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+<i>This program was contributed by Wolfgang Bangerth (Colorado State
+University) and Yong-Yong Cai (<a href="http://www.csrc.ac.cn/en/">Beijing
+Computational Science Research Center</a>, CSRC) and is the result of the
+first author's time as a visitor at CSRC.
+This material is based upon work partially supported National Science
+Foundation grants OCI-1148116, OAC-1835673, DMS-1821210, and EAR-1925595;
+and by the Computational Infrastructure in
+Geodynamics initiative (CIG), through the National Science Foundation under
+Award No. EAR-1550901 and The University of California-Davis.
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+The <a
+Schrödinger Equation (NLSE)</a> for a function $\psi=\psi(\mathbf
+x,t)$ and a potential $V=V(\mathbf x)$ is a model often used in
+quantum mechanics and nonlinear optics. If one measures in appropriate
+quantities (so that $\hbar=1$), then it reads as follows:
+ - i \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}
+ - \frac 12 \Delta \psi
+ + V \psi
+ + \kappa |\psi|^2 \psi
+ &= 0
+ \qquad\qquad
+ &
+ \text{in}\; \Omega\times (0,T),
+ \\
+ \psi(\mathbf x,0) &= \psi_0(\mathbf x)
+ &
+ \text{in}\; \Omega,
+ \\
+ \psi(\mathbf x,t) &= 0
+ &
+ \text{on}\; \partial\Omega\times (0,T).
+If there is no potential, i.e. $V(\mathbf x)=0$, then it can be used
+to describe the propagation of light in optical fibers. If $V(\mathbf
+x)\neq 0$, the equation is also sometimes called the <a
+equation</a> and can be used to model the time dependent behavior of
+For this particular tutorial program, the physical interpretation of
+the equation is not of much concern to us. Rather, we want to use it
+as a model that allows us to explain two aspects:
+- It is a <b>complex-valued equation</b> for $\psi \in H^1(\Omega,{\mathbb
+ C})$. We have previously seen complex-valued equations in step-29,
+ but there have opted to split the equations into real and imaginary
+ parts and consequently ended up solving a system of two real-valued
+ equations. In contrast, the goal here is to show how to solve
+ problems in which we keep everything as complex numbers.
+- The equation is a nice model problem to explain how <b>operator
+ splitting methods</b> work. This is because it has terms with
+ fundamentally different character: on the one hand, $- \frac 12
+ \Delta \psi$ is a regular spatial operator in the way we have seen
+ many times before; on the other hand, $\kappa |\psi(\mathbf x,t)|^2
+ \psi$ has no spatial or temporal derivatives, i.e., it is a purely
+ local operator. It turns out that we have efficient methods for each
+ of these terms (in particular, we have analytic solutions for the
+ latter), and that we may be better off treating these terms
+ differently and separately. We will explain this in more detail
+ below.
+<h3>A note about the character of the equations</h3>
+At first glance, the equations appear to be parabolic and similar to
+the heat equation (see step-26) as there is only a single time
+derivative and two spatial derivatives. But this is misleading.
+Indeed, that this is not the correct interpretation is
+more easily seen if we assume for a moment that the potential $V=0$
+and $\kappa=0$. Then we have the equation
+ - i \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}
+ - \frac 12 \Delta \psi
+ &= 0.
+If we separate the solution into real and imaginary parts, $\psi=v+iw$,
+with $v=\textrm{Re}\;\psi,\; w=\textrm{Im}\;\psi$,
+then we can split the one equation into its real and imaginary parts
+in the same way as we did in step-29:
+ \frac{\partial w}{\partial t}
+ - \frac 12 \Delta v
+ &= 0,
+ \\
+ -\frac{\partial v}{\partial t}
+ - \frac 12 \Delta w
+ &= 0.
+Not surprisingly, the factor $i$ in front of the time derivative
+couples the real and imaginary parts of the equation. If we want to
+understand this equation further, take the time derivative of one of
+the equations, say
+ \frac{\partial^2 w}{\partial t^2}
+ - \frac 12 \Delta \frac{\partial v}{\partial t}
+ &= 0,
+(where we have assumed that, at least in some formal sense, we can
+commute the spatial and temporal derivatives), and then insert the
+other equation into it:
+ \frac{\partial^2 w}{\partial t^2}
+ + \frac 14 \Delta^2 w
+ &= 0.
