* object may not be constrained in the
* second. If this is nevertheless the
* case, an exception is thrown.
- *
- * However, the following is possible:
- * if DoF @p x is constrained to dofs
- * @p x_i for some set of indices @p i,
- * then the DoFs @p x_i may be further
- * constrained by the constraints
- * object given as argument, although
- * not to other DoFs that are
- * constrained in either of the two
- * objects. Note that it is not
- * possible that the DoFs @p x_i are
- * constrained within the present
- * object.
- *
- * Because of simplicity of
- * implementation, and also to avoid
- * cycles, this operation is not
- * symmetric: degrees of freedom that
- * are constrained in the given
- * argument object may not be
- * constrained to DoFs that are
- * themselves constrained within the
- * present object.
- *
- * The aim of these merging operations
- * is that if, for example, you have
- * hanging nodes that are constrained
- * to the degrees of freedom adjacent
- * to them, you cannot originally,
- * i.e. within one object, constrain
- * these adjacent nodes
- * further. However, that may be
- * desirable in some cases, for example
- * if they belong to a symmetry
- * boundary for which the nodes on one
- * side of the domain should have the
- * same values as those on the other
- * side. In that case, you would first
- * construct a costraints object
- * holding the hanging nodes
- * constraints, and a second one that
- * contains the constraints due to the
- * symmetry boundary. You would then
- * finally merge this second one into
- * the first, possibly eliminating
- * constraints of hanging nodes to
- * adjacent boundary nodes by
- * constraints to nodes at the opposite
- * boundary.
void merge (const ConstraintMatrix &other_constraints);