--- /dev/null
+# $Id$
+KDOCFLAGS = -I../../../deal.II/doc/kdoc ../../../deal.II/doc/kdoc/kdoc -a -p
+kdoc.inc = $(wildcard ../include/base/*.h)
+doc-html: kdoc cvslog
+# make kdoc doc; make sure that the *.kdoc files exist by
+# using the dependancies and the following rules.
+kdoc: $(kdoc.inc)
+ cd doc.kdoc ; perl $(KDOCFLAGS) -ubase -dbase \
+ base $(kdoc.inc:..%=../..%)
+ @cd .. ; ../deal.II/doc/cvslog/cvs2html -o doc/cvslog/base #-a -k
+ rm -f doc.kdoc/base/* \
+ cvslog/* \
+ *~
+.PHONY: doc-html kdoc cvslog clean
--- /dev/null
+#Make a dependency file tree
+#usage: make_dep library_base_name -Iinc_path1 -Iinc_path2 ... files
+#This program makes for each of the given files a makefile dependency
+#list, also considering nested includes. It only considers included
+#files which are located in the given include pathes (you can give any
+#number of pathes). The output looks like this:
+#lib_base_name.a(.o-file): file included_files
+#secondly, a similar entry is created for the .g.a library with the
+#Author: Wolfgang Bangerth, March 1998
+# list of include pathes (from command line)
+@include_path = ();
+# list of files to be checked (from command line)
+@input_files = ();
+# associate list of files together with the files they include
+%include_files = ();
+$library_base_name = shift;
+# fill include pathes
+while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-I/) {
+ $_ = shift;
+ /^-I(.*)/;
+ $_ = $1;
+ if (m![^/]$!) {
+ @include_path = (@include_path, $_ . "/");
+ } else {
+ @include_path = (@include_path, $_);
+ }
+#fill list of files to be processed
+while ($ARGV[0]) {
+ @input_files = (@input_files, shift);
+foreach $file (@input_files) {
+ make_include_tree ($file);
+foreach $file (keys %include_files) {
+ # complete list of included files by nested include files
+ foreach $include (split(' ',$include_files{$file})) {
+ complete ($file, $include);
+ }
+# print dependency list
+foreach $file (@input_files) {
+ $file =~ /(.*)\.(cc)/;
+ print "$library_base_name.a($1.o):";
+ print "\\\n $file";
+ foreach $f (split (' ', $include_files{$file})) {
+ print "\\\n $f";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ print "$library_base_name.g.a($1.go):";
+ print "\\\n $file";
+ foreach $f (split (' ', $include_files{$file})) {
+ print "\\\n $f";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+# complete the list of included files by the files
+# included by a file included by the original one
+sub complete {
+ local ($file, $include) = ($_[0], $_[1]);
+ foreach $second_include (split(' ',$include_files{$include})) {
+ if (! ($include_files{$file} =~ $second_include)) {
+ #second_include not yet in list of included files
+ $include_files{$file} =
+ join(' ', $second_include, $include_files{$file});
+ complete ($file, $second_include);
+ }
+ }
+# make the include tree for a file
+sub make_include_tree {
+ local ($filename) = $_[0];
+ open (FILE, $filename);
+ while (<FILE>) {
+ # look out for include statements
+ if (/^#\s*include\s*(["<])([^">]*)[">]/) {
+ local($include) = $2;
+ if ($1 =~ /</) {
+ # include by <...>. Try to find real path
+ for $include_dir (@include_path) {
+ $if = $include_dir . $include;
+ if (-r $if) {
+ # file found; delete ./ at beginning
+ if ($if =~ m!^\./(.*)!) {
+ $if = $1;
+ }
+ $include_files{$filename} =
+ join (' ', $if, $include_files{$filename});
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # included by "..."
+ # only append file if it exists
+ if (-r $if) {
+ $include_files{$filename} =
+ join (' ', $include, $include_files{$filename});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # for each file included here: make up include tree itself
+ for $if (split(/ /,$include_files{$filename})) {
+ # if include file list not yet made up
+ if (! defined ($include_files{$if})) {
+ make_include_tree($if);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+# $Id$
+all: lac doc
+clean: doc-clean source-clean
+ rm -f *~ include/*~ include/*/*~ lib/lib*
+ cd source ; make
+ cd doc ; make
+ cd doc ; make clean
+ cd source ; make clean
+.PHONY: all deal.II doc
+.PHONY: clean doc-clean source-clean
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+#ifndef __jobidentifier_H
+#define __jobidentifier_H
+#include <ctime>
+#include <string>
+/** Identification of a program run. #JobIdentifier# determines the
+ start time of a program run and stores it as a program
+ identifier. There exists a library object #dealjobid# of this
+ class. This object can be accessed by all output functions to
+ provide an id for the current job.
+class JobIdentifier
+ JobIdentifier();
+ ~JobIdentifier();
+ static const char* program_id();
+ const string operator () ()const;
+ string id;
+extern JobIdentifier dealjobid;
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+#ifndef __logstream_H
+#define __logstream_H
+#include <stack>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+ A class that simplifies the process of execution logging by
+ providing
+<UL><LI>a push and pop mechanism for prefixes and
+<LI>the possibility of distributing information to files and the
+class LogStream
+ stack<string> prefixes;
+ ostream& std;
+ ostream* file;
+ bool was_endl;
+ unsigned std_depth, fil_depth;
+ /** Standard constructor, since we
+ intend to provide an object
+ clog in the library.