+This equation is hyperbolic and similar in character to the wave
+equation. (This will also be obvious if you look at the video
+in the "Results" section of this program.) Furthermore, we could
+have arrived at the same equation for $v$ as well.
+Consequently, a better assumption for the NLSE is to think of
+it as a hyperbolic, wave-propagation equation than as a diffusion
+equation such as the heat equation. (You may wonder whether it is
+correct that the operator $\Delta^2$ appears with a positive sign
+whereas in the wave equation, $\Delta$ has a negative sign. This is
+indeed correct: After multiplying by a test function and integrating
+by parts, we want to come out with a positive (semi-)definite
+form. So, from $-\Delta u$ we obtain $+(\nabla v,\nabla u)$. Likewise,
+after integrating by parts twice, we obtain from $+\Delta^2 u$ the
+form $+(\Delta v,\Delta u)$. In both cases do we get the desired positive
+The real NLSE, of course, also has the terms $V\psi$ and
+$\kappa|\psi|^2\psi$. However, these are of lower order in the spatial
+derivatives, and while they are obviously important, they do not
+change the character of the equation.
+In any case, the purpose of this discussion is to figure out
+what time stepping scheme might be appropriate for the equation. The
+conclusions is that, as a hyperbolic-kind of equation, we need to
+choose a time step that satisfies a CFL-type condition. If we were to
+use an explicit method (which we will not), we would have to investigate
+the eigenvalues of the matrix that corresponds to the spatial
+operator. If you followed the discussions of the video lectures
+then you will remember that the pattern is that one needs to make sure
+that $k^s \propto h^t$ where $k$ is the time step, $h$ the mesh width,
+and $s,t$ are the orders of temporal and spatial derivatives.
+Whether you take the original equation ($s=1,t=2$) or the reformulation
+for only the real or imaginary part, the outcome is that we would need to
+choose $k \propto h^2$ if we were to use an explicit time stepping
+method. This is not feasible for the same reasons as in step-26 for
+the heat equation: It would yield impractically small time steps
+for even only modestly refined meshes. Rather, we have to use an
+implicit time stepping method and can then choose a more balanced
+$k \propto h$. Indeed, we will use the implicit Crank-Nicolson
+method as we have already done in step-23 before for the regular
+wave equation.
+<h3>The general idea of operator splitting</h3>
+If one thought of the NLSE as an ordinary differential equation in
+which the right hand side happens to have spatial derivatives, i.e.,
+write it as
+ \frac{d\psi}{dt}
+ &=
+ i\frac 12 \Delta \psi
+ -i V \psi
+ -i\kappa |\psi|^2 \psi,
+ \qquad\qquad
+ &
+ \text{for}\; t \in (0,T),
+ \\
+ \psi(0) &= \psi_0,
+one may be tempted to "formally solve" it by integrating both sides
+over a time interval $[t_{n},t_{n+1}]$ and obtain
+ \psi(t_{n+1})
+ &=
+ \psi(t_n)
+ +
+ \int_{t_n}^{t_{n+1}}
+ \left(
+ i\frac 12 \Delta \psi(t)
+ -i V \psi(t)
+ -i\kappa |\psi(t)|^2 \psi(t)
+ \right)
+ \;
+ dt.
+Of course, it's not that simple: the $\psi(t)$ in the integrand is
+still changing over time in accordance with the differential equation,
+so we cannot just evaluate the integral (or approximate it easily via
+quadrature) because we don't know $\psi(t)$.
+But we can write this with separate contributions as
+follows, and this will allow us to deal with different terms separately:
+ \psi(t_{n+1})
+ &=
+ \psi(t_n)
+ +
+ \int_{t_n}^{t_{n+1}}
+ \left(
+ i\frac 12 \Delta \psi(t)
+ \right)
+ \;
+ dt
+ +
+ \int_{t_n}^{t_{n+1}}
+ \left(
+ -i V \psi(t)
+ \right)
+ \;
+ dt
+ +
+ \int_{t_n}^{t_{n+1}}
+ \left(
+ -i\kappa |\psi(t)|^2 \,\psi(t)
+ \right)
+ \;
+ dt.
+The way this equation can now be read is as follows: For each time interval
+$[t_{n},t_{n+1}]$, the change $\psi(t_{n+1})-\psi(t_{n})$ in the
+solution consists of three contributions:
+- The contribution of the Laplace operator.
