solve in the first place (see the introduction of @ref step_31 "step-31"):
convection in the earth mantle. As a consequence, we choose the following
data, all of which appears in the program in units of meters and seconds (the
-SI system) even if we list them here in other units:
+SI system) even if we list them here in other units.
+As a reminder, the equations we want to solve are these:
+ -\nabla \cdot (2 \eta \varepsilon ({\mathbf u})) + \nabla p &=&
+ -\rho \; \beta \; T \mathbf{g},
+ \\
+ \nabla \cdot {\mathbf u} &=& 0,
+ \\
+ \frac{\partial T}{\partial t}
+ +
+ {\mathbf u} \cdot \nabla T
+ -
+ \nabla \cdot \kappa \nabla T &=& \gamma,
+augmented by boundary and initial conditions. We then have to choose data for
+the following quantities:
<li>The domain is an annulus (in 2d) or a spherical shell (in 3d) with inner
and outer radii that match that of the earth: the total radius of the earth
This profile is quadratic and matches the boundary conditions at the inner
and outer radii.
+ <li>The right hand side of the temperature equation contains the rate of
+ internal heating $\gamma$. The earth does heat naturally through three mechanisms:
+ radioactive decay, chemical separation (heavier elements sink to the bottom,
+ lighter ones rise to the top; the countercurrents dissipate emergy equal to
+ the loss of potential energy by this separation process), and heat release
+ by crystallization of liquid metal as the solid inner core of the earth
+ grows. None of these processes are overly significant the earth mantle, and
+ so we assume that the internal heating can be set to zero.
<li>For the velocity we choose as boundary conditions $\mathbf{v}=0$ at the
inner radius (i.e. the fluid sticks to the earth core) and
$\mathbf{n}\cdot\mathbf{v}=0$ at the outer radius (i.e. the fluid flows
point on the boundary and call this your fixed point by choosing the
velocity to be zero in all components there.
- <li>To first order, the gravity vector always point downward. The question for
+ <li>To first order, the gravity vector always points downward. The question for
a body as big as the earth is just: where is "up". The answer of course is
"radially inward, towards the center of the earth". So at the surface of the
earth, we have
In order to not make the situation more complicated than necessary, we'll
here just go with the constant density model above.
-meaningful eta, kappa
-do things in meters, second, not km
-temperature boundary conditions at inner ring
+ <li>The density of the earth mantle varies spatially, but not by very
+ much. $\rho=3300 \frac{\text{kg}}{\text{m}^3}$ is a relatively good average
+ value.
+ <li>The thermal expansion coefficient $\beta$ also varies with depth
+ (through its dependence on temperature and pressure). Close to the surface,
+ it appears to be on the order of $\beta=45\cdot 10^{-6} \frac 1{\text{K}}$,
+ whereas at the core mantle boundary, it may be closer to $\beta=10\cdot
+ 10^{-6} \frac 1{\text{K}}$. As a reasonable value, let us choose
+ $\beta=2\cdot 10^{-5} \frac 1{\text{K}}$.
+ <li>The second to last parameter we need to specify is the viscosity
+ $\eta$. This is a tough one, because rocks at the temperatures and pressure
+ typical for the earth mantle flow so slowly that the viscosity can not be
+ determined accurately in the laboratory. So how do we know about the
+ viscosity of the mantle? The most commonly used route is to consider that
+ during and after ice ages, ice shields form and disappear on time scales
+ that are shorter than the time scale of flow in the mantle. As a
+ consequence, continents slowly sink into the earth mantle under the added
+ weight of an ice shield, and they rise up again slowly after the ice shield
+ has disappeared again (this is called <a target="_top"
+ href=""><i>postglacial
+ rebound</i></a>). By measuring the speed of this rebound, we can infer the
+ viscosity of the material that flows into the area vacated under the
+ rebounding continental plates.
+ Using this technique, values around $\eta=10^{21} \text{Pa\; s}
+ = 10^{21} \frac{\text{N\; s}}{\text{m}^2}
+ = 10^{21} \frac{\text{kg}}{\text{m\; s}}$ have been found as the most
+ likely, though the error bar on this is at least one order of magnitude.
+ While we will use this value, we again have to caution that there are many
+ physical reasons to assume that this is not the correct value. First, it
+ should really be made dependent on temperature: hotter material is most
+ likely to be less viscous than colder material. In reality, however, the
+ situation is even more complex. Most rocks in the mantle undergo phase
+ changes as temperature and pressure change: depending on temperature and
+ pressure, different crystal configurations are thermodynamically favored
+ over others, even if the chemical composition of the mantle were
+ homogenous. For example, the common mantle material MgSiO<sub>3</sub> exists
+ in its <a target="_top"
+ href="">perovskite
+ structure</a> throughout most of the mantle, but in the lower mantle the
+ same substance is stable only as <a targe="_top"
+ href="">post-perovskite</a>. Clearly,
+ to compute realistic viscosities, we would not only need to know the exact
+ chemical composition of the mantle and the viscosities of all materials, but
+ we would also have to compute the thermodynamically most stable
+ configurations for all materials at each quadrature point. This is at the
+ time of writing this program not a feasible suggestion.
+ <li>Our last material parameter is the thermal diffusivity $\kappa$, which
+ is defined as $\kappa=\frac{k}{\rho c_p}$ where $k$ is the thermal
+ conductivity, $\rho$ the density, and $c_p$ the specific heat. For
+ this, the literature indicates that it increases from around $0.7$ in the
+ upper mantle to around $1.7 \frac{\text{mm}^2}{\text{s}}$ in the lower
+ mantle, though the exact value
+ is not really all that important: heat transport through convection is
+ several orders of magnitude more important than through thermal
+ conduction. It may be of interest to know that perovskite, the most abundant
+ material in the earth mantle, appears to become transparent at pressures
+ above around 120 GPa (see, for example, J. Badro et al., Science 305,
+ 383-386 (2004)); in the lower mantle, it may therefore be that heat
+ transport through radiative transfer is more efficient than through thermal
+ conduction.
+ In view of these considerations, let us choose
+ $\kappa=1 \frac{\text{mm}^2}{\text{s}} =10^{-6} \frac{\text{m}^2}{\text{s}}$
+ for the purpose of this program.
+All of these pieces of equation data are defined in the program in the
+<code>EquationData</code> namespace.