+ */
+ LogStream();
+ /** Enable output to a second
+ stream.
+ */
+ void attach(ostream& o);
+ /** Disable output to the second
+ stream.
+ */
+ void detach()
+ {
+ file = 0;
+ }
+ /** Push another prefix on the
+ stack. Prefixes are
+ automatically separated by a
+ colon and there is a double
+ colon after the last prefix.
+ */
+ void push(const string& text)
+ {
+ string pre=prefixes.top();
+ pre += text;
+ pre += string(":");
+ prefixes.push(pre);
+ }
+ /** Remove the last prefix.
+ */
+ void pop()
+ {
+ prefixes.pop();
+ }
+ /** Maximum number of levels to be
+ printed on the console. This
+ function allows to restrict
+ console output to the upmost
+ levels of iterations. Only
+ output with less than #n#
+ prefixes is printed. By calling
+ this function with #n=0#, no
+ console output will be written.
+ */
+ void depth_console(unsigned n)
+ {
+ std_depth = n;
+ }
+ /** Maximum number of levels to be
+ written to the log file. The
+ functionality is the same as
+ #depth_console#, nevertheless,
+ this function should be used
+ with care, since it may spoile
+ the value of a log file.
+ */
+ void depth_file(unsigned n)
+ {
+ fil_depth = n;
+ }
+template <class T>
+inline void
+writestuff(LogStream& s, const T& t)
+// if (s.prefixes.size()<=s.std_depth)
+ s.std << t;
+// if (s.file && (s.prefixes.size()<=s.fil_depth))
+ *(s.file) << t;
+template <class T>
+inline LogStream&
+operator << (LogStream& s, const T& t)
+ if (s.was_endl)
+ {
+ writestuff(s, s.prefixes.top());
+ writestuff(s,':');
+ }
+ s.was_endl = false;
+ writestuff(s,t);
+ return s;
+//template <>
+inline LogStream&
+operator << (LogStream& s, const char* c)
+ if (s.was_endl)
+ {
+ writestuff(s, s.prefixes.top());
+ writestuff(s,':');
+ }
+ s.was_endl = false;
+ writestuff(s, c);
+ return s;
+inline void endl(LogStream& s)
+ writestuff(s,"\n");
+ s.was_endl = true;
+//template <>
+inline LogStream&
+operator << (LogStream& s, void (*f)(LogStream&))
+ f(s);
+ return s;
--- /dev/null
+# $Id$
+CXX = c++
+INCLUDE = -I../include -I../../base/include
+CXXFLAGS.g= -DDEBUG -g -Wall -W -pedantic -Wconversion \
+ -Winline -Woverloaded-virtual -fno-rtti \
+CXXFLAGS =-O3 -Wuninitialized -finline-functions -ffast-math \
+ -funroll-loops -felide-constructors -fnonnull-objects \
+ -fno-rtti $(INCLUDE)
+ifeq ($(shell uname),Linux)
+CXX = /home/wolf/bin/gcc/bin/c++
+ifeq ($(shell uname),SunOS)
+//CXX = /usr/local/gcc/egcs-19980803/bin/c++
+CXX = g++
+cc-files = $(wildcard *.cc)
+o-files = $(cc-files:.cc=.o)
+go-files = $(cc-files:.cc=.go)
+h-files = $(wildcard ../include/*/*.h)
+%.go : %.cc Makefile
+ @echo ============================ Compiling with debugging information: $<
+ @echo $(CXX) ... -c $< -o $@
+ @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS.g) -c $< -o $@
+%.o : %.cc Makefile
+ @echo ============================ Compiling with optimization: $<
+ @echo $(CXX) ... -c $< -o $@
+ @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
+lib: lib.g.a lib.a
+lib.a: ../lib/libbase.a($(o-files))
+lib.g.a: ../lib/libbase.g.a($(go-files))
+ rm -f *.o *.go *~ Makefile.dep ../lib/lib*
+.PHONY: lib lib.a lib.g.a clean
+#Rule to generate the dependency file. This file is
+#automagically remade whenever needed, i.e. whenever
+#one of the cc-/h-files changed. Make detects whether
+#to remake this file upon inclusion at the bottom
+#of this file.
+#use perl to generate rules for the .go files as well
+#as to make rules not for tria.o and the like, but
+#rather for libbasic.a(tria.o)
+Makefile.dep: $(cc-files) $(h-files)
+ @echo ============================ Remaking Makefile
+ @perl ../Make_dep.pl ../lib/libbase $(INCLUDE) $(cc-files) \
+ > Makefile.dep
+include Makefile.dep
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+#include <base/jobidentifier.h>
+JobIdentifier dealjobid;
+ time_t t = time(0);
+ id = string(program_id()) + string(ctime(&t));
+const string
+JobIdentifier::operator ()() const
+ return id;
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+#include <base/logstream.h>
+#include <base/jobidentifier.h>
+LogStream deallog;
+ : std(cerr), file(0), was_endl(true),
+ std_depth(10000), fil_depth(10000)
+ prefixes.push("DEAL:");
+LogStream::attach(ostream& o)
+ file = &o;
+ o << "DEAL:" << dealjobid();
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+#include <base/jobidentifier.h>
+const char*
+ return "JobId ";