+- The contribution of the potential $V$.
+- The contribution of the "phase" term $-i\kappa |\psi(t)|^2\,\psi(t)$.
+<i>Operator splitting</i> is now an approximation technique that
+allows us to treat each of these contributions separately. (If we
+want: In practice, we will treat the first two together, and the last
+one separate. But that is a detail, conceptually we could treat all of
+them differently.) To this end, let us introduce three separate "solutions":
+ \psi^{(1)}(t_{n+1})
+ &=
+ \psi(t_n)
+ +
+ \int_{t_n}^{t_{n+1}}
+ \left(
+ i\frac 12 \Delta \psi^{(1)}(t)
+ \right)
+ \;
+ dt,
+ \psi^{(2)}(t_{n+1})
+ &=
+ \psi(t_n)
+ +
+ \int_{t_n}^{t_{n+1}}
+ \left(
+ -i V \psi^{(2)}(t)
+ \right)
+ \;
+ dt,
+ \psi^{(3)}(t_{n+1})
+ &=
+ \psi(t_n)
+ +
+ \int_{t_n}^{t_{n+1}}
+ \left(
+ -i\kappa |\psi^{(3)}(t)|^2 \,\psi^{(3)}(t)
+ \right)
+ \;
+ dt.
+These three "solutions" can be thought of as satisfying the following
+differential equations:
+ \frac{d\psi^{(1)}}{dt}
+ &=
+ i\frac 12 \Delta \psi^{(1)},
+ \qquad
+ &
+ \text{for}\; t \in (t_n,t_{n+1}),
+ \qquad\qquad\text{with initial condition}\;
+ \psi^{(1)}(t_n) &= \psi(t_n),
+ \frac{d\psi^{(2)}}{dt}
+ &=
+ -i V \psi^{(2)},
+ &
+ \text{for}\; t \in (t_n,t_{n+1}),
+ \qquad\qquad\text{with initial condition}\;
+ \psi^{(2)}(t_n) &= \psi(t_n),
+ \frac{d\psi^{(3)}}{dt}
+ &=
+ -i\kappa |\psi^{(3)}|^2 \,\psi^{(3)},
+ &
+ \text{for}\; t \in (t_n,t_{n+1}),
+ \qquad\qquad\text{with initial condition}\;
+ \psi^{(3)}(t_n) &= \psi(t_n).
+In other words, they are all trajectories $\psi^{(k)}$ that start at
+$\psi(t_n)$ and integrate up the effects of exactly one of the three
+terms. The increments resulting from each of these terms over our time
+interval are then $I^{(1)}=\psi^{(1)}(t_{n+1})-\psi(t_n)$,
+$I^{(2)}=\psi^{(2)}(t_{n+1})-\psi(t_n)$, and
+It is now reasonable to assume (this is an approximation!) that the
+change due to all three of the effects in question is well approximated
+by the sum of the three separate increments:
+ \psi(t_{n+1})-\psi(t_n)
+ \approx
+ I^{(1)} + I^{(2)} + I^{(3)}.
+This intuition is indeed correct, though the approximation is not
+exact: the difference between the exact left hand side and the term
+$I^{(1)}+I^{(2)}+I^{(3)}$ (i.e., the difference between the <i>exact</i> increment
+for the exact solution $\psi(t)$ when moving from $t_n$ to $t_{n+1}$,
+and the increment composed of the three parts on the right hand side),
+is proportional to $\Delta t=t_{n+1}-t_{n}$. In other words, this
+approach introduces an error of size ${\cal O}(\Delta t)$. Nothing we
+have done so far has discretized anything in time or space, so the
+<i>overall</i> error is going to be ${\cal O}(\Delta t)$ plus whatever
+error we commit when approximating the integrals (the temporal
+discretization error) plus whatever error we commit when approximating
+the spatial dependencies of $\psi$ (the spatial error).
