, 2011
+template <int order, int dim, int spacedim>
+class DerivativeForm
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor. Initialize all entries
+ * to zero.
+ */
+ DerivativeForm ();
+ /**
+ Constructor from a second order tensor.
+ */
+ DerivativeForm (const Tensor<2,dim> &);
+ /**
+ * Read-Write access operator.
+ */
+ Tensor<order,dim> &operator [] (const unsigned int i);
+ /**
+ * Read-only access operator.
+ */
+ const Tensor<order,dim> &operator [] (const unsigned int i) const;
+ /**
+ * Assignment operator.
+ */
+ DerivativeForm & operator = (const DerivativeForm <order, dim, spacedim> &);
+ /**
+ * Assignment operator.
+ */
+ DerivativeForm & operator = (const Tensor<2,dim> &);
+ /**
+ * Assignment operator.
+ */
+ DerivativeForm & operator = (const Tensor<1,dim> &);
+ /**
+ Converts a DerivativeForm <1,dim, dim>
+ to Tensor<2,dim>.
+ If the derivative is the Jacobian of F,
+ then Tensor[i] = grad(F^i).
+ */
+ operator Tensor<2,dim>() const;
+ /**
+ Converts a DerivativeForm <1, dim, 1>
+ to Tensor<1,dim>.
+ */
+ operator Tensor<1,dim>() const;
+ /**
+ Return the transpose of a rectangular DerivativeForm,
+ that is to say viewed as a two dimensional matrix.
+ */
+ DerivativeForm<1, spacedim, dim> transpose () const;
+ /**
+ Computes the volume element associated with the
+ jacobian of the tranformation F.
+ That is to say if \f$DF\f$ is square, it computes
+ \f$\det(DF)\f$, in case DF is not square returns
+ \f$\sqrt(\det(DF^{t} * DF))\f$.
+ */
+ double determinant () const;
+ /**
+ Assuming (*this) stores the jacobian of
+ the mapping F, it computes its covariant
+ matrix, namely \f$DF*G^{-1}\f$, where
+ \f$G = DF^{t}*DF\f$.
+ If $DF$ is square, covariant from
+ gives \f$DF^{-t}\f$.
+ */
+ DerivativeForm<1, dim, spacedim> covariant_form() const;
+ /**
+ * Determine an estimate for the
+ * memory consumption (in bytes)
+ * of this object.
+ */
+ static std::size_t memory_consumption ();
+ /**
+ * Exception.
+ */
+ DeclException1 (ExcInvalidTensorIndex,
+ int,
+ << "Invalid DerivativeForm index " << arg1);
+ private:
+ /** Auxiliary function that computes
+ (*this) * T^{t} */
+ DerivativeForm<1, dim, spacedim> times_T_t (Tensor<2,dim> T) const;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Array of tensors holding the
+ * subelements.
+ */
+ Tensor<order,dim> tensor[spacedim];
+/*--------------------------- Inline functions -----------------------------*/
+#ifndef DOXYGEN
+template <int order, int dim, int spacedim>
+DerivativeForm<order, dim, spacedim>::DerivativeForm ()
+// default constructor. not specifying an initializer list calls
+// the default constructor of the subobjects, which initialize them
+// selves. therefore, the tensor array is set to zero this way
+template <int order, int dim, int spacedim>
+DerivativeForm<order, dim, spacedim>::DerivativeForm(const Tensor<2,dim> &T)
+ Assert( (dim == spacedim) && (order==1),
+ ExcMessage("Only allowed for square tensors."));
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+ (*this)[j] = T[j];
+template <int order, int dim, int spacedim>
+DerivativeForm<order, dim, spacedim> &
+DerivativeForm<order, dim, spacedim>::
+operator = (const DerivativeForm<order, dim, spacedim> &ta)
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<spacedim; ++j)
+ (*this)[j] = ta[j];
+ return *this;
+template <int order, int dim, int spacedim>
+DerivativeForm<order, dim, spacedim> & DerivativeForm<order, dim, spacedim>::
+operator = (const Tensor<2,dim> &ta)
+ Assert( (dim == spacedim) && (order==1),
+ ExcMessage("Only allowed for square tensors."));
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+ (*this)[j] = ta[j];
+ return *this;
+template <int order, int dim, int spacedim>
+DerivativeForm<order, dim, spacedim> & DerivativeForm<order, dim, spacedim>::
+operator = (const Tensor<1,dim> &T)
+ Assert( (1 == spacedim) && (order==1),
+ ExcMessage("Only allowed for spacedim==1 and order==1."));
+ (*this)[0] = T;
+ return *this;
+template <int order, int dim, int spacedim>
+Tensor<order,dim> & DerivativeForm<order, dim, spacedim>::
+operator[] (const unsigned int i)
+ Assert (i<spacedim, ExcIndexRange(i, 0, spacedim));
+ return tensor[i];
+template <int order, int dim, int spacedim>
+const Tensor<order,dim> &DerivativeForm<order, dim, spacedim>::
+operator[] (const unsigned int i) const
+ Assert (i<spacedim, ExcIndexRange(i, 0, spacedim));
+ return tensor[i];
+template <int order, int dim, int spacedim>
+DerivativeForm<order, dim, spacedim>::operator Tensor<1,dim>() const
+ Assert( (1 == spacedim) && (order==1),
+ ExcMessage("Only allowed for spacedim==1."));
+ return (*this)[0];
+template <int order, int dim, int spacedim>
+DerivativeForm<order, dim, spacedim>::operator Tensor<2,dim>() const
+ Assert( (dim == spacedim) && (order==1),
+ ExcMessage("Only allowed for square tensors."));
+ Tensor<2,dim> t;
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+ t[j] = (*this)[j];
+ return t;
+template <int order, int dim, int spacedim>
+transpose () const
+ {
+ Assert(order==1, ExcMessage("Only for rectangular DerivativeForm."));
+ DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> tt;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<spacedim; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+ tt[j][i] = (*this)[i][j];
+ return tt;
+ }
+template <int order, int dim, int spacedim>
+DerivativeForm<1, dim, spacedim>
+DerivativeForm<order,dim,spacedim>::times_T_t (Tensor<2,dim> T) const
+ Assert( order==1, ExcMessage("Only for order == 1."));
+ DerivativeForm<1,dim, spacedim> dest;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<spacedim; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+ dest[i][j] = (*this)[i] * T[j];
+ return dest;
+template <int order, int dim, int spacedim>
+DerivativeForm<order,dim,spacedim>::determinant () const
+ Assert( order==1, ExcMessage("Only for order == 1."));
+ if (dim == spacedim)
+ {
+ Tensor<2,dim> T = (Tensor<2,dim>)( (*this) );
+ return dealii::determinant(T);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert( spacedim>dim, ExcMessage("Only for spacedim>dim."));
+ DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> DF_t = this->transpose();
+ Tensor<2, dim> G; //First fundamental form
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+ G[i][j] = DF_t[i] * DF_t[j];
+ return ( sqrt(dealii::determinant(G)) );
+ }
+template <int order, int dim, int spacedim>
+DerivativeForm<order,dim,spacedim>::covariant_form() const
+ if (dim == spacedim)
+ {
+ Tensor<2,dim> DF_t (dealii::transpose(invert( (Tensor<2,dim>)(*this) )));
+ DerivativeForm<1,dim, spacedim> result = DF_t;
+ return(result);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> DF_t = this->transpose();
+ Tensor<2, dim> G; //First fundamental form
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+ G[i][j] = DF_t[i] * DF_t[j];
+ return (this->times_T_t(invert(G)));
+ }
+template <int order, int dim, int spacedim>
+DerivativeForm<order, dim, spacedim>::memory_consumption ()
+ return sizeof(DerivativeForm<order, dim, spacedim>);
+#endif // DOXYGEN
+ One of the uses of DerivativeForm is to apply it as a transformation.
+ This is what this function does.
+ If @pT is DerivativeForm<1,dim,1> it computes $DF * T$,
+ if @pT is DerivativeForm<1,dim,rank> it computes $T*DF^{t}$.
+ @relates DerivativeForm
+ @author Sebastian Pauletti, 2011
+template <int spacedim, int dim>
+Tensor<1, spacedim>
+apply_transformation (const DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> &DF,
+ const Tensor<1,dim> &T)
+ Tensor<1, spacedim> dest;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<spacedim; ++i)
+ dest[i] = DF[i] * T;
+ return dest;
+ }
+ Similar to previous apply_transformation.
+ It computes $T*DF^{t}$
+ @relates DerivativeForm
+ @author Sebastian Pauletti, 2011
+template <int spacedim, int dim>
+DerivativeForm<1, spacedim, dim>
+apply_transformation (const DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> &DF,
+ const Tensor<2,dim> &T)
+ DerivativeForm<1, spacedim, dim> dest;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
+ dest[i] = apply_transformation(DF, T[i]);
+ return dest;
+ Similar to previous apply_transformation.
+ It computes $DF2*DF1^{t}$
+ @relates DerivativeForm
+ @author Sebastian Pauletti, 2011
+template <int spacedim, int dim>
+Tensor<2, spacedim>
+apply_transformation (const DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> &DF1,
+ const DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> &DF2)
+ Tensor<2, spacedim> dest;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<spacedim; ++i)
+ dest[i] = apply_transformation(DF1, DF2[i]);
+ return dest;
+ Traspose of a rectangular DerivativeForm DF,
+ mostly for compatibility reasons.
+ @relates DerivativeForm
+ @author Sebastian Pauletti, 2011
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
+transpose (const DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> &DF)
+ {
+ DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> tt;
+ tt = DF.transpose();
+ return tt;
+ }
namespace types
+ /**
+ Type for boundary indicators.
+ */
+ typedef unsigned char boundary_indicator_t;
+ /**
+ Type for material ids.
+ */
+ typedef unsigned int material_indicator_t;
* The type used to denote
* subdomain_ids of cells.
// $Id$
-// Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by the deal.II authors
// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
// without copyright and license information. Please refer
-template <>
- (const Mapping<1,2> &mapping,
- const Triangulation<1,2>::cell_iterator &cell,
- const Quadrature<1> &quadrature,
- Mapping<1,2>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
- Mapping<1,2>::InternalDataBase &fedata,
- FEValuesData<1,2> &data,
- CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const
- // convert data object to internal
- // data for this class. fails with
- // an exception if that is not
- // possible
- Assert (dynamic_cast<InternalData *> (&fedata) != 0, ExcInternalError());
- InternalData &fe_data = static_cast<InternalData &> (fedata);
- const UpdateFlags flags(fe_data.current_update_flags());
- for (unsigned int k=0; k<this->dofs_per_cell; ++k)
- {
- if (flags & update_values)
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<quadrature.size(); ++i)
- data.shape_values(k,i) = fe_data.shape_values[k][i];
- if (flags & update_gradients && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
- mapping.transform(fe_data.shape_gradients[k], data.shape_gradients[k],
- mapping_data, mapping_covariant);
- }
- if (flags & update_hessians && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
- this->compute_2nd (mapping, cell, QProjector<1>::DataSetDescriptor::cell(),
- mapping_data, fe_data, data);
-template <>
- (const Mapping<2,3> &mapping,
- const Triangulation<2,3>::cell_iterator &cell,
- const Quadrature<2> &quadrature,
- Mapping<2,3>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
- Mapping<2,3>::InternalDataBase &fedata,
- FEValuesData<2,3> &data,
- CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const
- // assert that the following dynamics
- // cast is really well-defined.
- Assert (dynamic_cast<InternalData *> (&fedata) != 0, ExcInternalError());
- InternalData &fe_data = static_cast<InternalData &> (fedata);
- const UpdateFlags flags(fe_data.current_update_flags());
- for (unsigned int k=0; k<this->dofs_per_cell; ++k)
- {
- if (flags & update_values)
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<quadrature.size(); ++i)
- data.shape_values(k,i) = fe_data.shape_values[k][i];
- if (flags & update_gradients && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
- mapping.transform(fe_data.shape_gradients[k], data.shape_gradients[k],
- mapping_data, mapping_covariant);
- }
- if (flags & update_hessians && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
- this->compute_2nd (mapping, cell, QProjector<2>::DataSetDescriptor::cell(),
- mapping_data, fe_data, data);
-template <>
-FE_Poly<PolynomialSpace<1>,1,2>::fill_fe_values (
- const Mapping<1,2> &mapping,
- const Triangulation<1,2>::cell_iterator &cell,
- const Quadrature<1> &quadrature,
- Mapping<1,2>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
- Mapping<1,2>::InternalDataBase &fedata,
- FEValuesData<1,2> &data,
- CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const
- // convert data object to internal
- // data for this class. fails with
- // an exception if that is not
- // possible
- Assert (dynamic_cast<InternalData *> (&fedata) != 0, ExcInternalError());
- InternalData &fe_data = static_cast<InternalData &> (fedata);
- const UpdateFlags flags(fe_data.current_update_flags());
- for (unsigned int k=0; k<this->dofs_per_cell; ++k)
- {
- if (flags & update_values)
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<quadrature.size(); ++i)
- data.shape_values(k,i) = fe_data.shape_values[k][i];
- if (flags & update_gradients && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
- mapping.transform(fe_data.shape_gradients[k], data.shape_gradients[k],
- mapping_data, mapping_covariant);
- }
- if (flags & update_hessians && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
- this->compute_2nd (mapping, cell, QProjector<1>::DataSetDescriptor::cell(),
- mapping_data, fe_data, data);
-template <>
- (const Mapping<2,3> &mapping,
- const Triangulation<2,3>::cell_iterator &cell,
- const Quadrature<2> &quadrature,
- Mapping<2,3>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
- Mapping<2,3>::InternalDataBase &fedata,
- FEValuesData<2,3> &data,
- CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const
- Assert (dynamic_cast<InternalData *> (&fedata) != 0, ExcInternalError());
- InternalData &fe_data = static_cast<InternalData &> (fedata);
- const UpdateFlags flags(fe_data.current_update_flags());
- for (unsigned int k=0; k<this->dofs_per_cell; ++k)
- {
- if (flags & update_values)
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<quadrature.size(); ++i)
- data.shape_values(k,i) = fe_data.shape_values[k][i];
- if (flags & update_gradients && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
- mapping.transform(fe_data.shape_gradients[k], data.shape_gradients[k],
- mapping_data, mapping_covariant);
- }
- if (flags & update_hessians && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
- this->compute_2nd (mapping, cell, QProjector<2>::DataSetDescriptor::cell(),
- mapping_data, fe_data, data);
template <class POLY, int dim, int spacedim>
-template <>
- (const Mapping<1,2> &,
- const Triangulation<1,2>::cell_iterator &,
- const unsigned int,
- const Quadrature<0> &,
- Mapping<1,2>::InternalDataBase &,
- Mapping<1,2>::InternalDataBase &,
- FEValuesData<1,2> &) const
- AssertThrow(false, ExcNotImplemented());
template <class POLY, int dim, int spacedim>
#include <deal.II/lac/full_matrix.h>
#include <deal.II/fe/fe.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/derivative_form.h>
* values for each quadrature
* point.
- std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > > shape_grads;
+ std::vector< std::vector< DerivativeForm<1, dim, spacedim> > > shape_grads;
std::vector<unsigned int>
FE_Q<1,2>::face_lexicographic_to_hierarchic_numbering (const unsigned int);
+template <>
+void FE_Q<1,3>::initialize_unit_face_support_points ();
+template <>
+std::vector<unsigned int>
+FE_Q<1,3>::face_lexicographic_to_hierarchic_numbering (const unsigned int);
#include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
#include <deal.II/base/subscriptor.h>
#include <deal.II/base/point.h>
-#include <deal.II/base/tensor.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/derivative_form.h>
#include <deal.II/base/symmetric_tensor.h>
#include <deal.II/base/vector_slice.h>
#include <deal.II/base/quadrature.h>
* Array of the Jacobian matrices at the
* quadrature points.
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > jacobians;
+ std::vector< DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > jacobians;
* Array of the derivatives of the Jacobian
* matrices at the quadrature points.
- std::vector<Tensor<3,spacedim> > jacobian_grads;
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> > jacobian_grads;
* Array of the inverse Jacobian matrices
* at the quadrature points.
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > inverse_jacobians;
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> > inverse_jacobians;
* Array of quadrature points. This array
* quadrature point, i.e.
* $J_{ij}=dx_i/d\hat x_j$
- const Tensor<2,spacedim> & jacobian (const unsigned int quadrature_point) const;
+ const DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> & jacobian (const unsigned int quadrature_point) const;
* Pointer to the array holding
* the values returned by jacobian().
- const std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > & get_jacobians () const;
+ const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > & get_jacobians () const;
* Return the second derivative of the
* Jacobian, at the specified quadrature
* point, i.e. $G_{ijk}=dJ_{jk}/d\hat x_i$.
- const Tensor<3,spacedim> & jacobian_grad (const unsigned int quadrature_point) const;
+ const DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> & jacobian_grad (const unsigned int quadrature_point) const;
* Pointer to the array holding
* the values returned by
* jacobian_grads().
- const std::vector<Tensor<3,spacedim> > & get_jacobian_grads () const;
+ const std::vector<DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> > & get_jacobian_grads () const;
* Return the inverse Jacobian of the
* quadrature point, i.e.
* $J_{ij}=d\hat x_i/dx_j$
- const Tensor<2,spacedim> & inverse_jacobian (const unsigned int quadrature_point) const;
+ const DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> & inverse_jacobian (const unsigned int quadrature_point) const;
* Pointer to the array holding
* the values returned by
* inverse_jacobian().
- const std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > & get_inverse_jacobians () const;
+ const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> > & get_inverse_jacobians () const;
* For a face, return the outward
* normal vector to the cell at
template <int dim, int spacedim>
-const std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> >&
+const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > &
FEValuesBase<dim,spacedim>::get_jacobians () const
Assert (this->update_flags & update_jacobians, ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
template <int dim, int spacedim>
-const std::vector<Tensor<3,spacedim> >&
+const std::vector<DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> > &
FEValuesBase<dim,spacedim>::get_jacobian_grads () const
Assert (this->update_flags & update_jacobian_grads, ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
template <int dim, int spacedim>
-const std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> >&
+const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> > &
FEValuesBase<dim,spacedim>::get_inverse_jacobians () const
Assert (this->update_flags & update_inverse_jacobians, ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
template <int dim, int spacedim>
-const Tensor<2,spacedim> &
+const DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> &
FEValuesBase<dim,spacedim>::jacobian (const unsigned int i) const
Assert (this->update_flags & update_jacobians, ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
template <int dim, int spacedim>
-const Tensor<3,spacedim> &
+const DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> &
FEValuesBase<dim,spacedim>::jacobian_grad (const unsigned int i) const
Assert (this->update_flags & update_jacobian_grads, ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
template <int dim, int spacedim>
-const Tensor<2,spacedim> &
+const DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> &
FEValuesBase<dim,spacedim>::inverse_jacobian (const unsigned int i) const
Assert (this->update_flags & update_inverse_jacobians, ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
// $Id$
-// Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by the deal.II authors
// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
// without copyright and license information. Please refer
#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
-#include <deal.II/base/tensor.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/derivative_form.h>
#include <deal.II/base/vector_slice.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
* the transform() functions of
* inheriting classes in order to
* work.
- *
- * Mappings are usually defined
- * for vectors. If such a
- * MappingType is applied to a
- * rank 2 tensor, it is implied
- * that the mapping is applied to
- * each column.
- */
+ */
enum MappingType
/// No mapping
mapping_none = 0x0000,
-/// Covariant mapping
+/// Covariant mapping (see Mapping::transform() for details)
mapping_covariant = 0x0001,
-/// Contravariant mapping
+/// Contravariant mapping (see Mapping::transform() for details)
mapping_contravariant = 0x0002,
-/// Mapping of the gradient of a covariant vector field
+/// Mapping of the gradient of a covariant vector field (see Mapping::transform() for details)
mapping_covariant_gradient = 0x0003,
-/// Mapping of the gradient of a contravariant vector field
+/// Mapping of the gradient of a contravariant vector field (see Mapping::transform() for details)
mapping_contravariant_gradient = 0x0004,
-/// The Piola transform usually used for Hdiv elements
+ * The Piola transform usually used for Hdiv elements.
* Piola transform is the
* standard transformation of
* vector valued elements in
* transformation scaled by the
* inverse of the volume
* element.
- *
- * If applied to a rank 2
- * tensor, the mapping class
- * will apply the correct
- * transformation for the
- * gradient of such a vector
- * field.
mapping_piola = 0x0100,
+ /**
+ transformation for the gradient of
+ for a vector field
+ correspoing to a mapping_piola
+ transformation (see Mapping::transform() for details).
+ */
+ mapping_piola_gradient = 0x0101,
/// The mapping used for Nedelec elements
* curl-conforming elements are
* introduce a separate mapping
* type, such that we can use
* the same flag for the vector
- * and its gradient (the
- * transformation of the
- * gradient differs from the
- * one used by #mapping_covariant).
+ * and its gradient (see Mapping::transform() for details).
mapping_nedelec = 0x0200,
/// The mapping used for Raviart-Thomas elements
- mapping_raviart_thomas = mapping_piola,
+ mapping_raviart_thomas = 0x0300,
/// The mapping used for BDM elements
- mapping_bdm = mapping_piola
+ mapping_bdm = mapping_raviart_thomas
* The mapping is a transformation $\mathbf x = \Phi(\mathbf{\hat x})$
* which maps the reference cell [0,1]<sup>dim</sup> to the actual
- * grid cell. In order to describe the application of the mapping to
+ * grid cell in R<sup>spacedim</sup>.
+ * In order to describe the application of the mapping to
* different objects, we introduce the notation for the Jacobian
* $J(\mathbf{\hat x}) = \nabla\Phi(\mathbf{\hat x})$. For instance,
- * in two dimensions, we have
+ * if dim=spacedim=2, we have
* @f[
* J(\mathbf{\hat x}) = \begin{matrix}
* \frac{\partial x}{\partial \hat x} & \frac{\partial x}{\partial \hat y}
* @todo Add documentation on the codimension-one case
- * <h4>Mapping of vector fields and tensor fields</h4>
+ * <h4>Mapping of vector fields, differential forms and gradients of vector fields</h4>
- * Mappings of a vector field <b>v</b> and a tensor field <b>T</b>
+ * The tranfomation of vector fields, differential forms (gradients/jacobians) and
+ * gradients of vector fields between the reference cell and the actual grid cell
* follows the general form
* @f[
* \mathbf T(\mathbf x) = \mathbf A(\mathbf{\hat x})
* \mathbf{\hat T}(\mathbf{\hat x}) \mathbf B(\mathbf{\hat x}),
* @f]
- * respectively, where the tensors <b>A</b> and <b>B</b> are
+ *
+ * where <b>v</b> is a vector field or a differential form and
+ * and <b>T</b> a tensor field of gradients.
+ * The differential forms <b>A</b> and <b>B</b> are
* determined by the MappingType enumerator.
- * These transformations are performed through the two functions
+ * These transformations are performed through the functions
* transform(). See the documentation there for possible
* choices.
- * Transform a field of vectors or forms according to the selected
+ * Transform a field of vectors or 1-differential forms according to the selected
* MappingType.
* @note Normally, this function is called by a finite element,
* The mapping types currently implemented by derived classes are:
* <ul>
- * <li>
- * A vector field on the reference cell is mapped to the physical cell
- * by the Jacobian:
+ * <li> #mapping_contravariant: maps a vector field on the reference cell
+ * is to the physical cell through the Jacobian:
* @f[
- * \mathbf u(\mathbf x) = J(\mathbf{\hat x})\mathbf{\hat
- * u}(\mathbf{\hat x}).
+ * \mathbf u(\mathbf x) = J(\mathbf{\hat x})\mathbf{\hat u}(\mathbf{\hat x}).
* @f]
* In physics, this is usually refered to as the contravariant
- * transformation, and here it is triggered by the MappingType
- * #mapping_contravariant. Mathematically, it is the push forward of a
+ * transformation. Mathematically, it is the push forward of a
* vector field.
- * <li> A field of one-forms on the reference cell is usually
- * represented as a vector field as well, but is transformed by the
- * pull back, which is selected by #mapping_covariant:
+ * <li> #mapping_covariant: maps a field of one-forms on the reference cell
+ * to a field of one-forms on the physical cell.
+ * (theoretically this would refer to a DerivativeForm<1, dim, 1> but it
+ * canonically identified with a Tensor<1,dim>).
+ * Mathematically, it is the pull back of the differential form
+ * @f[
+ * \mathbf u(\mathbf x) = J*(J^{T} J)^{-1}(\mathbf{\hat x})\mathbf{\hat
+ * u}(\mathbf{\hat x}).
+ * @f]
+ In the case when dim=spacedim the previous formula reduces to
* @f[
* \mathbf u(\mathbf x) = J^{-T}(\mathbf{\hat x})\mathbf{\hat
* u}(\mathbf{\hat x}).
* @f]
- * Gradients of differentiable functions are transformed this way.
+ * Gradients of scalar differentiable functions are transformed this way.
- * <li> A field of <i>n-1</i>-forms on the reference cell is also
+ * <li> #mapping_piola: A field of <i>n-1</i>-forms on the reference cell is also
* represented by a vector field, but again transforms differently,
- * namely by the Piola transform (#mapping_piola)
+ * namely by the Piola transform
* @f[
* \mathbf u(\mathbf x) = \frac{1}{\text{det}J(\mathbf x)}
* J(\mathbf x) \mathbf{\hat u}(\mathbf x).
* @f]
- *
+ * @todo What is n in mapping_piola description?
* </ul>
transform (const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > > input,
- VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<1,spacedim> > > output,
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<1,spacedim> > > output,
const InternalDataBase &internal,
const MappingType type) const = 0;
- * Transform a field of rank two tensors according to the selected
- * MappingType.
- *
- * @note Normally, this function is called by a finite element,
- * filling FEValues objects. For this finite element, there should be
- * an alias MappingType like #mapping_bdm, #mapping_nedelec, etc. This
- * alias should be preferred to using the types below.
- *
- * This function is most of the time applied to gradients of a
- * Tensor<1,dim> object, thus in the formulas below, it is useful to
- * think of $\mathbf{T} = \nabla \mathbf u$ and $\mathbf{\hat T} =
- * \hat\nabla \mathbf{\hat u}$.
- *
- * @todo The formulas for #mapping_covariant_gradient and
- * #mapping_contravariant_gradient have been reverse engineered from
- * MappingQ1. They should be verified for consistency with
- * mathematics. The description of the Piola transform is from Hoppe's
- * lecture notes and the implementation should be verified.
- *
- * The mapping types currently implemented by derived classes are:
- * <ul>
- * <li> #mapping_contravariant_gradient, which is the consistent gradient
- * for a vector field mapped with #mapping_contravariant, namely
- * @f[
- * \mathbf T(\mathbf x) =
- * J(\mathbf{\hat x}) \mathbf{\hat T}(\mathbf{\hat x})
- * J^{-T}(\mathbf{\hat x}).
- * @f]
- *
- * <li> Correspondingly, #mapping_covariant_gradient is the consistent
- * gradient of a one-form, namely,
- * @f[
- * \mathbf T(\mathbf x) =
- * J^{-T}(\mathbf{\hat x}) \mathbf{\hat T}(\mathbf{\hat x})
- * J^{-T}(\mathbf{\hat x}).
- * @f]
- *
- * <li> The gradients of <i>n-1</i>-forms mapped by the Piola
- * transform are mapped by #mapping_piola, and the formul is
- * @f[
- * \mathbf T(\mathbf x) =
- * \frac{1}{\text{det}J(\mathbf x)}
- * J(\mathbf{\hat x}) \mathbf{\hat T}(\mathbf{\hat x})
- * J^{-1}(\mathbf{\hat x}).
- * @f]
- * </ul>
- */
+ Transform a field of differential forms from the reference cell to the physical cell.
+ It is useful to think of $\mathbf{T} = D \mathbf u$ and
+ $\mathbf{\hat T} = \hat D \mathbf{\hat u}$, with $\mathbf u$ a vector field.
+ The mapping types currently implemented by derived classes are:
+ <ul>
+ <li> #mapping_covariant: maps a field of forms on the reference cell
+ to a field of forms on the physical cell.
+ Mathematically, it is the pull back of the differential form
+ @f[
+ \mathbf T(\mathbf x) = \mathbf{\hat T}(\mathbf{\hat x})
+ J*(J^{T} J)^{-1}(\mathbf{\hat x}).
+ @f]
+ n the case when dim=spacedim the previous formula reduces to
+ @f[
+ \mathbf T(\mathbf x) = \mathbf{\hat u}(\mathbf{\hat x})
+ J^{-1}(\mathbf{\hat x}).
+ @f]
+ Jacobians of spacedim-vector valued differentiable functions are transformed this way.
+ </ul>
+ @note It would have been more reasonable to make this transform a template function
+ with the rank in DerivativeForm<1, dim, rank>. Unfortunately C++ does not
+ allow templatized virtual functions. This is why we identified
+ DerivativeForm<1, dim, 1> with a Tensor<1,dim> when using mapping_covariant
+ in the function transform above this one.
- transform (const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > > input,
+ transform (const VectorSlice<const std::vector< DerivativeForm<1, dim, spacedim> > > input,
VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > > output,
const InternalDataBase &internal,
const MappingType type) const = 0;
+ Transform a tensor field from the reference cell to the physical cell.
+ This tensors are most of times the jacobians in the reference cell of
+ vector fields that have been pulled back from the physical cell.
+ The mapping types currently implemented by derived classes are:
+ <ul>
+ <li> #mapping_contravariant_gradient, it
+ assumes $\mathbf u(\mathbf x) = J \mathbf{\hat u}$ so that
+ @f[
+ \mathbf T(\mathbf x) =
+ J(\mathbf{\hat x}) \mathbf{\hat T}(\mathbf{\hat x})
+ J^{-1}(\mathbf{\hat x}).
+ @f]
+ <li> #mapping_covariant_gradient, it
+ assumes $\mathbf u(\mathbf x) = J^{-T} \mathbf{\hat u}$ so that
+ @f[
+ \mathbf T(\mathbf x) =
+ J^{-T}(\mathbf{\hat x}) \mathbf{\hat T}(\mathbf{\hat x})
+ J^{-1}(\mathbf{\hat x}).
+ @f]
+ <li> #mapping_piola_gradient, it
+ assumes $\mathbf u(\mathbf x) = \frac{1}{\text{det}J(\mathbf x)}
+ J(\mathbf x) \mathbf{\hat u}(\mathbf x)$
+ so that
+ @f[
+ \mathbf T(\mathbf x) =
+ \frac{1}{\text{det}J(\mathbf x)}
+ J(\mathbf{\hat x}) \mathbf{\hat T}(\mathbf{\hat x})
+ J^{-1}(\mathbf{\hat x}).
+ @f]
+ </ul>
+ @todo The formulas for #mapping_covariant_gradient,
+ #mapping_contravariant_gradient and #mapping_piola_gradient
+ are only true as stated for linear mappings,
+ if the mapping is bilinear for example then there is a missing
+ term associated with the derivative of of J.
+ virtual
+ void
+ transform (const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> > > input,
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > > output,
+ const InternalDataBase &internal,
+ const MappingType type) const = 0;
* @deprecated Use transform() instead.
* @deprecated Use transform() instead.
- transform_covariant (const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > > input,
+ transform_covariant (const VectorSlice<const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, dim ,spacedim> > > input,
const unsigned int offset,
VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > > output,
const InternalDataBase &internal) const;
- transform_contravariant (const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > > intput,
+ transform_contravariant (const VectorSlice<const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, dim,spacedim> > > input,
const unsigned int offset,
const VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > > output,
const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &internal) const;
InternalDataBase &internal,
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &quadrature_points,
std::vector<double> &JxW_values,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &jacobians,
- std::vector<Tensor<3,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &inverse_jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > &jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> > &inverse_jacobians,
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &cell_normal_vectors,
CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity
) const=0;
typename Mapping<dim, spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &quadrature_points,
std::vector<double> &JxW_values,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &jacobians,
- std::vector<Tensor<3,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &inverse_jacobians,
- std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > &jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> > &inverse_jacobians,
+ std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &,
CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const ;
virtual void
transform (const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > > input,
- VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<1,spacedim> > > output,
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<1,spacedim> > > output,
const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &internal,
const MappingType type) const;
virtual void
- transform (const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > > input,
- VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > > output,
+ transform (const VectorSlice<const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, dim,spacedim> > > input,
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > > output,
const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &internal,
const MappingType type) const;
+ virtual
+ void
+ transform (const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> > > input,
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > > output,
+ const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &internal,
+ const MappingType type) const;
virtual Point<spacedim>
transform_unit_to_real_cell (
const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell,
const MappingType type) const;
virtual void
- transform (const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > > input,
- VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > > output,
+ transform (const VectorSlice<const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, dim, spacedim> > > input,
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > > output,
const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &internal,
const MappingType type) const;
typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
typename std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &quadrature_points,
std::vector<double> &JxW_values,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &jacobians,
- std::vector<Tensor<3,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &inverse_jacobians,
- std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &cell_normal_vectors,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > &jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> > &inverse_jacobians,
+ std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &cell_normal_vectors,
CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const ;
// $Id$
-// Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by the deal.II authors
// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
// without copyright and license information. Please refer
#define __deal2__mapping_q1_h
+#include <deal.II/base/derivative_form.h>
#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
#include <deal.II/base/table.h>
#include <deal.II/base/qprojector.h>
const MappingType type) const;
virtual void
- transform (const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > > input,
+ transform (const VectorSlice<const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, dim,spacedim> > > input,
VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > > output,
const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &internal,
const MappingType type) const;
+ virtual
+ void
+ transform (const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> > > input,
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > > output,
+ const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &internal,
+ const MappingType type) const;
+ protected:
+ This function and the next allow to generate the transform require by
+ the virtual transform() in mapping, but unfortunately in C++ one cannot
+ declare a virtual template function.
+ template < int rank >
+ void
+ transform_fields(const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<rank,dim> > > input,
+ VectorSlice< std::vector<Tensor<rank,spacedim> > > output,
+ const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &internal,
+ const MappingType type) const;
+ see doc in transform_fields
+ template < int rank >
+ void
+ transform_gradients(const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<rank,dim> > > input,
+ VectorSlice< std::vector<Tensor<rank,spacedim> > > output,
+ const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &internal,
+ const MappingType type) const;
+ see doc in transform_fields
+ template < int rank >
+ void
+ transform_differential_forms(
+ const VectorSlice<const std::vector<DerivativeForm<rank, dim, spacedim> > > input,
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<DerivativeForm<rank, spacedim, spacedim> > > output,
+ const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &internal,
+ const MappingType type) const;
+ public:
* Return a pointer to a copy of the
* present object. The caller of this
* transformation at each of
* the quadrature points. The
* matrix stored is the
+ * Jacobian * G^{-1},
+ * where G = Jacobian^{t} * Jacobian,
+ * is the first fundamental
+ * form of the map;
+ * if dim=spacedim then
+ * it reduces to the transpose of the
* inverse of the Jacobian
* matrix, which itself is
* stored in the
* Computed on each cell.
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > covariant;
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim, spacedim > > covariant;
* Tensors of contravariant
* i.e. $J_{ij}=dx_i/d\hat x_j$.
* Computed on each cell.
- *
- * @note If dim<spacedim,
- * then the Jacobian matrix
- * is rectangular, with
- * spacedim rows and dim
- * columns. We nevertheless
- * store it as a square
- * rank-2 tensor. The unused
- * columns are internally
- * used to store temporary
- * data, such as the
- * "missing" vectors spanning
- * the full space (for
- * example the cell normal
- * vector).
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > contravariant;
+ std::vector< DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > contravariant;
* Unit tangential vectors. Used
typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
typename std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &quadrature_points,
std::vector<double> &JxW_values,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &jacobians,
- std::vector<Tensor<3,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &inverse_jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > &jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> > &inverse_jacobians,
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &cell_normal_vectors,
CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const;
InternalData &mdata,
Point<dim> &p_unit) const;
- /**
- * Always returns @p true because
- * MappingQ1 preserves vertex locations.
- */
+ /**
+ * Always returns @p true because
+ * MappingQ1 preserves vertex locations.
+ */
bool preserves_vertex_locations () const;
* @ingroup Exceptions
+ protected:
+ /* Trick to templatize transform_real_to_unit_cell<dim, dim+1> */
+ template<int dim_>
+ void transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal_codim1
+ (const typename Triangulation<dim_,dim_+1>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Point<dim_+1> &p,
+ InternalData &mdata,
+ Point<dim_> &p_unit) const;
+ Compute an initial guess to pass to the Newton method in
+ transform_real_to_unit_cell.
+ For the initial guess we proceed in the following way:
+ <ul>
+ <li> find the least square dim-dimensional plane
+ approximating the cell vertices, i.e. we find and affine
+ map A x_hat + b from the reference cell to the real space.
+ <li> Solve the equation A x_hat + b = p for x_hat
+ <li> This x_hat is the initial solution used for the Newton Method.
+ </ul>
+ @note if dim<spacedim we first project p onto the plane.
+ @note if dim==1 (for any spacedim) the initial guess is the exact solution
+ and no Newton iteration is needed.
+ Some details about how we compute the least square plane.
+ We look for a spacedim x (dim + 1) matrix X such that
+ X * M = Y
+ where M is a (dim+1) x n_vertices matrix and Y a spacedim x n_vertices.
+ And:
+ The i-th column of M is unit_vertex[i] and the last row all 1's.
+ The i-th column of Y is real_vertex[i].
+ If we split X=[A|b], the least square approx is A x_hat+b
+ Classically X = Y * (M^t (M M^t)^{-1})
+ Let K = M^t * (M M^t)^{-1} = [KA Kb]
+ this can be precomputed, and that is exactely
+ what we do.
+ Finally A = Y*KA and b = Y*Kb.
