- author = {Wolfgang Bangerth},
- title = {Mesh Adaptivity and Error Control for a Finite Element
+ author = {Wolfgang Bangerth},
+ title = {Mesh Adaptivity and Error Control for a Finite Element
Approximation of the Elastic Wave
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the Waves2000 Conference, Santiago de Compostel
- Spain, 2000},
- OPTcrossref = {},
- OPTkey = {},
- OPTpages = {},
- OPTyear = {2000},
- OPTeditor = {},
- OPTvolume = {},
- OPTnumber = {},
- OPTseries = {},
- OPTaddress = {},
- OPTmonth = {},
- OPTorganization = {},
- OPTpublisher = {},
- note = {{A}ccepted for publication,
- OPTannote = {}
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Mathematical
+ and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (Waves2000), Santiago
+ de Compostela, Spain, 2000},
+ pages = {725--729},
+ year = 2000,
+ editor = {Alfredo Berm\'udez and Dolores G\'omez and Christophe Hazard and
+ Patrick Joly and Jean E. Roberts},
+ publisher = {SIAM}