+Before we continue with discussions about operator splitting, let us
+talk about why one would even want to go this way? The answer is
+simple: For some of the separate equations for the $\psi^{(k)}$, we
+may have ways to solve them more efficiently than if we throw
+everything together and try to solve it at once. For example, and
+particularly pertinent in the current case: The equation for
+$\psi^{(3)}$, i.e.,
+ \frac{d\psi^{(3)}}{dt}
+ &=
+ -i\kappa |\psi^{(3)}|^2 \,\psi^{(3)},
+ \qquad\qquad
+ &
+ \text{for}\; t \in (t_n,t_{n+1}),
+ \qquad\qquad\text{with initial condition}\;
+ \psi^{(3)}(t_n) &= \psi(t_n),
+or equivalently,
+ \psi^{(3)}(t_{n+1})
+ &=
+ \psi(t_n)
+ +
+ \int_{t_n}^{t_{n+1}}
+ \left(
+ -i\kappa |\psi^{(3)}(t)|^2 \,\psi^{(3)}(t)
+ \right)
+ \;
+ dt,
+can be solved exactly: the equation is solved by
+ \psi^{(3)}(t) = e^{-i\kappa|\psi(t_n)|^2 (t-t_{n})} \psi(t_n).
+This is easy to see if (i) you plug this solution into the
+differential equation, and (ii) realize that the magnitude
+$|\psi^{(3)}|$ is constant, i.e., the term $|\psi(t_n)|^2$ in the
+exponent is in fact equal to $|\psi^{(3)}(t)|^2$. In other words, the
+solution of the ODE for $\psi^{(3)}(t)$ only changes its <i>phase</i>,
+but the <i>magnitude</i> of the complex-valued function $\psi^{(3)}(t)$
+remains constant. This makes computing $I^{(3)}$ particularly convenient:
+we don't actually need to solve any ODE, we can write the solution
+down by hand. Using the operator splitting approach, none of the
+methods to compute $I^{(1)},I^{(2)}$ therefore have to deal with the nonlinear
+term and all of the associated unpleasantries: we can get away with
+solving only <i>linear</i> problems, as long as we allow ourselves the
+luxury of using an operator splitting approach.
+Secondly, one often uses operator splitting if the different physical
+effects described by the different terms have different time
+scales. Imagine, for example, a case where we really did have some
+sort of diffusion equation. Diffusion acts slowly, but if $\kappa$ is
+large, then the "phase rotation" by the term $-i\kappa
+|\psi^{(3)}(t)|^2 \,\psi^{(3)}(t)$ acts quickly. If we treated
+everything together, this would imply having to take rather small time
+steps. But with operator splitting, we can take large time steps
+$\Delta t=t_{n+1}-t_{n}$ for the diffusion, and (assuming we didn't
+have an analytic solution) use an ODE solver with many small time
+steps to integrate the "phase rotation" equation for $\psi^{(3)}$ from
+$t_n$ to $t_{n+1}$. In other words, operator splitting allows us to
+decouple slow and fast time scales and treat them differently, with
+methods adjusted to each case.
+<h3>Operator splitting: the "Lie splitting" approach</h3>
+While the method above allows to compute the three contributions
+$I^{(k)}$ in parallel, if we want, the method can be made slightly
+more accurate and easy to implement if we don't let the trajectories
+for the $\psi^{(k)}$ start all at $\psi(t_n)$, but instead let the
+trajectory for $\psi^{(2)}$ start at the <i>end point</i> of the
+trajectory for $\psi^{(1)}$, namely $\psi^{(1)}(t_{n+1})$; similarly,
+we will start the trajectory for $\psi^{(3)}$ start at the end point
+of the trajectory for $\psi^{(2)}$, namely $\psi^{(2)}(t_{n+1})$. This
+method is then called "Lie splitting" and has the same order of error
+as the method above, i.e., the splitting error is ${\cal O}(\Delta
+This variation of operator splitting can be written as
+follows (carefully compare the initial conditions to the ones above):
+ \frac{d\psi^{(1)}}{dt}
+ &=
+ i\frac 12 \Delta \psi^{(1)},
+ \qquad
+ &
+ \text{for}\; t \in (t_n,t_{n+1}),
+ \qquad\qquad\text{with initial condition}\;
+ \psi^{(1)}(t_n) &= \psi(t_n),
+ \frac{d\psi^{(2)}}{dt}
+ &=
+ -i V \psi^{(2)},
+ &
+ \text{for}\; t \in (t_n,t_{n+1}),
+ \qquad\qquad\text{with initial condition}\;
+ \psi^{(2)}(t_n) &= \psi^{(1)}(t_{n+1}),
+ \frac{d\psi^{(3)}}{dt}
+ &=
+ -i\kappa |\psi^{(3)}|^2 \,\psi^{(3)},
+ &
+ \text{for}\; t \in (t_n,t_{n+1}),
+ \qquad\qquad\text{with initial condition}\;
+ \psi^{(3)}(t_n) &= \psi^{(2)}(t_{n+1}).