+ Point<dim>
+ transform_real_to_unit_cell_initial_guess (const std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &vertex,
+ const Point<spacedim> &p) const;
+(const Triangulation<2,3>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Point<3> &p,
+ InternalData &mdata,
+ Point<2> &p_unit) const;
+/* Only used in mapping Q if degree > 1 */
+transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal (const Triangulation<1,2>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Point<2> &p,
+ InternalData &mdata,
+ Point<1> &p_unit) const;
+/* Only used in mapping Q if degree > 1 */
+transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal (const Triangulation<1,3>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Point<3> &p,
+ InternalData &mdata,
+ Point<1> &p_unit) const;
* In order to avoid creation of static MappingQ1 objects at several
* places in the library (in particular in backward compatibility
typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
typename std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &quadrature_points,
std::vector<double> &JxW_values,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &jacobians,
- std::vector<Tensor<3,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &inverse_jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > &jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> > &inverse_jacobians,
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &cell_normal_vectors,
CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const;
typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
typename std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &quadrature_points,
std::vector<double> &JxW_values,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &jacobians,
- std::vector<Tensor<3,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &inverse_jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > &jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> > &inverse_jacobians,
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &cell_normal_vectors,
CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const;
void write_msh_faces (const Triangulation<1,2> &tria,
const unsigned int starting_index,
std::ostream &out) const;
+ void write_msh_faces (const Triangulation<1,3> &tria,
+ const unsigned int starting_index,
+ std::ostream &out) const;
* Write the grid information about
* lines to @p out. Only those lines
void write_msh_lines (const Triangulation<1,2> &tria,
const unsigned int starting_index,
std::ostream &out) const;
+ void write_msh_lines (const Triangulation<1,3> &tria,
+ const unsigned int starting_index,
+ std::ostream &out) const;
* Declaration of the specialization
* of above function for 2d. Does
void write_ucd_faces (const Triangulation<1,2> &tria,
const unsigned int starting_index,
std::ostream &out) const;
+ void write_ucd_faces (const Triangulation<1,3> &tria,
+ const unsigned int starting_index,
+ std::ostream &out) const;
void write_ucd_lines (const Triangulation<1,2> &tria,
const unsigned int starting_index,
std::ostream &out) const;
+ void write_ucd_lines (const Triangulation<1,3> &tria,
+ const unsigned int starting_index,
+ std::ostream &out) const;
* 1d, 2sd. Simply returns zero.
unsigned int n_boundary_faces (const Triangulation<1,2> &tria) const;
+ unsigned int n_boundary_faces (const Triangulation<1,3> &tria) const;
* Return the number of lines in the
* triangulation which have a boundary
* 1d, 2sd. Simply returns zero.
unsigned int n_boundary_lines (const Triangulation<1,2> &tria) const;
+ unsigned int n_boundary_lines (const Triangulation<1,3> &tria) const;
* Declaration of the specialization
* by the algorithm.
template <int dim, template<int, int> class Container, int spacedim>
- std::pair<typename Container<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator, Point<spacedim> >
+ std::pair<typename Container<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator, Point<dim> >
find_active_cell_around_point (const Mapping<dim,spacedim> &mapping,
const Container<dim,spacedim> &container,
const Point<spacedim> &p);
* handlers is always zero.
template <int dim, int spacedim>
- std::pair<typename hp::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator, Point<spacedim> >
+ std::pair<typename hp::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator, Point<dim> >
find_active_cell_around_point (const hp::MappingCollection<dim,spacedim> &mapping,
const hp::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim> &container,
const Point<spacedim> &p);
* may be different as to whether
* a point is in- or outside the
* cell in real space.
+ In case of codim>0, the point is first projected
+ to the manifold where the cell is embedded and
+ then check if this projection is inside the cell.
bool point_inside (const Point<spacedim> &p) const;
* Set the neighbor @p i of
* this cell to the cell pointed
unsigned int neighbor_of_neighbor_internal (const unsigned int neighbor) const;
+ /**
+ As for any codim>0 we can use a similar code
+ and c++ does not allow partial templates.
+ we use this auxiliary function that is then
+ called from point_inside.
+ */
+ template<int dim_,int spacedim_ >
+ bool point_inside_codim(const Point<spacedim_> &p) const;
* Set the orientation of this
#ifndef DOXYGEN
-template <> bool CellAccessor<1,1>::point_inside (const Point<1> &p) const;
-template <> bool CellAccessor<2,2>::point_inside (const Point<2> &p) const;
+template <> bool CellAccessor<1,1>::point_inside (const Point<1> &) const;
+template <> bool CellAccessor<2,2>::point_inside (const Point<2> &) const;
template <> bool CellAccessor<3,3>::point_inside (const Point<3> &) const;
-template <> bool CellAccessor<1,2>::point_inside (const Point<2> &p) const;
-template <> bool CellAccessor<2,3>::point_inside (const Point<3> &p) const;
+template <> bool CellAccessor<1,2>::point_inside (const Point<2> &) const;
+template <> bool CellAccessor<1,3>::point_inside (const Point<3> &) const;
+template <> bool CellAccessor<2,3>::point_inside (const Point<3> &) const;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
#endif // DOXYGEN
+template <>
+CellAccessor<1,3>::subface_case(const unsigned int) const
+ return internal::SubfaceCase<1>::case_none;
template <>
// $Id$
-// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012 by the deal.II authors
// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
// without copyright and license information. Please refer
std::vector<Point<2> > &) const;
+template <>
+get_new_point_on_face (const Triangulation<1,3>::face_iterator &) const;
+template <>
+get_intermediate_points_on_face (const Triangulation<1,3>::face_iterator &,
+ std::vector<Point<3> > &) const;
template <>
get_intermediate_points_on_quad (const Triangulation<3,3>::quad_iterator &quad,
std::vector<Point<3> > &points) const;
+template <>
+project_to_surface (const Triangulation<1, 3>::quad_iterator &quad,
+ const Point<3> &y) const;
#endif // DOXYGEN
* @author Guido Kanschat, 2001, Wolfgang Bangerth, 2007
-template <int dim>
-class CylinderBoundary : public StraightBoundary<dim>
+template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
+class CylinderBoundary : public StraightBoundary<dim,spacedim>
* point on the axis.
CylinderBoundary (const double radius,
- const Point<dim> direction,
- const Point<dim> point_on_axis);
+ const Point<spacedim> direction,
+ const Point<spacedim> point_on_axis);
* Refer to the general documentation of
* this class and the documentation of the
* base class.
- virtual Point<dim>
- get_new_point_on_line (const typename Triangulation<dim>::line_iterator &line) const;
+ virtual Point<spacedim>
+ get_new_point_on_line (const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::line_iterator &line) const;
* Refer to the general documentation of
* this class and the documentation of the
* base class.
- virtual Point<dim>
- get_new_point_on_quad (const typename Triangulation<dim>::quad_iterator &quad) const;
+ virtual Point<spacedim>
+ get_new_point_on_quad (const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::quad_iterator &quad) const;
* Refer to the general
* @p get_intermediate_points_between_points.
virtual void
- get_intermediate_points_on_line (const typename Triangulation<dim>::line_iterator &line,
- std::vector<Point<dim> > &points) const;
+ get_intermediate_points_on_line (const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::line_iterator &line,
+ std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &points) const;
* Refer to the general
* and for <tt>points.size()==1</tt>.
virtual void
- get_intermediate_points_on_quad (const typename Triangulation<dim>::quad_iterator &quad,
- std::vector<Point<dim> > &points) const;
+ get_intermediate_points_on_quad (const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::quad_iterator &quad,
+ std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &points) const;
* Compute the normals to the
* base class.
virtual void
- get_normals_at_vertices (const typename Triangulation<dim>::face_iterator &face,
- typename Boundary<dim>::FaceVertexNormals &face_vertex_normals) const;
+ get_normals_at_vertices (const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::face_iterator &face,
+ typename Boundary<dim,spacedim>::FaceVertexNormals &face_vertex_normals) const;
* Return the radius of the cylinder.
* The direction vector of the axis.
- const Point<dim> direction;
+ const Point<spacedim> direction;
* An arbitrary point on the axis.
- const Point<dim> point_on_axis;
+ const Point<spacedim> point_on_axis;
* in the documentation of the
* base class.
- void get_intermediate_points_between_points (const Point<dim> &p0, const Point<dim> &p1,
- std::vector<Point<dim> > &points) const;
+ void get_intermediate_points_between_points (const Point<spacedim> &p0, const Point<spacedim> &p1,
+ std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &points) const;
* Given a number for the axis,
* return a vector that denotes
* this direction.
- static Point<dim> get_axis_vector (const unsigned int axis);
+ static Point<spacedim> get_axis_vector (const unsigned int axis);
#ifndef _deal2__vectors_templates_h
#define _deal2__vectors_templates_h
+#include <deal.II/base/derivative_form.h>
#include <deal.II/base/function.h>
#include <deal.II/base/quadrature.h>
#include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
const double tol = 0.5 * cell->get_fe ().degree * 1e-13 / cell->face (face)->line (line)->diameter ();
const unsigned int dim = 3;
+ const unsigned int spacedim = 3;
(cell->active_fe_index () * GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell + face)
// objects.
const FEValues<dim>&
fe_values = hp_fe_values.get_present_fe_values ();
- const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> >&
+ const std::vector< DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > &
jacobians = fe_values.get_jacobians ();
const std::vector<Point<dim> >&
quadrature_points = fe_values.get_quadrature_points ();
const unsigned int first_vector_component,
std::vector<double>& dof_values)
+ const unsigned int spacedim = dim;
hp_fe_values.reinit (cell, cell->active_fe_index ()
* GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell + face);
// Initialize the required
// objects.
const FEValues<dim>&
fe_values = hp_fe_values.get_present_fe_values ();
- const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> >&
+ const std::vector< DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > &
jacobians = fe_values.get_jacobians ();
std::vector<Vector<double> >
const FEFaceValues<2>& fe_values,
const unsigned int first_vector_component,
const Function<2>& boundary_function,
- const std::vector<Tensor<2, 2> >& jacobians,
+ const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,2,2> > & jacobians,
ConstraintMatrix& constraints)
// Compute the intergral over
const FEFaceValues<dim>&,
const unsigned int,
const Function<dim>&,
- const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> >&,
+ const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,dim> >&,
Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented ());
const FEFaceValues<3>& fe_values,
const unsigned int first_vector_component,
const Function<3>& boundary_function,
- const std::vector<Tensor<2, 3> >& jacobians,
+ const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,3,3> >& jacobians,
std::vector<double>& dof_values,
std::vector<unsigned int>& projected_dofs)
const FEFaceValues<dim>&,
const unsigned int,
const Function<dim>&,
- const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> >&,
+ const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,dim> > &,
std::vector<unsigned int>&)
ConstraintMatrix& constraints,
const Mapping<dim>& mapping)
+ const unsigned int spacedim = dim;
// Interpolate the normal components
// of the boundary functions. Since
// the Raviart-Thomas elements are
fe_values.reinit (cell, face + cell->active_fe_index ()
* GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell);
- const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> >&
+ const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > &
jacobians = fe_values.get_present_fe_values ().get_jacobians ();
fe_face_values.reinit (cell, face);
fe_values.reinit (cell, face + cell->active_fe_index ()
* GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell);
- const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> >&
+ const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim ,spacedim> >&
jacobians = fe_values.get_present_fe_values ().get_jacobians ();
fe_face_values.reinit (cell, face);
ConstraintMatrix& constraints,
const hp::MappingCollection<dim, dim>& mapping_collection)
+ const unsigned int spacedim = dim;
const hp::FECollection<dim>& fe_collection = dof_handler.get_fe ();
hp::QCollection<dim - 1> face_quadrature_collection;
hp::QCollection<dim> quadrature_collection;
fe_values.reinit (cell, face + cell->active_fe_index ()
* GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell);
- const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> >&
+ const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > &
jacobians = fe_values.get_present_fe_values ().get_jacobians ();
fe_face_values.reinit (cell, face);
fe_values.reinit (cell, face + cell->active_fe_index ()
* GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell);
- const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> >&
+ const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > &
jacobians = fe_values.get_present_fe_values ().get_jacobians ();
fe_face_values.reinit (cell, face);
+ template <>
+ Triangulation<1,3>::Triangulation (MPI_Comm)
+ {
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
+ template <>
+ Triangulation<1,3>::~Triangulation ()
+ {
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
+ template <>
+ types::subdomain_id_t
+ Triangulation<1,3>::locally_owned_subdomain () const
+ {
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template <>
+ unsigned int
+ Triangulation<1,3>::n_global_active_cells () const
+ {
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template <>
+ MPI_Comm
+ Triangulation<1,3>::get_communicator () const
+ {
+ return MPI_COMM_WORLD;
+ }
template void BlockInfo::initialize(const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>&, bool);
template void BlockInfo::initialize_local(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>&);
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+ template void BlockInfo::initialize(const DoFHandler<1,3>&);
+ template void BlockInfo::initialize(const MGDoFHandler<1,3>&, bool);
+ template void BlockInfo::initialize_local(const DoFHandler<1,3>&);
TriaActiveIterator<DoFCellAccessor<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> > >;
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+ template class DoFCellAccessor<DoFHandler<1,3> >;
+ template class
+ TriaRawIterator <DoFCellAccessor<DoFHandler<1,3> > >;
+ template class
+ TriaIterator <DoFCellAccessor<DoFHandler<1,3> > >;
+ template class
+ TriaActiveIterator<DoFCellAccessor<DoFHandler<1,3> > >;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// explicit instantiations (for hp::DoFHandler)
#if deal_II_dimension == 1
template class DoFAccessor<1, hp::DoFHandler<1,2> >;
+ template class DoFAccessor<1, hp::DoFHandler<1,3> >;
#if deal_II_dimension == 2
template class
TriaActiveIterator<DoFCellAccessor<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> > >;
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+ template class DoFCellAccessor<hp::DoFHandler<1,3> >;
+ template class
+ TriaRawIterator <DoFCellAccessor<hp::DoFHandler<1,3> > >;
+ template class
+ TriaIterator <DoFCellAccessor<hp::DoFHandler<1,3> > >;
+ template class
+ TriaActiveIterator<DoFCellAccessor<hp::DoFHandler<1,3> > >;
DoFCellAccessor<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> >::set_dof_values_by_interpolation
(const Vector<SCALAR>&, VEC&) const;
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+ template
+ void
+ DoFCellAccessor<DoFHandler<1,3> >::get_interpolated_dof_values
+ (const VEC&, Vector<SCALAR>&) const;
+ template
+ void
+ DoFCellAccessor<DoFHandler<1,3> >::set_dof_values_by_interpolation
+ (const Vector<SCALAR>&, VEC&) const;
DoFCellAccessor<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> >::set_dof_values_by_interpolation
(const Vector<SCALAR>&, VEC&) const;
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+ template
+ void
+ DoFCellAccessor<hp::DoFHandler<1,3> >::get_interpolated_dof_values
+ (const VEC&, Vector<SCALAR>&) const;
+ template
+ void
+ DoFCellAccessor<hp::DoFHandler<1,3> >::set_dof_values_by_interpolation
+ (const Vector<SCALAR>&, VEC&) const;
#if deal_II_dimension < 3
template class DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+ template class DoFHandler<1,deal_II_dimension>;
template class Sequential<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
template class ParallelDistributed<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension==3
+ template class PolicyBase<1,3>;
+ template class Sequential<1,3>;
+ template class ParallelDistributed<1,3>;
const unsigned int local_index,
const unsigned int global_index);
+#if (deal_II_dimension == 3) && (structdim < 3)
+ template
+ unsigned int
+ DoFObjects<structdim>::
+ get_dof_index (const dealii::DoFHandler<1,3> &dof_handler,
+ const unsigned int obj_index,
+ const unsigned int fe_index,
+ const unsigned int local_index) const;
+ template
+ void
+ DoFObjects<structdim>::
+ set_dof_index (const dealii::DoFHandler<1,3> &dof_handler,
+ const unsigned int obj_index,
+ const unsigned int fe_index,
+ const unsigned int local_index,
+ const unsigned int global_index);
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ namespace DoFRenumbering
+ \{
+ namespace boost
+ \{
+//TODO[WB]: also implement the following boost for hp DoFHandlers etc.
+ \}
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+// non-boost functions:
+ template
+ void Cuthill_McKee<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> >
+ (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ const bool,
+ const bool,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_Cuthill_McKee<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ const bool,
+ const bool,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
+ template
+ void component_wise<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
+ template
+ void subdomain_wise<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> >
+ (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &);
+ \} // namespace DoFRenumbering
+ }
+//TODO[SP]: replace <deal_II_dimension> by <deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+// where applicable and move to codimension cases above also when applicable
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
- namespace DoFRenumbering
+#if deal_II_dimension == deal_II_space_dimension
+namespace DoFRenumbering
namespace boost
- \{
+ \{
//TODO[WB]: also implement the following boost for hp DoFHandlers etc.
compute_minimum_degree (std::vector<unsigned int> &,
const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, bool, bool);
- \}
+ \}
+// non-boost functions:
+ template
+ void Cuthill_McKee<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const bool,
+ const bool,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_Cuthill_McKee<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const bool,
+ const bool,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
-// non-boost functions:
+ template
+ void Cuthill_McKee<MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const bool,
+ const bool,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
- template
- void Cuthill_McKee<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const bool,
- const bool,
- const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
- template
- void
- compute_Cuthill_McKee<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const bool,
- const bool,
- const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
- template
- void Cuthill_McKee<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const bool,
- const bool,
- const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
- template
- void
- compute_Cuthill_McKee<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const bool,
- const bool,
- const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
- template
- void Cuthill_McKee<MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const bool,
- const bool,
- const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
- template
- void
- compute_Cuthill_McKee<MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const bool,
- const bool,
- const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
- template
- void component_wise<deal_II_dimension>
- (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
-#if deal_II_dimension < 3
- template
- void Cuthill_McKee<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> >
- (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- const bool,
- const bool,
- const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
- template
- void
- compute_Cuthill_McKee<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- const bool,
- const bool,
- const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
- template
- void component_wise<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>
- (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_Cuthill_McKee<MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const bool,
+ const bool,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
- template
- void component_wise<deal_II_dimension>
- (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
+ template
+ void component_wise<deal_II_dimension>
+ (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
- template
- void component_wise<deal_II_dimension>
- (MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- unsigned int,
- const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
+ template
+ void component_wise<deal_II_dimension>
+ (MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ unsigned int,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
- template
- void component_wise<deal_II_dimension>
- (MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
+ template
+ void component_wise<deal_II_dimension>
+ (MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
- template
- void hierarchical<deal_II_dimension>
- (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template
+ void hierarchical<deal_II_dimension>
+ (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&);
// DG renumbering for DoFHandler
- template
- void
- cell_wise_dg<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const std::vector<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
- template
- void
- compute_cell_wise_dg<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const std::vector<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
- template
- void
- downstream_dg<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
- template
- void
- compute_downstream_dg<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&,std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
- template
- void
- compute_downstream_dg<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
- template void
- cell_wise<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const std::vector<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
- template void
- compute_cell_wise<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const std::vector<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
- template void
- downstream<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&, const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const bool);
- template void
- compute_downstream<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&,std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&, const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const bool);
- template
- void
- clockwise_dg<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&, const Point<deal_II_dimension>&, bool);
- template
- void
- compute_clockwise_dg<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&, const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&, const bool);
+ template
+ void
+ cell_wise_dg<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const std::vector<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_cell_wise_dg<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const std::vector<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
+ template
+ void
+ downstream_dg<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_downstream_dg<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&,std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_downstream_dg<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template void
+ cell_wise<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const std::vector<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
+ template void
+ compute_cell_wise<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const std::vector<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
+ template void
+ downstream<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&, const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const bool);
+ template void
+ compute_downstream<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&,std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&, const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const bool);
+ template
+ void
+ clockwise_dg<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&, const Point<deal_II_dimension>&, bool);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_clockwise_dg<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&, const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&, const bool);
// Renumbering for hp::DoFHandler
- template void
- cell_wise_dg<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const std::vector<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
- template void
- compute_cell_wise_dg<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const std::vector<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
- template void
- cell_wise<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const std::vector<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
- template void
- compute_cell_wise<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const std::vector<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
- template void
- downstream_dg<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
- template void
- compute_downstream_dg<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&,std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
- template
- void
- compute_downstream_dg<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
- template void
- downstream<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const bool);
- template void
- compute_downstream<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&,std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const bool);
- template
- void
- clockwise_dg<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&, bool);
- template
- void
- compute_clockwise_dg<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const bool);
+ template void
+ cell_wise_dg<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const std::vector<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
+ template void
+ compute_cell_wise_dg<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const std::vector<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
+ template void
+ cell_wise<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const std::vector<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
+ template void
+ compute_cell_wise<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const std::vector<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
+ template void
+ downstream_dg<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template void
+ compute_downstream_dg<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&,std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_downstream_dg<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template void
+ downstream<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const bool);
+ template void
+ compute_downstream<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&,std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const bool);
+ template
+ void
+ clockwise_dg<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&, bool);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_clockwise_dg<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const bool);
// MG
- template
- void downstream_dg<deal_II_dimension>
- (MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&, const unsigned int,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template
+ void downstream_dg<deal_II_dimension>
+ (MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&, const unsigned int,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
- template
- void downstream<deal_II_dimension>
- (MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&, const unsigned int,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const bool);
+ template
+ void downstream<deal_II_dimension>
+ (MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&, const unsigned int,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const bool);
- template
- void clockwise_dg<deal_II_dimension>
- (MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const unsigned int,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&, bool);
+ template
+ void clockwise_dg<deal_II_dimension>
+ (MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const unsigned int,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&, bool);
// Generic numbering schemes
- template
- void random<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &);
- template
- void
- compute_random<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &);
- template
- void sort_selected_dofs_back<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
- template
- void
- compute_sort_selected_dofs_back<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
- template
- void random<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &);
- template
- void
- compute_random<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &);
- template
- void sort_selected_dofs_back<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
- template
- void
- compute_sort_selected_dofs_back<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
- template
- void subdomain_wise<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &);
-#if deal_II_dimension < 3
- template
- void subdomain_wise<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> >
- (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &);
+ template
+ void random<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &);
- template
- void subdomain_wise<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
- (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &);
- template
- void Cuthill_McKee<deal_II_dimension>
- (MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const unsigned int,
- const bool,
- const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
- template
- void cell_wise_dg<deal_II_dimension>
- (MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const unsigned int,
- const std::vector<MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
- template
- void compute_cell_wise_dg<deal_II_dimension>
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&, const unsigned int,
- const std::vector<MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
- template
- void compute_downstream_dg<deal_II_dimension>
- (std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&, const unsigned int,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
- \} // namespace DoFRenumbering
+ template
+ void
+ compute_random<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &);
+ template
+ void sort_selected_dofs_back<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_sort_selected_dofs_back<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void random<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_random<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &);
+ template
+ void sort_selected_dofs_back<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_sort_selected_dofs_back<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void subdomain_wise<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+ (hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &);
+ template
+ void Cuthill_McKee<deal_II_dimension>
+ (MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const unsigned int,
+ const bool,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
+ template
+ void cell_wise_dg<deal_II_dimension>
+ (MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const unsigned int,
+ const std::vector<MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
+ template
+ void compute_cell_wise_dg<deal_II_dimension>
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&, const unsigned int,
+ const std::vector<MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>&);
+ template
+ void compute_downstream_dg<deal_II_dimension>
+ (std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&, const unsigned int,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ \} // namespace DoFRenumbering
+ void
+ make_hp_hanging_node_constraints (const dealii::DoFHandler<1,3> &,
+ ConstraintMatrix &)
+ {
+ // nothing to do for regular
+ // dof handlers in 1d
+ }
+ void
+ make_oldstyle_hanging_node_constraints (const dealii::DoFHandler<1,3> &,
+ ConstraintMatrix &,
+ dealii::internal::int2type<1>)
+ {
+ // nothing to do for regular
+ // dof handlers in 1d
+ }
// currently not used but may be in the future:
// void
// $Id$
// Version: $Name$
-// Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by the deal.II authors
// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
// without copyright and license information. Please refer
// SP &sparsity);
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+ template void
+ DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern<DoFHandler<1,3>, SP>
+ (const DoFHandler<1,3> &dof,
+ SP &sparsity,
+ const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const bool,
+ const unsigned int);
+ template void
+ DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern<hp::DoFHandler<1,3>, SP>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<1,3> &dof,
+ SP &sparsity,
+ const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const bool,
+ const unsigned int);
+ template void
+ DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern<DoFHandler<1,3>, SP>
+ (const DoFHandler<1,3>&,
+ const Table<2,Coupling>&,
+ SP &,
+ const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const bool,
+ const unsigned int);
+ template void
+ DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern<hp::DoFHandler<1,3>, SP>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<1,3>&,
+ const Table<2,Coupling>&,
+ SP &,
+ const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const bool,
+ const unsigned int);
+ template void
+ DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern<DoFHandler<1,3>, SP>
+ (const DoFHandler<1,3> &dof_row,
+ const DoFHandler<1,3> &dof_col,
+ SP &sparsity);
+ template void
+ DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern<hp::DoFHandler<1,3>, SP>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<1,3> &dof_row,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<1,3> &dof_col,
+ SP &sparsity);
+ template void
+ DoFTools::make_boundary_sparsity_pattern<DoFHandler<1,3>,SP>
+ (const DoFHandler<1,3>& dof,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &,
+ SP &);
+ //template void
+ //DoFTools::make_boundary_sparsity_pattern<hp::DoFHandler<1,3>,SP>
+ //(const hp::DoFHandler<1,3>& dof,
+ // const std::vector<unsigned int> &,
+ // SP &);
+ template void
+ DoFTools::make_boundary_sparsity_pattern<DoFHandler<1,3>,SP>
+ (const DoFHandler<1,3>& dof,
+ const FunctionMap<3>::type &boundary_indicators,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &dof_to_boundary_mapping,
+ SP &sparsity);
+ //template void
+ //DoFTools::make_boundary_sparsity_pattern<hp::DoFHandler<1,3>,SP>
+ //(const hp::DoFHandler<1,3>& dof,
+ // const FunctionMap<3>::type &boundary_indicators,
+ // const std::vector<unsigned int> &dof_to_boundary_mapping,
+ // SP &sparsity);
for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+ template
+ Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling>
+ DoFTools::dof_couplings_from_component_couplings
+ (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &fe,
+ const Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling> &component_couplings);
void DoFTools::make_vertex_patches (SparsityPattern&, const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
unsigned int, bool, bool, bool, bool);
void DoFTools::make_single_patch (SparsityPattern&, const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
unsigned int, bool);
void DoFTools::make_child_patches(SparsityPattern&, const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
unsigned int, bool, bool);
ConstraintMatrix &constraints);
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+make_hanging_node_constraints (const DoFHandler<1,3> &dof_handler,
+ ConstraintMatrix &constraints);
// TODO: can cleanup a bit more to fit into the scheme used above
DoFTools::count_dofs_with_subdomain_association<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> >
(const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
const types::subdomain_id_t);
DoFTools::dof_indices_with_subdomain_association<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> >
(const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
const types::subdomain_id_t);
+DoFTools::get_subdomain_association<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> >
+(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof_handler,
+ std::vector<types::subdomain_id_t> &subdomain_association);
+DoFTools::get_subdomain_association<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> >
+(const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof_handler,
+ std::vector<types::subdomain_id_t> &subdomain_association);
DoFTools::count_dofs_with_subdomain_association<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> >
std::vector<unsigned int> &);
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+DoFTools::extract_boundary_dofs<DoFHandler<1,3> >
+ (const DoFHandler<1,3> &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &,
+ std::vector<bool> &,
+ const std::set<unsigned char> &);
+DoFTools::get_subdomain_association<DoFHandler<1,3> >
+(const DoFHandler<1,3> &dof_handler,
+ std::vector<types::subdomain_id_t> &subdomain_association);
+DoFTools::get_subdomain_association<hp::DoFHandler<1,3> >
+(const hp::DoFHandler<1,3> &dof_handler,
+ std::vector<types::subdomain_id_t> &subdomain_association);
+unsigned int
+DoFTools::count_dofs_with_subdomain_association<DoFHandler<1,3> >
+(const DoFHandler<1,3> &,
+ const types::subdomain_id_t);
+DoFTools::dof_indices_with_subdomain_association<DoFHandler<1,3> >
+(const DoFHandler<1,3> &,
+ const types::subdomain_id_t);
+DoFTools::count_dofs_with_subdomain_association<DoFHandler<1,3> >
+(const DoFHandler<1,3> &,
+ const types::subdomain_id_t,
+ std::vector<unsigned int> &);
+unsigned int
+DoFTools::count_dofs_with_subdomain_association<hp::DoFHandler<1,3> >
+(const hp::DoFHandler<1,3> &,
+ const types::subdomain_id_t);
+DoFTools::dof_indices_with_subdomain_association<hp::DoFHandler<1,3> >
+(const hp::DoFHandler<1,3> &,
+ const types::subdomain_id_t);
+DoFTools::count_dofs_with_subdomain_association<hp::DoFHandler<1,3> >
+(const hp::DoFHandler<1,3> &,
+ const types::subdomain_id_t,
+ std::vector<unsigned int> &);
unsigned int
DoFTools::count_dofs_with_subdomain_association<MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> >
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+DoFTools::count_dofs_per_component<DoFHandler<1,3> > (
+ const DoFHandler<1,3>&,
+ std::vector<unsigned int>&, bool, std::vector<unsigned int>);
+DoFTools::count_dofs_per_component<hp::DoFHandler<1,3> > (
+ const hp::DoFHandler<1,3>&,
+ std::vector<unsigned int>&, bool, std::vector<unsigned int>);
+(const unsigned int level, const MGDoFHandler<1,3>&,
+ const std::vector<bool>&, std::vector<bool>&, bool);
DoFTools::count_dofs_per_block<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> > (
(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension>&,
const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
std::vector<Point<deal_II_dimension> >&);
(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>&,
const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>&,
std::vector<Point<deal_II_dimension+1> >&);
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+(const Mapping<1,3>&,
+ const DoFHandler<1,3>&,
+ std::vector<Point<3> >&);
+DoFTools::count_dofs_per_block<DoFHandler<1,3> > (
+ const DoFHandler<1,3>&,
+ std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>);
+DoFTools::count_dofs_per_block<hp::DoFHandler<1,3> > (
+ const hp::DoFHandler<1,3>&,
+ std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>);
+DoFTools::count_dofs_per_block<MGDoFHandler<1,3> > (
+ const MGDoFHandler<1,3>&,
+ std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>);
DoFTools::convert_couplings_to_blocks (
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+DoFTools::map_dof_to_boundary_indices<DoFHandler<1,3> >
+(const DoFHandler<1,3> &,
+ const std::set<unsigned char> &,
+ std::vector<unsigned int> &);
+DoFTools::map_dof_to_boundary_indices<DoFHandler<1,3> >
+(const DoFHandler<1,3> &,
+ std::vector<unsigned int> &);
+(const DoFHandler<1,3> &dof_handler,
+ std::vector<bool> &selected_dofs);
+// template
+// void
+// DoFTools::map_dof_to_boundary_indices<hp::DoFHandler<1,3> >
+// (const hp::DoFHandler<1,3> &,
+// const std::set<unsigned char> &,
+// std::vector<unsigned int> &);
+// template
+// void
+// DoFTools::map_dof_to_boundary_indices<hp::DoFHandler<1,3> >
+// (const hp::DoFHandler<1,3> &,
+// std::vector<unsigned int> &);
+FiniteElement<1,2>::compute_2nd (
+ const Mapping<1,2> &,
+ const Triangulation<1,2>::cell_iterator &,
+ const unsigned int,
+ Mapping<1,2>::InternalDataBase &,
+ InternalDataBase &,
+ FEValuesData<1,2> &) const
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+FiniteElement<1,3>::compute_2nd (
+ const Mapping<1,3> &,
+ const Triangulation<1,3>::cell_iterator &,
+ const unsigned int,
+ Mapping<1,3>::InternalDataBase &,
+ InternalDataBase &,
+ FEValuesData<1,3> &) const
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+FiniteElement<2,3>::compute_2nd (
+ const Mapping<2,3> &,
+ const Triangulation<2,3>::cell_iterator &,
+ const unsigned int,
+ Mapping<2,3>::InternalDataBase &,
+ InternalDataBase &,
+ FEValuesData<2,3> &) const
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
template <int dim, int spacedim>
FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>::compute_2nd (
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
- template class FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension>;
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template class FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template class FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
Assert (dim >= 2, ExcImpossibleInDim(dim));
const unsigned int n_dofs = this->dofs_per_cell;
- this->mapping_type = mapping_piola;
+ this->mapping_type = mapping_raviart_thomas;
// First, initialize the
// generalized support points and
// quadrature weights, since they
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
- template class FE_DGP<deal_II_dimension>;
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template class FE_DGP<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template class FE_DGP<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
- template class FE_DGQ<deal_II_dimension>;
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template class FE_DGQ<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template class FE_DGQ<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ }
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+ {
template class FE_DGQArbitraryNodes<deal_II_dimension>;
// $Id$
// Version: $Name$
-// Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2012 by the deal.II authors
// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+template <>
+(const Mapping<1,2> &mapping,
+ const Triangulation<1,2>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Quadrature<1> &quadrature,
+ Mapping<1,2>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
+ Mapping<1,2>::InternalDataBase &fedata,
+ FEValuesData<1,2> &data,
+ CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const
+ // convert data object to internal
+ // data for this class. fails with
+ // an exception if that is not
+ // possible
+ Assert (dynamic_cast<InternalData *> (&fedata) != 0, ExcInternalError());
+ InternalData &fe_data = static_cast<InternalData &> (fedata);
+ const UpdateFlags flags(fe_data.current_update_flags());
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<this->dofs_per_cell; ++k)
+ {
+ if (flags & update_values)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<quadrature.size(); ++i)
+ data.shape_values(k,i) = fe_data.shape_values[k][i];
+ if (flags & update_gradients && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
+ mapping.transform(fe_data.shape_gradients[k], data.shape_gradients[k],
+ mapping_data, mapping_covariant);
+ }
+ if (flags & update_hessians && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
+ this->compute_2nd (mapping, cell, QProjector<1>::DataSetDescriptor::cell(),
+ mapping_data, fe_data, data);
+template <>
+(const Mapping<2,3> &mapping,
+ const Triangulation<2,3>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Quadrature<2> &quadrature,
+ Mapping<2,3>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
+ Mapping<2,3>::InternalDataBase &fedata,
+ FEValuesData<2,3> &data,
+ CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const
+ // assert that the following dynamics
+ // cast is really well-defined.
+ Assert (dynamic_cast<InternalData *> (&fedata) != 0, ExcInternalError());
+ InternalData &fe_data = static_cast<InternalData &> (fedata);
+ const UpdateFlags flags(fe_data.current_update_flags());
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<this->dofs_per_cell; ++k)
+ {
+ if (flags & update_values)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<quadrature.size(); ++i)
+ data.shape_values(k,i) = fe_data.shape_values[k][i];
+ if (flags & update_gradients && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
+ mapping.transform(fe_data.shape_gradients[k], data.shape_gradients[k],
+ mapping_data, mapping_covariant);
+ }
+ if (flags & update_hessians && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
+ this->compute_2nd (mapping, cell, QProjector<2>::DataSetDescriptor::cell(),
+ mapping_data, fe_data, data);
+template <>
+FE_Poly<PolynomialSpace<1>,1,2>::fill_fe_values (
+ const Mapping<1,2> &mapping,
+ const Triangulation<1,2>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Quadrature<1> &quadrature,
+ Mapping<1,2>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
+ Mapping<1,2>::InternalDataBase &fedata,
+ FEValuesData<1,2> &data,
+ CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const
+ // convert data object to internal
+ // data for this class. fails with
+ // an exception if that is not
+ // possible
+ Assert (dynamic_cast<InternalData *> (&fedata) != 0, ExcInternalError());
+ InternalData &fe_data = static_cast<InternalData &> (fedata);
+ const UpdateFlags flags(fe_data.current_update_flags());
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<this->dofs_per_cell; ++k)
+ {
+ if (flags & update_values)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<quadrature.size(); ++i)
+ data.shape_values(k,i) = fe_data.shape_values[k][i];
+ if (flags & update_gradients && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
+ mapping.transform(fe_data.shape_gradients[k], data.shape_gradients[k],
+ mapping_data, mapping_covariant);
+ }
+ if (flags & update_hessians && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
+ this->compute_2nd (mapping, cell, QProjector<1>::DataSetDescriptor::cell(),
+ mapping_data, fe_data, data);
+template <>
+(const Mapping<2,3> &mapping,
+ const Triangulation<2,3>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Quadrature<2> &quadrature,
+ Mapping<2,3>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
+ Mapping<2,3>::InternalDataBase &fedata,
+ FEValuesData<2,3> &data,
+ CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const
+ Assert (dynamic_cast<InternalData *> (&fedata) != 0, ExcInternalError());
+ InternalData &fe_data = static_cast<InternalData &> (fedata);
+ const UpdateFlags flags(fe_data.current_update_flags());
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<this->dofs_per_cell; ++k)
+ {
+ if (flags & update_values)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<quadrature.size(); ++i)
+ data.shape_values(k,i) = fe_data.shape_values[k][i];
+ if (flags & update_gradients && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
+ mapping.transform(fe_data.shape_gradients[k], data.shape_gradients[k],
+ mapping_data, mapping_covariant);
+ }
+ if (flags & update_hessians && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
+ this->compute_2nd (mapping, cell, QProjector<2>::DataSetDescriptor::cell(),
+ mapping_data, fe_data, data);
#include "fe_poly.inst"
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
- template class FE_Poly<TensorProductPolynomials<deal_II_dimension>, deal_II_dimension>;
- template class FE_Poly<PolynomialSpace<deal_II_dimension>, deal_II_dimension>;
- template class FE_Poly<PolynomialsP<deal_II_dimension>, deal_II_dimension>;
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template class FE_Poly<TensorProductPolynomials<deal_II_dimension>, deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>;
- template class FE_Poly<PolynomialSpace<deal_II_dimension>, deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>;
- //template class FE_Poly<PolynomialsP<deal_II_dimension>, deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template class FE_Poly<TensorProductPolynomials<deal_II_dimension>, deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ template class FE_Poly<PolynomialSpace<deal_II_dimension>, deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ template class FE_Poly<PolynomialsP<deal_II_dimension>, deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
+#include <deal.II/base/derivative_form.h>
#include <deal.II/base/qprojector.h>
#include <deal.II/base/polynomials_bdm.h>
#include <deal.II/base/polynomials_raviart_thomas.h>
// concept cannot be used because of
// possible sign changes from one cell to
// the next.
