include-path-tecplot = $(TECIO_INCLUDE)
include-path-petsc = $(DEAL_II_PETSC_DIR)/include
include-path-petsc-bmake = $(DEAL_II_PETSC_DIR)/bmake/$(DEAL_II_PETSC_ARCH)
-include-path-petsc-mpi = $(DEAL_II_PETSC_DIR)/src/sys/src/mpiuni
include-path-metis = $(DEAL_II_METIS_DIR)/Lib
INCLUDE = $(addprefix -I, $(include-path-base) \
-# add PETSc and METIS include path if necessary
+# add PETSc and METIS include path if necessary. this rule
+# (and the one further down below to get correct flags) should eventually
+# be replaced by something where we do not blindly include PETSc make files
+# (and thus import all of its variables), but rather set up a scheme to
+# extract these values upon configuration
ifeq ($(USE_CONTRIB_PETSC),yes)
+ include $(DEAL_II_PETSC_DIR)/bmake/$(DEAL_II_PETSC_ARCH)/packages
INCLUDE += -I$(include-path-petsc) -I$(include-path-petsc-bmake)\
- -I$(include-path-petsc-mpi)
ifeq ($(USE_CONTRIB_METIS),yes)
INCLUDE += -I$(include-path-metis)
# compiler flags for debug and optimized mode