+(Obviously, while the formulas above imply that we should solve these
+problems in this particular order, it is equally valid to first solve
+for trajectory 3, then 2, then 1, or any other permutation.)
+The integrated forms of these equations are then
+ \psi^{(1)}(t_{n+1})
+ &=
+ \psi(t_n)
+ +
+ \int_{t_n}^{t_{n+1}}
+ \left(
+ i\frac 12 \Delta \psi^{(1)}(t)
+ \right)
+ \;
+ dt,
+ \psi^{(2)}(t_{n+1})
+ &=
+ \psi^{(1)}(t_{n+1})
+ +
+ \int_{t_n}^{t_{n+1}}
+ \left(
+ -i V \psi^{(2)}(t)
+ \right)
+ \;
+ dt,
+ \psi^{(3)}(t_{n+1})
+ &=
+ \psi^{(2)}(t_{n+1})
+ +
+ \int_{t_n}^{t_{n+1}}
+ \left(
+ -i\kappa |\psi^{(3)}(t)|^2 \,\psi^{(3)}(t)
+ \right)
+ \;
+ dt.
+From a practical perspective, this has the advantage that we need
+to keep around fewer solution vectors: Once $\psi^{(1)}(t_n)$ has been
+computed, we don't need $\psi(t_n)$ any more; once $\psi^{(2)}(t_n)$
+has been computed, we don't need $\psi^{(1)}(t_n)$ any more. And once
+$\psi^{(3)}(t_n)$ has been computed, we can just call it
+$\psi(t_{n+1})$ because, if you insert the first into the second, and
+then into the third equation, you see that the right hand side of
+$\psi^{(3)}(t_n)$ now contains the contributions of all three physical
+ \psi^{(3)}(t_{n+1})
+ &=
+ \psi(t_n)
+ +
+ \int_{t_n}^{t_{n+1}}
+ \left(
+ i\frac 12 \Delta \psi^{(1)}(t)
+ \right)
+ \;
+ dt
+ +
+ \int_{t_n}^{t_{n+1}}
+ \left(
+ -i V \psi^{(2)}(t)
+ \right)
+ \;
+ dt+
+ \int_{t_n}^{t_{n+1}}
+ \left(
+ -i\kappa |\psi^{(3)}(t)|^2 \,\psi^{(3)}(t)
+ \right)
+ \;
+ dt.
+(Compare this again with the "exact" computation of $\psi(t_{n+1})$:
+It only differs in how we approximate $\psi(t)$ in each of the three integrals.)
+In other words, Lie splitting is a lot simpler to implement that the
+original method outlined above because data handling is so much
+<h3>Operator splitting: the "Strang splitting" approach</h3>
+As mentioned above, Lie splitting is only ${\cal O}(\Delta t)$
+accurate. This is acceptable if we were to use a first order time
+discretization, for example using the explicit or implicit Euler
+methods to solve the differential equations for $\psi^{(k)}$. This is
+because these time integration methods introduce an error proportional
+to $\Delta t$ themselves, and so the splitting error is proportional
+to an error that we would introduce anyway, and does not diminish the
+overall convergence order.
+But we typically want to use something higher order -- say, a
+<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crank%E2%80%93Nicolson_method">Crank-Nicolson</a>
+<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backward_differentiation_formula">BDF2</a>
+method -- since these are often not more expensive than a
+simple Euler method. It would be a shame if we were to use a time
+stepping method that is ${\cal O}(\Delta t^2)$, but then lose the
+accuracy again through the operator splitting.
