Assert(dim > 1, ExcNotImplemented());
- // static tables with the definitions of cells and boundary faces for 2D
- // and 3D
+ /* static tables with the definitions of cells, faces and edges by its
+ * vertices for 2D and 3D. For the inheritance of the manifold_id,
+ * definitions of inner-faces and boundary-faces are required. In case of
+ * 3D, also inner-edges and boundary-edges need to be defined.
+ */
+ /* Cell definition 2D:
+ * A quadrilateral element is converted to 8 simplices elements. Each
+ * triangle is defined by 3 vertices.
+ */
static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 3>, 8> table_2D_cell = {
{{{0, 6, 4}},
{{8, 4, 6}},
{{8, 5, 7}},
{{3, 7, 5}}}};
- static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 4>, 24> table_3D_cell = {
- {{{0, 1, 12, 10}}, {{2, 3, 11, 12}}, {{7, 6, 11, 13}},
- {{5, 4, 13, 10}}, {{0, 2, 8, 12}}, {{4, 6, 13, 8}},
- {{5, 13, 7, 9}}, {{1, 9, 3, 12}}, {{0, 8, 4, 10}},
- {{1, 5, 9, 10}}, {{3, 7, 11, 9}}, {{2, 6, 8, 11}},
- {{12, 13, 10, 9}}, {{12, 13, 9, 11}}, {{12, 13, 11, 8}},
- {{12, 13, 8, 10}}, {{13, 8, 10, 4}}, {{13, 10, 9, 5}},
- {{13, 9, 11, 7}}, {{13, 11, 8, 6}}, {{10, 12, 9, 1}},
- {{9, 12, 11, 3}}, {{11, 12, 8, 2}}, {{8, 12, 10, 0}}}};
+ /* Cell definition 3D:
+ * A hexahedron element is converted to 24 tetrahedron elements. Each
+ * tetrahedron is defined by 4 vertices.
+ */
+ static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 4>, 24>
+ vertex_ids_for_cells_3d = {
+ {{{0, 1, 12, 10}}, {{2, 3, 11, 12}}, {{7, 6, 11, 13}},
+ {{5, 4, 13, 10}}, {{0, 2, 8, 12}}, {{4, 6, 13, 8}},
+ {{5, 13, 7, 9}}, {{1, 9, 3, 12}}, {{0, 8, 4, 10}},
+ {{1, 5, 9, 10}}, {{3, 7, 11, 9}}, {{2, 6, 8, 11}},
+ {{12, 13, 10, 9}}, {{12, 13, 9, 11}}, {{12, 13, 11, 8}},
+ {{12, 13, 8, 10}}, {{13, 8, 10, 4}}, {{13, 10, 9, 5}},
+ {{13, 9, 11, 7}}, {{13, 11, 8, 6}}, {{10, 12, 9, 1}},
+ {{9, 12, 11, 3}}, {{11, 12, 8, 2}}, {{8, 12, 10, 0}}}};
+ /* Boundary-faces 2D:
+ * After converting, each of the 4 quadrilateral faces is defined by faces
+ * of 2 different triangles, i.e., lines. Note that lines are defined by 2
+ * vertices.
+ */
static const std::array<std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 2>, 2>, 4>
- table_2D_boundary_faces = {{{{{{0, 4}}, {{4, 2}}}},
- {{{{1, 5}}, {{5, 3}}}},
- {{{{0, 6}}, {{6, 1}}}},
- {{{{2, 7}}, {{7, 3}}}}}};
+ vertex_ids_for_boundary_faces_2d = {{{{{{0, 4}}, {{4, 2}}}},
+ {{{{1, 5}}, {{5, 3}}}},
+ {{{{0, 6}}, {{6, 1}}}},
+ {{{{2, 7}}, {{7, 3}}}}}};
+ /* Boundary-faces 3D:
+ * After converting, each of the 6 hexahedron faces corresponds to faces of
+ * 4 different tetrahedron faces, i.e., triangles. Note that a triangle is
+ * defined by 3 vertices.