- if (mapping_type == mapping_piola)
+ if ( (mapping_type == mapping_piola) || (mapping_type == mapping_raviart_thomas) )
if (cell_similarity == CellSimilarity::translation)
cell_similarity = CellSimilarity::none;
+ case mapping_raviart_thomas:
case mapping_piola:
std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > shape_values (n_q_points);
if (flags & update_gradients && cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
- std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > shape_grads1 (n_q_points);
- std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > shape_grads2 (n_q_points);
+ std::vector<Tensor<2, spacedim > > shape_grads1 (n_q_points);
+ //std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > shape_grads2 (n_q_points);
switch (mapping_type)
for (unsigned int k=0; k<n_q_points; ++k)
for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
- data.shape_gradients[first+d][k] = shape_grads2[k][d];
+ data.shape_gradients[first+d][k] = shape_grads1[k][d];
- case mapping_piola:
+ case mapping_raviart_thomas:
+ case mapping_piola_gradient:
- mapping.transform(fe_data.shape_grads[i], shape_grads1,
- mapping_data, mapping_piola);
+ std::vector <Tensor<2,spacedim> > input(fe_data.shape_grads[i].size());
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<input.size(); ++k)
+ input[k] = fe_data.shape_grads[i][k];
+ mapping.transform(input, shape_grads1,
+ mapping_data, mapping_piola_gradient);
for (unsigned int k=0; k<n_q_points; ++k)
for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
// cell, then
// (J^-T)Dv(J^-1) is the
// value we want to have on
- // the real cell. so, we
- // will have to apply a
- // covariant transformation
- // to Dv twice. since the
- // interface only allows
- // multiplication with
- // (J^-1) from the right,
- // we have to trick a
- // little in between
- // do first transformation
- mapping.transform (fe_data.shape_grads[i], shape_grads1,
- mapping_data, mapping_covariant);
- // transpose matrix
- for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_q_points; ++k)
- shape_grads2[k] = transpose (shape_grads1[k]);
- // do second transformation
- mapping.transform (shape_grads2, shape_grads1,
- mapping_data, mapping_covariant);
- // transpose back
- for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_q_points; ++k)
- shape_grads2[k] = transpose (shape_grads1[k]);
- for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_q_points; ++k)
- for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
- data.shape_gradients[first + d][k] = shape_grads2[k][d];
- // then copy over to target:
- break;
+ // the real cell.
+ std::vector <Tensor<2,spacedim> > input(fe_data.shape_grads[i].size());
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<input.size(); ++k)
+ input[k] = fe_data.shape_grads[i][k];
+ mapping.transform (input,shape_grads1,
+ mapping_data, mapping_covariant_gradient);
+ for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_q_points; ++k)
+ for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ data.shape_gradients[first + d][k] = shape_grads1[k][d];
+ // then copy over to target:
+ break;
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ case mapping_raviart_thomas:
case mapping_piola:
std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > shape_values (n_q_points);
if (flags & update_gradients)
std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > shape_grads1 (n_q_points);
- std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > shape_grads2 (n_q_points);
+ // std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > shape_grads2 (n_q_points);
switch (mapping_type)
- case mapping_piola:
+ case mapping_raviart_thomas:
+ case mapping_piola_gradient:
- mapping.transform(make_slice(fe_data.shape_grads[i], offset, n_q_points),
- shape_grads1, mapping_data, mapping_piola);
+ std::vector <Tensor<2,spacedim> > input(fe_data.shape_grads[i].size());
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<input.size(); ++k)
+ input[k] = fe_data.shape_grads[i][k];
+ mapping.transform(make_slice(input, offset, n_q_points), shape_grads1,
+ mapping_data, mapping_piola_gradient);
for (unsigned int k=0; k<n_q_points; ++k)
for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
data.shape_gradients[first+d][k] = sign_change[i] * shape_grads1[k][d];
- case mapping_nedelec: {
- // treat the gradients of
- // this particular shape
- // function at all
- // q-points. if Dv is the
- // gradient of the shape
- // function on the unit
- // cell, then
- // (J^-T)Dv(J^-1) is the
- // value we want to have on
- // the real cell. so, we
- // will have to apply a
- // covariant transformation
- // to Dv twice. since the
- // interface only allows
- // multiplication with
- // (J^-1) from the right,
- // we have to trick a
- // little in between
- // do first transformation
- mapping.transform (make_slice (fe_data.shape_grads[i], offset, n_q_points),
- shape_grads1, mapping_data, mapping_covariant);
- // transpose matrix
- for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_q_points; ++k)
- shape_grads2[k] = transpose (shape_grads1[k]);
- // do second transformation
- mapping.transform (shape_grads2, shape_grads1,
- mapping_data, mapping_covariant);
- // transpose back
- for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_q_points; ++k)
- shape_grads2[k] = transpose (shape_grads1[k]);
- for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_q_points; ++k)
+ case mapping_nedelec:
+ {
+ // treat the gradients of
+ // this particular shape
+ // function at all
+ // q-points. if Dv is the
+ // gradient of the shape
+ // function on the unit
+ // cell, then
+ // (J^-T)Dv(J^-1) is the
+ // value we want to have on
+ // the real cell.
+ std::vector <Tensor<2,spacedim> > input(fe_data.shape_grads[i].size());
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<input.size(); ++k)
+ input[k] = fe_data.shape_grads[i][k];
+ mapping.transform (make_slice (input, offset, n_q_points),
+ shape_grads1, mapping_data, mapping_covariant_gradient);
+ for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_q_points; ++k)
for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
- data.shape_gradients[first + d][k] = shape_grads2[k][d];
- // then copy over to target:
+ data.shape_gradients[first + d][k] = shape_grads1[k][d];
+ // then copy over to target:
+ case mapping_raviart_thomas:
case mapping_piola:
std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > shape_values (n_q_points);
- case mapping_piola:
+ case mapping_raviart_thomas:
+ case mapping_piola_gradient:
- mapping.transform(make_slice(fe_data.shape_grads[i], offset, n_q_points),
- shape_grads1,
- mapping_data, mapping_piola);
+ std::vector <Tensor<2,spacedim> > input(fe_data.shape_grads[i].size());
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<input.size(); ++k)
+ input[k] = fe_data.shape_grads[i][k];
+ mapping.transform(make_slice(input, offset, n_q_points), shape_grads1,
+ mapping_data, mapping_piola_gradient);
for (unsigned int k=0; k<n_q_points; ++k)
for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
data.shape_gradients[first+d][k] = sign_change[i] * shape_grads1[k][d];
- case mapping_nedelec: {
- // treat the gradients of
- // this particular shape
- // function at all
- // q-points. if Dv is the
- // gradient of the shape
- // function on the unit
- // cell, then
- // (J^-T)Dv(J^-1) is the
- // value we want to have on
- // the real cell. so, we
- // will have to apply a
- // covariant transformation
- // to Dv twice. since the
- // interface only allows
- // multiplication with
- // (J^-1) from the right,
- // we have to trick a
- // little in between
- // do first transformation
- mapping.transform (make_slice (fe_data.shape_grads[i], offset, n_q_points),
- shape_grads1, mapping_data, mapping_covariant);
- // transpose matrix
- for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_q_points; ++k)
- shape_grads2[k] = transpose (shape_grads1[k]);
- // do second transformation
- mapping.transform (shape_grads2, shape_grads1,
- mapping_data, mapping_covariant);
- // transpose back
- for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_q_points; ++k)
- shape_grads2[k] = transpose (shape_grads1[k]);
+ case mapping_nedelec:
+ {
+ // this particular shape
+ // function at all
+ // q-points. if Dv is the
+ // gradient of the shape
+ // function on the unit
+ // cell, then
+ // (J^-T)Dv(J^-1) is the
+ // value we want to have on
+ // the real cell.
+ std::vector <Tensor<2,spacedim> > input(fe_data.shape_grads[i].size());
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<input.size(); ++k)
+ input[k] = fe_data.shape_grads[i][k];
+ mapping.transform (make_slice (input, offset, n_q_points),
+ shape_grads1, mapping_data, mapping_covariant_gradient);
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_q_points; ++k)
for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
- data.shape_gradients[first + d][k] = shape_grads2[k][d];
- // then copy over to target:
- break;
+ data.shape_gradients[first + d][k] = shape_grads1[k][d];
+ break;
switch (mapping_type)
+ case mapping_raviart_thomas:
case mapping_piola:
if (flags & update_values)
+ case mapping_piola_gradient:
+ {
+ if (flags & update_values)
+ out |= update_values | update_piola;
+ if (flags & update_gradients)
+ out |= update_gradients | update_piola | update_covariant_transformation;
+ if (flags & update_hessians)
+ out |= update_hessians | update_piola | update_covariant_transformation;
+ break;
+ }
case mapping_nedelec: {
if (flags & update_values)
out |= update_values | update_covariant_transformation;
+template <>
+get_face_interpolation_matrix (const FiniteElement<1,3> &/*x_source_fe*/,
+ FullMatrix<double> &/*interpolation_matrix*/) const
+ typedef FiniteElement<1,3> FEL;
+ Assert (false,
+ FEL::
+ ExcInterpolationNotImplemented ());
+template <>
+get_subface_interpolation_matrix (const FiniteElement<1,3> &/*x_source_fe*/,
+ const unsigned int /*subface*/,
+ FullMatrix<double> &/*interpolation_matrix*/) const
+ typedef FiniteElement<1,3> FEL;
+ Assert (false,
+ FEL::
+ ExcInterpolationNotImplemented ());
template <int dim, int spacedim>
// no faces in 1d, so nothing to do
+template <>
+void FE_Q<1,3>::initialize_unit_face_support_points ()
+ // no faces in 1d, so nothing to do
+template <>
+void FE_Q<1,3>::initialize_unit_face_support_points (const Quadrature<1> &/*points*/)
+ // no faces in 1d, so nothing to do
template <int dim, int spacedim>
void FE_Q<dim,spacedim>::initialize_unit_face_support_points ()
+template <>
+std::vector<unsigned int>
+FE_Q<1,3>::face_lexicographic_to_hierarchic_numbering (const unsigned int)
+ return std::vector<unsigned int>();
template <int dim, int spacedim>
((shape_index == 1) && (face_index == 1)));
+template <>
+FE_Q<1,3>::has_support_on_face (const unsigned int shape_index,
+ const unsigned int face_index) const
+ Assert (shape_index < this->dofs_per_cell,
+ ExcIndexRange (shape_index, 0, this->dofs_per_cell));
+ Assert (face_index < GeometryInfo<1>::faces_per_cell,
+ ExcIndexRange (face_index, 0, GeometryInfo<1>::faces_per_cell));
+ // in 1d, things are simple. since
+ // there is only one degree of
+ // freedom per vertex in this
+ // class, the first is on vertex 0
+ // (==face 0 in some sense), the
+ // second on face 1:
+ return (((shape_index == 0) && (face_index == 0)) ||
+ ((shape_index == 1) && (face_index == 1)));
template <int dim, int spacedim>
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
- template class FE_Q<deal_II_dimension>;
-#if deal_II_dimension !=3
- template class FE_Q<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template class FE_Q<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
- template class FESystem<deal_II_dimension>;
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template class FESystem<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template class FESystem<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ template<>
+ void
+ compute_embedding_matrices(const FiniteElement<1,3> &,
+ std::vector<std::vector<FullMatrix<double> > > &,
+ const bool)
+ {
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
compute_embedding_matrices(const FiniteElement<2,3>&,
Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ template <>
+ void
+ compute_projection_matrices(const FiniteElement<1,3>&,
+ std::vector<std::vector<FullMatrix<double> > >&, bool)
+ {
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
template <>
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
- namespace FETools
- \{
- template class FEFactoryBase<deal_II_dimension>;
- template
- void compute_node_matrix(
- FullMatrix<double>&,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension>&);
- template
- void compute_component_wise(
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension>& ,
- std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> >&);
- template
- void compute_block_renumbering (
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension>& ,
- std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>&, bool);
- template
- void get_interpolation_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
- (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- FullMatrix<double> &);
- template
- void get_back_interpolation_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
- (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- FullMatrix<double> &);
- template
- void get_interpolation_difference_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
- (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- FullMatrix<double> &);
- template
- void get_interpolation_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
- (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- FullMatrix<float> &);
- template
- void get_back_interpolation_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
- (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- FullMatrix<float> &);
- template
- void get_interpolation_difference_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
- (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- FullMatrix<float> &);
- template
- void get_projection_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
- (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- FullMatrix<double> &);
- template
- void compute_embedding_matrices<deal_II_dimension>
- (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, std::vector<std::vector<FullMatrix<double> > >&,bool);
- template
- void compute_face_embedding_matrices<deal_II_dimension,double>
- (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, FullMatrix<double> (&)[GeometryInfo<deal_II_dimension>::max_children_per_face],
- unsigned int, unsigned int);
- template
- void compute_projection_matrices<deal_II_dimension>
- (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, std::vector<std::vector<FullMatrix<double> > >&, bool);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<double> &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- Vector<double> &);
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template
- void compute_block_renumbering (
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>& ,
- std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>&, bool);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, const Vector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, Vector<double> &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, const Vector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- Vector<double> &);
+ namespace FETools
+ \{
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template
+ void compute_block_renumbering (
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>& ,
+ std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<unsigned int>&, bool);
+ template
+ void compute_projection_matrices<deal_II_dimension, double, deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ std::vector<std::vector<FullMatrix<double> > >&, bool);
+ template
+ void compute_embedding_matrices<deal_II_dimension, double, deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ std::vector<std::vector<FullMatrix<double> > >&,bool);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &, Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &, Vector<float> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ Vector<float> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &, BlockVector<double> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ BlockVector<double> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &, BlockVector<float> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ BlockVector<float> &);
+ \}
+ }
- template
- void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<double> &);
- template
- void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const Vector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- Vector<double> &);
- template
- void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<double> &);
- template
- void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const Vector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- Vector<double> &);
- template
- void project_dg<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<double> &);
- template
- void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<double> &);
- template
- void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- Vector<double> &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<float> &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- Vector<float> &);
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, const Vector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, Vector<float> &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, const Vector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- Vector<float> &);
- template
- void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<float> &);
- template
- void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const Vector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- Vector<float> &);
- template
- void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<float> &);
- template
- void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const Vector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- Vector<float> &);
- template
- void project_dg<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<float> &);
- template
- void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<float> &);
- template
- void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- Vector<float> &);
+//TODO[SP]: replace <deal_II_dimension> by <deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+// where applicable and move to codimension cases above also when applicable
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+ namespace FETools
+ \{
+#if deal_II_dimension == deal_II_space_dimension
+ template class FEFactoryBase<deal_II_dimension>;
+ template
+ void compute_node_matrix(
+ FullMatrix<double>&,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template
+ void compute_component_wise(
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension>& ,
+ std::vector<unsigned int>&, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> >&);
+ template
+ void get_interpolation_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ FullMatrix<double> &);
+ template
+ void get_back_interpolation_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ FullMatrix<double> &);
+ template
+ void get_interpolation_difference_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ FullMatrix<double> &);
+ template
+ void get_interpolation_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ FullMatrix<float> &);
+ template
+ void get_back_interpolation_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ FullMatrix<float> &);
+ template
+ void get_interpolation_difference_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ FullMatrix<float> &);
+ template
+ void get_projection_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ FullMatrix<double> &);
+ template
+ void compute_face_embedding_matrices<deal_II_dimension,double>
+ (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, FullMatrix<double> (&)[GeometryInfo<deal_II_dimension>::max_children_per_face],
+ unsigned int, unsigned int);
+ template
+ void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const Vector<double> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const Vector<double> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void project_dg<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<float> &);
+ template
+ void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const Vector<float> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ Vector<float> &);
+ template
+ void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<float> &);
+ template
+ void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const Vector<float> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ Vector<float> &);
+ template
+ void project_dg<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<float> &);
+ template
+ void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<float> &);
+ template
+ void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ Vector<float> &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &);
- template
- void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &);
- template
- void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &);
- template
- void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &);
- template
- void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &);
+ template
+ void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &);
+ template
+ void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &);
+ template
+ void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &);
+ template
+ void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
- template
- void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
- template
- void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
- template
- void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
- template
- void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
- template
- void project_dg<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
- template
- void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
- template
- void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
+ template
+ void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
+ template
+ void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
+ template
+ void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
+ template
+ void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
+ template
+ void project_dg<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
+ template
+ void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
+ template
+ void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ TrilinosWrappers::Vector &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<double> &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- BlockVector<double> &);
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, BlockVector<double> &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- BlockVector<double> &);
- template
- void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<double> &);
- template
- void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const BlockVector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- BlockVector<double> &);
- template
- void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<double> &);
- template
- void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const BlockVector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- BlockVector<double> &);
- template
- void project_dg<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<double> &);
- template
- void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<double> &);
- template
- void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- BlockVector<double> &);
- template
- void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<double> &);
- template
- void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- Vector<double> &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<float> &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- BlockVector<float> &);
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, BlockVector<float> &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- BlockVector<float> &);
- template
- void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<float> &);
- template
- void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const BlockVector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- BlockVector<float> &);
- template
- void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<float> &);
- template
- void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const BlockVector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- BlockVector<float> &);
- template
- void project_dg<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<float> &);
- template
- void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<float> &);
- template
- void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- BlockVector<float> &);
- template
- void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<float> &);
- template
- void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- Vector<float> &);
+ template
+ void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<double> &);
+ template
+ void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const BlockVector<double> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ BlockVector<double> &);
+ template
+ void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<double> &);
+ template
+ void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const BlockVector<double> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ BlockVector<double> &);
+ template
+ void project_dg<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<double> &);
+ template
+ void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<double> &);
+ template
+ void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ BlockVector<double> &);
+ template
+ void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<double> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<float> &);
+ template
+ void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const BlockVector<float> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ BlockVector<float> &);
+ template
+ void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<float> &);
+ template
+ void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const BlockVector<float> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ BlockVector<float> &);
+ template
+ void project_dg<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<float> &);
+ template
+ void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, BlockVector<float> &);
+ template
+ void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ BlockVector<float> &);
+ template
+ void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<float> &);
+ template
+ void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const BlockVector<float> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ Vector<float> &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
- template
- void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
- template
- void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
- template
- void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
- const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
- template
- void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
- template
- void project_dg<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
- template
- void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
- template
- void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
+ template
+ void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
+ template
+ void back_interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
+ template
+ void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
+ const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
+ template
+ void interpolation_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
+ template
+ void project_dg<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
+ template
+ void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
+ template
+ void extrapolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<double> &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- Vector<double> &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<float> &);
- template
- void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
- (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
- Vector<float> &);
- template FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension> *
- get_fe_from_name<deal_II_dimension> (const std::string &);
- template
- void
- compute_projection_from_quadrature_points_matrix (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
- FullMatrix<double> &);
- template
- void
- compute_projection_from_quadrature_points(
- const FullMatrix<double> &,
- const std::vector< Tensor<1, deal_II_dimension > > &,
- std::vector< Tensor<1, deal_II_dimension > > &);
- template
- void
- compute_projection_from_quadrature_points(
- const FullMatrix<double> &,
- const std::vector<SymmetricTensor<2, deal_II_dimension> > &,
- std::vector<SymmetricTensor<2, deal_II_dimension> > &);
- template
- void
- compute_interpolation_to_quadrature_points_matrix (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
- FullMatrix<double> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<double> &,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, Vector<float> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const Vector<float> &,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &, const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ Vector<float> &);
+ template FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension> *
+ get_fe_from_name<deal_II_dimension> (const std::string &);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_projection_from_quadrature_points_matrix (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ FullMatrix<double> &);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_projection_from_quadrature_points(
+ const FullMatrix<double> &,
+ const std::vector< Tensor<1, deal_II_dimension > > &,
+ std::vector< Tensor<1, deal_II_dimension > > &);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_projection_from_quadrature_points(
+ const FullMatrix<double> &,
+ const std::vector<SymmetricTensor<2, deal_II_dimension> > &,
+ std::vector<SymmetricTensor<2, deal_II_dimension> > &);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_interpolation_to_quadrature_points_matrix (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ FullMatrix<double> &);
#if deal_II_dimension != 1
- template
- void
- compute_projection_from_face_quadrature_points_matrix (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::active_cell_iterator & ,
- unsigned int,
- FullMatrix<double> &);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_projection_from_face_quadrature_points_matrix (const FiniteElement<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::active_cell_iterator & ,
+ unsigned int,
+ FullMatrix<double> &);
- template
- void
- hierarchic_to_lexicographic_numbering<deal_II_dimension>
- (const FiniteElementData<deal_II_dimension> &,
- std::vector<unsigned int> &);
- template
- void
- lexicographic_to_hierarchic_numbering<deal_II_dimension>
- (const FiniteElementData<deal_II_dimension> &,
- std::vector<unsigned int> &);
- template
- std::vector<unsigned int>
- hierarchic_to_lexicographic_numbering<deal_II_dimension>
- (const FiniteElementData<deal_II_dimension> &);
- template
- std::vector<unsigned int>
- lexicographic_to_hierarchic_numbering<deal_II_dimension>
- (const FiniteElementData<deal_II_dimension> &);
- \}
+ template
+ void
+ hierarchic_to_lexicographic_numbering<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const FiniteElementData<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ std::vector<unsigned int> &);
+ template
+ void
+ lexicographic_to_hierarchic_numbering<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const FiniteElementData<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ std::vector<unsigned int> &);
+ template
+ std::vector<unsigned int>
+ hierarchic_to_lexicographic_numbering<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const FiniteElementData<deal_II_dimension> &);
+ template
+ std::vector<unsigned int>
+ lexicographic_to_hierarchic_numbering<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const FiniteElementData<deal_II_dimension> &);
+ \}
// Instantiations of functions in FEValuesViews (explicitly write
// dealii:: namespace in order to not confuse the compiler with
// FEValuesViews::Vector).
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
- template class FEValuesData<deal_II_dimension>;
- template class FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>;
- template class FEValues<deal_II_dimension>;
- template class FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::
- CellIterator<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>;
- template class FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::
- CellIterator<MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator>;
- template class FEFaceValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>;
- template class FEFaceValues<deal_II_dimension>;
- template class FESubfaceValues<deal_II_dimension>;
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template class FEValuesData<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
- template class FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
- template class FEValues<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
- template class FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::
- CellIterator<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::cell_iterator>;
- template class FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::
- CellIterator<MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::cell_iterator>;
- template class FEFaceValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
- template class FEFaceValues<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
- template class FESubfaceValues<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
+ template class FEValuesData<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ template class FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ template class FEValues<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ template class FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::
+ CellIterator<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::cell_iterator>;
+ template class FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::
+ CellIterator<MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::cell_iterator>;
+ template class FEFaceValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ template class FEFaceValues<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ template class FESubfaceValues<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>;
namespace FEValuesViews
- template class Scalar<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension>;
- template class Vector<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension>;
- template class SymmetricTensor<2, deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension>;
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template class Scalar<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>;
- template class Vector<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>;
- template class SymmetricTensor<2, deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>;
+ template class Scalar<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ template class Vector<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ template class SymmetricTensor<2, deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
-for (VEC : SERIAL_VECTORS; deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
- {
- template
- void FEValuesViews::Scalar<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_values<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<double>&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesViews::Scalar<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_gradients<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_dimension> >&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesViews::Scalar<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_hessians<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_dimension> >&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesViews::Scalar<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<double>&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_values<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_dimension> >&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_gradients<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_dimension> >&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_symmetric_gradients<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<dealii::SymmetricTensor<2,deal_II_dimension> >&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_curls<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<curl_type>&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_divergences<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<double>&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_hessians<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<3,deal_II_dimension> >&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_dimension> >&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesViews::SymmetricTensor<2,deal_II_dimension>::get_function_values<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<dealii::SymmetricTensor<2,deal_II_dimension> >&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesViews::SymmetricTensor<2,deal_II_dimension>::get_function_divergences<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_dimension> >&) const;
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
+for (VEC : SERIAL_VECTORS; deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
- void FEValuesViews::Scalar<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>
- ::get_function_values<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<value_type>&) const;
+ void FEValuesViews::Scalar<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+ ::get_function_values<dealii::VEC>
+ (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<value_type>&) const;
- void FEValuesViews::Scalar<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>
- ::get_function_gradients<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_dimension+1> >&) const;
+ void FEValuesViews::Scalar<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+ ::get_function_gradients<dealii::VEC>
+ (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_space_dimension> >&) const;
- void FEValuesViews::Scalar<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>
- ::get_function_hessians<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_dimension+1> >&) const;
+ void FEValuesViews::Scalar<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+ ::get_function_hessians<dealii::VEC>
+ (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_space_dimension> >&) const;
- void FEValuesViews::Scalar<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>
- ::get_function_laplacians<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<double>&) const;
+ void FEValuesViews::Scalar<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+ ::get_function_laplacians<dealii::VEC>
+ (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<double>&) const;
- void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>
- ::get_function_values<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_dimension+1> >&) const;
+ void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+ ::get_function_values<dealii::VEC>
+ (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_space_dimension> >&) const;
- void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>
- ::get_function_gradients<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_dimension+1> >&) const;
+ void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+ ::get_function_gradients<dealii::VEC>
+ (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_space_dimension> >&) const;
- void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>
- ::get_function_symmetric_gradients<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<dealii::SymmetricTensor<2,deal_II_dimension+1> >&) const;
+ void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+ ::get_function_symmetric_gradients<dealii::VEC>
+ (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<dealii::SymmetricTensor<2,deal_II_space_dimension> >&) const;
- void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>
- ::get_function_divergences<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<double>&) const;
+ void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+ ::get_function_divergences<dealii::VEC>
+ (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<double>&) const;
- void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>
- ::get_function_hessians<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<3,deal_II_dimension+1> >&) const;
+ void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+ ::get_function_hessians<dealii::VEC>
+ (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<3,deal_II_space_dimension> >&) const;
- void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>
- ::get_function_laplacians<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_dimension+1> >&) const;
+ void FEValuesViews::Vector<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+ ::get_function_laplacians<dealii::VEC>
+ (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_space_dimension> >&) const;
- void FEValuesViews::SymmetricTensor<2, deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>
- ::get_function_values<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<dealii::SymmetricTensor<2,deal_II_dimension+1> >&) const;
+ void FEValuesViews::SymmetricTensor<2, deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+ ::get_function_values<dealii::VEC>
+ (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<dealii::SymmetricTensor<2,deal_II_space_dimension> >&) const;
- void FEValuesViews::SymmetricTensor<2, deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>
- ::get_function_divergences<dealii::VEC>
- (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_dimension+1> >&) const;
+ void FEValuesViews::SymmetricTensor<2, deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+ ::get_function_divergences<dealii::VEC>
+ (const dealii::VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_space_dimension> >&) const;
-// Instantiations of functions in FEValuesBase
-for (VEC : SERIAL_VECTORS; deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+for (VEC : SERIAL_VECTORS; deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
- (const VEC&, std::vector<double>&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
- (const VEC&, std::vector<float>&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
- (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&, std::vector<double>&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
- (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&, std::vector<float>&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
- (const VEC&, std::vector<Vector<double> > &) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
- (const VEC&, std::vector<Vector<float> > &) const;
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
- (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
- std::vector<Vector<double> > &) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
- (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
- std::vector<Vector<float> > &) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
- (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
- VectorSlice<std::vector<std::vector<double> > >, bool) const;
-// template
-// void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
-// (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
-// VectorSlice<std::vector<std::vector<float> > >, bool) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_gradients<VEC>
- (const VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_dimension> > &) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_gradients<VEC>
- (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
- std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_dimension> > &) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_gradients<VEC>
- (const VEC&, std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_dimension> > > &) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_gradients<VEC>
- (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
- VectorSlice<std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_dimension> > > >, bool) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_hessians<VEC>
- (const VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_dimension> > &) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_hessians<VEC>
- (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_dimension> > &) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_hessians<VEC>
- (const VEC&, std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_dimension> > > &, bool) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_hessians<VEC>
- (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
- VectorSlice<std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_dimension> > > >, bool) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
- (const VEC&, std::vector<double>&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
- (const VEC&, std::vector<float>&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
- (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&, std::vector<double>&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
- (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&, std::vector<float>&) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
- (const VEC&, std::vector<Vector<double> > &) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
- (const VEC&, std::vector<Vector<float> > &) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
- (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
- std::vector<Vector<double> > &) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
- (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
- std::vector<Vector<float> > &) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
- (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
- std::vector<std::vector<double> > &, bool) const;
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
- (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
- std::vector<std::vector<float> > &, bool) const;
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_values<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
(const VEC&, std::vector<double>&) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_values<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
(const VEC&, std::vector<float>&) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_values<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
(const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&, std::vector<double>&) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_values<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
(const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&, std::vector<float>&) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_values<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
(const VEC&, std::vector<Vector<double> > &) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_values<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
(const VEC&, std::vector<Vector<float> > &) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_values<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
(const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
std::vector<Vector<double> > &) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_values<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
(const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
std::vector<Vector<float> > &) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_values<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
(const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
VectorSlice<std::vector<std::vector<double> > >, bool) const;
// template
-// void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_values<VEC>
+// void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_values<VEC>
// (const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
// VectorSlice<std::vector<std::vector<float> > >, bool) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_gradients<VEC>
- (const VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_dimension+1> > &) const;
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_gradients<VEC>
+ (const VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_space_dimension> > &) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_gradients<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_gradients<VEC>
(const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
- std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_dimension+1> > &) const;
+ std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_space_dimension> > &) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_gradients<VEC>
- (const VEC&, std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_dimension+1> > > &) const;
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_gradients<VEC>
+ (const VEC&, std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_space_dimension> > > &) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_gradients<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_gradients<VEC>
(const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
- VectorSlice<std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_dimension+1> > > >, bool) const;
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1,deal_II_space_dimension> > > >, bool) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_hessians<VEC>
- (const VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_dimension+1> > &) const;
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_hessians<VEC>
+ (const VEC&, std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_space_dimension> > &) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_hessians<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_hessians<VEC>
(const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_dimension+1> > &) const;
+ std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_space_dimension> > &) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_hessians<VEC>
- (const VEC&, std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_dimension+1> > > &, bool) const;
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_hessians<VEC>
+ (const VEC&, std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_space_dimension> > > &, bool) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_hessians<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_hessians<VEC>
(const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
- VectorSlice<std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_dimension+1> > > >, bool) const;
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<2,deal_II_space_dimension> > > >, bool) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
(const VEC&, std::vector<double>&) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
(const VEC&, std::vector<float>&) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
(const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&, std::vector<double>&) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
(const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&, std::vector<float>&) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
(const VEC&, std::vector<Vector<double> > &) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
(const VEC&, std::vector<Vector<float> > &) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
(const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
std::vector<Vector<double> > &) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
(const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
std::vector<Vector<float> > &) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
(const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
std::vector<std::vector<double> > &, bool) const;
- void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
+ void FEValuesBase<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::get_function_laplacians<VEC>
(const VEC&, const VectorSlice<const std::vector<unsigned int> >&,
std::vector<std::vector<float> > &, bool) const;
template <int dim, int spacedim>
Mapping<dim, spacedim>::transform_covariant (
- const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > > input,
+ const VectorSlice<const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, dim,spacedim> > > input,
const unsigned int offset,
VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > > output,
const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data) const
template<int dim, int spacedim>
Mapping<dim,spacedim>::transform_contravariant (
- const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > > input,
+ const VectorSlice<const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, dim,spacedim> > > input,
const unsigned int offset,
VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > > output,
const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data) const
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
- {
- template class Mapping<deal_II_dimension>;
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template class Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template class Mapping<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase& mapping_data,
std::vector<Point<spacedim> >& quadrature_points,
std::vector<double>& JxW_values,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> >& jacobians,
- std::vector<Tensor<3,spacedim> >& jacobian_grads,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> >& inverse_jacobians,
- std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &,
+ std::vector< DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > & jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> > &inverse_jacobians,
+ std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &,
CellSimilarity::Similarity& cell_similarity) const
// convert data object to internal
if (cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<jacobians.size();++i)
- jacobians[i]=Tensor<2,dim>();
+ jacobians[i] = DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim>();
for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
if (data.current_update_flags() & update_jacobian_grads)
if (cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<jacobian_grads.size();++i)
- jacobian_grads[i]=Tensor<3,dim>();
+ jacobian_grads[i]=DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim>();
// "compute" inverse Jacobian at the
// quadrature points, which are all
// the same
template<int dim, int spacedim>
MappingCartesian<dim,spacedim>::transform (
template<int dim, int spacedim>
MappingCartesian<dim,spacedim>::transform (
- const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > > input,
+ const VectorSlice<const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, dim,spacedim> > > input,
VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > > output,
const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
const MappingType mapping_type) const
+template<int dim, int spacedim>
+MappingCartesian<dim,spacedim>::transform (
+ const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> > > input,
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2, spacedim> > > output,
+ const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
+ const MappingType mapping_type) const
+ AssertDimension (input.size(), output.size());
+ Assert (dynamic_cast<const InternalData *>(&mapping_data) != 0,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ const InternalData &data = static_cast<const InternalData&>(mapping_data);
+ switch (mapping_type)
+ {
+ case mapping_piola_gradient:
+ {
+ Assert (data.update_flags & update_contravariant_transformation,
+ typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
+ Assert (data.update_flags & update_volume_elements,
+ typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<output.size(); ++i)
+ for (unsigned int d1=0;d1<dim;++d1)
+ for (unsigned int d2=0;d2<dim;++d2)
+ output[i][d1][d2] = input[i][d1][d2] * data.length[d2]
+ / data.length[d1] / data.volume_element;
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
template <int dim, int spacedim>
MappingCartesian<dim, spacedim>::transform_unit_to_real_cell (
typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &quadrature_points,
std::vector<double> &JxW_values,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &jacobians,
- std::vector<Tensor<3,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &inverse_jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > &jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> > &inverse_jacobians,
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &normal_vectors,
CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const
quadrature_points, JxW_values,
jacobians, jacobian_grads, inverse_jacobians,
normal_vectors, cell_similarity);
template<int dim, int spacedim>
MappingQ<dim,spacedim>::transform (
- const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > > input,
+ const VectorSlice<const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, dim ,spacedim> > > input,
VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > > output,
const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
const MappingType mapping_type) const
use_mapping_q_on_all_cells ||
(dim!=spacedim) )
const Quadrature<dim> point_quadrature(p_unit);
+ UpdateFlags update_flags = update_transformation_values|update_transformation_gradients;
+ if (spacedim>dim)
+ update_flags |= update_jacobian_grads;
mdata (dynamic_cast<InternalData *> (
- get_data(update_transformation_values |
- update_transformation_gradients,
- point_quadrature)));
+ get_data(update_flags,point_quadrature)));
mdata->use_mapping_q1_on_current_cell = false;
// explicit instantiations
#include "mapping_q.inst"
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
- {
- template class MappingQ<deal_II_dimension>;
-#if deal_II_dimension < 3
- template class MappingQ<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>;
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template class MappingQ<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
// $Id$
// Version: $Name$
-// Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by the deal.II authors
// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
// without copyright and license information. Please refer
-#include <deal.II/base/tensor.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/derivative_form.h>
#include <deal.II/base/quadrature.h>
#include <deal.II/base/qprojector.h>
#include <deal.II/base/memory_consumption.h>
template <int dim, int spacedim>
const unsigned int MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::n_shape_functions;
if (data.shape_second_derivatives.size()!=0)
- // the following may or may not
- // work if dim != spacedim
- Assert (spacedim == 2, ExcNotImplemented());
data.second_derivative(k,0)[0][0] = 0;
// need to recompute jacobians...
if (cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
+ std::fill(data.contravariant.begin(), data.contravariant.end(),
+ DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim>());
Assert (data.n_shape_functions > 0, ExcInternalError());
const Tensor<1,spacedim> *supp_pts =
for (unsigned int point=0; point<n_q_points; ++point)
const Tensor<1,dim> * data_derv =
AssertDimension (data.covariant.size(), n_q_points);
if (cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
- {
- if (dim == spacedim)
- // invert contravariant for
- // covariant transformation
- // matrices
- for (unsigned int point=0; point<n_q_points; ++point)
- data.covariant[point] = invert(data.contravariant[point]);
- else if (dim == spacedim - 1)
- {
- // calculate left-inversion of the
- // contravariant matrices to obtain
- // covariant ones (auxiliary
- // rectangular fullmatrices are used)
- FullMatrix<double> contravariant_matrix(spacedim,dim);
- FullMatrix<double> covariant_matrix(dim,spacedim);
- for (unsigned int point=0; point<n_q_points; ++point)
- {
- contravariant_matrix.
- copy_from(data.contravariant[point],0,spacedim-1,0,dim-1);
- covariant_matrix.
- left_invert(contravariant_matrix);
- covariant_matrix.