+This is where the <a
+splitting</a> method comes in. It is easier to explain if we had only
+two parts, and so let us combine the effects of the Laplace operator
+and of the potential into one, and the phase rotation into a second
+effect. (Indeed, this is what we will do in the code since solving the
+equation with the Laplace equation with or without the potential costs
+the same -- so we merge these two steps.) The Lie splitting method
+from above would then do the following: It computes solutions of the
+following two ODEs,
+ \frac{d\psi^{(1)}}{dt}
+ &=
+ i\frac 12 \Delta \psi^{(1)} -i V \psi^{(1)},
+ \qquad
+ &
+ \text{for}\; t \in (t_n,t_{n+1}),
+ \qquad\qquad\text{with initial condition}\;
+ \psi^{(1)}(t_n) &= \psi(t_n),
+ \frac{d\psi^{(2)}}{dt}
+ &=
+ -i\kappa |\psi^{(2)}|^2 \,\psi^{(2)},
+ &
+ \text{for}\; t \in (t_n,t_{n+1}),
+ \qquad\qquad\text{with initial condition}\;
+ \psi^{(2)}(t_n) &= \psi^{(1)}(t_{n+1}),
+and then uses the approximation $\psi(t_{n+1}) \approx
+\psi^{(2)}(t_{n+1})$. In other words, we first make one full time step
+for physical effect one, then one full time step for physical effect
+two. The solution at the end of the time step is simply the sum of the
+increments due to each of these physical effects separately.
+In contrast,
+<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilbert_Strang">Gil Strang</a>
+(one of the titans of numerical analysis starting in the mid-20th
+century) figured out that it is more accurate to first do
+one half-step for one physical effect, then a full time step for the
+other physical effect, and then another half step for the first. Which
+one is which does not matter, but because it is so simple to do the
+phase rotation, we will use this effect for the half steps and then
+only need to do one spatial solve with the Laplace operator plus
+potential. This operator splitting method is now ${\cal O}(\Delta
+t^2)$ accurate. Written in formulas, this yields the following
+sequence of steps:
+ \frac{d\psi^{(1)}}{dt}
+ &=
+ -i\kappa |\psi^{(1)}|^2 \,\psi^{(1)},
+ &&
+ \text{for}\; t \in (t_n,t_n+\tfrac 12\Delta t),
+ \qquad\qquad&\text{with initial condition}\;
+ \psi^{(1)}(t_n) &= \psi(t_n),
+ \frac{d\psi^{(2)}}{dt}
+ &=
+ i\frac 12 \Delta \psi^{(2)} -i V \psi^{(2)},
+ \qquad
+ &&
+ \text{for}\; t \in (t_n,t_{n+1}),
+ \qquad\qquad&\text{with initial condition}\;
+ \psi^{(2)}(t_n) &= \psi^{(1)}(t_n+\tfrac 12\Delta t),
+ \frac{d\psi^{(3)}}{dt}
+ &=
+ -i\kappa |\psi^{(3)}|^2 \,\psi^{(3)},
+ &&
+ \text{for}\; t \in (t_n+\tfrac 12\Delta t,t_{n+1}),
+ \qquad\qquad&\text{with initial condition}\;
+ \psi^{(3)}(t_n) &= \psi^{(2)}(t_{n+1}).
+As before, the first and third step can be computed exactly for this
+particular equation, yielding
+ \psi^{(1)}(t_n+\tfrac 12\Delta t) &= e^{-i\kappa|\psi(t_n)|^2 \tfrac
+ 12\Delta t} \; \psi(t_n),
+ \\
+ \psi^{(3)}(t_{n+1}) &= e^{-i\kappa|\psi^{(2)}(t_{n+1})|^2 \tfrac
+ 12\Delta t} \; \psi^{(2)}(t_{n+1}).
+This is then how we are going to implement things in this program:
+In each time step, we execute three steps, namely
+- Update the solution value at each node by analytically integrating
+ the phase rotation equation by one half time step;
+- Solving the space-time equation that corresponds to the full step
+ for $\psi^{(2)}$, namely
+ $-i\frac{\partial\psi^{(2)}}{\partial t}
+ -
+ \frac 12 \Delta \psi^{(2)} + V \psi^{(2)} = 0$,
+ with initial conditions equal to the solution of the first half step
+ above.
+- Update the solution value at each node by analytically integrating
+ the phase rotation equation by another half time step.
+This structure will be reflected in an obvious way in the main time
+loop of the program.
+<h3>Time discretization</h3>
+From the discussion above, it should have become clear that the only
+partial differential equation we have to solve in each time step is
+ -i\frac{\partial\psi^{(2)}}{\partial t}
+ -
+ \frac 12 \Delta \psi^{(2)} + V \psi^{(2)} = 0.
+This equation is linear. Furthermore, we only have to solve it from
+$t_n$ to $t_{n+1}$, i.e., for exactly one time step.