+ */
static const std::array<std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 3>, 4>, 6>
- table_3D_boundary_faces = {
+ vertex_ids_for_boundary_faces_3d = {
{{{{{0, 4, 8}}, {{4, 8, 6}}, {{8, 6, 2}}, {{0, 2, 8}}}},
{{{{1, 3, 9}}, {{3, 9, 7}}, {{9, 7, 5}}, {{1, 9, 5}}}},
{{{{0, 1, 10}}, {{1, 10, 5}}, {{10, 5, 4}}, {{0, 10, 4}}}},
{{{{0, 1, 12}}, {{1, 12, 3}}, {{12, 3, 2}}, {{0, 12, 2}}}},
{{{{4, 5, 13}}, {{5, 13, 7}}, {{13, 7, 6}}, {{4, 13, 6}}}}}};
+ /* Inner-faces 2D:
+ * The converted triangulation based on simplices has 8 faces that do not
+ * form the boundary, i.e. inner-faces, each defined by 2 vertices.
+ */
+ static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 2>, 8>
+ vertex_ids_for_inner_faces_2d = {{{{6, 4}},
+ {{6, 8}},
+ {{6, 5}},
+ {{4, 8}},
+ {{8, 5}},
+ {{7, 4}},
+ {{7, 8}},
+ {{7, 5}}}};
+ /* Inner-faces 3D:
+ * The converted triangulation based on simplices has 72 faces that do not
+ * form the boundary, i.e. inner-faces, each defined by 3 vertices.
+ */
+ static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 3>, 72>
+ vertex_ids_for_inner_faces_3d = {
+ {{{0, 12, 10}}, {{12, 1, 10}}, {{12, 1, 9}}, {{12, 3, 9}},
+ {{12, 2, 11}}, {{12, 3, 11}}, {{12, 0, 8}}, {{12, 2, 8}},
+ {{9, 13, 5}}, {{13, 7, 9}}, {{11, 7, 13}}, {{11, 6, 13}},
+ {{4, 8, 13}}, {{6, 8, 13}}, {{4, 13, 10}}, {{13, 5, 10}},
+ {{10, 9, 5}}, {{10, 9, 1}}, {{11, 9, 7}}, {{11, 9, 3}},
+ {{8, 11, 2}}, {{8, 11, 6}}, {{8, 10, 0}}, {{8, 10, 4}},
+ {{12, 3, 9}}, {{12, 9, 11}}, {{12, 3, 11}}, {{3, 9, 11}},
+ {{2, 12, 8}}, {{2, 12, 11}}, {{2, 11, 8}}, {{8, 12, 11}},
+ {{0, 12, 10}}, {{0, 12, 8}}, {{0, 8, 10}}, {{8, 10, 12}},
+ {{12, 1, 10}}, {{12, 1, 9}}, {{1, 10, 9}}, {{10, 9, 12}},
+ {{10, 8, 4}}, {{10, 8, 13}}, {{4, 13, 8}}, {{4, 13, 10}},
+ {{10, 9, 13}}, {{10, 9, 5}}, {{13, 5, 10}}, {{13, 5, 9}},
+ {{13, 7, 9}}, {{13, 7, 11}}, {{9, 11, 13}}, {{9, 11, 7}},
+ {{8, 11, 13}}, {{8, 11, 6}}, {{6, 13, 8}}, {{6, 13, 11}},
+ {{12, 13, 10}}, {{12, 13, 8}}, {{8, 10, 13}}, {{8, 10, 12}},
+ {{12, 13, 10}}, {{12, 13, 9}}, {{10, 9, 13}}, {{10, 9, 12}},
+ {{12, 13, 9}}, {{12, 13, 11}}, {{9, 11, 13}}, {{9, 11, 12}},
+ {{12, 13, 11}}, {{12, 13, 8}}, {{8, 11, 13}}, {{8, 11, 12}}}};
+ /* Inner-edges 3D:
+ * The converted triangulation based on simplices has 60 edges that do not
+ * coincide with the boundary, i.e. inner-edges, each defined by 2 vertices.
