cecho ${GOOD} "$(module list)"
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "Compiler Variables:"
+ if [ -n "$CC" ]; then
+ cecho ${WARN} "CC = $(which $CC)"
+ else
+ cecho ${BAD} "CC variable not set. Please set it with $ export CC = <C compiler>"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$CXX" ]; then
+ cecho ${WARN} "CXX = $(which $CXX)"
+ else
+ cecho ${BAD} "CXX variable not set. Please set it with $ export CXX = <C++ compiler>"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$FC" ]; then
+ cecho ${WARN} "FC = $(which $FC)"
+ else
+ cecho ${BAD} "FC variable not set. Please set it with $ export FC = <Fortran 90 compiler>"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$FF" ]; then
+ cecho ${WARN} "FF = $(which $FF)"
+ else
+ cecho ${BAD} "FF variable not set. Please set it with $ export FF = <Fortran 77 compiler>"
+ fi
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""
cecho ${GOOD} "Once ready, hit enter to continue!"