--- /dev/null
+# This script checks all CVS/Entries recursively and extracts all
+# filenames (including path), where the file is part of the branch.
+# The branch is given as command line argument to the script.
+# The result is a shell script that, applied to a directory with the head
+# revision, moves all files found to the branch.
+# provide directory to check as argument.
+sub get_directory
+ my $dir = shift(@_);
+ my $direntry;
+ local *DIR;
+# printf STDERR "$dir\n";
+ # recursion
+ opendir DIR, ".";
+ while($direntry = readdir(DIR))
+ {
+ if (-d $direntry)
+ {
+ next if ($direntry eq '.' or $direntry eq '..' or $direntry eq 'CVS');
+ $newdir = $dir . '/' . $direntry;
+ chdir $direntry;
+ get_directory($newdir);
+ chdir '..';
+ }
+ }
+ closedir DIR;
+ # find Entries in branch
+ open ENTRIES, "CVS/Entries";
+ while(<ENTRIES>)
+ {
+ printf "cvs update -r $branch $dir/$1\n" if (m!^/([^/]+)/.*/T$branch!);
+ }
+ close ENTRIES;
+$branch = @ARGV[0];
+printf STDERR "Retrieving branch: %s\n", $branch;