- copy_to(data.covariant[point],0,dim-1,0,spacedim-1);
- }
- }
- }
+ for (unsigned int point=0; point<n_q_points; ++point)
+ {
+ data.covariant[point] = (data.contravariant[point]).covariant_form();
+ }
if (update_flags & update_volume_elements)
if (cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
for (unsigned int point=0; point<n_q_points; ++point)
- data.volume_elements[point] = determinant(data.contravariant[point]);
+ data.volume_elements[point] = data.contravariant[point].determinant();
template<int dim, int spacedim>
typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &quadrature_points,
std::vector<double> &JxW_values,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &jacobians,
- std::vector<Tensor<3,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &inverse_jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > &jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> > &inverse_jacobians,
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &normal_vectors,
- CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const
+ CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const
// ensure that the following cast
// is really correct:
const std::vector<double> &weights=q.get_weights();
// Multiply quadrature weights by
- // Jacobian determinants or by norm
- // of the cross product of the
- // columns of the Jacobian and
- // store the cell normal vectors in
- // the case <2,3>
+ // Jacobian determinants or the area
+ // element g=sqrt(DX^t DX) in case of
+ // codim > 0
if (update_flags & (update_normal_vectors
| update_JxW_values))
(normal_vectors.size() == n_q_points),
ExcDimensionMismatch(normal_vectors.size(), n_q_points));
if (cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
for (unsigned int point=0; point<n_q_points; ++point)
- if (dim==spacedim)
- // if dim==spacedim,
- // then there is no
- // cell normal to
- // compute. since this
- // is for FEValues (and
- // not FEFaceValues),
- // there are also no
- // face normals to
- // compute
- JxW_values[point]
- = determinant(data.contravariant[point])*weights[point];
- else
+ if (dim == spacedim)
+ {
+ JxW_values[point]
+ = data.contravariant[point].determinant() * weights[point];
+ }
+ // if dim==spacedim,
+ // then there is no
+ // cell normal to
+ // compute. since this
+ // is for FEValues (and
+ // not FEFaceValues),
+ // there are also no
+ // face normals to
+ // compute
+ else //codim>0 case
+ Tensor<1, spacedim> DX_t [dim];
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<spacedim; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+ DX_t[j][i] = data.contravariant[point][i][j];
+ Tensor<2, dim> G; //First fundamental form
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+ G[i][j] = DX_t[i] * DX_t[j];
+ JxW_values[point]
+ = sqrt(determinant(G)) * weights[point];
if (cell_similarity == CellSimilarity::inverted_translation)
+ {
+ // we only need to flip the normal
+ if (update_flags & update_normal_vectors)
+ normal_vectors[point] *= -1.;
+ }
+ else
- // we only need to flip the normal
- if (update_flags & update_normal_vectors)
- normal_vectors[point] *= -1.;
- }
- else
- {
- // temporarily
- // transpose the
- // matrix so that
- // we can refer
- // to its columns
- // using a single
- // index
- data.contravariant[point] = transpose(data.contravariant[point]);
- // compute the normal
- // vector to this cell
- // and put it into the
- // last row of
- // data.contravariant
- if ( (dim==1) && (spacedim==2) )
- cross_product(data.contravariant[point][1],
- -data.contravariant[point][0]);
- else if ( (dim==2) && (spacedim==3) )
- cross_product(data.contravariant[point][2],
- data.contravariant[point][0],
- data.contravariant[point][1]);
- else
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
- // det(J) is now the norm
- // of the cross product
- // of all the mapped unit
- // tangential vectors
- JxW_values[point]
- = data.contravariant[point][spacedim-1].norm()*weights[point];
- // in order to compute
- // the normal vector,
- // normalize the cross
- // product of mapped unit
- // vectors
- data.contravariant[point][spacedim-1]
- /= data.contravariant[point][spacedim-1].norm();
+ const unsigned int codim = spacedim-dim;
if (update_flags & update_normal_vectors)
- normal_vectors[point]
- = data.contravariant[point][spacedim-1];
+ Assert( codim==1 , ExcMessage("There is no cell normal in codim 2."));
+ if (dim==1)
+ cross_product(normal_vectors[point],
+ -DX_t[0]);
+ else //dim == 2
+ cross_product(normal_vectors[point],DX_t[0],DX_t[1]);
+ normal_vectors[point] /= normal_vectors[point].norm();
if (cell->direction_flag() == false)
normal_vectors[point] *= -1.;
- // un-transpose
- // the matrix
- // again
- data.contravariant[point] = transpose(data.contravariant[point]);
- }
+ } //codim>0 case
// copy values from InternalData to
// vector given by reference
if (update_flags & update_jacobians)
for (unsigned int point=0; point<n_q_points; ++point)
jacobians[point] = data.contravariant[point];
// calculate values of the
// derivatives of the Jacobians. do
// it here, since we only do it for
if (cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
+ std::fill(jacobian_grads.begin(),
+ jacobian_grads.end(),
+ DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim>());
const unsigned int data_set = DataSetDescriptor::cell();
for (unsigned int point=0; point<n_q_points; ++point)
const Tensor<2,dim> * second =
AssertDimension (inverse_jacobians.size(), n_q_points);
if (cell_similarity != CellSimilarity::translation)
for (unsigned int point=0; point<n_q_points; ++point)
- inverse_jacobians[point] = transpose(data.covariant[point]);
+ inverse_jacobians[point] = data.covariant[point].transpose();
Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- else
+ else //(dim < spacedim)
// in the codim-one case, the
- // boundary form results from
- // the cross product of all the
- // face tangential vectors and
- // the cell normal vector
- //
- // to compute the cell normal,
- // use the same method used in
- // fill_fe_values for cells
- // above
+ // boundary form results from
+ // the cross product of all the
+ // face tangential vectors and
+ // the cell normal vector
+ //
+ // to compute the cell normal,
+ // use the same method used in
+ // fill_fe_values for cells
+ // above
AssertDimension (data.contravariant.size(), n_q_points);
for (unsigned int point=0; point<n_q_points; ++point)
- {
- Tensor<1,spacedim> cell_normal;
- // temporarily
- // transpose the
- // matrix so that
- // we can refer
- // to its columns
- // using a single
- // index
- data.contravariant[point] = transpose(data.contravariant[point]);
- // compute the normal
- // vector to this cell
- // and put it into the
- // last row of
- // data.contravariant
- if ( (dim==1) && (spacedim==2) )
- cross_product(cell_normal,
- -data.contravariant[point][0]);
- else if ( (dim==2) && (spacedim==3) )
- cross_product(cell_normal,
- data.contravariant[point][0],
- data.contravariant[point][1]);
- else
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
- // then compute the face
- // normal from the face
- // tangent and the cell
- // normal:
- if ( (dim==1) && (spacedim==2) )
+ {
+ if (dim==1)
+ {
+ // J is a tangent vector
+ boundary_forms[point] = data.contravariant[point].transpose()[0];
+ boundary_forms[point] /=
+ (face_no == 0 ? -1. : +1.) * boundary_forms[point].norm();
+ }
+ if (dim==2)
- // need to think how to
- // do this. the code
- // should be something
- // like the below, but
- // I can't test it
- // right now since we
- // can't use
- // FEFaceValues in 1d
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ Tensor<1,spacedim> cell_normal;
+ const DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> DX_t =
+ data.contravariant[point].transpose();
+ cross_product(cell_normal,DX_t[0],DX_t[1]);
+ cell_normal /= cell_normal.norm();
+ // then compute the face
+ // normal from the face
+ // tangent and the cell
+ // normal:
cross_product (boundary_forms[point],
- (face_no == 0 ? 1. : -1.) * cell_normal);
+ data.aux[0][point], cell_normal);
- else if ( (dim==2) && (spacedim==3) )
- cross_product (boundary_forms[point],
- data.aux[0][point], cell_normal);
- else
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
- // un-transpose
- // the matrix
- // again
- data.contravariant[point] = transpose(data.contravariant[point]);
- if (update_flags & (update_normal_vectors
- | update_JxW_values))
- for (unsigned int i=0;i<boundary_forms.size();++i)
- {
- if (update_flags & update_JxW_values)
- {
+ if (update_flags & (update_normal_vectors
+ | update_JxW_values))
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<boundary_forms.size();++i)
+ {
+ if (update_flags & update_JxW_values)
+ {
JxW_values[i] = boundary_forms[i].norm() * weights[i];
- if (subface_no!=deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- {
- const double area_ratio=GeometryInfo<dim>::subface_ratio(
- cell->subface_case(face_no), subface_no);
- JxW_values[i] *= area_ratio;
- }
- }
- if (update_flags & update_normal_vectors)
- normal_vectors[i] = boundary_forms[i] / boundary_forms[i].norm();
- }
+ if (subface_no!=deal_II_numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ {
+ const double area_ratio=GeometryInfo<dim>::subface_ratio(
+ cell->subface_case(face_no), subface_no);
+ JxW_values[i] *= area_ratio;
+ }
+ }
+ if (update_flags & update_normal_vectors)
+ normal_vectors[i] = boundary_forms[i] / boundary_forms[i].norm();
+ }
template<int dim, int spacedim>
MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::compute_fill_face (
template<int dim, int spacedim>
MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::transform (
- const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<1, dim> > > input,
- VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<1, spacedim> > > output,
+ const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<1, dim> > > input,
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<1, spacedim> > > output,
+ const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
+ const MappingType mapping_type) const
+ transform_fields(input, output, mapping_data, mapping_type);
+template<int dim, int spacedim>
+MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::transform (
+ const VectorSlice<const std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, dim,spacedim> > > input,
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2, spacedim> > > output,
+ const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
+ const MappingType mapping_type) const
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, spacedim,spacedim> > aux_output1(output.size());
+ VectorSlice< std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, spacedim,spacedim> > > aux_output( aux_output1);
+ transform_differential_forms(input, aux_output, mapping_data, mapping_type);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<output.size(); i++)
+ output[i] = aux_output[i];
+template<int dim, int spacedim>
+MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::transform (
+ const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> > > input,
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2, spacedim> > > output,
+ const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
+ const MappingType mapping_type) const
+ switch (mapping_type)
+ {
+ case mapping_contravariant:
+ transform_fields(input, output, mapping_data, mapping_type);
+ return;
+ case mapping_piola_gradient:
+ case mapping_contravariant_gradient:
+ case mapping_covariant_gradient:
+ transform_gradients(input, output, mapping_data, mapping_type);
+ return;
+ default:
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
+template<int dim, int spacedim>
+template < int rank >
+void MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::transform_fields(
+ const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<rank,dim> > > input,
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<rank,spacedim> > > output,
const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
const MappingType mapping_type) const
const InternalData &data = static_cast<const InternalData&>(mapping_data);
- Tensor<1, spacedim> auxiliary;
switch (mapping_type)
- case mapping_covariant:
+ case mapping_contravariant:
- Assert (data.update_flags & update_covariant_transformation,
+ Assert (data.update_flags & update_contravariant_transformation,
typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
for (unsigned int i=0; i<output.size(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned int d=0;d<dim;++d)
- auxiliary[d] = input[i][d];
- contract (output[i], auxiliary, data.covariant[i]);
- }
+ output[i] = apply_transformation(data.contravariant[i], input[i]);
- case mapping_contravariant:
+ case mapping_piola:
Assert (data.update_flags & update_contravariant_transformation,
typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
+ Assert (data.update_flags & update_volume_elements,
+ typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
+ Assert (rank==1, ExcMessage("Only for rank 1"));
for (unsigned int i=0; i<output.size(); ++i)
- for (unsigned int d=0;d<dim;++d)
- auxiliary[d] = input[i][d];
- contract (output[i], data.contravariant[i], auxiliary);
+ output[i] = apply_transformation(data.contravariant[i], input[i]);
+ output[i] /= data.volume_elements[i];
- case mapping_piola:
+ //We still allow this operation as in the
+ //reference cell Derivatives are Tensor
+ //rather than DerivativeForm
+ case mapping_covariant:
Assert (data.update_flags & update_contravariant_transformation,
typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
- Assert (data.update_flags & update_volume_elements,
- typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
for (unsigned int i=0; i<output.size(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned int d=0;d<dim;++d)
- auxiliary[d] = input[i][d] / data.volume_elements[i];
- contract (output[i], data.contravariant[i], auxiliary);
- }
+ output[i] = apply_transformation(data.covariant[i], input[i]);
template<int dim, int spacedim>
-MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::transform (
- const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<2, dim> > > input,
- VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<2, spacedim> > > output,
+template < int rank >
+void MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::transform_gradients(
+ const VectorSlice<const std::vector<Tensor<rank,dim> > > input,
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<Tensor<rank,spacedim> > > output,
const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
const MappingType mapping_type) const
const InternalData &data = static_cast<const InternalData&>(mapping_data);
- Tensor<2, spacedim> aux1;
- Tensor<2, spacedim> aux2;
switch (mapping_type)
- case mapping_covariant:
+ case mapping_contravariant_gradient:
Assert (data.update_flags & update_covariant_transformation,
typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<output.size(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned int d1=0;d1<dim;++d1)
- for (unsigned int d2=0;d2<dim;++d2)
- aux1[d1][d2] = input[i][d1][d2];
- contract (output[i], aux1, data.covariant[i]);
- }
- return;
- }
- case mapping_contravariant:
- {
Assert (data.update_flags & update_contravariant_transformation,
typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
+ Assert (rank==2, ExcMessage("Only for rank 2"));
for (unsigned int i=0; i<output.size(); ++i)
- for (unsigned int d1=0;d1<dim;++d1)
- for (unsigned int d2=0;d2<dim;++d2)
- aux1[d1][d2] = input[i][d1][d2];
- contract (output[i], data.contravariant[i], aux1);
+ DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> A =
+ apply_transformation(data.contravariant[i], transpose(input[i]) );
+ output[i] = apply_transformation(data.covariant[i], A.transpose() );
case mapping_covariant_gradient:
+ Assert (data.update_flags & update_covariant_transformation,
+ typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
Assert (data.update_flags & update_contravariant_transformation,
typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
+ Assert (rank==2, ExcMessage("Only for rank 2"));
for (unsigned int i=0; i<output.size(); ++i)
- for (unsigned int d1=0;d1<dim;++d1)
- for (unsigned int d2=0;d2<dim;++d2)
- aux1[d1][d2] = input[i][d1][d2];
+ DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> A =
+ apply_transformation(data.covariant[i], transpose(input[i]) );
+ output[i] = apply_transformation(data.covariant[i], A.transpose() );
- contract(aux2, aux1, data.covariant[i]);
- contract(output[i], data.covariant[i], aux2);
- case mapping_contravariant_gradient:
+ case mapping_piola_gradient:
Assert (data.update_flags & update_covariant_transformation,
typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
Assert (data.update_flags & update_contravariant_transformation,
typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
+ Assert (data.update_flags & update_volume_elements,
+ typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
+ Assert (rank==2, ExcMessage("Only for rank 2"));
for (unsigned int i=0; i<output.size(); ++i)
- for (unsigned int d1=0;d1<dim;++d1)
- for (unsigned int d2=0;d2<dim;++d2)
- aux1[d1][d2] = input[i][d1][d2];
+ DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> A =
+ apply_transformation(data.covariant[i], input[i] );
+ Tensor<2,spacedim> T =
+ apply_transformation(data.contravariant[i], A.transpose() );
- contract(aux2, aux1, data.covariant[i]);
- contract(output[i], data.contravariant[i], aux2);
+ output[i] = transpose(T);
+ output[i] /= data.volume_elements[i];
- case mapping_piola:
+ default:
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
+template<int dim, int spacedim>
+template < int rank >
+void MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::transform_differential_forms(
+ const VectorSlice<const std::vector<DerivativeForm<rank, dim,spacedim> > > input,
+ VectorSlice<std::vector<DerivativeForm<rank, spacedim,spacedim> > > output,
+ const typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
+ const MappingType mapping_type) const
+ AssertDimension (input.size(), output.size());
+ Assert (dynamic_cast<const InternalData *>(&mapping_data) != 0,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ const InternalData &data = static_cast<const InternalData&>(mapping_data);
+ switch (mapping_type)
+ {
+ case mapping_covariant:
- Assert (data.update_flags & update_covariant_transformation,
- typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
Assert (data.update_flags & update_contravariant_transformation,
typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
- Assert (data.update_flags & update_volume_elements,
- typename FEValuesBase<dim>::ExcAccessToUninitializedField());
for (unsigned int i=0; i<output.size(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned int d1=0;d1<dim;++d1)
- for (unsigned int d2=0;d2<dim;++d2)
- aux1[d1][d2] = input[i][d1][d2] / data.volume_elements[i];
+ output[i] = apply_transformation(data.covariant[i], input[i]);
- contract (aux2, aux1, data.covariant[i]);
- contract (output[i], data.contravariant[i], aux2);
- }
Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
template<int dim, int spacedim>
MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::transform_unit_to_real_cell (
+ /* For an explanation of the KA and Kb
+ arrays see the comments in the declaration of
+ transform_real_to_unit_cell_initial_guess */
+ template <int dim>
+ struct TransformR2UInitialGuess
+ {
+ static const double KA[GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell][dim];
+ static const double Kb[GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell];
+ };
+ /*
+ Octave code:
+ M=[0 1; 1 1];
+ K1 = transpose(M) * inverse (M*transpose(M));
+ printf ("{%f, %f},\n", K1' );
+ */
+ template <>
+ const double
+ TransformR2UInitialGuess<1>::
+ KA[GeometryInfo<1>::vertices_per_cell][1] =
+ {
+ {-1.000000},
+ {1.000000}
+ };
+ template <>
+ const double
+ TransformR2UInitialGuess<1>::
+ Kb[GeometryInfo<1>::vertices_per_cell] = {1.000000, 0.000000};
+ Octave code:
+ M=[0 1 0 1;0 0 1 1;1 1 1 1];
+ K2 = transpose(M) * inverse (M*transpose(M));
+ printf ("{%f, %f, %f},\n", K2' );
+ template <>
+ const double
+ TransformR2UInitialGuess<2>::
+ KA[GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell][2] =
+ {
+ {-0.500000, -0.500000},
+ { 0.500000, -0.500000},
+ {-0.500000, 0.500000},
+ { 0.500000, 0.500000}
+ };
+ Octave code:
+ M=[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1;0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1; 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1];
+ K3 = transpose(M) * inverse (M*transpose(M))
+ printf ("{%f, %f, %f, %f},\n", K3' );
+ template <>
+ const double
+ TransformR2UInitialGuess<2>::
+ Kb[GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell] =
+ {0.750000,0.250000,0.250000,-0.250000 };
+ template <>
+ const double
+ TransformR2UInitialGuess<3>::
+ KA[GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell][3] =
+ {
+ {-0.250000, -0.250000, -0.250000},
+ { 0.250000, -0.250000, -0.250000},
+ {-0.250000, 0.250000, -0.250000},
+ { 0.250000, 0.250000, -0.250000},
+ {-0.250000, -0.250000, 0.250000},
+ { 0.250000, -0.250000, 0.250000},
+ {-0.250000, 0.250000, 0.250000},
+ { 0.250000, 0.250000, 0.250000}
+ };
+ template <>
+ const double
+ TransformR2UInitialGuess<3>::
+ Kb[GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell] =
+ {0.500000,0.250000,0.250000,0.000000,0.250000,0.000000,0.000000,-0.250000};
+template<int dim, int spacedim>
+transform_real_to_unit_cell_initial_guess (const std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &vertex,
+ const Point<spacedim> &p) const
+ Point<dim> p_unit;
+ FullMatrix<double> KA(GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell, dim);
+ Vector <double> Kb(GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell);
+ KA.fill( (double*)(TransformR2UInitialGuess<dim>::KA) );
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;++i)
+ Kb(i)=(TransformR2UInitialGuess<dim>::Kb)[i];
+ FullMatrix<double> Y(spacedim, GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell);
+ for (unsigned int v=0;v<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;v++)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<spacedim;++i)
+ Y(i,v) = vertex[v][i];
+ FullMatrix<double> A(spacedim,dim);
+ Y.mmult(A,KA); // A = Y*KA
+ Vector< double > b(spacedim);
+ Y.vmult(b,Kb); // b = Y*Kb
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<spacedim;++i)
+ b(i) -= p[i];
+ b*=-1;
+ Vector< double > dest(dim);
+ FullMatrix<double> A_1(dim,spacedim);
+ if (dim<spacedim)
+ A_1.left_invert(A);
+ else
+ A_1.invert(A);
+ A_1.vmult(dest,b); //A^{-1}*b
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<dim;++i)
+ p_unit[i]=dest(i);
+ return p_unit;
template<int dim, int spacedim>
transform_real_to_unit_cell (const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell,
const Point<spacedim> &p) const
- // Let the start value of the
- // newton iteration be the center
- // of the unit cell
- Point<dim> p_unit;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
- p_unit(i)=0.5;
+ // Find the initial value for the
+ // Newton iteration by a normal projection
+ // to the least square plane determined by
+ // the vertices of the cell
+ std::vector<Point<spacedim> > a;
+ compute_mapping_support_points (cell,a);
+ Point<dim> p_unit =
+ transform_real_to_unit_cell_initial_guess(a,p);
+ // if dim==1 there is nothing
+ // else to do the initial value is the answer.
+ if (dim>1)
+ {
// Use the get_data function to
// create an InternalData with data
// transformation shape values and
// derivatives already computed at
// point p_unit.
- const Quadrature<dim> point_quadrature(p_unit);
- std::auto_ptr<InternalData>
- mdata(dynamic_cast<InternalData *> (
- MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::get_data(update_transformation_values
- | update_transformation_gradients,
- point_quadrature)));
- compute_mapping_support_points (cell, mdata->mapping_support_points);
- // The support points have to be at
- // least as many as there are
- // vertices.
- Assert(mdata->mapping_support_points.size() >=
- GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell,
- ExcInternalError());
- // Ignore non vertex support points.
- mdata->mapping_support_points.resize(GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell);
- // perform the newton iteration.
- transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal(cell, p, *mdata, p_unit);
+ const Quadrature<dim> point_quadrature(p_unit);
+ UpdateFlags update_flags = update_transformation_values| update_transformation_gradients;
+ if (spacedim>dim)
+ update_flags |= update_jacobian_grads;
+ std::auto_ptr<InternalData>
+ mdata(dynamic_cast<InternalData *> (
+ MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::get_data(update_flags, point_quadrature)));
+ compute_mapping_support_points (cell, mdata->mapping_support_points);
+ // The support points have to be at
+ // least as many as there are
+ // vertices.
+ Assert(mdata->mapping_support_points.size() >=
+ GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ // Ignore non vertex support points.
+ mdata->mapping_support_points.resize(GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell);
+ // perform the newton iteration.
+ transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal(cell, p, *mdata, p_unit);
+ }
return p_unit;
template<int dim, int spacedim>
// f(x)=p(x)-p=0
// x_{n+1}=x_n-[f'(x)]^{-1}f(x)
- // The start value is set to be the
- // center of the unit cell.
+ // The start value was set to be the
+ // linear approximation to the cell
// The shape values and derivatives
// of the mapping at this point are
// previously computed.
- // In the codimension one case, the
- // f' is rectangular, and it is
- // augmented with the normal to the
- // cell. The tranformation from
- // real to unit is intented as a
- // projection to the surface (or
- // curve) generated by the given
- // cell.
+ // For the <2,3> case there is a
+ // template specialization.
// f(x)
+ compute_shapes(std::vector<Point<dim> > (1, p_unit), mdata);
Point<spacedim> p_real(transform_unit_to_real_cell_internal(mdata));
Point<spacedim> f = p_real-p;
const double eps = 1.e-12*cell->diameter();
const unsigned int loop_limit = 50;
unsigned int loop=0;
while (f.square()>eps*eps && loop++<loop_limit)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<spacedim; ++i)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
- if(dim<spacedim)
- {
- // Temporarily
- // transpose df, to
- // access gradients as
- // a single index, and
- // put in the dimth row
- // the normal to this
- // cell.
- df = transpose(df);
- if ( (dim==1) && (spacedim==2) )
- cross_product(df[1],-df[0]);
- else if ( (dim==2) && (spacedim==3) )
- cross_product(df[2], df[0], df[1]);
- else
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
- // Transpose back
- df = transpose(df);
- }
// Solve [f'(x)]d=f(x)
Tensor<1,spacedim> d;
Tensor<2,spacedim> df_1;
// f(x)
p_real = transform_unit_to_real_cell_internal(mdata);
f = p_real-p;
- // In the codimension one case,
- // we only project on the
- // surface, i.e., we remove the
- // normal component of the
- // difference.
- if(dim<spacedim)
- f -= (transpose(df)[dim]*f)*f;
// Here we check that in the last
// execution of while the first
// condition was already wrong,
+ This function becomes a little tricky in dimension <2,3>.
+ There is a surface embbeded in R^3 and we pass a point p in R^3, that
+ is most likely not lying on the surface.
+ We then ask,
+ what point in R^2 (hopefully in the unit cell) satisfies that
+ map(x) = p.
+ An appropriate modification of this question is:
+ Find x in R^2 and alpha in R such that
+ map(x) + alpha * normal(x) = p
+ */
+void MappingQ1<2,3>::
+transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal (const Triangulation<2,3>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Point<3> &p,
+ InternalData &mdata,
+ Point<2> &p_unit) const
+ transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal_codim1(cell,p, mdata, p_unit);
+void MappingQ1<1,2>::
+transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal (const Triangulation<1,2>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Point<2> &p,
+ InternalData &mdata,
+ Point<1> &p_unit) const
+ transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal_codim1(cell,p, mdata, p_unit);
+void MappingQ1<1,3>::
+transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal (const Triangulation<1,3>::cell_iterator &/*cell*/,
+ const Point<3> &/*p*/,
+ InternalData &/*mdata*/,
+ Point<1> &/*p_unit*/) const
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+template<int dim, int spacedim>
+template<int dim_>
+void MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::
+(const typename Triangulation<dim_,dim_ + 1>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Point<dim_ + 1> &p,
+ MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::InternalData &mdata,
+ Point<dim_ > &p_unit) const
+ const unsigned int spacedim1 = dim_+1;
+ const unsigned int dim1 = dim_;
+ const unsigned int n_shapes=mdata.shape_values.size();
+ Assert(n_shapes!=0, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(mdata.shape_derivatives.size()==n_shapes, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(mdata.shape_second_derivatives.size()==n_shapes, ExcInternalError());
+ std::vector<Point<spacedim1> > &points=mdata.mapping_support_points;
+ Assert(points.size()==n_shapes, ExcInternalError());
+ Point<spacedim1> p_minus_F;
+ Point<spacedim1> DF[dim1];
+ Point<spacedim1> D2F[dim1][dim1];
+ Point<dim1> f;
+ Tensor<2,dim1> df;
+ //Evaluate first and second derivatives
+ compute_shapes(std::vector<Point<dim1> > (1, p_unit), mdata);
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<mdata.n_shape_functions; ++k)
+ {
+ const Tensor<1,dim1> &grad_phi_k = mdata.derivative(0,k);
+ const Tensor<2,dim1> &hessian_k = mdata.second_derivative(0,k);
+ const Point<spacedim1> &point_k = points[k];
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim1; ++j)
+ {
+ DF[j] += grad_phi_k[j] * point_k;
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<dim1; ++l)
+ D2F[j][l] += hessian_k[j][l] * point_k;
+ }
+ }
+ p_minus_F = p;
+ p_minus_F -= transform_unit_to_real_cell_internal(mdata);
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim1; ++j)
+ f[j] = DF[j] * p_minus_F;
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim1; ++j)
+ {
+ f[j] = DF[j] * p_minus_F;
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<dim1; ++l)
+ df[j][l] = -DF[j]*DF[l] + D2F[j][l] * p_minus_F;
+ }
+ const double eps = 1.e-12*cell->diameter();
+ const unsigned int loop_limit = 10;
+ unsigned int loop=0;
+ while (f.norm()>eps && loop++<loop_limit)
+ {
+ // Solve [df(x)]d=f(x)
+ Tensor<1,dim1> d;
+ Tensor<2,dim1> df_1;
+ df_1 = invert(df);
+ contract (d, df_1, static_cast<const Tensor<1,dim1>&>(f));
+ p_unit -= d;
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim1; ++j)
+ {
+ DF[j].clear();
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<dim1; ++l)
+ D2F[j][l].clear();
+ }
+ compute_shapes(std::vector<Point<dim1> > (1, p_unit), mdata);
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<mdata.n_shape_functions; ++k)
+ {
+ const Tensor<1,dim1> &grad_phi_k = mdata.derivative(0,k);
+ const Tensor<2,dim1> &hessian_k = mdata.second_derivative(0,k);
+ const Point<spacedim1> &point_k = points[k];
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim1; ++j)
+ {
+ DF[j] += grad_phi_k[j] * point_k;
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<dim1; ++l)
+ D2F[j][l] += hessian_k[j][l] * point_k;
+ }
+ }
+ p_minus_F = p;
+ p_minus_F -= transform_unit_to_real_cell_internal(mdata);
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim1; ++j)
+ {
+ f[j] = DF[j] * p_minus_F;
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<dim1; ++l)
+ df[j][l] = -DF[j]*DF[l] + D2F[j][l] * p_minus_F;
+ }
+ }
+ // Here we check that in the last
+ // execution of while the first
+ // condition was already wrong,
+ // meaning the residual was below
+ // eps. Only if the first condition
+ // failed, loop will have been
+ // increased and tested, and thus
+ // havereached the limit.
+ AssertThrow(loop<loop_limit, ExcTransformationFailed());
template<int dim, int spacedim>
Mapping<dim,spacedim> *
MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::clone () const
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
- template class MappingQ1<deal_II_dimension>;
- template struct StaticMappingQ1<deal_II_dimension>;
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template class MappingQ1<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
- template struct StaticMappingQ1<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template class MappingQ1<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ template class StaticMappingQ1<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &quadrature_points,
std::vector<double> &JxW_values,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &jacobians,
- std::vector<Tensor<3,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &inverse_jacobians,
+ std::vector< DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > &jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> > &inverse_jacobians,
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &normal_vectors,
CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
- template class MappingQ1Eulerian<deal_II_dimension, Vector<double> >;
- template class MappingQ1Eulerian<deal_II_dimension, Vector<float> >;
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template class MappingQ1Eulerian<deal_II_dimension, Vector<double>, deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ template class MappingQ1Eulerian<deal_II_dimension, Vector<float>, deal_II_space_dimension>;
- template class MappingQ1Eulerian<deal_II_dimension, PETScWrappers::Vector>;
+ template class MappingQ1Eulerian<deal_II_dimension, PETScWrappers::Vector, deal_II_space_dimension>;
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template class MappingQ1Eulerian<deal_II_dimension, Vector<double>, deal_II_dimension+1 >;
- template class MappingQ1Eulerian<deal_II_dimension, PETScWrappers::Vector, deal_II_dimension+1>;
-# endif
typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::InternalDataBase &mapping_data,
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &quadrature_points,
std::vector<double> &JxW_values,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &jacobians,
- std::vector<Tensor<3,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
- std::vector<Tensor<2,spacedim> > &inverse_jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> > &jacobians,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<2,dim,spacedim> > &jacobian_grads,
+ std::vector<DerivativeForm<1,spacedim,dim> > &inverse_jacobians,
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &normal_vectors,
CellSimilarity::Similarity &cell_similarity) const
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
- template class MappingQEulerian<deal_II_dimension, Vector<double> >;
- template class MappingQEulerian<deal_II_dimension, PETScWrappers::Vector>;
- template class MappingQEulerian<deal_II_dimension, PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector>;
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template class MappingQEulerian<deal_II_dimension, Vector<double>,
- deal_II_dimension+1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template class MappingQEulerian<deal_II_dimension, Vector<double>, deal_II_space_dimension>;
template class MappingQEulerian<deal_II_dimension,
- PETScWrappers::Vector, deal_II_dimension+1>;
+ PETScWrappers::Vector, deal_II_space_dimension>;
template class MappingQEulerian<deal_II_dimension,
- PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector, deal_II_dimension+1>;
-# endif
+ PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector, deal_II_space_dimension>;
+# endif
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template void
+ GridGenerator::hyper_rectangle<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> (
+ Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const Point<deal_II_space_dimension>&, const Point<deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ const bool);
+ template void
+ GridGenerator::colorize_hyper_rectangle<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> (
+ Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &);
+ template void
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> (
+ Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &, const double, const double);
+ template
+ void
+ GridGenerator::merge_triangulations
+ (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &triangulation_1,
+ const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &triangulation_2,
+ Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &result);
+ }
for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
- template void
- GridGenerator::hyper_rectangle<deal_II_dimension> (
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&, const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const bool);
- template void
- GridGenerator::colorize_hyper_rectangle<deal_II_dimension> (
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &);
- template void
- GridGenerator::hyper_cube<deal_II_dimension> (
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &, const double, const double);
template void
GridGenerator::subdivided_hyper_cube<deal_II_dimension> (
Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &,
const unsigned int, const double, const double);
template void
(Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &,
const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
const Point<deal_II_dimension> &,
const Point<deal_II_dimension> &,
const bool );
- template
- void
- GridGenerator::merge_triangulations (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension> &triangulation_1,
- const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension> &triangulation_2,
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension> &result);
-#if deal_II_dimension < 3
- template
- void
- GridGenerator::merge_triangulations (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &triangulation_1,
- const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &triangulation_2,
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &result);
#if deal_II_dimension > 1
template void
laplace_transformation<deal_II_dimension> (Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &,
const std::map<unsigned int,Point<deal_II_dimension> > &);
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template void
- GridGenerator::hyper_cube<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1> (
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &, const double, const double);
- template void
- GridGenerator::hyper_rectangle<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> (
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension+1>&, const Point<deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- const bool);
return 0;
+unsigned int GridOut::n_boundary_faces (const Triangulation<1,3> &) const
+ return 0;
+unsigned int GridOut::n_boundary_lines (const Triangulation<1,3> &) const
+ return 0;
unsigned int GridOut::n_boundary_lines (const Triangulation<2> &) const
return 0;
+void GridOut::write_msh_faces (const Triangulation<1,3> &,
+ const unsigned int,
+ std::ostream &) const
+ return;
void GridOut::write_msh_lines (const Triangulation<1> &,
const unsigned int,
+void GridOut::write_msh_lines (const Triangulation<1,3> &,
+ const unsigned int,
+ std::ostream &) const
+ return;
void GridOut::write_msh_lines (const Triangulation<2> &,
const unsigned int,
std::ostream &) const
+void GridOut::write_ucd_faces (const Triangulation<1,3> &,
+ const unsigned int,
+ std::ostream &) const
+ return;
void GridOut::write_ucd_lines (const Triangulation<1> &,
const unsigned int,
std::ostream &) const
+void GridOut::write_ucd_lines (const Triangulation<1,3> &,
+ const unsigned int,
+ std::ostream &) const
+ return;
void GridOut::write_ucd_lines (const Triangulation<2> &,
const unsigned int,
std::ostream &) const
template void GridOut::write_ucd
(const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1> &,
std::ostream &) const;
- template void GridOut::write_gnuplot
+ template void GridOut::write_gnuplot
(const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>&,
const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>*) const;
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+ template void GridOut::write_ucd
+ (const Triangulation<1, 3> &,
+ std::ostream &) const;
template <int dim, template <int, int> class Container, int spacedim>
- std::pair<typename Container<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator, Point<spacedim> >
+ std::pair<typename Container<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator, Point<dim> >
find_active_cell_around_point (const Mapping<dim,spacedim> &mapping,
const Container<dim,spacedim> &container,
const Point<spacedim> &p)
// max. deviation of 1e-10
double best_distance = 1e-10;
int best_level = -1;
- std::pair<cell_iterator, Point<spacedim> > best_cell;
+ std::pair<cell_iterator, Point<dim> > best_cell;
// Find closest vertex and determine
// all adjacent cells
for(; cell != endc; ++cell)
- const Point<spacedim> p_cell = mapping.transform_real_to_unit_cell(*cell, p);
- // calculate the infinity norm of
- // the distance vector to the unit cell.
- const double dist = GeometryInfo<dim>::distance_to_unit_cell(p_cell);
- // We compare if the point is inside the
- // unit cell (or at least not too far
- // outside). If it is, it is also checked
- // that the cell has a more refined state
- if (dist < best_distance ||
- (dist == best_distance && (*cell)->level() > best_level))
+ try
- best_distance = dist;
- best_level = (*cell)->level();
- best_cell = std::make_pair(*cell, p_cell);
+ const Point<dim> p_cell = mapping.transform_real_to_unit_cell(*cell, p);
+ // calculate the infinity norm of
+ // the distance vector to the unit cell.
+ const double dist = GeometryInfo<dim>::distance_to_unit_cell(p_cell);
+ // We compare if the point is inside the
+ // unit cell (or at least not too far
+ // outside). If it is, it is also checked
+ // that the cell has a more refined state
+ if (dist < best_distance ||
+ (dist == best_distance && (*cell)->level() > best_level))
+ {
+ best_distance = dist;
+ best_level = (*cell)->level();
+ best_cell = std::make_pair(*cell, p_cell);
+ }
+ catch (typename MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::ExcTransformationFailed &)
+ {
+//TODO: Maybe say something
+ }
Assert (best_cell.first.state() == IteratorState::valid,
- ExcPointNotFound<dim>(p));
+ ExcPointNotFound<spacedim>(p));
return best_cell;
template <int dim, int spacedim>
- std::pair<typename hp::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator, Point<spacedim> >
+ std::pair<typename hp::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator, Point<dim> >
find_active_cell_around_point (const hp::MappingCollection<dim,spacedim> &mapping,
const hp::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim> &container,
const Point<spacedim> &p)
typedef typename hp::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell_iterator;
- std::pair<cell_iterator, Point<spacedim> > best_cell;
+ std::pair<cell_iterator, Point<dim> > best_cell;
//If we have only one element in the MappingCollection,
//we use find_active_cell_around_point using only one
for(; cell != endc; ++cell)
- const Point<spacedim> p_cell
+ const Point<dim> p_cell
= mapping[(*cell)->active_fe_index()].transform_real_to_unit_cell(*cell, p);
// calculate the infinity norm of
Assert (best_cell.first.state() == IteratorState::valid,
- ExcPointNotFound<dim>(p));
+ ExcPointNotFound<spacedim>(p));
return best_cell;
+ void fix_up_faces (const dealii::Triangulation<1,1>::cell_iterator &,
+ dealii::internal::int2type<1>,
+ dealii::internal::int2type<1>)
+ {
+ // nothing to do for the faces of
+ // cells in 1d
+ }
// possibly fix up the faces of
// a cell by moving around its
// mid-points
- template <int spacedim>
- void fix_up_faces (const typename dealii::Triangulation<1,spacedim>::cell_iterator &,
- dealii::internal::int2type<1>,
- dealii::internal::int2type<spacedim>)
- {
- // nothing to do for the faces of
- // cells in 1d
- }
- void fix_up_faces (const dealii::Triangulation<1,1>::cell_iterator &,
- dealii::internal::int2type<1>,
- dealii::internal::int2type<1>)
- {
- // nothing to do for the faces of
- // cells in 1d
- }
template <int dim, int spacedim>
typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::DistortedCellList
// $Id$
// Version: $Name$
-// Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 by the deal.II authors
// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+for (X : TRIANGULATION_AND_DOFHANDLERS; deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS ; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
namespace GridTools \{
unsigned int
find_closest_vertex (const X &,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension> &);
+ const Point<deal_II_space_dimension> &);
find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex(const X &,
- const unsigned int);
+ const unsigned int);
find_active_cell_around_point (const X &,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension> &p);
+ const Point<deal_II_space_dimension> &p);
std::pair<X::active_cell_iterator, Point<deal_II_dimension> >
- find_active_cell_around_point (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const X &,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension> &);
+ find_active_cell_around_point (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const X &,
+ const Point<deal_II_space_dimension> &);
std::list<std::pair<X::cell_iterator, X::cell_iterator> >
get_finest_common_cells (const X &mesh_1,
- const X &mesh_2);
+ const X &mesh_2);
have_same_coarse_mesh (const X &mesh_1,
- const X &mesh_2);
+ const X &mesh_2);
+ #endif
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
namespace GridTools \{
- diameter<deal_II_dimension> (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &);
-#if deal_II_dimension < 3
- template
- double
- diameter<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1> (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1> &);
+ diameter
+ (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &);
- volume<deal_II_dimension> (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &);
-#if deal_II_dimension < 3
+ volume
+ (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const Mapping<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &);
- double
- volume<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1> (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const Mapping<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1> &);
+ void delete_unused_vertices (std::vector<Point<deal_II_space_dimension> > &,
+ std::vector<CellData<deal_II_dimension> > &,
+ SubCellData &);
- void delete_unused_vertices (std::vector<Point<deal_II_dimension> > &,
- std::vector<CellData<deal_II_dimension> > &,
- SubCellData &);
+ void delete_duplicated_vertices (std::vector<Point<deal_II_space_dimension> > &,
+ std::vector<CellData<deal_II_dimension> > &,
+ SubCellData &,
+ std::vector<unsigned int> &,
+ double);
- void delete_duplicated_vertices (std::vector<Point<deal_II_dimension> > &,
- std::vector<CellData<deal_II_dimension> > &,
- SubCellData &,
- std::vector<unsigned int> &,
- double);
- template
- void shift<deal_II_dimension> (const Point<deal_II_dimension> &,
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &);
+ void shift<deal_II_dimension> (const Point<deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &);
void scale<deal_II_dimension> (const double,
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &);
+ Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &);
- std::pair<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>::active_cell_iterator, Point<deal_II_dimension> >
- find_active_cell_around_point (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension> &);
- template
- void
- get_face_connectivity_of_cells (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &triangulation,
- SparsityPattern &cell_connectivity);
-#if deal_II_dimension < 3
- template
- void
+ void get_face_connectivity_of_cells
+ (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &triangulation,
+ SparsityPattern &cell_connectivity);
- get_face_connectivity_of_cells (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &triangulation,
- SparsityPattern &cell_connectivity);
- void
- partition_triangulation (const unsigned int,
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &);
- template
- void
- partition_triangulation (const unsigned int,
- const SparsityPattern &,
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &);
-#if deal_II_dimension < 3
+ void partition_triangulation (const unsigned int,
+ Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &);
- void
- partition_triangulation (const unsigned int,
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &);
+ void partition_triangulation (const unsigned int,
+ const SparsityPattern &,
+ Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &);
- void
- partition_triangulation (const unsigned int,
- const SparsityPattern &,
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &);
+ std::pair<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>::active_cell_iterator,
+ Point<deal_II_dimension> >
+ find_active_cell_around_point
+ (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const Point<deal_II_space_dimension> &);
- void
- get_subdomain_association (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &,
- std::vector<types::subdomain_id_t> &);
+ void get_subdomain_association (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ std::vector<types::subdomain_id_t> &);
- unsigned int
- count_cells_with_subdomain_association (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const types::subdomain_id_t);
+ unsigned int count_cells_with_subdomain_association(
+ const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const types::subdomain_id_t);
- minimal_cell_diameter (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &triangulation);
+ minimal_cell_diameter (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &triangulation);
- maximal_cell_diameter (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &triangulation);
+ maximal_cell_diameter (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &triangulation);
- create_union_triangulation (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &triangulation_1,
- const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &triangulation_2,
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &result);
+ create_union_triangulation (
+ const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &triangulation_1,
+ const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &triangulation_2,
+ Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &result);
+#if deal_II_dimension == deal_II_space_dimension
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension>::DistortedCellList
- fix_up_distorted_child_cells (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension>::DistortedCellList &distorted_cells,
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension> &triangulation);
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template
- void delete_unused_vertices (std::vector<Point<deal_II_dimension+1> > &,
- std::vector<CellData<deal_II_dimension> > &,
- SubCellData &);
- template
- void delete_duplicated_vertices (std::vector<Point<deal_II_dimension+1> > &,
- std::vector<CellData<deal_II_dimension> > &,
- SubCellData &,
- std::vector<unsigned int> &,
- double);
- template
- void shift<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1> (const Point<deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1> &);
- template
- void scale<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1> (const double,
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1> &);
+ Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::DistortedCellList
+ fix_up_distorted_child_cells
+ (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::DistortedCellList &distorted_cells,
+ Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &triangulation);
+ \}
+ }
-#if deal_II_dimension < 3
- template
- std::list<std::pair<Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::cell_iterator, Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::cell_iterator> >
- get_finest_common_cells (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mesh_1,
- const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mesh_2);
- template
- std::list<std::pair<DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::cell_iterator, DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::cell_iterator> >
- get_finest_common_cells (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mesh_1,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mesh_2);
- template
- std::list<std::pair<hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::cell_iterator, hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::cell_iterator> >
- get_finest_common_cells (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mesh_1,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mesh_2);
- template
- std::list<std::pair<MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::cell_iterator, MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::cell_iterator> >
- get_finest_common_cells (const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mesh_1,
- const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mesh_2);
- \}
- }
-// TODO: Merge this and the next block by introducing a TRIA_AND_DOFHANDLER_TEMPLATES list.