+To do this, we will apply the second order accurate Crank-Nicolson
+scheme that we have already used in some of the other time dependent
+codes (specifically: step-23 and step-26). It reads as follows:
+ -i\frac{\psi^{(n,2)}-\psi^{(n,1)}}{k_{n+1}}
+ -
+ \frac 12 \Delta \left[\frac 12
+ \left(\psi^{(n,2)}+\psi^{(n,1)}\right)\right]
+ +
+ V \left[\frac 12 \left(\psi^{(n,2)}+\psi^{(n,1)}\right)\right] = 0.
+Here, the "previous" solution $\psi^{(n,1)}$ (or the "initial
+condition" for this part of the time step) is the output of the
+first phase rotation half-step; the output of the current step will
+be denoted by $\psi^{(n,2)}$. $k_{n+1}=t_{n+1}-t_n$ is
+the length of the time step. (One could argue whether $\psi^{(n,1)}$
+and $\psi^{(n,1)}$ live at time step $n$ or $n+1$ and what their upper
+indices should be. This is a philosophical discussion without practical
+impact, and one might think of $\psi^{(n,1)}$ as something like
+$\psi^{(n+\tfrac 13)}$, and $\psi^{(n,2)}$ as
+$\psi^{(n+\tfrac 23)}$ if that helps clarify things -- though, again
+$n+\frac 13$ is not to be understood as "one third time step after
+$t_n$" but more like "we've already done one third of the work necessary
+for time step $n+1$".)
+If we multiply the whole equation with $k_{n+1}$ and sort terms with
+the unknown $\psi^{(n+1,2)}$ to the left and those with the known
+$\psi^{(n,2)}$ to the right, then we obtain the following (spatial)
+partial differential equation that needs to be solved in each time
+ -i\psi^{(n,2)}
+ -
+ \frac 14 k_{n+1} \Delta \psi^{(n,2)}
+ +
+ \frac 12 k_{n+1} V \psi^{(n,2)}
+ =
+ -i\psi^{(n,1)}
+ +
+ \frac 14 k_{n+1} \Delta \psi^{(n,1)}
+ -
+ \frac 12 k_{n+1} V \psi^{(n,1)}.
+<h3>Spatial discretization and dealing with complex variables</h3>
+As mentioned above, the previous tutorial program dealing with
+complex-valued solutions (namely, step-29) separated real and imaginary
+parts of the solution. It thus reduced everything to real
+arithmetic. In contrast, we here want to keep things
+The first part of this is that we need to define the discretized
+solution as $\psi_h^n(\mathbf x)=\sum_j \Psi^n_j \varphi_j(\mathbf
+x) \approx \psi(\mathbf x,t_n)$ where the $\varphi_j$ are the usual shape functions (which are
+real valued) but the expansion coefficients $\Psi^n_j$ at time step
+$n$ are now complex-valued. This is easily done in deal.II: We just
+have to use Vector<std::complex<double>> instead of Vector<double> to
+store these coefficients.
+Of more interest is how to build and solve the linear
+system. Obviously, this will only be necessary for the second step of
+the Strang splitting discussed above, with the time discretization of
+the previous subsection. We obtain the fully discrete version through
+straightforward substitution of $\psi^n$ by $\psi^n_h$ and
+multiplication by a test function:
+ -iM\Psi^{(n,2)}
+ +
+ \frac 14 k_{n+1} A \Psi^{(n,2)}
+ +
+ \frac 12 k_{n+1} W \Psi^{(n,2)}
+ =
+ -iM\Psi^{(n+1,1)}
+ -
+ \frac 14 k_{n+1} A \Psi^{(n,1)}
+ -
+ \frac 12 k_{n+1} W \Psi^{(n,1)},
+or written in a more compact way:
+ \left[
+ -iM
+ +
+ \frac 14 k_{n+1} A
+ +
+ \frac 12 k_{n+1} W
+ \right] \Psi^{(n,2)}
+ =
+ \left[
+ -iM
+ -
+ \frac 14 k_{n+1} A
+ -
+ \frac 12 k_{n+1} W
+ \right] \Psi^{(n,1)}.
+Here, the matrices are defined in their obvious ways:
+ M_{ij} &= (\varphi_i,\varphi_j), \\
+ A_{ij} &= (\nabla\varphi_i,\nabla\varphi_j), \\
+ W_{ij} &= (\varphi_i,V \varphi_j).