+ */
+ static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 2>, 60>
+ vertex_ids_for_inner_edges_3d = {
+ {{{12, 10}}, {{12, 9}}, {{12, 11}}, {{12, 8}}, {{9, 13}},
+ {{11, 13}}, {{8, 13}}, {{10, 13}}, {{10, 9}}, {{9, 11}},
+ {{11, 8}}, {{8, 10}}, {{12, 9}}, {{12, 11}}, {{11, 9}},
+ {{12, 8}}, {{12, 11}}, {{11, 8}}, {{12, 8}}, {{12, 10}},
+ {{10, 8}}, {{12, 10}}, {{12, 9}}, {{9, 10}}, {{13, 10}},
+ {{13, 8}}, {{8, 10}}, {{13, 10}}, {{13, 9}}, {{9, 10}},
+ {{13, 11}}, {{13, 9}}, {{11, 9}}, {{13, 11}}, {{13, 8}},
+ {{11, 8}}, {{12, 13}}, {{8, 10}}, {{8, 13}}, {{10, 13}},
+ {{8, 12}}, {{10, 12}}, {{12, 13}}, {{10, 9}}, {{10, 13}},
+ {{9, 13}}, {{10, 12}}, {{9, 12}}, {{12, 13}}, {{9, 11}},
+ {{9, 13}}, {{11, 13}}, {{9, 12}}, {{11, 12}}, {{12, 13}},
+ {{11, 8}}, {{11, 13}}, {{8, 13}}, {{11, 12}}, {{8, 12}}}};
+ /* Boundary-edges 3D:
+ * For each of the 6 boundary-faces of the hexahedron, there are 8 edges (of
+ * different tetrahedrons) that coincide with the boundary, i.e.
+ * boundary-edges. Each boundary-edge is defined by 2 vertices.
+ */
+ static const std::array<std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 2>, 8>, 6>
+ vertex_ids_for_boundary_edges_3d = {{{{{{4, 6}},
+ {{4, 8}},
+ {{6, 8}},
+ {{4, 0}},
+ {{6, 2}},
+ {{0, 8}},
+ {{2, 8}},
+ {{0, 2}}}},
+ {{{{5, 7}},
+ {{5, 9}},
+ {{7, 9}},
+ {{5, 1}},
+ {{7, 3}},
+ {{1, 9}},
+ {{3, 9}},
+ {{1, 3}}}},
+ {{{{4, 5}},
+ {{4, 10}},
+ {{5, 10}},
+ {{4, 0}},
+ {{5, 1}},
+ {{0, 10}},
+ {{1, 10}},
+ {{0, 1}}}},
+ {{{{6, 7}},
+ {{6, 11}},
+ {{7, 11}},
+ {{6, 2}},
+ {{7, 3}},
+ {{2, 11}},
+ {{3, 11}},
+ {{2, 3}}}},
+ {{{{2, 3}},
+ {{2, 12}},
+ {{3, 12}},
+ {{2, 0}},
+ {{3, 1}},
+ {{0, 12}},
+ {{1, 12}},
+ {{0, 1}}}},
+ {{{{6, 7}},
+ {{6, 13}},
+ {{7, 13}},
+ {{6, 4}},
+ {{7, 5}},
+ {{4, 13}},
+ {{5, 14}},
+ {{4, 5}}}}}};
std::vector<Point<spacedim>> vertices;
std::vector<CellData<dim>> cells;
SubCellData subcell_data;
// helper function for creating cells and subcells
const auto add_cell = [&](const unsigned int struct_dim,
const auto & index_vertices,
- const unsigned int material_or_boundary_id) {
+ const unsigned int material_or_boundary_id,
+ const unsigned int manifold_id = 0) {
+ // sub-cell data only has to be stored if the information differs
+ // from the default
+ if (struct_dim < dim &&
+ (material_or_boundary_id == numbers::internal_face_boundary_id &&
+ manifold_id == numbers::flat_manifold_id))
+ return;
if (struct_dim == dim) // cells
+ if (dim == 2)
+ {
+ AssertDimension(index_vertices.size(), 3);
+ }
+ else if (dim == 3)
+ {
+ AssertDimension(index_vertices.size(), 4);
+ }
CellData<dim> cell_data(index_vertices.size());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < index_vertices.size(); ++i)
cell_data.vertices[i] =
- cell_data.material_id = material_or_boundary_id;
+ cell_data.material_id =
+ material_or_boundary_id; // inherit material id
+ cell_data.manifold_id =
+ manifold_id; // inherit cell-manifold id
- else if (dim == 2 && struct_dim == 1) // an edge of a triangle
+ else if (dim == 2 && struct_dim == 1) // an edge of a simplex
+ Assert(index_vertices.size() == 2, ExcInternalError());
CellData<1> boundary_line(2);
boundary_line.boundary_id = material_or_boundary_id;
+ boundary_line.manifold_id = manifold_id;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < index_vertices.size(); ++i)
boundary_line.vertices[i] =
- else if (dim == 3 && struct_dim == 2) // a face of a thetrahedron
+ else if (dim == 3 && struct_dim == 2) // a face of a tetrahedron
+ Assert(index_vertices.size() == 3, ExcInternalError());
CellData<2> boundary_quad(3);
- boundary_quad.boundary_id = material_or_boundary_id;
+ boundary_quad.material_id = material_or_boundary_id;