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS; Container : TRIANGULATION_AND_DOFHANDLER_TEMPLATES)
- namespace GridTools \{
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
#if deal_II_dimension != 1
- template
- std::map< Triangulation<deal_II_dimension-1,deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator,
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension>::face_iterator>
- extract_boundary_mesh (const Triangulation<deal_II_dimension> &volume_mesh,
- Triangulation<deal_II_dimension-1,deal_II_dimension> &surface_mesh,
- const std::set<types::boundary_id_t> &boundary_ids);
- \}
- }
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; Container : DOFHANDLER_TEMPLATES)
- {
namespace GridTools \{
-#if deal_II_dimension != 1
- template
- std::map< Container<deal_II_dimension-1,deal_II_dimension>::cell_iterator,
- Container<deal_II_dimension>::face_iterator>
- extract_boundary_mesh (const Container<deal_II_dimension> &volume_mesh,
- Container<deal_II_dimension-1,deal_II_dimension> &surface_mesh,
- const std::set<types::boundary_id_t> &boundary_ids);
+ template
+ std::map< Container<deal_II_dimension-1,deal_II_space_dimension>::cell_iterator,
+ Container<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>::face_iterator>
+ extract_boundary_mesh (const Container<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &mesh,
+ Container<deal_II_dimension-1,deal_II_space_dimension> &boundary_mesh,
+ const std::set<types::boundary_id_t> &boundary_ids);
+ \}
- \}
// specialization for grid==tria
- template <int dim>
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
unsigned int
- get_n_levels (const Triangulation<dim> &grid)
+ get_n_levels (const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &grid)
// if GridClass==Triangulation, then
// we can ask directly.
- template class InterGridMap<X>;
+for (X : TRIANGULATION_AND_DOFHANDLERS; deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS ; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template class InterGridMap<X>;
+ }
// $Id$
// Version: $Name$
-// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by the deal.II authors
// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
// without copyright and license information. Please refer
vertex_to_boundary_id_map_1d (0)
- //Set default value at types::internal_face_boundary_id.
- //Because this value is reserved for inner faces, we
- //will never set this one to anything else.
- //TODO This line vanishes, if we resolve the TODO in the get_boundary function
- boundary[types::internal_face_boundary_id] = &straight_boundary;
if (dim == 1)
= new std::map<unsigned int, types::boundary_id_t>();
//if we have not found an entry
//connected with number, we return
- //straight_boundary, stored at types::internal_face_boundary_id
- it = boundary.find(types::internal_face_boundary_id);
- return *(it->second);
- // TODO: This should get returned, atm there are some errors
- // connected to Boundary<1,3>. If this issue is resolved, the TODOs in
- // the constructor and clear_despite_subscriptions can also get resolved.
- //return straight_boundary;
+ //straight_boundary
+ return straight_boundary;
+//TODO: Merge the following 6 functions somehow
template <>
unsigned int Triangulation<1,1>::n_raw_lines (const unsigned int level) const
+template <>
+unsigned int Triangulation<1,3>::n_raw_lines (const unsigned int level) const
+ Assert(level < n_levels(), ExcIndexRange(level,0,n_levels()));
+ return levels[level]->cells.cells.size();
+template <>
+unsigned int Triangulation<1,3>::n_raw_lines () const
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ return 0;
template <int dim, int spacedim>
unsigned int Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::n_raw_lines (const unsigned int) const
template <>
unsigned int Triangulation<1,2>::n_quads () const
+template <>
+unsigned int Triangulation<1,3>::n_quads () const
+ return 0;
+template <>
+unsigned int Triangulation<1,3>::n_quads (const unsigned int) const
+ return 0;
+template <>
+unsigned int Triangulation<1,3>::n_raw_quads (const unsigned int) const
+ return 0;
+template <>
+unsigned int Triangulation<1,3>::n_raw_hexs (const unsigned int) const
+ return 0;
+template <>
+unsigned int Triangulation<1,3>::n_active_quads (const unsigned int) const
+ return 0;
+template <>
+unsigned int Triangulation<1,3>::n_active_quads () const
+ return 0;
template <int dim, int spacedim>
unsigned int Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::n_quads () const
+template <>
+unsigned int Triangulation<1,3>::max_adjacent_cells () const
+ return 2;
template <int dim, int spacedim>
unsigned int Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::max_adjacent_cells () const
vertices_used.clear ();
- //TODO: This is connected with the TODO in get_boundary and vanishes, if
- //this TODO has been dealt with.
- boundary[types::internal_face_boundary_id] = &straight_boundary;
number_cache = internal::Triangulation::NumberCache<dim>();
+//TODO: merge the following 3 functions since they are the same
template <>
bool Triangulation<1,1>::prepare_coarsening_and_refinement ()
+template <>
+bool Triangulation<1,3>::prepare_coarsening_and_refinement ()
+ // save the flags to determine
+ // whether something was changed in
+ // the course of this function
+ std::vector<bool> flags_before;
+ save_coarsen_flags (flags_before);
+ // do nothing in 1d, except setting
+ // the coarsening flags correctly
+ fix_coarsen_flags ();
+ std::vector<bool> flags_after;
+ save_coarsen_flags (flags_after);
+ return (flags_before != flags_after);
// TriaAccessor<1,1,3> uses it. We could instead instantiate
// Triangulation<1,3>, but that requires a lot more specializations of
// functions that currently only exist for <1,1> and <1,2>
-const Boundary<1,3> &
-Triangulation<1,3>::get_boundary (const types::boundary_id_t number) const;
+// template
+// const Boundary<1,3> &
+// Triangulation<1,3>::get_boundary (const types::boundary_id_t number) const;
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
- template class Triangulation<deal_II_dimension>;
-#if deal_II_dimension < 3
- template class Triangulation<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template class Triangulation<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ }
-template <>
-bool CellAccessor<1,2>::point_inside (const Point<2> &) const
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
- return 0;
-template <>
-bool CellAccessor<2,3>::point_inside (const Point<3> &) const
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
- return 0;
/*------------------------ Functions: CellAccessor<dim,spacedim> -----------------------*/
+ // For codim>0 we proceed as follows:
+ // 1) project point onto manifold and
+ // 2) transform to the unit cell with a Q1 mapping
+ // 3) then check if inside unit cell
+template<int dim, int spacedim>
+template<int dim_,int spacedim_ >
+bool CellAccessor<dim,spacedim>::
+point_inside_codim(const Point<spacedim_> &p) const
+ const TriaRawIterator< CellAccessor<dim_,spacedim_> > cell_iterator (*this);
+ const Point< dim_ > p_unit =
+ StaticMappingQ1<dim_,spacedim_>::mapping.transform_real_to_unit_cell(cell_iterator, p);
+ return GeometryInfo< dim_ >::is_inside_unit_cell(p_unit);
+template <>
+bool CellAccessor<1,2>::point_inside (const Point<2> &p) const
+ return point_inside_codim<1,2>(p);
+template <>
+bool CellAccessor<1,3>::point_inside (const Point<3> &p) const
+ return point_inside_codim<1,3>(p);
+template <>
+bool CellAccessor<2,3>::point_inside (const Point<3> &p) const
+ return point_inside_codim<2,3>(p);
template <int dim, int spacedim>
template class TriaRawIterator<TriaAccessor<3, deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension> >;
template class TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<3, deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension> >;
template class TriaActiveIterator<TriaAccessor<3, deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension> >;
+ template class CellAccessor<1, 3>;
#if deal_II_dimension == 1
template class TriaAccessor<1,deal_II_dimension,2>;
template class TriaAccessor<1,deal_II_dimension,3>;
#if deal_II_dimension == 2
template class TriaAccessorBase<1,deal_II_dimension,3>;
// $Id$
// Version: $Name$
-// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by the deal.II authors
// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+template <>
+get_new_point_on_face (const Triangulation<1,3>::face_iterator &) const
+ Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
+ return Point<3>();
+template <>
+get_intermediate_points_on_face (const Triangulation<1,3>::face_iterator &,
+ std::vector<Point<3> > &) const
+ Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
template <int dim, int spacedim>
+template <>
+normal_vector (const Triangulation<1,3>::face_iterator &,
+ const Point<3> &) const
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ return Tensor<1,3>();
namespace internal
+template <>
+get_normals_at_vertices (const Triangulation<1,3>::face_iterator &,
+ Boundary<1,3>::FaceVertexNormals &) const
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
template <>
+template <>
+project_to_surface (const Triangulation<1, 3>::quad_iterator &,
+ const Point<3> &y) const
+ return y;
+//TODO[SP]: This is just a horrible way out to make it compile in codim 2.
template <int dim, int spacedim>
StraightBoundary<dim, spacedim>::
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
- {
- template class Boundary<deal_II_dimension>;
- template class StraightBoundary<deal_II_dimension>;
-#if deal_II_dimension == 1 || deal_II_dimension == 2
- template class Boundary<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>;
- template class StraightBoundary<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>;
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template class Boundary<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ template class StraightBoundary<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
// $Id$
// Version: $Name$
-// Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by the deal.II authors
// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
// without copyright and license information. Please refer
-template <int dim>
-CylinderBoundary<dim>::CylinderBoundary (const double radius,
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
+CylinderBoundary<dim,spacedim>::CylinderBoundary (const double radius,
const unsigned int axis)
direction (get_axis_vector (axis)),
- point_on_axis (Point<dim>())
+ point_on_axis (Point<spacedim>())
-template <int dim>
-CylinderBoundary<dim>::CylinderBoundary (const double radius,
- const Point<dim> direction,
- const Point<dim> point_on_axis)
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
+CylinderBoundary<dim,spacedim>::CylinderBoundary (const double radius,
+ const Point<spacedim> direction,
+ const Point<spacedim> point_on_axis)
direction (direction / direction.norm()),
-template <int dim>
-CylinderBoundary<dim>::get_axis_vector (const unsigned int axis)
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
+CylinderBoundary<dim,spacedim>::get_axis_vector (const unsigned int axis)
Assert (axis < dim, ExcIndexRange (axis, 0, dim));
- Point<dim> axis_vector;
+ Point<spacedim> axis_vector;
axis_vector[axis] = 1;
return axis_vector;
-template <int dim>
-get_new_point_on_line (const typename Triangulation<dim>::line_iterator &line) const
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
+get_new_point_on_line (const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::line_iterator &line) const
// compute a proposed new point
- const Point<dim> middle = StraightBoundary<dim>::get_new_point_on_line (line);
+ const Point<spacedim> middle = StraightBoundary<dim,spacedim>::get_new_point_on_line (line);
// we then have to project this
// point out to the given radius
// have to take into account the
// offset point_on_axis and the
// direction of the axis
- const Point<dim> vector_from_axis = (middle-point_on_axis) -
+ const Point<spacedim> vector_from_axis = (middle-point_on_axis) -
((middle-point_on_axis) * direction) * direction;
// scale it to the desired length
// and put everything back
const Point<3> middle = StraightBoundary<3>::get_new_point_on_quad (quad);
// same algorithm as above
- const unsigned int dim = 3;
- const Point<dim> vector_from_axis = (middle-point_on_axis) -
+ const unsigned int spacedim = 3;
+ const Point<spacedim> vector_from_axis = (middle-point_on_axis) -
((middle-point_on_axis) * direction) * direction;
if (vector_from_axis.norm() <= 1e-10 * middle.norm())
return middle;
+get_new_point_on_quad (const Triangulation<2,3>::quad_iterator &quad) const
+ const Point<3> middle = StraightBoundary<2,3>::get_new_point_on_quad (quad);
+ // same algorithm as above
+ const unsigned int spacedim = 3;
+ const Point<spacedim> vector_from_axis = (middle-point_on_axis) -
+ ((middle-point_on_axis) * direction) * direction;
+ if (vector_from_axis.norm() <= 1e-10 * middle.norm())
+ return middle;
+ else
+ return (vector_from_axis / vector_from_axis.norm() * radius +
+ ((middle-point_on_axis) * direction) * direction +
+ point_on_axis);
-template <int dim>
-get_new_point_on_quad (const typename Triangulation<dim>::quad_iterator &) const
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
+get_new_point_on_quad (const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::quad_iterator &) const
Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(dim));
- return Point<dim>();
+ return Point<spacedim>();
-template <int dim>
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
-CylinderBoundary<dim>::get_intermediate_points_on_line (
- const typename Triangulation<dim>::line_iterator &line,
- std::vector<Point<dim> > &points) const
+CylinderBoundary<dim,spacedim>::get_intermediate_points_on_line (
+ const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::line_iterator &line,
+ std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &points) const
if (points.size()==1)
-template <int dim>
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
-CylinderBoundary<dim>::get_intermediate_points_between_points (
- const Point<dim> &v0,
- const Point<dim> &v1,
- std::vector<Point<dim> > &points) const
+CylinderBoundary<dim,spacedim>::get_intermediate_points_between_points (
+ const Point<spacedim> &v0,
+ const Point<spacedim> &v1,
+ std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &points) const
const unsigned int n=points.size();
Assert(n>0, ExcInternalError());
// Do a simple linear interpolation
// followed by projection, using
// the same algorithm as above
- const Point<dim> ds = (v1-v0) / (n+1);
+ const Point<spacedim> ds = (v1-v0) / (n+1);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- const Point<dim> middle = v0 + (i+1)*ds;
+ const Point<spacedim> middle = v0 + (i+1)*ds;
- const Point<dim> vector_from_axis = (middle-point_on_axis) -
+ const Point<spacedim> vector_from_axis = (middle-point_on_axis) -
((middle-point_on_axis) * direction) * direction;
if (vector_from_axis.norm() <= 1e-10 * middle.norm())
points[i] = middle;
-template <int dim>
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
-CylinderBoundary<dim>::get_intermediate_points_on_quad (
- const typename Triangulation<dim>::quad_iterator &,
- std::vector<Point<dim> > &) const
+CylinderBoundary<dim,spacedim>::get_intermediate_points_on_quad (
+ const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::quad_iterator &,
+ std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &) const
Assert (false, ExcImpossibleInDim(dim));
-template <int dim>
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
-get_normals_at_vertices (const typename Triangulation<dim>::face_iterator &face,
- typename Boundary<dim>::FaceVertexNormals &face_vertex_normals) const
+get_normals_at_vertices (const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::face_iterator &face,
+ typename Boundary<dim,spacedim>::FaceVertexNormals &face_vertex_normals) const
for (unsigned int v=0; v<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_face; ++v)
- const Point<dim> vertex = face->vertex(v);
+ const Point<spacedim> vertex = face->vertex(v);
- const Point<dim> vector_from_axis = (vertex-point_on_axis) -
+ const Point<spacedim> vector_from_axis = (vertex-point_on_axis) -
((vertex-point_on_axis) * direction) * direction;
face_vertex_normals[v] = (vector_from_axis / vector_from_axis.norm());
-template <int dim>
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
-CylinderBoundary<dim>::get_radius () const
+CylinderBoundary<dim,spacedim>::get_radius () const
return radius;
#if deal_II_dimension != 3
template class HyperBallBoundary<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+ template class CylinderBoundary<deal_II_dimension-1,deal_II_dimension>;
+template <>
+ unsigned int DoFHandler<1,3>::n_boundary_dofs () const
+ {
+ Assert(false,ExcNotImplemented());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template <>
+ unsigned int DoFHandler<1,3>::n_boundary_dofs (const FunctionMap &) const
+ {
+ Assert(false,ExcNotImplemented());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template <>
+ unsigned int DoFHandler<1,3>::n_boundary_dofs (const std::set<unsigned char> &) const
+ {
+ Assert(false,ExcNotImplemented());
+ return 0;
+ }
template<int dim, int spacedim>
unsigned int DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::n_boundary_dofs () const
compute_line_dof_identities (std::vector<unsigned int> &) const
+ template <>
+ void
+ DoFHandler<1,3>::
+ compute_line_dof_identities (std::vector<unsigned int> &) const
+ {}
template<int dim, int spacedim>
compute_quad_dof_identities (std::vector<unsigned int> &) const
+ template <>
+ void
+ DoFHandler<1,3>::
+ compute_quad_dof_identities (std::vector<unsigned int> &) const
+ {}
template <>
+template <>
+ void DoFHandler<1,3>::pre_refinement_action ()
+ {
+ create_active_fe_table ();
+ // Remember if the cells have already
+ // children. That will make the transfer
+ // of the active_fe_index to the finer
+ // levels easier.
+ Assert (has_children.size () == 0, ExcInternalError ());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<levels.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned int lines_on_level = tria->n_raw_lines(i);
+ std::vector<bool> *has_children_level =
+ new std::vector<bool> (lines_on_level);
+ // Check for each cell, if it has children.
+ std::transform (tria->levels[i]->cells.children.begin (),
+ tria->levels[i]->cells.children.end (),
+ has_children_level->begin (),
+ std::bind2nd (std::not_equal_to<int>(), -1));
+ has_children.push_back (has_children_level);
+ }
+ }
template<int dim, int spacedim>
DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::post_refinement_action ()
#if deal_II_dimension != 3
template class DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+ template class DoFHandler<1, 3>;
#if deal_II_dimension != 3
template class FECollection<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+ template class FECollection<1,3>;
template class FESubfaceValues<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+namespace internal
+ namespace hp
+ \{
+ template class FEValuesBase<1,1,
+ dealii::FEValues<1,3> >;
+ template class FEValuesBase<1,1-1,
+ dealii::FEFaceValues<1,3> >;
+ template class FEValuesBase<1,1-1,
+ dealii::FESubfaceValues<1,3> >;
+ \}
+namespace hp
+ template class FEValues<1, 3>;
+ template class FEFaceValues<1, 3>;
+ template class FESubfaceValues<1, 3>;
template class MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
template struct StaticMappingQ1<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+ template class MappingCollection<1,3>;
+ template struct StaticMappingQ1<1,3>;
#if deal_II_dimension == 1
template class MGDoFAccessor<0, 1, 1>;
template class MGDoFAccessor<0, 1, 2>;
+ template class MGDoFAccessor<0, 1, 3>;
template class MGDoFAccessor<1, 1, 1>;
template class MGDoFAccessor<1, 1, 2>;
+ template class MGDoFAccessor<1, 1, 3>;
template class MGDoFCellAccessor<1>;
template class MGDoFCellAccessor<1,2>;
+ template class MGDoFCellAccessor<1,3>;
template MGDoFAccessor<0, 1, 1>::MGDoFAccessor (const MGDoFCellAccessor<1, 1> &);
template MGDoFAccessor<0, 1, 1>::MGDoFAccessor (const InvalidAccessor<2, 1, 1> &);
template MGDoFAccessor<0, 1, 2>::MGDoFAccessor (const MGDoFCellAccessor<1, 2> &);
template MGDoFAccessor<0, 1, 2>::MGDoFAccessor (const InvalidAccessor<2, 1, 2> &);
+ template MGDoFAccessor<0, 1, 3>::MGDoFAccessor (const MGDoFCellAccessor<1, 3> &);
+ template MGDoFAccessor<0, 1, 3>::MGDoFAccessor (const InvalidAccessor<2, 1, 3> &);
template class TriaRawIterator<MGDoFCellAccessor<1> >;
template class TriaIterator<MGDoFCellAccessor<1> >;
// $Id$
// Version: $Name$
-// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 by the deal.II authors
// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
// without copyright and license information. Please refer
template class MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>;
+#if deal_II_dimension==3
+template class MGDoFHandler<1,3>;
unsigned int
const unsigned int local_index) const;
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+unsigned int
+get_dof_index<1> (const unsigned int obj_level,
+ const unsigned int obj_index,
+ const unsigned int fe_index,
+ const unsigned int local_index) const;
#if deal_II_dimension >= 2
unsigned int
const unsigned int local_index) const;
#if deal_II_dimension >= 3
unsigned int
const unsigned int global_index) const;
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+set_dof_index<1> (const unsigned int obj_level,
+ const unsigned int obj_index,
+ const unsigned int fe_index,
+ const unsigned int local_index,
+ const unsigned int global_index) const;
#if deal_II_dimension >= 2
const unsigned int global_index) const;
#if deal_II_dimension >= 3
- namespace MGTools
+ deal_II_space_dimension: SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+ namespace MGTools
- template void
- make_sparsity_pattern<deal_II_dimension> (
- const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const unsigned int);
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template void
+ make_sparsity_pattern<deal_II_dimension, PATTERN, deal_II_space_dimension> (
+ const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const unsigned int);
+#if deal_II_dimension == deal_II_space_dimension
template void
make_flux_sparsity_pattern<deal_II_dimension> (
const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
const unsigned int,
const Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling>&);
const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>&,
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> >&, std::vector<unsigned int>);
+#if deal_II_dimension == 3
+ template void count_dofs_per_block<1,3> (
+ const MGDoFHandler<1,3>&,
+ std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> >&, std::vector<unsigned int>);
const DataPostprocessor<DH<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>::space_dimension> &);
+// codim 2
+ #if deal_II_dimension == 3
+ template void
+ DataOut_DoFData<DH<1,3>,1,3>::
+ add_data_vector<VEC> (const VEC &,
+ const std::string &,
+ const DataVectorType,
+ const std::vector<DataComponentInterpretation::DataComponentInterpretation> &);
+ template void
+ DataOut_DoFData<DH<1,3>,1,3>::
+ add_data_vector<VEC> (const VEC &,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &,
+ const DataVectorType,
+ const std::vector<DataComponentInterpretation::DataComponentInterpretation> &);
+ template void
+ DataOut_DoFData<DH<1,3>,1,3>::
+ add_data_vector<VEC> (const VEC &,
+ const DataPostprocessor<DH<1,3>::space_dimension> &);
+ #endif
#if deal_II_dimension < 3
template class DataOut<deal_II_dimension, DH<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> >;
+ #if deal_II_dimension == 3
+ template class DataOut_DoFData<DH<1>,1,3>;
+ template class DataOut_DoFData<DH<1,3>,1,3>;
+ template class DataOut<1, DH<1,3> >;
+ #endif
+ template <>
+ void
+ create_boundary_mass_matrix_1<1,3> (std_cxx1x::tuple<const Mapping<1,3> &,
+ const DoFHandler<1,3> &,
+ const Quadrature<0> & > ,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &,
+ const FunctionMap<3>::type &,
+ Vector<double> &,
+ std::vector<unsigned int> &,
+ const Function<3> * const ,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &,
+ const MatrixCreator::internal::IteratorRange<DoFHandler<1,3> > ,
+ Threads::ThreadMutex &)
+ {
+ Assert(false,ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
// further information on this license.
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
-for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
// non-hp version of create_mass_matrix
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,double,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &mapping,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &dof,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,double,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &dof,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,double,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &mapping,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &dof,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> &rhs,
+ Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,double,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &dof,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> &rhs,
+ Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,float,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &mapping,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &dof,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,float,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &dof,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,float,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &mapping,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &dof,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> &rhs,
+ Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,float,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &dof,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> &rhs,
+ Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_boundary_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &dof,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const FunctionMap<deal_II_space_dimension>::type &rhs,
+ Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
+ std::vector<unsigned int> &dof_to_boundary_mapping,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> * const a,
+ std::vector<unsigned int>);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_boundary_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &dof,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const FunctionMap<deal_II_space_dimension>::type &rhs,
+ Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
+ std::vector<unsigned int> &dof_to_boundary_mapping,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> * const a,
+ std::vector<unsigned int>);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-// hp versions of functions
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ }
-#if deal_II_dimension != 1
+//TODO[SP]: replace <deal_II_dimension> by <deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+// where applicable and move to codimension cases above also when applicable
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+#if deal_II_dimension == deal_II_space_dimension
-void MatrixCreator::create_boundary_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- std::vector<unsigned int> &dof_to_boundary_mapping,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const a,
- std::vector<unsigned int>);
+// hp versions of functions
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
+ Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
+ Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
+ Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
+ Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_boundary_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- std::vector<unsigned int> &dof_to_boundary_mapping,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const a,
- std::vector<unsigned int>);
-(const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension-1>&,
- SparseMatrix<double>&,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type&,
- Vector<double>&,
- std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const,
- std::vector<unsigned int>);
+#if deal_II_dimension != 1
-void MatrixCreator::create_boundary_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension-1>&,
- SparseMatrix<double>&,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type&,
- Vector<double>&,
- std::vector<unsigned int>&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const,
- std::vector<unsigned int>);
+ template
+ void
+ MatrixCreator::create_boundary_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension-1>&,
+ SparseMatrix<double>&,
+ const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type&,
+ Vector<double>&,
+ std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const,
+ std::vector<unsigned int>);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_boundary_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension-1>&,
+ SparseMatrix<double>&,
+ const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type&,
+ Vector<double>&,
+ std::vector<unsigned int>&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const,
+ std::vector<unsigned int>);
// non-hp versions of create_laplace_matrix
-void MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
+ Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
+ Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
// hp versions of create_laplace_matrix
-void MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
-// non-hp version of create_mass_matrix
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,double,deal_II_dimension+1>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mapping,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,double,deal_II_dimension+1>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,double,deal_II_dimension+1>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mapping,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,double,deal_II_dimension+1>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,float,deal_II_dimension+1>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mapping,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,float,deal_II_dimension+1>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,float,deal_II_dimension+1>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mapping,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const coefficient);
-void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,float,deal_II_dimension+1>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
- SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const coefficient);
-#if deal_II_dimension == 2
-void MatrixCreator::create_boundary_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension+1>::type &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- std::vector<unsigned int> &dof_to_boundary_mapping,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const a,
- std::vector<unsigned int>);
-void MatrixCreator::create_boundary_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &q,
- SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension+1>::type &rhs,
- Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
- std::vector<unsigned int> &dof_to_boundary_mapping,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const a,
- std::vector<unsigned int>);
-// #if deal_II_dimension != 1
-// template
-// void
-// MatrixCreator::create_boundary_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>
-// (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mapping,
-// const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
-// const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &q,
-// SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
-// const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension+1>::type &boundary_functions,
-// Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
-// std::vector<unsigned int> &dof_to_boundary_mapping,
-// const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const a,
-// std::vector<unsigned int> &component_mapping);
-// #endif
-// template
-// void MatrixCreator::create_boundary_mass_matrix<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>
-// (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
-// const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &q,
-// SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
-// const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension+1>::type &rhs,
-// Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
-// std::vector<unsigned int> &dof_to_boundary_mapping,
-// const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const a,
-// std::vector<unsigned int> &component_mapping);
-// // non-hp version of create_mass_matrix
-// template
-// void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix
-// (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mapping,
-// const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
-// const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
-// SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
-// const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const coefficient);
-// template
-// void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix
-// (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
-// const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
-// SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
-// const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const coefficient);
-// template
-// void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix
-// (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mapping,
-// const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
-// const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
-// SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
-// const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &rhs,
-// Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
-// const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const coefficient);
-// template
-// void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix
-// (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
-// const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
-// SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
-// const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &rhs,
-// Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
-// const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const coefficient);
-// template
-// void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix
-// (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mapping,
-// const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
-// const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
-// SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
-// const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const coefficient);
-// template
-// void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix
-// (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
-// const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
-// SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
-// const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const coefficient);
-// template
-// void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix
-// (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &mapping,
-// const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
-// const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
-// SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
-// const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &rhs,
-// Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
-// const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const coefficient);
-// template
-// void MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix
-// (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &dof,
-// const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &q,
-// SparseMatrix<float> &matrix,
-// const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &rhs,
-// Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
-// const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &mapping,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
+ Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ template
+ void MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &q,
+ SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> &rhs,
+ Vector<double> &rhs_vector,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> * const coefficient);
+ }
// $Id$
// Version: $Name$
-// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012 by the deal.II authors
// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
// without copyright and license information. Please refer
-for (VEC : SERIAL_VECTORS ; deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
- namespace VectorTools \{
- template
- void interpolate
- (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- VEC&);
- template
- void interpolate
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- VEC&);
- template
- void interpolate
- (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- VEC&);
- template
- void interpolate
- (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- VEC&);
- template
- void interpolate
- (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- VEC&);
- template
- void interpolate
- (const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- VEC&);
- template
- void interpolate
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const FullMatrix<double>&,
- const VEC&,
- VEC&);
- template
- void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- Vector<double>&,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const NormType&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>*,
- const double);
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template
- void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension, VEC, Vector<float>, deal_II_dimension+1>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- Vector<float>&,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const NormType&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1>*,
- const double);
- template
- void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension, VEC, Vector<double>, deal_II_dimension+1 >
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- Vector<double>&,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const NormType&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1>*,
- const double);
- template
- void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension, VEC, Vector<float>, deal_II_dimension+1>
- (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- Vector<float>&,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const NormType&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1>*,
- const double);
- template
- void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension, VEC, Vector<double>, deal_II_dimension+1 >
- (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- Vector<double>&,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const NormType&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1>*,
- const double);
+for (VEC : SERIAL_VECTORS ; deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ namespace VectorTools \{
+ template
+ void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension, VEC, Vector<float>, deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ Vector<float>&,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const NormType&,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension>*,
+ const double);
+ template
+ void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension, VEC, Vector<double>, deal_II_space_dimension >
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ Vector<double>&,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const NormType&,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension>*,
+ const double);
+ template
+ void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension, VEC, Vector<float>, deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ Vector<float>&,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const NormType&,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension>*,
+ const double);
+ template
+ void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension, VEC, Vector<double>, deal_II_space_dimension >
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ Vector<double>&,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const NormType&,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension>*,
+ const double);
+ template
+ double compute_mean_value<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ const unsigned int);
+ template
+ double compute_mean_value<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ const unsigned int);
+ template
+ void interpolate
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ VEC&);
+ template
+ void interpolate
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension>&,
+ VEC&);
+ template
+ void project
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ VEC &,
+ const bool,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
+ const bool);
+ template
+ void project
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ VEC &,
+ const bool,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
+ const bool);
+ \}
+ }
- template
- void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- Vector<float>&,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const NormType&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>*,
- const double);
- template
- void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- Vector<double>&,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const NormType&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>*,
- const double);
- template
- void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- Vector<float>&,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const NormType&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>*,
- const double);
- template
- void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- Vector<double>&,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const NormType&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>*,
- const double);
- template
- void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- Vector<float>&,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const NormType&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>*,
- const double);
- template
- void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- Vector<double>&,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const NormType&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>*,
- const double);
- template
- void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension>
- (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- Vector<float>&,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const NormType&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>*,
- const double);
- template
- void point_difference<deal_II_dimension> (
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- Vector<double>&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
+//TODO[SP]: replace <deal_II_dimension> by <deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+// where applicable and move to codimension cases above also when applicable
+for (VEC : SERIAL_VECTORS ; deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+#if deal_II_dimension == deal_II_space_dimension
- template
- void point_difference<deal_II_dimension> (
- const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- Vector<double>&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ namespace VectorTools \{
- template
- void point_value<deal_II_dimension> (
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
- Vector<double>&);
void point_value<deal_II_dimension> (
const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
- template
- double point_value<deal_II_dimension> (
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template
+ void interpolate
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ VEC&);
+ template
+ void interpolate
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ VEC&);
double point_value<deal_II_dimension> (
const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
const VEC&,
const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
- template
- void point_value<deal_II_dimension> (
- const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
- Vector<double>&);
+ template
+ void interpolate
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ VEC&);
+ template
+ void interpolate
+ (const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ VEC&);
void point_value<deal_II_dimension> (
const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension>&,
const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
- template
- double point_value<deal_II_dimension> (
- const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template
+ void interpolate
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const FullMatrix<double>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ VEC&);
double point_value<deal_II_dimension> (
const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension>&,
const VEC&,
const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
- template
- double compute_mean_value<deal_II_dimension>
- (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const unsigned int);
- template
- double compute_mean_value<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const unsigned int);
-#if deal_II_dimension < 3
- template
- double compute_mean_value<deal_II_dimension>
- (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const unsigned int);
- template
- double compute_mean_value<deal_II_dimension>
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const VEC&,
- const unsigned int);
+ template
+ void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ Vector<double>&,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const NormType&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>*,
+ const double);
+ template
+ void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ Vector<float>&,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const NormType&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>*,
+ const double);
+ template
+ void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ Vector<double>&,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const NormType&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>*,
+ const double);
+ template
+ void integrate_difference<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ Vector<float>&,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const NormType&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>*,
+ const double);
+ template
+ void point_difference<deal_II_dimension> (
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ Vector<double>&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template
+ void point_difference<deal_II_dimension> (
+ const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ Vector<double>&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template
+ void point_value<deal_II_dimension> (
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ Vector<double>&);
+ template
+ double point_value<deal_II_dimension> (
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template
+ void point_value<deal_II_dimension> (
+ const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ Vector<double>&);
+ template
+ double point_value<deal_II_dimension> (
+ const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const VEC&,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ \}
- template
- void project
- (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- VEC &,
- const bool,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
- const bool);
- template
- void project
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- VEC &,
- const bool,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
- const bool);
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
- template
- void interpolate
- (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- VEC&);
- template
- void interpolate
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1>&,
- VEC&);
- template
- void project
- (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- VEC &,
- const bool,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
- const bool);
- template
- void project
- (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const ConstraintMatrix &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- VEC &,
- const bool,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
- const bool);
- \}
-for ( deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS )
-namespace VectorTools \{
-void create_right_hand_side<deal_II_dimension>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- Vector<double> &);
-void create_right_hand_side<deal_II_dimension>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- Vector<double> &);
-void create_right_hand_side<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- Vector<double> &);
-void create_right_hand_side<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- Vector<double> &);
-void create_point_source_vector<deal_II_dimension>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension> &,
- Vector<double> &);
-void create_point_source_vector<deal_II_dimension>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension> &,
- Vector<double> &);
-void create_point_source_vector<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension> &,
- Vector<double> &);
-void create_point_source_vector<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Point<deal_II_dimension> &,
- Vector<double> &);
-#if deal_II_dimension > 1
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- Vector<double> &,
- const std::set<types::boundary_id_t> &);
+ }
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ namespace VectorTools \{
+ template
+ void interpolate_boundary_values (
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const types::boundary_id_t,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate_boundary_values (
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const types::boundary_id_t,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate_boundary_values (
+ const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const types::boundary_id_t,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate_boundary_values (
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const types::boundary_id_t,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate_boundary_values (
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const types::boundary_id_t,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate_boundary_values (
+ const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const types::boundary_id_t,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate_boundary_values (
+ const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const FunctionMap<deal_II_space_dimension>::type &,
+ ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate_boundary_values (
+ const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const FunctionMap<deal_II_space_dimension>::type &,
+ ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate_boundary_values (
+ const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const FunctionMap<deal_II_space_dimension>::type &,
+ ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate_boundary_values (
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const FunctionMap<deal_II_space_dimension>::type &,
+ ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate_boundary_values (
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const FunctionMap<deal_II_space_dimension>::type &,
+ ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate_boundary_values (
+ const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const FunctionMap<deal_II_space_dimension>::type &,
+ ConstraintMatrix &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate_boundary_values
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const FunctionMap<deal_II_space_dimension>::type &,
+ std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void interpolate_boundary_values
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const types::boundary_id_t,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
+ const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void create_right_hand_side<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void create_right_hand_side<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const Function<deal_II_space_dimension> &,
+ Vector<double> &);
+ \}
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- Vector<double> &,
- const std::set<types::boundary_id_t> &);
+ }
+//TODO[SP]: replace <deal_II_dimension> by <deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>
+// where applicable and move to codimension cases above also when applicable
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+#if deal_II_dimension == deal_II_space_dimension
+ namespace VectorTools \{
+ template
+ void create_right_hand_side<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void create_right_hand_side<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void create_point_source_vector<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void create_point_source_vector<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void create_point_source_vector<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ Vector<double> &);
+ template
+ void create_point_source_vector<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const Point<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ Vector<double> &);
#if deal_II_dimension > 1
-(const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- Vector<double> &,
- const std::set<types::boundary_id_t> &);
+ template
+ void
+ create_boundary_right_hand_side<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ Vector<double> &,
+ const std::set<types::boundary_id_t> &);
-(const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- Vector<double> &,
- const std::set<types::boundary_id_t> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-#if deal_II_dimension < 3
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension+1>::type &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension+1>::type &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension+1>::type &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension+1>::type &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension+1>::type &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values (
- const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension+1>::type &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void
+ create_boundary_right_hand_side<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ Vector<double> &,
+ const std::set<types::boundary_id_t> &);
#if deal_II_dimension > 1
-void project_boundary_values<deal_II_dimension>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1>&,
- std::map<unsigned int,double>&, std::vector<unsigned int>);
+ template
+ void
+ create_boundary_right_hand_side<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ Vector<double> &,
+ const std::set<types::boundary_id_t> &);
-void project_boundary_values<deal_II_dimension>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1>&,
- std::map<unsigned int,double>&, std::vector<unsigned int>);
+ template
+ void
+ create_boundary_right_hand_side<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension-1> &,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ Vector<double> &,
+ const std::set<types::boundary_id_t> &);
-void project_boundary_values<deal_II_dimension>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1>&,
- ConstraintMatrix&, std::vector<unsigned int>);
-void project_boundary_values<deal_II_dimension>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1>&,
- ConstraintMatrix&, std::vector<unsigned int>);
-#if deal_II_dimension != 1
-void project_boundary_values_curl_conforming<deal_II_dimension>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const unsigned int,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- ConstraintMatrix&,
- const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&);
-void project_boundary_values_curl_conforming<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const unsigned int,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- ConstraintMatrix&,
- const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension>&);
-void project_boundary_values_div_conforming<deal_II_dimension>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const unsigned int,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- ConstraintMatrix&,
- const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&);
-void project_boundary_values_div_conforming<deal_II_dimension>
-(const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const unsigned int,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- ConstraintMatrix&,
- const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension>&);
-compute_no_normal_flux_constraints (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof_handler,
- const unsigned int first_vector_component,
- const std::set<types::boundary_id_t> &boundary_ids,
- ConstraintMatrix &constraints,
- const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &mapping);
-compute_no_normal_flux_constraints (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof_handler,
- const unsigned int first_vector_component,
- const std::set<types::boundary_id_t> &boundary_ids,
- ConstraintMatrix &constraints,
- const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &mapping);
+#if deal_II_dimension > 1
+ template
+ void project_boundary_values<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1>&,
+ std::map<unsigned int,double>&, std::vector<unsigned int>);
+ template
+ void project_boundary_values<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1>&,
+ std::map<unsigned int,double>&, std::vector<unsigned int>);
-void interpolate_boundary_values
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
- std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
- std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const MGDoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
- std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension> &,
- ConstraintMatrix &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-#if deal_II_dimension < 3
-void interpolate_boundary_values
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension+1>::type &,
- std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-void interpolate_boundary_values
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const types::boundary_id_t,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
+ template
+ void project_boundary_values<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1>&,
+ ConstraintMatrix&, std::vector<unsigned int>);
+ template
+ void project_boundary_values<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+ const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
+ const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension-1>&,
+ ConstraintMatrix&, std::vector<unsigned int>);
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const FunctionMap<deal_II_dimension>::type &,
- std::map<unsigned int,double> &,
- const std::vector<bool> &);
-#if deal_II_dimension != 3
-void create_right_hand_side<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>
-(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- Vector<double> &);
-void create_right_hand_side<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>
-(const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- const Quadrature<deal_II_dimension> &,
- const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &,
- Vector<double> &);
-// template
-// void create_right_hand_side<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>
-// (const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
-// const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
-// const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &,
-// const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &,
-// Vector<double> &);
-// template
-// void create_right_hand_side<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1>
-// (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension,deal_II_dimension+1> &,
-// const hp::QCollection<deal_II_dimension> &,
-// const Function<deal_II_dimension+1> &,
-// Vector<double> &);
+#if deal_II_dimension != 1
+ template
+ void project_boundary_values_curl_conforming<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const unsigned int,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const types::boundary_id_t,
+ ConstraintMatrix&,
+ const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template
+ void project_boundary_values_curl_conforming<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const unsigned int,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const types::boundary_id_t,
+ ConstraintMatrix&,
+ const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template
+ void project_boundary_values_div_conforming<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const unsigned int,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const types::boundary_id_t,
+ ConstraintMatrix&,
+ const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template
+ void project_boundary_values_div_conforming<deal_II_dimension>
+ (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const unsigned int,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const types::boundary_id_t,
+ ConstraintMatrix&,
+ const hp::MappingCollection<deal_II_dimension>&);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_no_normal_flux_constraints (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof_handler,
+ const unsigned int first_vector_component,
+ const std::set<types::boundary_id_t> &boundary_ids,
+ ConstraintMatrix &constraints,
+ const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &mapping);
+ template
+ void
+ compute_no_normal_flux_constraints (const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &dof_handler,
+ const unsigned int first_vector_component,
+ const std::set<types::boundary_id_t> &boundary_ids,
+ ConstraintMatrix &constraints,
+ const Mapping<deal_II_dimension> &mapping);
- \}
+ \}
+ }
for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
\ No newline at end of file
+# however, also define a variable that identifies the current directory,
+# including if necessary a description of the branch we are on. we put
+# this into Makefile.paths because not all */Makefile files include
+# Makefile.rules (e.g. not the ones in all-headers or mesh-conversion)
+# but they do generally include the current file
+# so get the path of the current directory so we can prefix every test
+# in the report with it. for a branch, prefix everything
+# with x-branch-name/ so that tests run from the branch will show up
+# in different folders on the webpage.
