changed_entries.entries.erase (changed_entries.entries.begin(),
- map<String, Section*, less<String> >::iterator p;
+ map<String, Section*>::iterator p;
for (p=defaults.subsections.begin(); p!=defaults.subsections.end(); ++p)
delete p->second;
// entry exists; now find out whether
// it was changed:
- map<String, pair<String,String>, less<String> >::const_iterator ptr;
+ map<String, pair<String,String> >::const_iterator ptr;
ptr = pc->entries.find (entry_string);
if (ptr != pc->entries.end())
return ptr->second.first;
Section *pc = get_present_changed_subsection ();
// traverse entry list
- map<String, pair<String,String>, less<String> >::const_iterator ptr;
+ map<String, pair<String,String> >::const_iterator ptr;
// first find out the longest entry name
unsigned int longest_entry = 0;
// now transverse subsections tree
- map<String, Section*, less<String> >::const_iterator ptrss;
+ map<String, Section*>::const_iterator ptrss;
for (ptrss = pd->subsections.begin(); ptrss != pd->subsections.end(); ++ptrss)
switch (style)
ParameterHandler::Section::~Section () {
entries.erase (entries.begin(), entries.end());
- map<String, Section*, less<String> >::iterator p;
+ map<String, Section*>::iterator p;
for (p=subsections.begin(); p!=subsections.end(); ++p)
delete p->second;
void MultipleParameterLoop::init_branches_section (const ParameterHandler::Section &sec) {
// check all entries in the present subsection
// whether it is a multiple entry
- map<String, pair<String,String>, less<String> >::const_iterator e;
+ map<String, pair<String,String> >::const_iterator e;
for (e = sec.entries.begin(); e != sec.entries.end(); ++e)
if (e->second.first.contains('{'))
multiple_choices.push_back (Entry(subsection_path,
// transverse subsections
- map<String, Section*, less<String> >::const_iterator s;
+ map<String, Section*>::const_iterator s;
for (s = sec.subsections.begin(); s != sec.subsections.end(); ++s)
enter_subsection (s->first);
// store for each coordination
// number the dofs with these
// coordination number
- multimap<unsigned int, int, less<unsigned int> > dofs_by_coordination;
+ multimap<unsigned int, int> dofs_by_coordination;
// find coordination number for
// each of these dofs
- multimap<unsigned int, int, less<unsigned int> >::iterator i;
+ multimap<unsigned int, int>::iterator i;
for (i = dofs_by_coordination.begin(); i!=dofs_by_coordination.end(); ++i)
new_number[i->second] = next_free_number++;
// object itself. In the first run, these
// iterators are all invalid ones, but they
// are filled afterwards
- map<pair<int,int>,line_iterator,less<pair<int,int> > > needed_lines;
+ map<pair<int,int>,line_iterator> needed_lines;
for (unsigned int cell=0; cell<cells.size(); ++cell)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (true)
vector<unsigned short int> vertex_touch_count (v.size(), 0);
- map<pair<int,int>,line_iterator,less<pair<int,int> > >::iterator i;
+ map<pair<int,int>,line_iterator>::iterator i;
for (i=needed_lines.begin(); i!=needed_lines.end(); i++)
// touch the vertices of this line
if (true)
raw_line_iterator line = begin_raw_line();
- map<pair<int,int>,line_iterator,less<pair<int,int> > >::iterator i;
+ map<pair<int,int>,line_iterator>::iterator i;
for (i = needed_lines.begin(); line!=end_line(); ++line, ++i)
line->set (Line(i->first.first, i->first.second));
// store for each line index
// the adjacent cells
- map<int,vector<cell_iterator>,less<int> > adjacent_cells;
+ map<int,vector<cell_iterator> > adjacent_cells;
// finally make up cells
if (true)