+ boundary_quad.manifold_id = manifold_id;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < index_vertices.size(); ++i)
boundary_quad.vertices[i] =
+ else if (dim == 3 && struct_dim == 1) // an edge of a tetrahedron
+ {
+ Assert(index_vertices.size() == 2, ExcInternalError());
+ CellData<1> boundary_line(2);
+ boundary_line.manifold_id = manifold_id;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < index_vertices.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ boundary_line.vertices[i] =
+ local_vertex_indices[index_vertices[i]];
+ }
+ subcell_data.boundary_lines.push_back(boundary_line);
+ }
Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- const auto current_material_id = cell.material_id();
+ const auto material_id_cell = cell.material_id();
// create cells one by one
if (dim == 2)
- for (const auto &cell : table_2D_cell)
- add_cell(dim, cell, current_material_id);
+ {
+ // get cell-manifold id from current quad cell
+ const auto manifold_id_cell = cell.manifold_id();
+ // inherit cell manifold
+ for (const auto &cell_vertices : table_2D_cell)
+ add_cell(dim, cell_vertices, material_id_cell, manifold_id_cell);
+ // inherit inner manifold (faces)
+ for (const auto &face_vertices : vertex_ids_for_inner_faces_2d)
+ // set inner tri-faces according to cell-manifold of quad
+ // element, set invalid b_id, since we do not want to modify
+ // b_id inside
+ add_cell(1,
+ face_vertices,
+ numbers::internal_face_boundary_id,
+ manifold_id_cell);
+ }
else if (dim == 3)
- for (const auto &cell : table_3D_cell)
- add_cell(dim, cell, current_material_id);
+ {
+ // get cell-manifold id from current quad cell
+ const auto manifold_id_cell = cell.manifold_id();
+ // inherit cell manifold
+ for (const auto &cell_vertices : vertex_ids_for_cells_3d)
+ add_cell(dim, cell_vertices, material_id_cell, manifold_id_cell);
+ // set manifold of inner FACES of tets according to
+ // hex-cell-manifold
+ for (const auto &face_vertices : vertex_ids_for_inner_faces_3d)
+ add_cell(2,
+ face_vertices,
+ numbers::internal_face_boundary_id,
+ manifold_id_cell);
+ // set manifold of inner EDGES of tets according to
+ // hex-cell-manifold
+ for (const auto &edge_vertices : vertex_ids_for_inner_edges_3d)
+ add_cell(1,
+ edge_vertices,
+ numbers::internal_face_boundary_id,
+ manifold_id_cell);
+ }
Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
// Set up sub-cell data.
for (const auto f : cell.face_indices())
- if (cell.face(f)->boundary_id() !=
- numbers::internal_face_boundary_id) // face at boundary
- {
- const auto current_boundary_id = cell.face(f)->boundary_id();
- if (dim == 2) // 2D boundary_lines
- for (const auto &face : table_2D_boundary_faces[f])
- add_cell(1, face, current_boundary_id);
- else if (dim == 3) // 3D boundary_quads
- for (const auto &face : table_3D_boundary_faces[f])
- add_cell(2, face, current_boundary_id);
- else
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- }
+ {
+ const auto bid = cell.face(f)->boundary_id();
+ const auto mid = cell.face(f)->manifold_id();
+ // process boundary-faces: set boundary and manifold ids
+ if (dim == 2) // 2D boundary-faces
+ for (const auto &face_vertices :
+ vertex_ids_for_boundary_faces_2d[f])
+ add_cell(1, face_vertices, bid, mid);
+ else if (dim == 3) // 3D boundary-faces
+ {
+ // set manifold id of tet-boundary-faces according to
+ // hex-boundary-faces
+ for (const auto &face_vertices :
+ vertex_ids_for_boundary_faces_3d[f])
+ add_cell(2, face_vertices, bid, mid);
+ // set manifold id of tet-boundary-edges according to
+ // hex-boundary-faces
+ for (const auto &edge_vertices :
+ vertex_ids_for_boundary_edges_3d[f])
+ add_cell(1, edge_vertices, bid, mid);
+ }
+ else
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
out_tria.create_triangulation(vertices, cells, subcell_data);