+WORKDIR = x-branch_codim_two/$(notdir $(shell pwd))
# Makefile.rules,v 1.11 2001/04/24 13:18:09 wolf Exp
-# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, the deal.II authors
+# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, the deal.II authors
# Common make rules for test files. To be included by the Makefiles
# in the subdirectories.
normalize = $D/common/scripts/normalize.pl
-# get the path of the current directory so we can prefix every test
-# in the report with it. for a branch, prefix everything
-# with x-branch-name/ so that tests run from the branch will show up
-# in different folders on the webpage.
-WORKDIR = $(notdir $(shell pwd))
verbose = off
# The mail program. Override this by something like
@echo 'Date: ' `date -u +"%Y %j %F %U-%w"`
@echo 'Id: ' $(ID)
@for test in $(TESTS) ; do \
- testname=all-headers/`echo $$test | perl -pi -e 's/.*include.//g; s/\//-/g;'` ; \
+ testname=`echo $$test | perl -pi -e 's/.*include.//g; s/\//-/g;'` ; \
if test -f $$test ; then \
- echo "`date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"` + $$testname" ; \
+ echo "`date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"` + $(WORKDIR)/$$testname" ; \
else \
- echo "`date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"` 0 $$testname" ; \
+ echo "`date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"` 0 $(WORKDIR)/$$testname" ; \
fi ; \
= GridTools::find_active_cell_around_point (tria, p);
deallog << cell << std::endl;
- for (unsigned int v=0; v<GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell; ++v)
+ for (unsigned int v=0; v<GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell; ++v)
deallog << "<" << cell->vertex(v) << "> ";
deallog << std::endl;
-DEAL::<0.625000 0.625000 0.625000> <0.750000 0.625000 0.625000> <0.625000 0.750000 0.625000> <0.750000 0.750000 0.625000>
+DEAL::<0.750000 0.625000 0.625000> <0.875000 0.625000 0.625000> <0.750000 0.750000 0.625000> <0.875000 0.750000 0.625000> <0.750000 0.625000 0.750000> <0.875000 0.625000 0.750000> <0.750000 0.750000 0.750000> <0.875000 0.750000 0.750000>
deallog << cell.first << std::endl;
for (unsigned int v=0; v<GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell; ++v)
- deallog << "<" << cell.first->vertex(v) << "> ";
+ deallog << "<" << cell.first->vertex(v) << "> "<< std::endl;
deallog << "[ " << cell.second << "] ";
- deallog << std::endl;
+ deallog << std::endl << std::endl;
Assert (p.distance (cell.first->center()) < cell.first->diameter()/2,
-DEAL::<0.250000 0.500000 0.00000> <0.500000 0.500000 0.00000> <0.250000 0.750000 0.00000> <0.500000 0.750000 0.00000> <0.250000 0.500000 0.250000> <0.500000 0.500000 0.250000> <0.250000 0.750000 0.250000> <0.500000 0.750000 0.250000> [ 0.333333 -3.54987e-30 0.800000]
+DEAL::<0.250000 0.250000 0.00000>
+DEAL::<0.500000 0.250000 0.00000>
+DEAL::<0.250000 0.500000 0.00000>
+DEAL::<0.500000 0.500000 0.00000>
+DEAL::<0.250000 0.250000 0.250000>
+DEAL::<0.500000 0.250000 0.250000>
+DEAL::<0.250000 0.500000 0.250000>
+DEAL::<0.500000 0.500000 0.250000>
+DEAL::[ 0.333333 1.00000 0.800000]
-DEAL::<0.286905 0.658777 4.33681e-19> <0.209333 0.437629 8.67362e-19> <0.562887 0.562887 8.67362e-19> <0.418667 0.418667 1.73472e-18> <0.269808 0.604598 0.269808> <0.203251 0.422066 0.203251> <0.530301 0.530301 0.245590> <0.406502 0.406502 0.197169> [ 0.494208 0.406025 0.866848]
+DEAL::<0.286905 0.658777 4.33681e-19>
+DEAL::<0.209333 0.437629 8.67362e-19>
+DEAL::<0.562887 0.562887 8.67362e-19>
+DEAL::<0.418667 0.418667 1.73472e-18>
+DEAL::<0.269808 0.604598 0.269808>
+DEAL::<0.203251 0.422066 0.203251>
+DEAL::<0.530301 0.530301 0.245590>
+DEAL::<0.406502 0.406502 0.197169>
+DEAL::[ 0.494208 0.406025 0.866848]
-DEAL::<0.750000 0.00000 0.00000> <0.875000 0.00000 0.00000> <0.750000 0.125000 0.00000> <0.875000 0.125000 0.00000> <0.750000 0.00000 0.125000> <0.875000 0.00000 0.125000> <0.750000 0.125000 0.125000> <0.875000 0.125000 0.125000> [ -3.33067e-16 1.11022e-16 5.55112e-17]
+DEAL::<0.750000 0.00000 0.00000> <0.875000 0.00000 0.00000> <0.750000 0.125000 0.00000> <0.875000 0.125000 0.00000> <0.750000 0.00000 0.125000> <0.875000 0.00000 0.125000> <0.750000 0.125000 0.125000> <0.875000 0.125000 0.125000> [ 2.46519e-32 5.55112e-17 5.55112e-17]
= GridTools::find_active_cell_around_point (map, tria, p);
deallog << cell.first << std::endl;
- for (unsigned int v=0; v<GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell; ++v)
+ for (unsigned int v=0; v<GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell; ++v)
deallog << "<" << cell.first->vertex(v) << "> ";
deallog << "[ " << cell.second << "] ";
deallog << std::endl;
-DEAL::<0.625000 0.625000 0.625000> <0.750000 0.625000 0.625000> <0.625000 0.750000 0.625000> <0.750000 0.750000 0.625000> [ 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000]
+DEAL::<0.750000 0.625000 0.625000> <0.875000 0.625000 0.625000> <0.750000 0.750000 0.625000> <0.875000 0.750000 0.625000> <0.750000 0.625000 0.750000> <0.875000 0.625000 0.750000> <0.750000 0.750000 0.750000> <0.875000 0.750000 0.750000> [ 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000]
// Now transform back and check distance
Point<2> pp = map.transform_unit_to_real_cell(cell.first, GeometryInfo<2>::project_to_unit_cell(cell.second));
deallog << pp.distance(p) << std::endl;
- Assert (pp.distance(p) < 1e-13,
+ Assert (pp.distance(p) < 1.e-12,
DEAL::<0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> <0.382683 0.923880> <0.316342 0.748551> [ 2.34859e-08 0.0800000] 0
-DEAL::<0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> <0.382683 0.923880> <0.316342 0.748551> [ 3.81726e-08 0.160000] 0
+DEAL::<0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> <0.382683 0.923880> <0.316342 0.748551> [ 3.81724e-08 0.160000] 0
DEAL::<0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> <0.382683 0.923880> <0.316342 0.748551> [ 5.00262e-08 0.240000] 0
DEAL::<0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> <0.382683 0.923880> <0.316342 0.748551> [ 5.01490e-08 0.720000] 0
-DEAL::<0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> <0.382683 0.923880> <0.316342 0.748551> [ 4.42923e-08 0.800000] 0
+DEAL::<0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> <0.382683 0.923880> <0.316342 0.748551> [ 4.42919e-08 0.800000] 0
DEAL::<0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> <0.382683 0.923880> <0.316342 0.748551> [ 2.83602e-08 0.880000] 0
DEAL::<0.382683 0.923880> <0.316342 0.748551> <0.707107 0.707107> <0.603553 0.603553> [ 2.88843e-08 0.120000] 0
-DEAL::<0.382683 0.923880> <0.316342 0.748551> <0.707107 0.707107> <0.603553 0.603553> [ 4.56048e-08 0.200000] 0
+DEAL::<0.382683 0.923880> <0.316342 0.748551> <0.707107 0.707107> <0.603553 0.603553> [ 4.56040e-08 0.200000] 0
DEAL::<0.382683 0.923880> <0.316342 0.748551> <0.707107 0.707107> <0.603553 0.603553> [ 5.21899e-08 0.280000] 0
DEAL::<0.382683 0.923880> <0.316342 0.748551> <0.707107 0.707107> <0.603553 0.603553> [ 5.59720e-08 0.760000] 0
-DEAL::<0.382683 0.923880> <0.316342 0.748551> <0.707107 0.707107> <0.603553 0.603553> [ 4.34624e-08 0.840000] 0
+DEAL::<0.382683 0.923880> <0.316342 0.748551> <0.707107 0.707107> <0.603553 0.603553> [ 4.34612e-08 0.840000] 0
DEAL::<0.382683 0.923880> <0.316342 0.748551> <0.707107 0.707107> <0.603553 0.603553> [ 2.73698e-08 0.920000] 0
DEAL::<0.923880 0.382683> <0.707107 0.707107> <0.748551 0.316342> <0.603553 0.603553> [ 0.920000 2.73698e-08] 0
-DEAL::<0.923880 0.382683> <0.707107 0.707107> <0.748551 0.316342> <0.603553 0.603553> [ 0.840000 4.34624e-08] 0
+DEAL::<0.923880 0.382683> <0.707107 0.707107> <0.748551 0.316342> <0.603553 0.603553> [ 0.840000 4.34612e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.923880 0.382683> <0.707107 0.707107> <0.748551 0.316342> <0.603553 0.603553> [ 0.760000 5.59720e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.923880 0.382683> <0.707107 0.707107> <0.748551 0.316342> <0.603553 0.603553> [ 0.280000 5.21899e-08] 0
-DEAL::<0.923880 0.382683> <0.707107 0.707107> <0.748551 0.316342> <0.603553 0.603553> [ 0.200000 4.56048e-08] 0
+DEAL::<0.923880 0.382683> <0.707107 0.707107> <0.748551 0.316342> <0.603553 0.603553> [ 0.200000 4.56040e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.923880 0.382683> <0.707107 0.707107> <0.748551 0.316342> <0.603553 0.603553> [ 0.120000 2.88843e-08] 0
DEAL::<1.00000 0.00000> <0.923880 0.382683> <0.823223 0.00000> <0.748551 0.316342> [ 0.880000 2.83602e-08] 0
-DEAL::<1.00000 0.00000> <0.923880 0.382683> <0.823223 0.00000> <0.748551 0.316342> [ 0.800000 4.42923e-08] 0
+DEAL::<1.00000 0.00000> <0.923880 0.382683> <0.823223 0.00000> <0.748551 0.316342> [ 0.800000 4.42919e-08] 0
DEAL::<1.00000 0.00000> <0.923880 0.382683> <0.823223 0.00000> <0.748551 0.316342> [ 0.720000 5.01490e-08] 0
DEAL::<1.00000 0.00000> <0.923880 0.382683> <0.823223 0.00000> <0.748551 0.316342> [ 0.240000 5.00262e-08] 0
-DEAL::<1.00000 0.00000> <0.923880 0.382683> <0.823223 0.00000> <0.748551 0.316342> [ 0.160000 3.81726e-08] 0
+DEAL::<1.00000 0.00000> <0.923880 0.382683> <0.823223 0.00000> <0.748551 0.316342> [ 0.160000 3.81724e-08] 0
DEAL::<1.00000 0.00000> <0.923880 0.382683> <0.823223 0.00000> <0.748551 0.316342> [ 0.0800000 2.34859e-08] 0
-DEAL::<1.00000 0.00000> <0.923880 0.382683> <0.823223 0.00000> <0.748551 0.316342> [ 1.55927e-16 5.65685e-08] 0
+DEAL::<1.00000 0.00000> <0.923880 0.382683> <0.823223 0.00000> <0.748551 0.316342> [ 1.60121e-16 5.65685e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.923880 -0.382683> <1.00000 0.00000> <0.748551 -0.316342> <0.823223 0.00000> [ 0.920000 2.34859e-08] 0
-DEAL::<0.923880 -0.382683> <1.00000 0.00000> <0.748551 -0.316342> <0.823223 0.00000> [ 0.840000 3.81726e-08] 0
+DEAL::<0.923880 -0.382683> <1.00000 0.00000> <0.748551 -0.316342> <0.823223 0.00000> [ 0.840000 3.81724e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.923880 -0.382683> <1.00000 0.00000> <0.748551 -0.316342> <0.823223 0.00000> [ 0.760000 5.00262e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.923880 -0.382683> <1.00000 0.00000> <0.748551 -0.316342> <0.823223 0.00000> [ 0.280000 5.01490e-08] 0
-DEAL::<0.923880 -0.382683> <1.00000 0.00000> <0.748551 -0.316342> <0.823223 0.00000> [ 0.200000 4.42923e-08] 0
+DEAL::<0.923880 -0.382683> <1.00000 0.00000> <0.748551 -0.316342> <0.823223 0.00000> [ 0.200000 4.42919e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.923880 -0.382683> <1.00000 0.00000> <0.748551 -0.316342> <0.823223 0.00000> [ 0.120000 2.83602e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.707107 -0.707107> <0.923880 -0.382683> <0.603553 -0.603553> <0.748551 -0.316342> [ 0.880000 2.88843e-08] 0
-DEAL::<0.707107 -0.707107> <0.923880 -0.382683> <0.603553 -0.603553> <0.748551 -0.316342> [ 0.800000 4.56048e-08] 0
+DEAL::<0.707107 -0.707107> <0.923880 -0.382683> <0.603553 -0.603553> <0.748551 -0.316342> [ 0.800000 4.56040e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.707107 -0.707107> <0.923880 -0.382683> <0.603553 -0.603553> <0.748551 -0.316342> [ 0.720000 5.21899e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.707107 -0.707107> <0.923880 -0.382683> <0.603553 -0.603553> <0.748551 -0.316342> [ 0.240000 5.59720e-08] 0
-DEAL::<0.707107 -0.707107> <0.923880 -0.382683> <0.603553 -0.603553> <0.748551 -0.316342> [ 0.160000 4.34624e-08] 0
+DEAL::<0.707107 -0.707107> <0.923880 -0.382683> <0.603553 -0.603553> <0.748551 -0.316342> [ 0.160000 4.34612e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.707107 -0.707107> <0.923880 -0.382683> <0.603553 -0.603553> <0.748551 -0.316342> [ 0.0800000 2.73698e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.382683 -0.923880> <0.707107 -0.707107> <0.316342 -0.748551> <0.603553 -0.603553> [ 0.920000 2.73698e-08] 0
-DEAL::<0.382683 -0.923880> <0.707107 -0.707107> <0.316342 -0.748551> <0.603553 -0.603553> [ 0.840000 4.34624e-08] 0
+DEAL::<0.382683 -0.923880> <0.707107 -0.707107> <0.316342 -0.748551> <0.603553 -0.603553> [ 0.840000 4.34612e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.382683 -0.923880> <0.707107 -0.707107> <0.316342 -0.748551> <0.603553 -0.603553> [ 0.760000 5.59720e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.382683 -0.923880> <0.707107 -0.707107> <0.316342 -0.748551> <0.603553 -0.603553> [ 0.280000 5.21899e-08] 0
-DEAL::<0.382683 -0.923880> <0.707107 -0.707107> <0.316342 -0.748551> <0.603553 -0.603553> [ 0.200000 4.56048e-08] 0
+DEAL::<0.382683 -0.923880> <0.707107 -0.707107> <0.316342 -0.748551> <0.603553 -0.603553> [ 0.200000 4.56040e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.382683 -0.923880> <0.707107 -0.707107> <0.316342 -0.748551> <0.603553 -0.603553> [ 0.120000 2.88843e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.00000 -1.00000> <0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -0.823223> <0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.880000 2.83602e-08] 0
-DEAL::<0.00000 -1.00000> <0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -0.823223> <0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.800000 4.42923e-08] 0
+DEAL::<0.00000 -1.00000> <0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -0.823223> <0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.800000 4.42919e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.00000 -1.00000> <0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -0.823223> <0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.720000 5.01490e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.00000 -1.00000> <0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -0.823223> <0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.240000 5.00262e-08] 0
-DEAL::<0.00000 -1.00000> <0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -0.823223> <0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.160000 3.81726e-08] 0
+DEAL::<0.00000 -1.00000> <0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -0.823223> <0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.160000 3.81724e-08] 0
DEAL::<0.00000 -1.00000> <0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -0.823223> <0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.0800000 2.34859e-08] 0
DEAL::<-0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -1.00000> <-0.316342 -0.748551> <0.00000 -0.823223> [ 0.920000 2.34859e-08] 0
-DEAL::<-0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -1.00000> <-0.316342 -0.748551> <0.00000 -0.823223> [ 0.840000 3.81726e-08] 0
+DEAL::<-0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -1.00000> <-0.316342 -0.748551> <0.00000 -0.823223> [ 0.840000 3.81724e-08] 0
DEAL::<-0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -1.00000> <-0.316342 -0.748551> <0.00000 -0.823223> [ 0.760000 5.00262e-08] 0
DEAL::<-0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -1.00000> <-0.316342 -0.748551> <0.00000 -0.823223> [ 0.280000 5.01490e-08] 0
-DEAL::<-0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -1.00000> <-0.316342 -0.748551> <0.00000 -0.823223> [ 0.200000 4.42923e-08] 0
+DEAL::<-0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -1.00000> <-0.316342 -0.748551> <0.00000 -0.823223> [ 0.200000 4.42919e-08] 0
DEAL::<-0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -1.00000> <-0.316342 -0.748551> <0.00000 -0.823223> [ 0.120000 2.83602e-08] 0
DEAL::<-0.382683 -0.923880> <0.00000 -1.00000> <-0.316342 -0.748551> <0.00000 -0.823223> [ 0.0400000 2.65247e-08] 0
-DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.382683 -0.923880> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.960000 2.66998e-08] 0
+DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.382683 -0.923880> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.960000 2.66999e-08] 0
DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.382683 -0.923880> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.880000 2.88843e-08] 0
-DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.382683 -0.923880> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.800000 4.56048e-08] 0
+DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.382683 -0.923880> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.800000 4.56040e-08] 0
DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.382683 -0.923880> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.720000 5.21899e-08] 0
DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.382683 -0.923880> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.240000 5.59720e-08] 0
-DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.382683 -0.923880> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.160000 4.34624e-08] 0
+DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.382683 -0.923880> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.160000 4.34612e-08] 0
DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.382683 -0.923880> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.316342 -0.748551> [ 0.0800000 2.73698e-08] 0
-DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.382683 -0.923880> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.316342 -0.748551> [ 2.92731e-16 6.82843e-08] 0
+DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.382683 -0.923880> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.316342 -0.748551> [ 4.13471e-15 6.82843e-08] 0
DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> [ 2.73698e-08 0.0800000] 0
-DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> [ 4.34624e-08 0.160000] 0
+DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> [ 4.34612e-08 0.160000] 0
DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> [ 5.59720e-08 0.240000] 0
DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> [ 5.21899e-08 0.720000] 0
-DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> [ 4.56048e-08 0.800000] 0
+DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> [ 4.56040e-08 0.800000] 0
DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> [ 2.88843e-08 0.880000] 0
-DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> [ 2.66999e-08 0.960000] 0
+DEAL::<-0.707107 -0.707107> <-0.603553 -0.603553> <-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> [ 2.66998e-08 0.960000] 0
DEAL::<-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> <-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> [ 2.65247e-08 0.0400000] 0
DEAL::<-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> <-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> [ 2.83602e-08 0.120000] 0
-DEAL::<-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> <-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> [ 4.42923e-08 0.200000] 0
+DEAL::<-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> <-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> [ 4.42919e-08 0.200000] 0
DEAL::<-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> <-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> [ 5.01490e-08 0.280000] 0
DEAL::<-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> <-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> [ 5.00262e-08 0.760000] 0
-DEAL::<-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> <-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> [ 3.81726e-08 0.840000] 0
+DEAL::<-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> <-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> [ 3.81724e-08 0.840000] 0
DEAL::<-0.923880 -0.382683> <-0.748551 -0.316342> <-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> [ 2.34859e-08 0.920000] 0
DEAL::<-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> <-0.923880 0.382683> <-0.748551 0.316342> [ 2.34859e-08 0.0800000] 0
-DEAL::<-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> <-0.923880 0.382683> <-0.748551 0.316342> [ 3.81726e-08 0.160000] 0
+DEAL::<-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> <-0.923880 0.382683> <-0.748551 0.316342> [ 3.81724e-08 0.160000] 0
DEAL::<-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> <-0.923880 0.382683> <-0.748551 0.316342> [ 5.00262e-08 0.240000] 0
DEAL::<-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> <-0.923880 0.382683> <-0.748551 0.316342> [ 5.01490e-08 0.720000] 0
-DEAL::<-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> <-0.923880 0.382683> <-0.748551 0.316342> [ 4.42923e-08 0.800000] 0
+DEAL::<-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> <-0.923880 0.382683> <-0.748551 0.316342> [ 4.42919e-08 0.800000] 0
DEAL::<-1.00000 0.00000> <-0.823223 0.00000> <-0.923880 0.382683> <-0.748551 0.316342> [ 2.83602e-08 0.880000] 0
DEAL::<-0.923880 0.382683> <-0.748551 0.316342> <-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> [ 2.88843e-08 0.120000] 0
-DEAL::<-0.923880 0.382683> <-0.748551 0.316342> <-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> [ 4.56048e-08 0.200000] 0
+DEAL::<-0.923880 0.382683> <-0.748551 0.316342> <-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> [ 4.56040e-08 0.200000] 0
DEAL::<-0.923880 0.382683> <-0.748551 0.316342> <-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> [ 5.21899e-08 0.280000] 0
DEAL::<-0.923880 0.382683> <-0.748551 0.316342> <-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> [ 5.59720e-08 0.760000] 0
-DEAL::<-0.923880 0.382683> <-0.748551 0.316342> <-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> [ 4.34624e-08 0.840000] 0
+DEAL::<-0.923880 0.382683> <-0.748551 0.316342> <-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> [ 4.34612e-08 0.840000] 0
DEAL::<-0.923880 0.382683> <-0.748551 0.316342> <-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> [ 2.73698e-08 0.920000] 0
DEAL::<-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> <-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> [ 2.73698e-08 0.0800000] 0
-DEAL::<-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> <-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> [ 4.34624e-08 0.160000] 0
+DEAL::<-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> <-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> [ 4.34612e-08 0.160000] 0
DEAL::<-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> <-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> [ 5.59720e-08 0.240000] 0
DEAL::<-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> <-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> [ 5.21899e-08 0.720000] 0
-DEAL::<-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> <-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> [ 4.56048e-08 0.800000] 0
+DEAL::<-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> <-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> [ 4.56040e-08 0.800000] 0
DEAL::<-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> <-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> [ 2.88843e-08 0.880000] 0
-DEAL::<-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> <-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> [ 2.66998e-08 0.960000] 0
+DEAL::<-0.707107 0.707107> <-0.603553 0.603553> <-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> [ 2.66999e-08 0.960000] 0
DEAL::<-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> <0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> [ 2.65247e-08 0.0400000] 0
DEAL::<-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> <0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> [ 2.83602e-08 0.120000] 0
-DEAL::<-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> <0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> [ 4.42923e-08 0.200000] 0
+DEAL::<-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> <0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> [ 4.42919e-08 0.200000] 0
DEAL::<-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> <0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> [ 5.01490e-08 0.280000] 0
DEAL::<-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> <0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> [ 5.00262e-08 0.760000] 0
-DEAL::<-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> <0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> [ 3.81726e-08 0.840000] 0
+DEAL::<-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> <0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> [ 3.81724e-08 0.840000] 0
DEAL::<-0.382683 0.923880> <-0.316342 0.748551> <0.00000 1.00000> <0.00000 0.823223> [ 2.34859e-08 0.920000] 0
// $Id$
// Version: $Name$
-// Copyright (C) 2005 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 2005, 2012 by the deal.II authors
// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
// without copyright and license information. Please refer
static Quadrature<2> quadrature(qps, ws);
fe_values = new FEValues<2,3>(fe,quadrature,
update_values |
- update_jacobians );
+ update_jacobians |
+ update_normal_vectors);
template <int dim>
Assert(dst.size() == 2,
ExcDimensionMismatch(dst.size(), 2));
- vector<Tensor<2,3> > jacobians = fe_values->get_jacobians();
+ vector<DerivativeForm<1,2,3> > jacobians = fe_values->get_jacobians();
+ vector<Point<3> > normals = fe_values->get_normal_vectors();
Point<3> r,a1,a2,n,r_c,n_c;
r_c = point-cell->center();
- n_c = jacobians[4][2];
+ n_c = normals[4];
double rn_c = r_c*n_c;
vector<double> i_S(4);
vector<double> i_D(4);
for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point < 4; ++q_point)
r = point-cell->vertex(q_point);
- a1 = jacobians[q_point][0];
- a2 = jacobians[q_point][1];
- n = jacobians[q_point][2];
+ a1 = transpose(jacobians[q_point])[0];
+ a2 = transpose(jacobians[q_point])[1];
+ n = normals[q_point];
DEAL:1d::63 0.00
DEAL:2d::Estimated error indicators:
DEAL:2d::Subdomain id=0
-DEAL:2d::0 28892.79
-DEAL:2d::1 28892.79
-DEAL:2d::2 28.96
+DEAL:2d::0 27634.60
+DEAL:2d::1 27634.60
+DEAL:2d::2 29.16
DEAL:2d::3 0.00
DEAL:2d::4 0.00
DEAL:2d::5 0.00
-DEAL:2d::6 42751.58
-DEAL:2d::7 50297.00
-DEAL:2d::8 55.64
+DEAL:2d::6 40889.89
+DEAL:2d::7 48106.73
+DEAL:2d::8 55.17
DEAL:2d::9 0.00
DEAL:2d::10 0.00
DEAL:2d::11 0.00
DEAL:2d::26 0.00
DEAL:2d::27 0.00
DEAL:2d::28 0.00
-DEAL:2d::29 42751.58
-DEAL:2d::30 53.15
-DEAL:2d::31 50297.00
-DEAL:2d::32 62.36
-DEAL:2d::33 71.02
-DEAL:2d::34 91.23
-DEAL:2d::35 91.23
-DEAL:2d::36 107.05
+DEAL:2d::29 40889.89
+DEAL:2d::30 50.83
+DEAL:2d::31 48106.73
+DEAL:2d::32 59.65
+DEAL:2d::33 70.20
+DEAL:2d::34 87.26
+DEAL:2d::35 87.26
+DEAL:2d::36 102.39
DEAL:2d::37 0.00
DEAL:2d::38 0.00
DEAL:2d::39 0.00
DEAL:2d::57 0.00
DEAL:2d::58 0.00
DEAL:2d::59 0.00
-DEAL:2d::60 2059.95
-DEAL:2d::61 3803.08
-DEAL:2d::62 3803.08
-DEAL:2d::63 1.71
+DEAL:2d::60 3940.49
+DEAL:2d::61 7274.93
+DEAL:2d::62 7274.93
+DEAL:2d::63 3.28
DEAL:2d::64 0.00
DEAL:2d::65 0.00
DEAL:2d::66 0.00
DEAL:2d::73 0.00
DEAL:2d::74 0.00
DEAL:2d::75 0.00
-DEAL:2d::76 3.00
-DEAL:2d::77 4.28
-DEAL:2d::78 6.01
-DEAL:2d::79 7.67
+DEAL:2d::76 5.74
+DEAL:2d::77 8.19
+DEAL:2d::78 11.49
+DEAL:2d::79 14.67
DEAL:2d::80 0.00
DEAL:2d::81 0.00
DEAL:2d::82 0.00
DEAL:2d::0 0.00
DEAL:2d::1 0.00
DEAL:2d::2 0.00
-DEAL:2d::3 81.16
-DEAL:2d::4 95.16
+DEAL:2d::3 80.55
+DEAL:2d::4 94.47
DEAL:2d::5 0.00
DEAL:2d::6 0.00
DEAL:2d::7 0.00
DEAL:2d::8 0.00
-DEAL:2d::9 50297.00
-DEAL:2d::10 42751.58
-DEAL:2d::11 62.36
-DEAL:2d::12 42.12
-DEAL:2d::13 42751.58
-DEAL:2d::14 40.51
-DEAL:2d::15 50297.00
+DEAL:2d::9 48106.73
+DEAL:2d::10 40889.89
+DEAL:2d::11 59.65
+DEAL:2d::12 42.47
+DEAL:2d::13 40889.89
+DEAL:2d::14 44.31
+DEAL:2d::15 48106.73
DEAL:2d::16 0.00
DEAL:2d::17 0.00
DEAL:2d::18 0.00
DEAL:2d::34 0.00
DEAL:2d::35 0.00
DEAL:2d::36 0.00
-DEAL:2d::37 28892.79
-DEAL:2d::38 16291.30
-DEAL:2d::39 28.96
-DEAL:2d::40 28892.79
+DEAL:2d::37 27634.60
+DEAL:2d::38 15581.87
+DEAL:2d::39 29.16
+DEAL:2d::40 27634.60
DEAL:2d::41 0.00
DEAL:2d::42 0.00
DEAL:2d::43 0.00
DEAL:2d::50 0.00
DEAL:2d::51 0.00
DEAL:2d::52 0.00
-DEAL:2d::53 7.64
-DEAL:2d::54 4.24
-DEAL:2d::55 7.30
-DEAL:2d::56 2.45
+DEAL:2d::53 14.62
+DEAL:2d::54 8.11
+DEAL:2d::55 13.97
+DEAL:2d::56 4.68
DEAL:2d::57 0.00
DEAL:2d::58 0.00
DEAL:2d::59 0.00
DEAL:2d::61 0.00
DEAL:2d::62 0.00
DEAL:2d::63 0.00
-DEAL:2d::64 7.92
-DEAL:2d::65 5.24
-DEAL:2d::66 8.24
-DEAL:2d::67 5.45
+DEAL:2d::64 15.15
+DEAL:2d::65 10.03
+DEAL:2d::66 15.76
+DEAL:2d::67 10.43
DEAL:2d::68 0.00
DEAL:2d::69 0.00
DEAL:2d::70 0.00
DEAL:2d::77 0.00
DEAL:2d::78 0.00
DEAL:2d::79 0.00
-DEAL:2d::80 3.48
-DEAL:2d::81 3.00
-DEAL:2d::82 5.27
-DEAL:2d::83 4.28
+DEAL:2d::80 6.67
+DEAL:2d::81 5.74
+DEAL:2d::82 10.07
+DEAL:2d::83 8.19
DEAL:2d::84 0.00
DEAL:2d::85 0.00
DEAL:2d::86 0.00
DEAL:2d::13 0.00
DEAL:2d::14 0.00
DEAL:2d::15 0.00
-DEAL:2d::16 50297.00
-DEAL:2d::17 62.36
-DEAL:2d::18 50.43
+DEAL:2d::16 48106.73
+DEAL:2d::17 59.65
+DEAL:2d::18 49.53
DEAL:2d::19 0.00
DEAL:2d::20 0.00
DEAL:2d::21 0.00
DEAL:2d::38 0.00
DEAL:2d::39 0.00
DEAL:2d::40 0.00
-DEAL:2d::41 91.23
-DEAL:2d::42 107.05
-DEAL:2d::43 77.76
-DEAL:2d::44 79.17
-DEAL:2d::45 28892.78
-DEAL:2d::46 36.32
-DEAL:2d::47 16291.30
-DEAL:2d::48 28892.79
-DEAL:2d::49 53.15
-DEAL:2d::50 54.31
-DEAL:2d::51 42751.58
-DEAL:2d::52 50296.99
+DEAL:2d::41 87.26
+DEAL:2d::42 102.39
+DEAL:2d::43 74.37
+DEAL:2d::44 78.86
+DEAL:2d::45 27634.60
+DEAL:2d::46 34.73
+DEAL:2d::47 15581.87
+DEAL:2d::48 27634.60
+DEAL:2d::49 50.83
+DEAL:2d::50 54.04
+DEAL:2d::51 40889.89
+DEAL:2d::52 48106.72
DEAL:2d::53 0.00
DEAL:2d::54 0.00
DEAL:2d::55 0.00
DEAL:2d::81 0.00
DEAL:2d::82 0.00
DEAL:2d::83 0.00
-DEAL:2d::84 11362.63
-DEAL:2d::85 4.32
-DEAL:2d::86 9965.63
-DEAL:2d::87 3.51
+DEAL:2d::84 21735.64
+DEAL:2d::85 8.26
+DEAL:2d::86 19063.32
+DEAL:2d::87 6.72
DEAL:2d::88 0.00
DEAL:2d::89 0.00
DEAL:2d::90 0.00
DEAL:2d::2 0.00
DEAL:2d::3 0.00
DEAL:2d::4 0.00
-DEAL:2d::5 81.55
+DEAL:2d::5 85.83
DEAL:2d::6 0.00
DEAL:2d::7 0.00
DEAL:2d::8 0.00
DEAL:2d::16 0.00
DEAL:2d::17 0.00
DEAL:2d::18 0.00
-DEAL:2d::19 49.34
-DEAL:2d::20 50297.00
-DEAL:2d::21 42.12
-DEAL:2d::22 42751.58
-DEAL:2d::23 31.06
-DEAL:2d::24 50296.99
-DEAL:2d::25 42751.58
-DEAL:2d::26 34.50
-DEAL:2d::27 28892.79
-DEAL:2d::28 16291.30
+DEAL:2d::19 49.78
+DEAL:2d::20 48106.73
+DEAL:2d::21 42.47
+DEAL:2d::22 40889.89
+DEAL:2d::23 35.10
+DEAL:2d::24 48106.72
+DEAL:2d::25 40889.89
+DEAL:2d::26 33.86
+DEAL:2d::27 27634.60
+DEAL:2d::28 15581.87
DEAL:2d::29 0.00
DEAL:2d::30 0.00
DEAL:2d::31 0.00
DEAL:2d::54 0.00
DEAL:2d::55 0.00
DEAL:2d::56 0.00
-DEAL:2d::57 4.66
-DEAL:2d::58 4.66
-DEAL:2d::59 5.60
+DEAL:2d::57 9.00
+DEAL:2d::58 9.00
+DEAL:2d::59 10.71
DEAL:2d::60 0.00
DEAL:2d::61 0.00
DEAL:2d::62 0.00
DEAL:2d::65 0.00
DEAL:2d::66 0.00
DEAL:2d::67 0.00
-DEAL:2d::68 8.24
-DEAL:2d::69 5.45
-DEAL:2d::70 7.80
-DEAL:2d::71 5.24
-DEAL:2d::72 10.74
-DEAL:2d::73 7.80
-DEAL:2d::74 6.65
-DEAL:2d::75 2.66
+DEAL:2d::68 15.76
+DEAL:2d::69 10.43
+DEAL:2d::70 14.98
+DEAL:2d::71 10.03
+DEAL:2d::72 20.55
+DEAL:2d::73 14.98
+DEAL:2d::74 12.71
+DEAL:2d::75 5.08
DEAL:2d::76 0.00
DEAL:2d::77 0.00
DEAL:2d::78 0.00
DEAL:2d::85 0.00
DEAL:2d::86 0.00
DEAL:2d::87 0.00
-DEAL:2d::88 5.46
-DEAL:2d::89 4.84
-DEAL:2d::90 4.51
-DEAL:2d::91 4.06
-DEAL:2d::92 3.24
-DEAL:2d::93 2.06
-DEAL:2d::94 8189.22
-DEAL:2d::95 6104.74
-DEAL:2d::96 0.31
-DEAL:2d::97 0.28
-DEAL:2d::98 0.28
-DEAL:2d::99 0.25
+DEAL:2d::88 10.45
+DEAL:2d::89 9.25
+DEAL:2d::90 8.62
+DEAL:2d::91 7.76
+DEAL:2d::92 6.20
+DEAL:2d::93 3.93
+DEAL:2d::94 15665.22
+DEAL:2d::95 11677.80
+DEAL:2d::96 1.20
+DEAL:2d::97 1.08
+DEAL:2d::98 1.08
+DEAL:2d::99 0.96
DEAL:2d::Subdomain id=4
DEAL:2d::0 0.00
DEAL:2d::1 0.00
+DEAL:2d_2::Estimated error:
+DEAL:2d_3::Estimated error:
DEAL::4.80e+03 4.57e+03 4.71e+03
DEAL::-4.38e+03 4.79e+03 4.92e+03
-DEAL::-275. -1.35e-12 -138.
+DEAL::-275. -8.99e-13 -138.
DEAL::-275. -459. 4.80e+03
-DEAL::-275. 2.77e-12 -138.
+DEAL::-275. 9.52e-13 -138.
DEAL::-275. 459. 5.02e+03
DEAL::4.67e+03 -91.8 -138.
DEAL::4.67e+03 3.52e+03 4.80e+03
DEAL::-1.43e+03 2.86e+03 2.65e+03 -2.63e+03
DEAL::-1.43e+03 -2.60e+03 -2.12e+03 -1.44e+03
-DEAL::3.32e-09 278. 209. -236.
-DEAL::-4.12e-09 278. 209. -247.
-DEAL::-4.38e-10 374. 46.3 -122.
-DEAL::0.00 374. 46.3 -1.16e+03
+DEAL::3.99e-09 278. 209. -236.
+DEAL::-6.72e-10 278. 209. -247.
+DEAL::-1.25e-08 374. 46.3 -122.
+DEAL::8.76e-10 374. 46.3 -1.16e+03
DEAL::0.00 0.00 2.69e-10 9.43
DEAL::0.00 0.00 8.06e-10 9.43
DEAL::-5.42e-10 4.92e-11 5.42e-10 1.97e-10 -8.21e-10 -3.94e-10 -2.36e-09 -7.88e-10 -5.18e-26
DEAL::0.00 4.92e-11 4.93e-11 -3.94e-10 0.00 -1.38e-09 -7.88e-10 -7.88e-10 0.00
-DEAL::1.68e-06 -1.50e+03 -752. -1.50e+03 -1.01e-07 1.99e+04 -752. 1.99e+04 4.88e-07
-DEAL::3.02e-07 1.50e+03 752. 1.50e+03 8.51e-08 2.07e+04 752. 2.07e+04 4.58e-07
-DEAL::3.01e+03 -1.50e+03 2.12e+04 -1.50e+03 1.38e-07 1.99e+04 2.12e+04 1.99e+04 3.80e-06
-DEAL::3.01e+03 1.50e+03 -1.94e+04 1.50e+03 1.56e-07 2.07e+04 -1.94e+04 2.07e+04 -4.37e-07
-DEAL::1.50e+03 2.04e+04 -752. 2.04e+04 -2.08e-08 1.99e+04 -752. 1.99e+04 -2.58e-08
-DEAL::1.50e+03 -1.87e+04 752. -1.87e+04 1.09e-06 2.07e+04 752. 2.07e+04 3.03e-13
-DEAL::-3.76e+04 2.04e+04 2.12e+04 2.04e+04 -9.04e-07 1.99e+04 2.12e+04 1.99e+04 -8.68e-07
-DEAL::-3.76e+04 -1.87e+04 -1.94e+04 -1.87e+04 6.72e-08 2.07e+04 -1.94e+04 2.07e+04 -8.99e-07
+DEAL::4.13e-07 -1.50e+03 -752. -1.50e+03 -5.02e-08 1.99e+04 -752. 1.99e+04 -9.53e-07
+DEAL::-1.68e-07 1.50e+03 752. 1.50e+03 1.82e-07 2.07e+04 752. 2.07e+04 -3.99e-07
+DEAL::3.01e+03 -1.50e+03 2.12e+04 -1.50e+03 8.52e-07 1.99e+04 2.12e+04 1.99e+04 3.27e-06
+DEAL::3.01e+03 1.50e+03 -1.94e+04 1.50e+03 9.12e-07 2.07e+04 -1.94e+04 2.07e+04 -8.34e-07
+DEAL::1.50e+03 2.04e+04 -752. 2.04e+04 2.73e-07 1.99e+04 -752. 1.99e+04 5.33e-07
+DEAL::1.50e+03 -1.87e+04 752. -1.87e+04 9.89e-07 2.07e+04 752. 2.07e+04 3.03e-13
+DEAL::-3.76e+04 2.04e+04 2.12e+04 2.04e+04 -9.17e-07 1.99e+04 2.12e+04 1.99e+04 -4.73e-07
+DEAL::-3.76e+04 -1.87e+04 -1.94e+04 -1.87e+04 -3.36e-08 2.07e+04 -1.94e+04 2.07e+04 -3.80e-07
-DEAL::-2.48e-08 -1.88e+03 2.02e+04 -1.88e+03 3.25e-07 -376. 2.02e+04 -376. -6.30e-08
-DEAL::-3.77e-07 -1.88e+03 2.02e+04 -1.88e+03 3.76e+03 1.63e+04 2.02e+04 1.63e+04 3.51e-06
-DEAL::-3.62e-07 1.88e+03 2.11e+04 1.88e+03 1.43e-06 376. 2.11e+04 376. 7.73e-07
-DEAL::3.78e-07 1.88e+03 2.11e+04 1.88e+03 3.76e+03 -1.46e+04 2.11e+04 -1.46e+04 -1.37e-06
-DEAL::-8.02e-09 1.48e+04 2.02e+04 1.48e+04 752. -376. 2.02e+04 -376. 4.62e-07
+DEAL::-6.06e-08 -1.88e+03 2.02e+04 -1.88e+03 1.25e-07 -376. 2.02e+04 -376. 5.04e-07
+DEAL::-5.05e-07 -1.88e+03 2.02e+04 -1.88e+03 3.76e+03 1.63e+04 2.02e+04 1.63e+04 3.26e-06
+DEAL::9.23e-08 1.88e+03 2.11e+04 1.88e+03 -7.91e-07 376. 2.11e+04 376. -1.34e-07
+DEAL::-8.41e-08 1.88e+03 2.11e+04 1.88e+03 3.76e+03 -1.46e+04 2.11e+04 -1.46e+04 -5.34e-07
+DEAL::-8.02e-09 1.48e+04 2.02e+04 1.48e+04 752. -376. 2.02e+04 -376. -4.41e-07
DEAL::-2.14e-08 1.48e+04 2.02e+04 1.48e+04 -2.71e+04 1.63e+04 2.02e+04 1.63e+04 5.50e-13
-DEAL::-1.92e-06 -1.30e+04 2.11e+04 -1.30e+04 752. 376. 2.11e+04 376. -2.52e-08
+DEAL::-1.98e-06 -1.30e+04 2.11e+04 -1.30e+04 752. 376. 2.11e+04 376. 4.20e-08
DEAL::0.00 -1.30e+04 2.11e+04 -1.30e+04 -2.71e+04 -1.46e+04 2.11e+04 -1.46e+04 0.00
-DEAL::-2.82e-07 2.06e+04 -1.50e+03 2.06e+04 -9.88e-08 -752. -1.50e+03 -752. 7.71e-07
-DEAL::2.10e-07 2.06e+04 -1.50e+03 2.06e+04 2.58e-06 1.06e+04 -1.50e+03 1.06e+04 3.01e+03
-DEAL::2.61e-06 2.06e+04 9.89e+03 2.06e+04 -2.63e-07 -752. 9.89e+03 -752. 1.50e+03
-DEAL::-2.14e-07 2.06e+04 9.89e+03 2.06e+04 -3.18e-06 1.06e+04 9.89e+03 1.06e+04 -1.65e+04
-DEAL::-1.81e-07 2.15e+04 1.50e+03 2.15e+04 -5.30e-07 752. 1.50e+03 752. 2.16e-06
+DEAL::-2.60e-08 2.06e+04 -1.50e+03 2.06e+04 -4.31e-07 -752. -1.50e+03 -752. 4.48e-07
+DEAL::5.46e-08 2.06e+04 -1.50e+03 2.06e+04 1.78e-06 1.06e+04 -1.50e+03 1.06e+04 3.01e+03
+DEAL::3.66e-06 2.06e+04 9.89e+03 2.06e+04 -3.93e-07 -752. 9.89e+03 -752. 1.50e+03
+DEAL::-8.57e-07 2.06e+04 9.89e+03 2.06e+04 -2.68e-06 1.06e+04 9.89e+03 1.06e+04 -1.65e+04
+DEAL::-1.81e-07 2.15e+04 1.50e+03 2.15e+04 -4.94e-07 752. 1.50e+03 752. 1.88e-06
DEAL::0.00 2.15e+04 1.50e+03 2.15e+04 2.25e-06 -8.91e+03 1.50e+03 -8.91e+03 3.01e+03
-DEAL::-1.07e-06 2.15e+04 -8.16e+03 2.15e+04 -4.54e-07 752. -8.16e+03 752. 1.50e+03
-DEAL::0.00 2.15e+04 -8.16e+03 2.15e+04 3.64e-07 -8.91e+03 -8.16e+03 -8.91e+03 -1.65e+04
+DEAL::-1.25e-06 2.15e+04 -8.16e+03 2.15e+04 -1.00e-06 752. -8.16e+03 752. 1.50e+03
+DEAL::0.00 2.15e+04 -8.16e+03 2.15e+04 3.47e-07 -8.91e+03 -8.16e+03 -8.91e+03 -1.65e+04
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 1.58e-09 -1.58e-09 0.00 9.46e-09 3.88e-26
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 1.58e-09 6.04e-09 -3.15e-09 1.26e-08 1.68e-08
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 5.25e-09 -2.89e-09 2.10e-09 5.25e-09 -2.13e-08 1.58e-08
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.89e-09 0.00 0.00 -1.16e-08 -5.25e-09
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.89e-09 1.31e-09 -1.58e-09 -4.20e-09 4.20e-09 -9.86e-32
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.63e-09 -2.63e-10 -4.20e-09 1.26e-08 1.38e-25
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.41e-09 -1.31e-09 4.20e-09 -2.36e-09 1.08e-08 5.25e-09
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.58e-09 0.00 -1.05e-09 0.00
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 1.58e-09 2.63e-09 2.36e-09 0.00 1.05e-08 4.31e-26
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.63e-10 2.63e-09 6.30e-09 -6.30e-09 1.37e-08 2.10e-08
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 5.25e-09 -3.94e-09 6.04e-09 8.14e-09 -7.62e-09 1.58e-08
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.94e-09 0.00 0.00 -1.05e-08 -5.25e-09
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.31e-09 -1.58e-09 0.00 4.20e-09 1.73e-26
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.58e-09 2.63e-10 -8.41e-09 8.41e-09 -3.94e-31
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 -1.31e-09 1.31e-09 -6.57e-09 3.94e-09 5.25e-09
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00
-DEAL::1.30e-09 2.63e-09 2.20e-09 -1.20e-09 -8.44e-26 -7.61e-10 1.03e-08 3.53e-25 4.35e-10
-DEAL::-2.63e-10 2.63e-09 6.41e-09 0.00 0.00 6.52e-10 -3.94e-09 2.36e-09 1.58e-08
-DEAL::4.98e-09 -3.94e-09 5.88e-09 -1.20e-09 -1.14e-25 -7.61e-10 1.93e-08 -1.05e-08 1.72e-08
-DEAL::0.00 -3.94e-09 1.09e-10 0.00 0.00 6.52e-10 -1.05e-09 -5.25e-09 -5.25e-09
-DEAL::2.17e-10 1.31e-09 -1.68e-09 1.74e-09 1.24e-26 -8.70e-10 -1.81e-10 -3.68e-09 -5.69e-09
-DEAL::0.00 1.58e-09 2.63e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.78e-09 4.47e-09 1.68e-25
-DEAL::-1.10e-09 -1.31e-09 1.20e-09 1.74e-09 -1.42e-25 -8.70e-10 -7.06e-10 -8.93e-09 -4.35e-10
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.05e-09 0.00 -5.25e-09
+DEAL::2.35e-09 1.58e-09 2.20e-09 -1.20e-09 4.32e-26 -7.61e-10 1.14e-08 4.33e-25 4.35e-10
+DEAL::-1.31e-09 1.58e-09 6.15e-09 0.00 0.00 6.52e-10 -2.89e-09 0.00 1.58e-08
+DEAL::4.98e-09 -2.89e-09 6.14e-09 -1.20e-09 -7.35e-26 -7.61e-10 1.82e-08 -1.05e-08 2.14e-08
+DEAL::0.00 -2.89e-09 1.09e-10 0.00 0.00 6.52e-10 -1.05e-09 -5.25e-09 -5.25e-09
+DEAL::2.17e-10 1.31e-09 -1.68e-09 1.74e-09 9.45e-26 -8.70e-10 -1.81e-10 -6.81e-26 -5.69e-09
+DEAL::0.00 2.63e-09 -2.63e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.36e-09 5.25e-09 1.25e-25
+DEAL::-4.52e-11 -1.31e-09 9.42e-10 1.74e-09 6.17e-26 -8.70e-10 -1.76e-09 -1.26e-08 -4.35e-10
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 -1.58e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.05e-09 0.00 -5.25e-09
-DEAL::-1.63e-10 2.68e-09 2.13e-26 1.00e-08 -1.63e-10 3.56e-26 -7.07e-10 -4.89e-10 1.10e-25
-DEAL::-4.35e-10 2.84e-09 5.25e-09 -2.84e-09 -2.17e-10 7.88e-09 -3.70e-09 2.17e-10 6.38e-25
-DEAL::1.10e-09 -3.17e-09 3.94e-09 7.57e-09 -3.17e-09 1.58e-08 -2.17e-10 -5.98e-09 6.15e-25
-DEAL::0.00 -2.63e-09 -1.31e-09 -5.25e-10 -2.63e-09 -2.63e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00
-DEAL::-1.63e-10 1.11e-09 1.13e-27 -4.71e-10 -1.63e-10 -2.63e-09 -7.07e-10 -4.89e-10 -4.91e-27
-DEAL::-4.35e-10 1.27e-09 1.00e-26 -7.43e-10 2.41e-09 3.47e-26 -3.70e-09 2.17e-10 -5.71e-26
-DEAL::-2.84e-09 -5.44e-10 1.31e-09 2.32e-09 -3.17e-09 -5.25e-09 -2.17e-10 -5.98e-09 -1.40e-25
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -5.25e-10 0.00 -2.63e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00
+DEAL::-1.63e-10 2.42e-09 2.38e-26 4.78e-09 -1.63e-10 1.76e-26 -7.07e-10 -4.89e-10 3.15e-26
+DEAL::-4.35e-10 2.58e-09 4.20e-09 -3.37e-09 -2.17e-10 7.88e-09 -3.70e-09 2.17e-10 6.90e-25
+DEAL::1.10e-09 -3.43e-09 3.94e-09 8.10e-09 -3.17e-09 8.41e-09 -2.17e-10 -5.98e-09 6.64e-25
+DEAL::0.00 -2.89e-09 -1.31e-09 -5.25e-10 -2.63e-09 -2.63e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00
+DEAL::-1.63e-10 1.11e-09 -2.51e-27 -4.71e-10 -1.63e-10 -2.63e-09 -7.07e-10 -4.89e-10 -5.96e-26
+DEAL::-4.35e-10 1.27e-09 1.00e-26 -7.43e-10 3.08e-10 -1.08e-26 -3.70e-09 2.17e-10 -5.71e-26
+DEAL::-1.79e-09 -8.06e-10 1.31e-09 -2.41e-09 -3.17e-09 -7.87e-26 -2.17e-10 -5.98e-09 5.87e-26
+DEAL::0.00 -2.63e-10 0.00 -5.25e-10 0.00 -2.63e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00
DEAL::-949. 1.90e+03 1.76e+03 -1.73e+03
DEAL::-949. -1.73e+03 -1.39e+03 -877.
-DEAL::1.97e-09 188. 147. -148.
-DEAL::-2.42e-09 188. 147. -204.
-DEAL::-2.92e-10 174. -23.5 33.7
-DEAL::0.00 174. -23.5 -967.
+DEAL::2.33e-09 188. 147. -148.
+DEAL::-3.58e-10 188. 147. -204.
+DEAL::-7.59e-09 174. -23.5 33.7
+DEAL::5.84e-10 174. -23.5 -967.
-DEAL::1.05e-06 -1.50e+03 -752. -1.50e+03 -1.01e-07 1.24e+04 -752. 1.24e+04 2.78e-07
-DEAL::4.29e-07 1.50e+03 752. 1.50e+03 1.38e-08 1.32e+04 752. 1.32e+04 2.06e-07
-DEAL::3.01e+03 -1.50e+03 2.12e+04 -1.50e+03 9.59e-08 1.24e+04 2.12e+04 1.24e+04 2.37e-06
-DEAL::3.01e+03 1.50e+03 -1.94e+04 1.50e+03 1.13e-07 1.32e+04 -1.94e+04 1.32e+04 -2.69e-07
-DEAL::1.50e+03 2.04e+04 -752. 2.04e+04 -2.08e-08 1.24e+04 -752. 1.24e+04 1.62e-08
-DEAL::1.50e+03 -1.87e+04 752. -1.87e+04 6.40e-07 1.32e+04 752. 1.32e+04 1.80e-13
-DEAL::-3.76e+04 2.04e+04 2.12e+04 2.04e+04 -5.68e-07 1.24e+04 2.12e+04 1.24e+04 -5.32e-07
-DEAL::-3.76e+04 -1.87e+04 -1.94e+04 -1.87e+04 2.52e-08 1.32e+04 -1.94e+04 1.32e+04 -5.63e-07
+DEAL::4.13e-07 -1.50e+03 -752. -1.50e+03 -5.02e-08 1.24e+04 -752. 1.24e+04 -5.75e-07
+DEAL::2.52e-07 1.50e+03 752. 1.50e+03 6.84e-08 1.32e+04 752. 1.32e+04 -3.15e-07
+DEAL::3.01e+03 -1.50e+03 2.12e+04 -1.50e+03 5.58e-07 1.24e+04 2.12e+04 1.24e+04 2.05e-06
+DEAL::3.01e+03 1.50e+03 -1.94e+04 1.50e+03 5.76e-07 1.32e+04 -1.94e+04 1.32e+04 -5.40e-07
+DEAL::1.50e+03 2.04e+04 -752. 2.04e+04 1.89e-07 1.24e+04 -752. 1.24e+04 3.23e-07
+DEAL::1.50e+03 -1.87e+04 752. -1.87e+04 6.23e-07 1.32e+04 752. 1.32e+04 1.80e-13
+DEAL::-3.76e+04 2.04e+04 2.12e+04 2.04e+04 -5.39e-07 1.24e+04 2.12e+04 1.24e+04 -2.63e-07
+DEAL::-3.76e+04 -1.87e+04 -1.94e+04 -1.87e+04 8.41e-09 1.32e+04 -1.94e+04 1.32e+04 -2.54e-07
-DEAL::-6.69e-08 -1.88e+03 1.27e+04 -1.88e+03 4.09e-07 -376. 1.27e+04 -376. -2.10e-08
-DEAL::-2.50e-07 -1.88e+03 1.27e+04 -1.88e+03 3.76e+03 1.63e+04 1.27e+04 1.63e+04 2.17e-06
-DEAL::-2.23e-07 1.88e+03 1.36e+04 1.88e+03 8.38e-07 376. 1.36e+04 376. 4.79e-07
-DEAL::2.52e-07 1.88e+03 1.36e+04 1.88e+03 3.76e+03 -1.46e+04 1.36e+04 -1.46e+04 -8.66e-07
-DEAL::-8.02e-09 1.48e+04 1.27e+04 1.48e+04 752. -376. 1.27e+04 -376. 2.94e-07
+DEAL::-6.06e-08 -1.88e+03 1.27e+04 -1.88e+03 2.93e-07 -376. 1.27e+04 -376. 2.94e-07
+DEAL::-2.95e-07 -1.88e+03 1.27e+04 -1.88e+03 3.76e+03 1.63e+04 1.27e+04 1.63e+04 2.08e-06
+DEAL::2.11e-08 1.88e+03 1.36e+04 1.88e+03 -3.29e-07 376. 1.36e+04 376. -9.25e-08
+DEAL::0.00 1.88e+03 1.36e+04 1.88e+03 3.76e+03 -1.46e+04 1.36e+04 -1.46e+04 -3.24e-07
+DEAL::-8.02e-09 1.48e+04 1.27e+04 1.48e+04 752. -376. 1.27e+04 -376. -2.73e-07
DEAL::-2.14e-08 1.48e+04 1.27e+04 1.48e+04 -2.71e+04 1.63e+04 1.27e+04 1.63e+04 4.27e-13
-DEAL::-1.23e-06 -1.30e+04 1.36e+04 -1.30e+04 752. 376. 1.36e+04 376. -2.52e-08
+DEAL::-1.26e-06 -1.30e+04 1.36e+04 -1.30e+04 752. 376. 1.36e+04 376. 2.05e-13
DEAL::0.00 -1.30e+04 1.36e+04 -1.30e+04 -2.71e+04 -1.46e+04 1.36e+04 -1.46e+04 0.00
-DEAL::-1.98e-07 1.31e+04 -1.50e+03 1.31e+04 -9.88e-08 -752. -1.50e+03 -752. 6.45e-07
-DEAL::1.26e-07 1.31e+04 -1.50e+03 1.31e+04 1.61e-06 1.06e+04 -1.50e+03 1.06e+04 3.01e+03
-DEAL::1.60e-06 1.31e+04 9.89e+03 1.31e+04 -1.37e-07 -752. 9.89e+03 -752. 1.50e+03
-DEAL::-1.30e-07 1.31e+04 9.89e+03 1.31e+04 -1.96e-06 1.06e+04 9.89e+03 1.06e+04 -1.65e+04
-DEAL::-1.10e-07 1.40e+04 1.50e+03 1.40e+04 -3.61e-07 752. 1.50e+03 752. 1.37e-06
-DEAL::0.00 1.40e+04 1.50e+03 1.40e+04 1.46e-06 -8.91e+03 1.50e+03 -8.91e+03 3.01e+03
-DEAL::-7.07e-07 1.40e+04 -8.16e+03 1.40e+04 -2.86e-07 752. -8.16e+03 752. 1.50e+03
-DEAL::0.00 1.40e+04 -8.16e+03 1.40e+04 2.37e-07 -8.91e+03 -8.16e+03 -8.91e+03 -1.65e+04
+DEAL::-6.80e-08 1.31e+04 -1.50e+03 1.31e+04 -3.05e-07 -752. -1.50e+03 -752. 4.90e-07
+DEAL::5.46e-08 1.31e+04 -1.50e+03 1.31e+04 1.11e-06 1.06e+04 -1.50e+03 1.06e+04 3.01e+03
+DEAL::2.24e-06 1.31e+04 9.89e+03 1.31e+04 -2.25e-07 -752. 9.89e+03 -752. 1.50e+03
+DEAL::-5.21e-07 1.31e+04 9.89e+03 1.31e+04 -1.67e-06 1.06e+04 9.89e+03 1.06e+04 -1.65e+04
+DEAL::-1.10e-07 1.40e+04 1.50e+03 1.40e+04 -3.26e-07 752. 1.50e+03 752. 1.29e-06
+DEAL::0.00 1.40e+04 1.50e+03 1.40e+04 1.45e-06 -8.91e+03 1.50e+03 -8.91e+03 3.01e+03
+DEAL::-7.99e-07 1.40e+04 -8.16e+03 1.40e+04 -6.22e-07 752. -8.16e+03 752. 1.50e+03
+DEAL::0.00 1.40e+04 -8.16e+03 1.40e+04 2.21e-07 -8.91e+03 -8.16e+03 -8.91e+03 -1.65e+04
DEAL::-949. 1.90e+03 1.76e+03 -1.73e+03
DEAL::-949. -1.73e+03 -1.39e+03 -877.
-DEAL::1.97e-09 188. 147. -148.
-DEAL::-2.42e-09 188. 147. -204.
-DEAL::-2.92e-10 174. -23.5 33.7
-DEAL::0.00 174. -23.5 -967.
+DEAL::2.33e-09 188. 147. -148.
+DEAL::-3.58e-10 188. 147. -204.
+DEAL::-7.59e-09 174. -23.5 33.7
+DEAL::5.84e-10 174. -23.5 -967.
-DEAL::1.05e-06 -1.50e+03 -752. -1.50e+03 -1.01e-07 1.24e+04 -752. 1.24e+04 2.78e-07
-DEAL::4.29e-07 1.50e+03 752. 1.50e+03 1.38e-08 1.32e+04 752. 1.32e+04 2.06e-07
-DEAL::3.01e+03 -1.50e+03 2.12e+04 -1.50e+03 9.59e-08 1.24e+04 2.12e+04 1.24e+04 2.37e-06
-DEAL::3.01e+03 1.50e+03 -1.94e+04 1.50e+03 1.13e-07 1.32e+04 -1.94e+04 1.32e+04 -2.69e-07
-DEAL::1.50e+03 2.04e+04 -752. 2.04e+04 -2.08e-08 1.24e+04 -752. 1.24e+04 1.62e-08
-DEAL::1.50e+03 -1.87e+04 752. -1.87e+04 6.40e-07 1.32e+04 752. 1.32e+04 1.80e-13
-DEAL::-3.76e+04 2.04e+04 2.12e+04 2.04e+04 -5.68e-07 1.24e+04 2.12e+04 1.24e+04 -5.32e-07
-DEAL::-3.76e+04 -1.87e+04 -1.94e+04 -1.87e+04 2.52e-08 1.32e+04 -1.94e+04 1.32e+04 -5.63e-07
+DEAL::4.13e-07 -1.50e+03 -752. -1.50e+03 -5.02e-08 1.24e+04 -752. 1.24e+04 -5.75e-07
+DEAL::2.52e-07 1.50e+03 752. 1.50e+03 6.84e-08 1.32e+04 752. 1.32e+04 -3.15e-07
+DEAL::3.01e+03 -1.50e+03 2.12e+04 -1.50e+03 5.58e-07 1.24e+04 2.12e+04 1.24e+04 2.05e-06
+DEAL::3.01e+03 1.50e+03 -1.94e+04 1.50e+03 5.76e-07 1.32e+04 -1.94e+04 1.32e+04 -5.40e-07
+DEAL::1.50e+03 2.04e+04 -752. 2.04e+04 1.89e-07 1.24e+04 -752. 1.24e+04 3.23e-07
+DEAL::1.50e+03 -1.87e+04 752. -1.87e+04 6.23e-07 1.32e+04 752. 1.32e+04 1.80e-13
+DEAL::-3.76e+04 2.04e+04 2.12e+04 2.04e+04 -5.39e-07 1.24e+04 2.12e+04 1.24e+04 -2.63e-07
+DEAL::-3.76e+04 -1.87e+04 -1.94e+04 -1.87e+04 8.41e-09 1.32e+04 -1.94e+04 1.32e+04 -2.54e-07
-DEAL::-6.69e-08 -1.88e+03 1.27e+04 -1.88e+03 4.09e-07 -376. 1.27e+04 -376. -2.10e-08
-DEAL::-2.50e-07 -1.88e+03 1.27e+04 -1.88e+03 3.76e+03 1.63e+04 1.27e+04 1.63e+04 2.17e-06
-DEAL::-2.23e-07 1.88e+03 1.36e+04 1.88e+03 8.38e-07 376. 1.36e+04 376. 4.79e-07
-DEAL::2.52e-07 1.88e+03 1.36e+04 1.88e+03 3.76e+03 -1.46e+04 1.36e+04 -1.46e+04 -8.66e-07
-DEAL::-8.02e-09 1.48e+04 1.27e+04 1.48e+04 752. -376. 1.27e+04 -376. 2.94e-07
+DEAL::-6.06e-08 -1.88e+03 1.27e+04 -1.88e+03 2.93e-07 -376. 1.27e+04 -376. 2.94e-07
+DEAL::-2.95e-07 -1.88e+03 1.27e+04 -1.88e+03 3.76e+03 1.63e+04 1.27e+04 1.63e+04 2.08e-06
+DEAL::2.11e-08 1.88e+03 1.36e+04 1.88e+03 -3.29e-07 376. 1.36e+04 376. -9.25e-08
+DEAL::0.00 1.88e+03 1.36e+04 1.88e+03 3.76e+03 -1.46e+04 1.36e+04 -1.46e+04 -3.24e-07
+DEAL::-8.02e-09 1.48e+04 1.27e+04 1.48e+04 752. -376. 1.27e+04 -376. -2.73e-07
DEAL::-2.14e-08 1.48e+04 1.27e+04 1.48e+04 -2.71e+04 1.63e+04 1.27e+04 1.63e+04 4.27e-13
-DEAL::-1.23e-06 -1.30e+04 1.36e+04 -1.30e+04 752. 376. 1.36e+04 376. -2.52e-08
+DEAL::-1.26e-06 -1.30e+04 1.36e+04 -1.30e+04 752. 376. 1.36e+04 376. 2.05e-13
DEAL::0.00 -1.30e+04 1.36e+04 -1.30e+04 -2.71e+04 -1.46e+04 1.36e+04 -1.46e+04 0.00
-DEAL::-1.98e-07 1.31e+04 -1.50e+03 1.31e+04 -9.88e-08 -752. -1.50e+03 -752. 6.45e-07
-DEAL::1.26e-07 1.31e+04 -1.50e+03 1.31e+04 1.61e-06 1.06e+04 -1.50e+03 1.06e+04 3.01e+03
-DEAL::1.60e-06 1.31e+04 9.89e+03 1.31e+04 -1.37e-07 -752. 9.89e+03 -752. 1.50e+03
-DEAL::-1.30e-07 1.31e+04 9.89e+03 1.31e+04 -1.96e-06 1.06e+04 9.89e+03 1.06e+04 -1.65e+04
-DEAL::-1.10e-07 1.40e+04 1.50e+03 1.40e+04 -3.61e-07 752. 1.50e+03 752. 1.37e-06
-DEAL::0.00 1.40e+04 1.50e+03 1.40e+04 1.46e-06 -8.91e+03 1.50e+03 -8.91e+03 3.01e+03
-DEAL::-7.07e-07 1.40e+04 -8.16e+03 1.40e+04 -2.86e-07 752. -8.16e+03 752. 1.50e+03
-DEAL::0.00 1.40e+04 -8.16e+03 1.40e+04 2.37e-07 -8.91e+03 -8.16e+03 -8.91e+03 -1.65e+04
+DEAL::-6.80e-08 1.31e+04 -1.50e+03 1.31e+04 -3.05e-07 -752. -1.50e+03 -752. 4.90e-07
+DEAL::5.46e-08 1.31e+04 -1.50e+03 1.31e+04 1.11e-06 1.06e+04 -1.50e+03 1.06e+04 3.01e+03
+DEAL::2.24e-06 1.31e+04 9.89e+03 1.31e+04 -2.25e-07 -752. 9.89e+03 -752. 1.50e+03
+DEAL::-5.21e-07 1.31e+04 9.89e+03 1.31e+04 -1.67e-06 1.06e+04 9.89e+03 1.06e+04 -1.65e+04
+DEAL::-1.10e-07 1.40e+04 1.50e+03 1.40e+04 -3.26e-07 752. 1.50e+03 752. 1.29e-06
+DEAL::0.00 1.40e+04 1.50e+03 1.40e+04 1.45e-06 -8.91e+03 1.50e+03 -8.91e+03 3.01e+03
+DEAL::-7.99e-07 1.40e+04 -8.16e+03 1.40e+04 -6.22e-07 752. -8.16e+03 752. 1.50e+03
+DEAL::0.00 1.40e+04 -8.16e+03 1.40e+04 2.21e-07 -8.91e+03 -8.16e+03 -8.91e+03 -1.65e+04
DEAL::2.37 4.73 9.46
DEAL::-5.39e-12 -275. -138.
-DEAL::-275. -1.35e-12 -138.
+DEAL::-275. -8.99e-13 -138.
DEAL::2.37 4.73 9.46
DEAL::5.50e-12 -275. -138.
DEAL::-275. -459. 4.80e+03
DEAL::2.37 4.73 9.46
DEAL::-367. -275. 4.71e+03
-DEAL::-275. 2.77e-12 -138.
+DEAL::-275. 9.52e-13 -138.
DEAL::2.37 4.73 9.46
DEAL::367. -275. 4.92e+03
DEAL::-275. 459. 5.02e+03
DEAL::4.88e+03 -3.09e+03 5.02e+03
DEAL::-5.39e-12 -275. -138.
-DEAL::-275. -1.35e-12 -138.
+DEAL::-275. -8.99e-13 -138.
DEAL::-275. -138. -1.82e-12
DEAL::5.50e-12 -275. -138.
DEAL::-275. -459. 4.80e+03
DEAL::-275. 4.90e+03 -367.
DEAL::-367. -275. 4.71e+03
-DEAL::-275. 2.77e-12 -138.
+DEAL::-275. 9.52e-13 -138.
DEAL::4.76e+03 -138. -184.
DEAL::367. -275. 4.92e+03
DEAL::-275. 459. 5.02e+03
DEAL::4.88e+03 -3.09e+03 5.02e+03
DEAL::4.97e+03 5.11e+03 -1.81e+03
-DEAL::-275. -1.35e-12 -138.
+DEAL::-275. -8.99e-13 -138.
DEAL::-275. -138. -1.82e-12
DEAL::0.00 5.60 22.4
DEAL::-275. -459. 4.80e+03
DEAL::-275. 4.90e+03 -367.
DEAL::0.00 5.60 22.4
-DEAL::-275. 2.77e-12 -138.
+DEAL::-275. 9.52e-13 -138.
DEAL::4.76e+03 -138. -184.
DEAL::0.00 5.60 22.4
DEAL::-275. 459. 5.02e+03
DEAL::-1.43e+03 -2.60e+03 -2.12e+03 -1.44e+03
DEAL::-50.8 877. 848. -953.
-DEAL::3.32e-09 278. 209. -236.
+DEAL::3.99e-09 278. 209. -236.
DEAL::-50.8 -779. -889. -641.
-DEAL::-4.12e-09 278. 209. -247.
+DEAL::-6.72e-10 278. 209. -247.
DEAL::-1.43e+03 2.86e+03 2.65e+03 -2.63e+03
-DEAL::-4.38e-10 374. 46.3 -122.
+DEAL::-1.25e-08 374. 46.3 -122.
DEAL::-1.43e+03 -2.60e+03 -2.12e+03 -1.44e+03
-DEAL::0.00 374. 46.3 -1.16e+03
+DEAL::8.76e-10 374. 46.3 -1.16e+03
-DEAL::3.32e-09 278. 209. -236.
+DEAL::3.99e-09 278. 209. -236.
DEAL::0.00 0.00 2.69e-10 9.43
-DEAL::-4.12e-09 278. 209. -247.
+DEAL::-6.72e-10 278. 209. -247.
DEAL::0.00 0.00 8.06e-10 9.43
-DEAL::-4.38e-10 374. 46.3 -122.
+DEAL::-1.25e-08 374. 46.3 -122.
DEAL::0.00 0.00 -8.76e-10 25.0
-DEAL::0.00 374. 46.3 -1.16e+03
+DEAL::8.76e-10 374. 46.3 -1.16e+03
DEAL::0.00 0.00 8.76e-10 25.0
DEAL::0.00 0.00 2.69e-10 9.43
DEAL::0.00 9.85e-10 5.09e-10 1.54e-09 2.44e-26 5.91e-10 3.28e-10 4.60e-10 -2.17e-09
-DEAL::1.68e-06 -1.50e+03 -752. -1.50e+03 -1.01e-07 1.99e+04 -752. 1.99e+04 4.88e-07
-DEAL::-2.48e-08 -1.88e+03 2.02e+04 -1.88e+03 3.25e-07 -376. 2.02e+04 -376. -6.30e-08
+DEAL::4.13e-07 -1.50e+03 -752. -1.50e+03 -5.02e-08 1.99e+04 -752. 1.99e+04 -9.53e-07
+DEAL::-6.06e-08 -1.88e+03 2.02e+04 -1.88e+03 1.25e-07 -376. 2.02e+04 -376. 5.04e-07
DEAL::0.00 9.85e-10 1.74e-09 -1.38e-09 0.00 2.53e-09 -1.30e-09 5.58e-10 1.64e-09
-DEAL::3.02e-07 1.50e+03 752. 1.50e+03 8.51e-08 2.07e+04 752. 2.07e+04 4.58e-07
-DEAL::-3.77e-07 -1.88e+03 2.02e+04 -1.88e+03 3.76e+03 1.63e+04 2.02e+04 1.63e+04 3.51e-06
+DEAL::-1.68e-07 1.50e+03 752. 1.50e+03 1.82e-07 2.07e+04 752. 2.07e+04 -3.99e-07
+DEAL::-5.05e-07 -1.88e+03 2.02e+04 -1.88e+03 3.76e+03 1.63e+04 2.02e+04 1.63e+04 3.26e-06
DEAL::4.27e-10 -1.18e-09 1.26e-09 2.89e-09 -8.21e-10 2.89e-09 -8.54e-10 -7.88e-10 1.64e-09
-DEAL::3.01e+03 -1.50e+03 2.12e+04 -1.50e+03 1.38e-07 1.99e+04 2.12e+04 1.99e+04 3.80e-06
-DEAL::-3.62e-07 1.88e+03 2.11e+04 1.88e+03 1.43e-06 376. 2.11e+04 376. 7.73e-07
+DEAL::3.01e+03 -1.50e+03 2.12e+04 -1.50e+03 8.52e-07 1.99e+04 2.12e+04 1.99e+04 3.27e-06
+DEAL::9.23e-08 1.88e+03 2.11e+04 1.88e+03 -7.91e-07 376. 2.11e+04 376. -1.34e-07
DEAL::0.00 -1.18e-09 -2.30e-10 -3.94e-10 -8.21e-10 -4.60e-10 -7.88e-10 -7.88e-10 -2.17e-09
-DEAL::3.01e+03 1.50e+03 -1.94e+04 1.50e+03 1.56e-07 2.07e+04 -1.94e+04 2.07e+04 -4.37e-07
-DEAL::3.78e-07 1.88e+03 2.11e+04 1.88e+03 3.76e+03 -1.46e+04 2.11e+04 -1.46e+04 -1.37e-06
+DEAL::3.01e+03 1.50e+03 -1.94e+04 1.50e+03 9.12e-07 2.07e+04 -1.94e+04 2.07e+04 -8.34e-07
+DEAL::-8.41e-08 1.88e+03 2.11e+04 1.88e+03 3.76e+03 -1.46e+04 2.11e+04 -1.46e+04 -5.34e-07
DEAL::0.00 5.09e-10 -1.97e-10 1.97e-10 -1.94e-26 -1.38e-09 3.28e-10 4.60e-10 3.23e-27
-DEAL::1.50e+03 2.04e+04 -752. 2.04e+04 -2.08e-08 1.99e+04 -752. 1.99e+04 -2.58e-08
-DEAL::-8.02e-09 1.48e+04 2.02e+04 1.48e+04 752. -376. 2.02e+04 -376. 4.62e-07
+DEAL::1.50e+03 2.04e+04 -752. 2.04e+04 2.73e-07 1.99e+04 -752. 1.99e+04 5.33e-07
+DEAL::-8.02e-09 1.48e+04 2.02e+04 1.48e+04 752. -376. 2.02e+04 -376. -4.41e-07
DEAL::0.00 5.09e-10 -2.13e-10 -3.94e-10 1.08e-09 -3.94e-10 -1.63e-09 9.52e-10 -1.11e-26
-DEAL::1.50e+03 -1.87e+04 752. -1.87e+04 1.09e-06 2.07e+04 752. 2.07e+04 3.03e-13
+DEAL::1.50e+03 -1.87e+04 752. -1.87e+04 9.89e-07 2.07e+04 752. 2.07e+04 3.03e-13
DEAL::-2.14e-08 1.48e+04 2.02e+04 1.48e+04 -2.71e+04 1.63e+04 2.02e+04 1.63e+04 5.50e-13
DEAL::-5.42e-10 4.92e-11 5.42e-10 1.97e-10 -8.21e-10 -3.94e-10 -2.36e-09 -7.88e-10 -5.18e-26
-DEAL::-3.76e+04 2.04e+04 2.12e+04 2.04e+04 -9.04e-07 1.99e+04 2.12e+04 1.99e+04 -8.68e-07
-DEAL::-1.92e-06 -1.30e+04 2.11e+04 -1.30e+04 752. 376. 2.11e+04 376. -2.52e-08
+DEAL::-3.76e+04 2.04e+04 2.12e+04 2.04e+04 -9.17e-07 1.99e+04 2.12e+04 1.99e+04 -4.73e-07
+DEAL::-1.98e-06 -1.30e+04 2.11e+04 -1.30e+04 752. 376. 2.11e+04 376. 4.20e-08
DEAL::0.00 4.92e-11 4.93e-11 -3.94e-10 0.00 -1.38e-09 -7.88e-10 -7.88e-10 0.00
-DEAL::-3.76e+04 -1.87e+04 -1.94e+04 -1.87e+04 6.72e-08 2.07e+04 -1.94e+04 2.07e+04 -8.99e-07
+DEAL::-3.76e+04 -1.87e+04 -1.94e+04 -1.87e+04 -3.36e-08 2.07e+04 -1.94e+04 2.07e+04 -3.80e-07
DEAL::0.00 -1.30e+04 2.11e+04 -1.30e+04 -2.71e+04 -1.46e+04 2.11e+04 -1.46e+04 0.00
-DEAL::1.68e-06 -1.50e+03 -752. -1.50e+03 -1.01e-07 1.99e+04 -752. 1.99e+04 4.88e-07
-DEAL::-2.48e-08 -1.88e+03 2.02e+04 -1.88e+03 3.25e-07 -376. 2.02e+04 -376. -6.30e-08
-DEAL::-2.82e-07 2.06e+04 -1.50e+03 2.06e+04 -9.88e-08 -752. -1.50e+03 -752. 7.71e-07
-DEAL::3.02e-07 1.50e+03 752. 1.50e+03 8.51e-08 2.07e+04 752. 2.07e+04 4.58e-07
-DEAL::-3.77e-07 -1.88e+03 2.02e+04 -1.88e+03 3.76e+03 1.63e+04 2.02e+04 1.63e+04 3.51e-06
-DEAL::2.10e-07 2.06e+04 -1.50e+03 2.06e+04 2.58e-06 1.06e+04 -1.50e+03 1.06e+04 3.01e+03
-DEAL::3.01e+03 -1.50e+03 2.12e+04 -1.50e+03 1.38e-07 1.99e+04 2.12e+04 1.99e+04 3.80e-06
-DEAL::-3.62e-07 1.88e+03 2.11e+04 1.88e+03 1.43e-06 376. 2.11e+04 376. 7.73e-07
-DEAL::2.61e-06 2.06e+04 9.89e+03 2.06e+04 -2.63e-07 -752. 9.89e+03 -752. 1.50e+03
-DEAL::3.01e+03 1.50e+03 -1.94e+04 1.50e+03 1.56e-07 2.07e+04 -1.94e+04 2.07e+04 -4.37e-07
-DEAL::3.78e-07 1.88e+03 2.11e+04 1.88e+03 3.76e+03 -1.46e+04 2.11e+04 -1.46e+04 -1.37e-06
-DEAL::-2.14e-07 2.06e+04 9.89e+03 2.06e+04 -3.18e-06 1.06e+04 9.89e+03 1.06e+04 -1.65e+04
-DEAL::1.50e+03 2.04e+04 -752. 2.04e+04 -2.08e-08 1.99e+04 -752. 1.99e+04 -2.58e-08
-DEAL::-8.02e-09 1.48e+04 2.02e+04 1.48e+04 752. -376. 2.02e+04 -376. 4.62e-07
-DEAL::-1.81e-07 2.15e+04 1.50e+03 2.15e+04 -5.30e-07 752. 1.50e+03 752. 2.16e-06
-DEAL::1.50e+03 -1.87e+04 752. -1.87e+04 1.09e-06 2.07e+04 752. 2.07e+04 3.03e-13
+DEAL::4.13e-07 -1.50e+03 -752. -1.50e+03 -5.02e-08 1.99e+04 -752. 1.99e+04 -9.53e-07
+DEAL::-6.06e-08 -1.88e+03 2.02e+04 -1.88e+03 1.25e-07 -376. 2.02e+04 -376. 5.04e-07
+DEAL::-2.60e-08 2.06e+04 -1.50e+03 2.06e+04 -4.31e-07 -752. -1.50e+03 -752. 4.48e-07
+DEAL::-1.68e-07 1.50e+03 752. 1.50e+03 1.82e-07 2.07e+04 752. 2.07e+04 -3.99e-07
+DEAL::-5.05e-07 -1.88e+03 2.02e+04 -1.88e+03 3.76e+03 1.63e+04 2.02e+04 1.63e+04 3.26e-06
+DEAL::5.46e-08 2.06e+04 -1.50e+03 2.06e+04 1.78e-06 1.06e+04 -1.50e+03 1.06e+04 3.01e+03
+DEAL::3.01e+03 -1.50e+03 2.12e+04 -1.50e+03 8.52e-07 1.99e+04 2.12e+04 1.99e+04 3.27e-06
+DEAL::9.23e-08 1.88e+03 2.11e+04 1.88e+03 -7.91e-07 376. 2.11e+04 376. -1.34e-07
+DEAL::3.66e-06 2.06e+04 9.89e+03 2.06e+04 -3.93e-07 -752. 9.89e+03 -752. 1.50e+03
+DEAL::3.01e+03 1.50e+03 -1.94e+04 1.50e+03 9.12e-07 2.07e+04 -1.94e+04 2.07e+04 -8.34e-07
+DEAL::-8.41e-08 1.88e+03 2.11e+04 1.88e+03 3.76e+03 -1.46e+04 2.11e+04 -1.46e+04 -5.34e-07
+DEAL::-8.57e-07 2.06e+04 9.89e+03 2.06e+04 -2.68e-06 1.06e+04 9.89e+03 1.06e+04 -1.65e+04
+DEAL::1.50e+03 2.04e+04 -752. 2.04e+04 2.73e-07 1.99e+04 -752. 1.99e+04 5.33e-07
+DEAL::-8.02e-09 1.48e+04 2.02e+04 1.48e+04 752. -376. 2.02e+04 -376. -4.41e-07
+DEAL::-1.81e-07 2.15e+04 1.50e+03 2.15e+04 -4.94e-07 752. 1.50e+03 752. 1.88e-06
+DEAL::1.50e+03 -1.87e+04 752. -1.87e+04 9.89e-07 2.07e+04 752. 2.07e+04 3.03e-13
DEAL::-2.14e-08 1.48e+04 2.02e+04 1.48e+04 -2.71e+04 1.63e+04 2.02e+04 1.63e+04 5.50e-13
DEAL::0.00 2.15e+04 1.50e+03 2.15e+04 2.25e-06 -8.91e+03 1.50e+03 -8.91e+03 3.01e+03
-DEAL::-3.76e+04 2.04e+04 2.12e+04 2.04e+04 -9.04e-07 1.99e+04 2.12e+04 1.99e+04 -8.68e-07
-DEAL::-1.92e-06 -1.30e+04 2.11e+04 -1.30e+04 752. 376. 2.11e+04 376. -2.52e-08
-DEAL::-1.07e-06 2.15e+04 -8.16e+03 2.15e+04 -4.54e-07 752. -8.16e+03 752. 1.50e+03
-DEAL::-3.76e+04 -1.87e+04 -1.94e+04 -1.87e+04 6.72e-08 2.07e+04 -1.94e+04 2.07e+04 -8.99e-07
+DEAL::-3.76e+04 2.04e+04 2.12e+04 2.04e+04 -9.17e-07 1.99e+04 2.12e+04 1.99e+04 -4.73e-07
+DEAL::-1.98e-06 -1.30e+04 2.11e+04 -1.30e+04 752. 376. 2.11e+04 376. 4.20e-08
+DEAL::-1.25e-06 2.15e+04 -8.16e+03 2.15e+04 -1.00e-06 752. -8.16e+03 752. 1.50e+03
+DEAL::-3.76e+04 -1.87e+04 -1.94e+04 -1.87e+04 -3.36e-08 2.07e+04 -1.94e+04 2.07e+04 -3.80e-07
DEAL::0.00 -1.30e+04 2.11e+04 -1.30e+04 -2.71e+04 -1.46e+04 2.11e+04 -1.46e+04 0.00
-DEAL::0.00 2.15e+04 -8.16e+03 2.15e+04 3.64e-07 -8.91e+03 -8.16e+03 -8.91e+03 -1.65e+04
+DEAL::0.00 2.15e+04 -8.16e+03 2.15e+04 3.47e-07 -8.91e+03 -8.16e+03 -8.91e+03 -1.65e+04
-DEAL::-2.48e-08 -1.88e+03 2.02e+04 -1.88e+03 3.25e-07 -376. 2.02e+04 -376. -6.30e-08
-DEAL::-2.82e-07 2.06e+04 -1.50e+03 2.06e+04 -9.88e-08 -752. -1.50e+03 -752. 7.71e-07
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 1.58e-09 -1.58e-09 0.00 9.46e-09 3.88e-26
-DEAL::-3.77e-07 -1.88e+03 2.02e+04 -1.88e+03 3.76e+03 1.63e+04 2.02e+04 1.63e+04 3.51e-06
-DEAL::2.10e-07 2.06e+04 -1.50e+03 2.06e+04 2.58e-06 1.06e+04 -1.50e+03 1.06e+04 3.01e+03
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 1.58e-09 6.04e-09 -3.15e-09 1.26e-08 1.68e-08
-DEAL::-3.62e-07 1.88e+03 2.11e+04 1.88e+03 1.43e-06 376. 2.11e+04 376. 7.73e-07
-DEAL::2.61e-06 2.06e+04 9.89e+03 2.06e+04 -2.63e-07 -752. 9.89e+03 -752. 1.50e+03
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 5.25e-09 -2.89e-09 2.10e-09 5.25e-09 -2.13e-08 1.58e-08
-DEAL::3.78e-07 1.88e+03 2.11e+04 1.88e+03 3.76e+03 -1.46e+04 2.11e+04 -1.46e+04 -1.37e-06
-DEAL::-2.14e-07 2.06e+04 9.89e+03 2.06e+04 -3.18e-06 1.06e+04 9.89e+03 1.06e+04 -1.65e+04
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.89e-09 0.00 0.00 -1.16e-08 -5.25e-09
-DEAL::-8.02e-09 1.48e+04 2.02e+04 1.48e+04 752. -376. 2.02e+04 -376. 4.62e-07
-DEAL::-1.81e-07 2.15e+04 1.50e+03 2.15e+04 -5.30e-07 752. 1.50e+03 752. 2.16e-06
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.89e-09 1.31e-09 -1.58e-09 -4.20e-09 4.20e-09 -9.86e-32
+DEAL::-6.06e-08 -1.88e+03 2.02e+04 -1.88e+03 1.25e-07 -376. 2.02e+04 -376. 5.04e-07
+DEAL::-2.60e-08 2.06e+04 -1.50e+03 2.06e+04 -4.31e-07 -752. -1.50e+03 -752. 4.48e-07
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 1.58e-09 2.63e-09 2.36e-09 0.00 1.05e-08 4.31e-26
+DEAL::-5.05e-07 -1.88e+03 2.02e+04 -1.88e+03 3.76e+03 1.63e+04 2.02e+04 1.63e+04 3.26e-06
+DEAL::5.46e-08 2.06e+04 -1.50e+03 2.06e+04 1.78e-06 1.06e+04 -1.50e+03 1.06e+04 3.01e+03
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.63e-10 2.63e-09 6.30e-09 -6.30e-09 1.37e-08 2.10e-08
+DEAL::9.23e-08 1.88e+03 2.11e+04 1.88e+03 -7.91e-07 376. 2.11e+04 376. -1.34e-07
+DEAL::3.66e-06 2.06e+04 9.89e+03 2.06e+04 -3.93e-07 -752. 9.89e+03 -752. 1.50e+03
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 5.25e-09 -3.94e-09 6.04e-09 8.14e-09 -7.62e-09 1.58e-08
+DEAL::-8.41e-08 1.88e+03 2.11e+04 1.88e+03 3.76e+03 -1.46e+04 2.11e+04 -1.46e+04 -5.34e-07
+DEAL::-8.57e-07 2.06e+04 9.89e+03 2.06e+04 -2.68e-06 1.06e+04 9.89e+03 1.06e+04 -1.65e+04
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.94e-09 0.00 0.00 -1.05e-08 -5.25e-09
+DEAL::-8.02e-09 1.48e+04 2.02e+04 1.48e+04 752. -376. 2.02e+04 -376. -4.41e-07
+DEAL::-1.81e-07 2.15e+04 1.50e+03 2.15e+04 -4.94e-07 752. 1.50e+03 752. 1.88e-06
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.31e-09 -1.58e-09 0.00 4.20e-09 1.73e-26
DEAL::-2.14e-08 1.48e+04 2.02e+04 1.48e+04 -2.71e+04 1.63e+04 2.02e+04 1.63e+04 5.50e-13
DEAL::0.00 2.15e+04 1.50e+03 2.15e+04 2.25e-06 -8.91e+03 1.50e+03 -8.91e+03 3.01e+03
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.63e-09 -2.63e-10 -4.20e-09 1.26e-08 1.38e-25
-DEAL::-1.92e-06 -1.30e+04 2.11e+04 -1.30e+04 752. 376. 2.11e+04 376. -2.52e-08
-DEAL::-1.07e-06 2.15e+04 -8.16e+03 2.15e+04 -4.54e-07 752. -8.16e+03 752. 1.50e+03
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.41e-09 -1.31e-09 4.20e-09 -2.36e-09 1.08e-08 5.25e-09
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.58e-09 2.63e-10 -8.41e-09 8.41e-09 -3.94e-31
+DEAL::-1.98e-06 -1.30e+04 2.11e+04 -1.30e+04 752. 376. 2.11e+04 376. 4.20e-08
+DEAL::-1.25e-06 2.15e+04 -8.16e+03 2.15e+04 -1.00e-06 752. -8.16e+03 752. 1.50e+03
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 -1.31e-09 1.31e-09 -6.57e-09 3.94e-09 5.25e-09
DEAL::0.00 -1.30e+04 2.11e+04 -1.30e+04 -2.71e+04 -1.46e+04 2.11e+04 -1.46e+04 0.00
-DEAL::0.00 2.15e+04 -8.16e+03 2.15e+04 3.64e-07 -8.91e+03 -8.16e+03 -8.91e+03 -1.65e+04
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.58e-09 0.00 -1.05e-09 0.00
+DEAL::0.00 2.15e+04 -8.16e+03 2.15e+04 3.47e-07 -8.91e+03 -8.16e+03 -8.91e+03 -1.65e+04
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00
-DEAL::-2.82e-07 2.06e+04 -1.50e+03 2.06e+04 -9.88e-08 -752. -1.50e+03 -752. 7.71e-07
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 1.58e-09 -1.58e-09 0.00 9.46e-09 3.88e-26
-DEAL::1.30e-09 2.63e-09 2.20e-09 -1.20e-09 -8.44e-26 -7.61e-10 1.03e-08 3.53e-25 4.35e-10
-DEAL::2.10e-07 2.06e+04 -1.50e+03 2.06e+04 2.58e-06 1.06e+04 -1.50e+03 1.06e+04 3.01e+03
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 1.58e-09 6.04e-09 -3.15e-09 1.26e-08 1.68e-08
-DEAL::-2.63e-10 2.63e-09 6.41e-09 0.00 0.00 6.52e-10 -3.94e-09 2.36e-09 1.58e-08
-DEAL::2.61e-06 2.06e+04 9.89e+03 2.06e+04 -2.63e-07 -752. 9.89e+03 -752. 1.50e+03
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 5.25e-09 -2.89e-09 2.10e-09 5.25e-09 -2.13e-08 1.58e-08
-DEAL::4.98e-09 -3.94e-09 5.88e-09 -1.20e-09 -1.14e-25 -7.61e-10 1.93e-08 -1.05e-08 1.72e-08
-DEAL::-2.14e-07 2.06e+04 9.89e+03 2.06e+04 -3.18e-06 1.06e+04 9.89e+03 1.06e+04 -1.65e+04
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.89e-09 0.00 0.00 -1.16e-08 -5.25e-09
-DEAL::0.00 -3.94e-09 1.09e-10 0.00 0.00 6.52e-10 -1.05e-09 -5.25e-09 -5.25e-09
-DEAL::-1.81e-07 2.15e+04 1.50e+03 2.15e+04 -5.30e-07 752. 1.50e+03 752. 2.16e-06
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.89e-09 1.31e-09 -1.58e-09 -4.20e-09 4.20e-09 -9.86e-32
-DEAL::2.17e-10 1.31e-09 -1.68e-09 1.74e-09 1.24e-26 -8.70e-10 -1.81e-10 -3.68e-09 -5.69e-09
+DEAL::-2.60e-08 2.06e+04 -1.50e+03 2.06e+04 -4.31e-07 -752. -1.50e+03 -752. 4.48e-07
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 1.58e-09 2.63e-09 2.36e-09 0.00 1.05e-08 4.31e-26
+DEAL::2.35e-09 1.58e-09 2.20e-09 -1.20e-09 4.32e-26 -7.61e-10 1.14e-08 4.33e-25 4.35e-10
+DEAL::5.46e-08 2.06e+04 -1.50e+03 2.06e+04 1.78e-06 1.06e+04 -1.50e+03 1.06e+04 3.01e+03
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.63e-10 2.63e-09 6.30e-09 -6.30e-09 1.37e-08 2.10e-08
+DEAL::-1.31e-09 1.58e-09 6.15e-09 0.00 0.00 6.52e-10 -2.89e-09 0.00 1.58e-08
+DEAL::3.66e-06 2.06e+04 9.89e+03 2.06e+04 -3.93e-07 -752. 9.89e+03 -752. 1.50e+03
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 5.25e-09 -3.94e-09 6.04e-09 8.14e-09 -7.62e-09 1.58e-08
+DEAL::4.98e-09 -2.89e-09 6.14e-09 -1.20e-09 -7.35e-26 -7.61e-10 1.82e-08 -1.05e-08 2.14e-08
+DEAL::-8.57e-07 2.06e+04 9.89e+03 2.06e+04 -2.68e-06 1.06e+04 9.89e+03 1.06e+04 -1.65e+04
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.94e-09 0.00 0.00 -1.05e-08 -5.25e-09
+DEAL::0.00 -2.89e-09 1.09e-10 0.00 0.00 6.52e-10 -1.05e-09 -5.25e-09 -5.25e-09
+DEAL::-1.81e-07 2.15e+04 1.50e+03 2.15e+04 -4.94e-07 752. 1.50e+03 752. 1.88e-06
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.31e-09 -1.58e-09 0.00 4.20e-09 1.73e-26
+DEAL::2.17e-10 1.31e-09 -1.68e-09 1.74e-09 9.45e-26 -8.70e-10 -1.81e-10 -6.81e-26 -5.69e-09
DEAL::0.00 2.15e+04 1.50e+03 2.15e+04 2.25e-06 -8.91e+03 1.50e+03 -8.91e+03 3.01e+03
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.63e-09 -2.63e-10 -4.20e-09 1.26e-08 1.38e-25
-DEAL::0.00 1.58e-09 2.63e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.78e-09 4.47e-09 1.68e-25
-DEAL::-1.07e-06 2.15e+04 -8.16e+03 2.15e+04 -4.54e-07 752. -8.16e+03 752. 1.50e+03
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.41e-09 -1.31e-09 4.20e-09 -2.36e-09 1.08e-08 5.25e-09
-DEAL::-1.10e-09 -1.31e-09 1.20e-09 1.74e-09 -1.42e-25 -8.70e-10 -7.06e-10 -8.93e-09 -4.35e-10
-DEAL::0.00 2.15e+04 -8.16e+03 2.15e+04 3.64e-07 -8.91e+03 -8.16e+03 -8.91e+03 -1.65e+04
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.58e-09 0.00 -1.05e-09 0.00
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.05e-09 0.00 -5.25e-09
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.58e-09 2.63e-10 -8.41e-09 8.41e-09 -3.94e-31
+DEAL::0.00 2.63e-09 -2.63e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.36e-09 5.25e-09 1.25e-25
+DEAL::-1.25e-06 2.15e+04 -8.16e+03 2.15e+04 -1.00e-06 752. -8.16e+03 752. 1.50e+03
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 -1.31e-09 1.31e-09 -6.57e-09 3.94e-09 5.25e-09
+DEAL::-4.52e-11 -1.31e-09 9.42e-10 1.74e-09 6.17e-26 -8.70e-10 -1.76e-09 -1.26e-08 -4.35e-10
+DEAL::0.00 2.15e+04 -8.16e+03 2.15e+04 3.47e-07 -8.91e+03 -8.16e+03 -8.91e+03 -1.65e+04
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 -1.58e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.05e-09 0.00 -5.25e-09
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 1.58e-09 -1.58e-09 0.00 9.46e-09 3.88e-26
-DEAL::1.30e-09 2.63e-09 2.20e-09 -1.20e-09 -8.44e-26 -7.61e-10 1.03e-08 3.53e-25 4.35e-10
-DEAL::-1.63e-10 2.68e-09 2.13e-26 1.00e-08 -1.63e-10 3.56e-26 -7.07e-10 -4.89e-10 1.10e-25
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 1.58e-09 6.04e-09 -3.15e-09 1.26e-08 1.68e-08
-DEAL::-2.63e-10 2.63e-09 6.41e-09 0.00 0.00 6.52e-10 -3.94e-09 2.36e-09 1.58e-08
-DEAL::-4.35e-10 2.84e-09 5.25e-09 -2.84e-09 -2.17e-10 7.88e-09 -3.70e-09 2.17e-10 6.38e-25
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 5.25e-09 -2.89e-09 2.10e-09 5.25e-09 -2.13e-08 1.58e-08
-DEAL::4.98e-09 -3.94e-09 5.88e-09 -1.20e-09 -1.14e-25 -7.61e-10 1.93e-08 -1.05e-08 1.72e-08
-DEAL::1.10e-09 -3.17e-09 3.94e-09 7.57e-09 -3.17e-09 1.58e-08 -2.17e-10 -5.98e-09 6.15e-25
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.89e-09 0.00 0.00 -1.16e-08 -5.25e-09
-DEAL::0.00 -3.94e-09 1.09e-10 0.00 0.00 6.52e-10 -1.05e-09 -5.25e-09 -5.25e-09
-DEAL::0.00 -2.63e-09 -1.31e-09 -5.25e-10 -2.63e-09 -2.63e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.89e-09 1.31e-09 -1.58e-09 -4.20e-09 4.20e-09 -9.86e-32
-DEAL::2.17e-10 1.31e-09 -1.68e-09 1.74e-09 1.24e-26 -8.70e-10 -1.81e-10 -3.68e-09 -5.69e-09
-DEAL::-1.63e-10 1.11e-09 1.13e-27 -4.71e-10 -1.63e-10 -2.63e-09 -7.07e-10 -4.89e-10 -4.91e-27
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.63e-09 -2.63e-10 -4.20e-09 1.26e-08 1.38e-25
-DEAL::0.00 1.58e-09 2.63e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.78e-09 4.47e-09 1.68e-25
-DEAL::-4.35e-10 1.27e-09 1.00e-26 -7.43e-10 2.41e-09 3.47e-26 -3.70e-09 2.17e-10 -5.71e-26
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.41e-09 -1.31e-09 4.20e-09 -2.36e-09 1.08e-08 5.25e-09
-DEAL::-1.10e-09 -1.31e-09 1.20e-09 1.74e-09 -1.42e-25 -8.70e-10 -7.06e-10 -8.93e-09 -4.35e-10
-DEAL::-2.84e-09 -5.44e-10 1.31e-09 2.32e-09 -3.17e-09 -5.25e-09 -2.17e-10 -5.98e-09 -1.40e-25
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.58e-09 0.00 -1.05e-09 0.00
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.05e-09 0.00 -5.25e-09
-DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -5.25e-10 0.00 -2.63e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 1.58e-09 2.63e-09 2.36e-09 0.00 1.05e-08 4.31e-26
+DEAL::2.35e-09 1.58e-09 2.20e-09 -1.20e-09 4.32e-26 -7.61e-10 1.14e-08 4.33e-25 4.35e-10
+DEAL::-1.63e-10 2.42e-09 2.38e-26 4.78e-09 -1.63e-10 1.76e-26 -7.07e-10 -4.89e-10 3.15e-26
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.63e-10 2.63e-09 6.30e-09 -6.30e-09 1.37e-08 2.10e-08
+DEAL::-1.31e-09 1.58e-09 6.15e-09 0.00 0.00 6.52e-10 -2.89e-09 0.00 1.58e-08
+DEAL::-4.35e-10 2.58e-09 4.20e-09 -3.37e-09 -2.17e-10 7.88e-09 -3.70e-09 2.17e-10 6.90e-25
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 5.25e-09 -3.94e-09 6.04e-09 8.14e-09 -7.62e-09 1.58e-08
+DEAL::4.98e-09 -2.89e-09 6.14e-09 -1.20e-09 -7.35e-26 -7.61e-10 1.82e-08 -1.05e-08 2.14e-08
+DEAL::1.10e-09 -3.43e-09 3.94e-09 8.10e-09 -3.17e-09 8.41e-09 -2.17e-10 -5.98e-09 6.64e-25
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.94e-09 0.00 0.00 -1.05e-08 -5.25e-09
+DEAL::0.00 -2.89e-09 1.09e-10 0.00 0.00 6.52e-10 -1.05e-09 -5.25e-09 -5.25e-09
+DEAL::0.00 -2.89e-09 -1.31e-09 -5.25e-10 -2.63e-09 -2.63e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.31e-09 -1.58e-09 0.00 4.20e-09 1.73e-26
+DEAL::2.17e-10 1.31e-09 -1.68e-09 1.74e-09 9.45e-26 -8.70e-10 -1.81e-10 -6.81e-26 -5.69e-09
+DEAL::-1.63e-10 1.11e-09 -2.51e-27 -4.71e-10 -1.63e-10 -2.63e-09 -7.07e-10 -4.89e-10 -5.96e-26
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.58e-09 2.63e-10 -8.41e-09 8.41e-09 -3.94e-31
+DEAL::0.00 2.63e-09 -2.63e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.36e-09 5.25e-09 1.25e-25
+DEAL::-4.35e-10 1.27e-09 1.00e-26 -7.43e-10 3.08e-10 -1.08e-26 -3.70e-09 2.17e-10 -5.71e-26
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 -1.31e-09 1.31e-09 -6.57e-09 3.94e-09 5.25e-09
+DEAL::-4.52e-11 -1.31e-09 9.42e-10 1.74e-09 6.17e-26 -8.70e-10 -1.76e-09 -1.26e-08 -4.35e-10
+DEAL::-1.79e-09 -8.06e-10 1.31e-09 -2.41e-09 -3.17e-09 -7.87e-26 -2.17e-10 -5.98e-09 5.87e-26
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.31e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00
+DEAL::0.00 0.00 -1.58e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.05e-09 0.00 -5.25e-09
+DEAL::0.00 -2.63e-10 0.00 -5.25e-10 0.00 -2.63e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00
DEAL::2.37 2.40e+03 2.44e+03 2.40e+03 4.57e+03 2.40e+03 2.44e+03 2.40e+03 -138.
DEAL::2.37 -2.19e+03 2.44e+03 -2.19e+03 4.79e+03 916. 2.44e+03 916. 5.02e+03
-DEAL::-5.39e-12 -275. -206. -275. -1.35e-12 -138. -206. -138. -1.82e-12
+DEAL::-5.39e-12 -275. -206. -275. -8.99e-13 -138. -206. -138. -1.82e-12
DEAL::5.50e-12 -275. -206. -275. -459. 4.85e+03 -206. 4.85e+03 -367.
-DEAL::-367. -275. 4.73e+03 -275. 2.77e-12 -138. 4.73e+03 -138. -184.
+DEAL::-367. -275. 4.73e+03 -275. 9.52e-13 -138. 4.73e+03 -138. -184.
DEAL::367. -275. 4.84e+03 -275. 459. 4.96e+03 4.84e+03 4.96e+03 2.23e+03
DEAL::-184. 4.62e+03 -206. 4.62e+03 -91.8 -138. -206. -138. 1.82e-12
DEAL::184. 4.73e+03 -206. 4.73e+03 3.52e+03 4.96e+03 -206. 4.96e+03 367.
DEAL:cg::Starting value 2.82
DEAL:cg::Convergence step 17 value 0
DEAL::L2-Err=0, Hdiv-Err=0
--1.000e-01 5.000e-01 1.000e+00 4.000e-01 6.092e-15 3.528e-15 6.000e-01 5.000e-01 5.000e-01 1.496e-15 8.072e-16 1.000e+00 5.000e-01 4.878e-15 2.879e-15
+-1.000e-01 5.000e-01 1.000e+00 4.000e-01 6.849e-15 5.643e-15 6.000e-01 5.000e-01 5.000e-01 -1.007e-15 -2.071e-15 1.000e+00 5.000e-01 1.979e-15 3.430e-15
# This file was generated by the deal.II library.
DEAL::MM created
DEAL::RHS created
DEAL:cg::Starting value 1.99
-DEAL:cg::Convergence step 7 value 0
+DEAL:cg::Convergence step 9 value 0
# This file was generated by the deal.II library.
--- /dev/null
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include <deal.II/base/utilities.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/mapping_q1.h>
+template<int dim, int spacedim>
+void test_real_to_unit_cell()
+ Triangulation<dim, spacedim> triangulation;
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube (triangulation);
+ const unsigned int n_points = 5;
+ std::vector< Point<dim> > unit_points(Utilities::fixed_power<dim>(n_points));
+ switch (dim)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ for (unsigned int x=0; x<n_points;++x)
+ unit_points[x][0] = double(x)/double(n_points);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ for (unsigned int x=0; x<n_points;++x)
+ for (unsigned int y=0; y<n_points;++y)
+ {
+ unit_points[y * n_points + x][0] = double(x)/double(n_points);
+ unit_points[y * n_points + x][1] = double(y)/double(n_points);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ for (unsigned int x=0; x<n_points;++x)
+ for (unsigned int y=0; y<n_points;++y)
+ for (unsigned int z=0; z<n_points;++z)
+ {
+ unit_points[z * n_points + y * n_points + x][0] = double(x)/double(n_points);
+ unit_points[z * n_points + y * n_points + x][1] = double(y)/double(n_points);
+ unit_points[z * n_points + y * n_points + x][2] = double(z)/double(n_points);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ MappingQ1< dim, spacedim > map;
+ typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator cell = triangulation.begin_active();
+ //Move a vertex a little bit
+ const unsigned int n_dx = 5;
+ const double dx = 0.4/n_dx;
+ Point<spacedim> direction;
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<spacedim;++j)
+ direction[j]=dx;
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<n_dx;++j)
+ {
+ cell->vertex(0) = double(j)*direction;
+ deallog << "Vertex displacement: " << j*dx << std::endl << std::endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<Utilities::fixed_power<dim>(n_points);++i)
+ {
+ Point<spacedim> p = map.transform_unit_to_real_cell(cell,unit_points[i]);
+ Point<dim> p_unit = map.transform_real_to_unit_cell(cell,p);
+ // deallog << "Orig :" << unit_points[i] << std::endl;
+ // deallog << "p :" << p << std::endl;
+ // deallog << "p_unit :" << p_unit << std::endl;
+ deallog << "Distance: " << unit_points[i].distance(p_unit) << std::endl << std::endl;
+ }
+ deallog << std::endl << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::ofstream logfile ("mapping_real_to_unit/output");
+ deallog.attach(logfile);
+ deallog.depth_console(0);
+ deallog.threshold_double(1.e-10);
+ test_real_to_unit_cell<1,1>();
+ test_real_to_unit_cell<2,2>();
+ test_real_to_unit_cell<3,3>();
+ test_real_to_unit_cell<1,2>();
+ // test_real_to_unit_cell<1,3>();
+ test_real_to_unit_cell<2,3>();
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.0800000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.160000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.240000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.320000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.0800000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.160000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.240000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.320000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.0800000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.160000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.240000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.320000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.0800000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.160000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.240000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.320000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.0800000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.160000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.240000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Vertex displacement: 0.320000
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
+DEAL::Distance: 0
@echo 'Date: ' `date -u +"%Y %j %F %U-%w"`
@echo 'Id: ' $(ID)
@for test in $(TESTS) ; do \
- testname=mesh-converter/`echo $$test | perl -pi -e 's/.*include.//g; s/\//-/g;'` ; \
+ testname=`echo $$test | perl -pi -e 's/.*include.//g; s/\//-/g;'` ; \
if test -f $$test ; then \
- echo "`date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"` + $$testname" ; \
+ echo "`date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"` + $(WORKDIR)/$$testname" ; \
else \
- echo "`date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"` 0 $$testname" ; \
+ echo "`date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"` 0 $(WORKDIR)/$$testname" ; \
fi ; \