+Note that all matrices individually are in fact symmetric,
+real-valued, and at least positive semidefinite, though the same is
+obviously not true for
+the system matrix $C = -iM + \frac 14 k_{n+1} A + \frac 12 k_{n+1} W$
+and the corresponding matrix
+$R = -iM - \frac 14 k_{n+1} A - \frac 12 k_{n+1} W$
+on the right hand side.
+<h3>Linear solvers</h3>
+The only remaining important question about the solution procedure is
+how to solve the complex-valued linear system
+ C \Psi^{(n+1,2)}
+ =
+ R \Psi^{(n+1,1)},
+with the matrix $C = -iM + \frac 14 k_{n+1} A + \frac 12 k_{n+1}
+W$ and a right hand side that is easily computed as the product of
+a known matrix and the previous part-step's solution.
+As usual, this comes down to the question of what properties the
+matrix $C$ has. If it is symmetric and positive definite, then we can
+for example use the Conjugate Gradient method.
+Unfortunately, the matrix's only useful property is that it is complex
+symmetric, i.e., $C_{ij}=C_{ji}$, as is easy to see by recalling that
+$M,A,W$ are all symmetric. It is not, however,
+<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermitian_matrix">Hermitian</a>,
+which would require that $C_{ij}=\bar C_{ji}$ where the bar indicates complex
+Complex symmetry can be exploited for iterative solvers as a quick
+literature search indicates. We will here not try to become too
+sophisticated (and indeed leave this to the <a
+href="#extensions">Possibilities for extensions</a> section below) and
+instead simply go with the good old standby for problems without
+properties: A direct solver. That's not optimal, especially for large
+problems, but it shall suffice for the purposes of a tutorial program.
+Fortunately, the SparseDirectUMFPACK class allows solving complex-valued
+<h3>Definition of the test case</h3>
+Initial conditions for the NLSE are typically chosen to represent
+particular physical situations. This is beyond the scope of this
+program, but suffice it to say that these initial conditions are
+(i) often superpositions of the wave functions of particles located
+at different points, and that (ii) because $|\psi(\mathbf x,t)|^2$
+corresponds to a particle density function, the integral
+ N(t) = \int_\Omega |\psi(\mathbf x,t)|^2
+corresponds to the number of particles in the system. (Clearly, if
+one were to be physically correct, $N(t)$ better be a constant if
+the system is closed, or $\frac{dN}{dt}<0$ if one has absorbing
+boundary conditions.) The important point is that one should choose
+initial conditions so that
+ N(0) = \int_\Omega |\psi_0(\mathbf x)|^2
+makes sense.
+What we will use here, primarily because it makes for good graphics,
+is the following:
+ \psi_0(\mathbf x) = \sqrt{\sum_{k=1}^4 \alpha_k e^{-\frac{r_k^2}{R^2}}},
+where $r_k = |\mathbf x-\mathbf x_k|$ is the distance from the (fixed)
+locations $\mathbf x_k$, and
+$\alpha_k$ are chosen so that each of the Gaussians that we are
+adding up adds an integer number of particles to $N(0)$. We achieve
+this by making sure that
+ \int_\Omega \alpha_k e^{-\frac{r_k^2}{R^2}}
+is a positive integer. In other words, we need to choose $\alpha$
+as an integer multiple of
+ \left(\int_\Omega e^{-\frac{r_k^2}{R^2}}\right)^{-1}
+ =
+ \left(R^d\sqrt{\pi^d}}\right)^{-1},
+assuming for the moment that $\Omega={\mathbb R}^d$ -- which is
+of course not the case, but we'll ignore the small difference in
+Thus, we choose $\alpha_k=\left(R^d\sqrt{\pi^d}}\right)^{-1}$ for all, and
+$R=0.1$. This $R$ is small enough that the difference between the
+exact (infinite) integral and the integral over $\Omega$ should not be
+too concerning.
+We choose the four points $\mathbf x_k$ as $(\pm 0.3, 0), (0, \pm
+0.3)$ -- also far enough away from the boundary of $\Omega$ to keep
+ourselves on the safe side.
+For simplicity, we pose the problem on the square $[-1,1]^2$. For
+boundary conditions, we will use time-independent Neumann conditions of the
+ \nabla\psi(\mathbf x,t)\cdot \mathbf n=0 \qquad\qquad \forall \mathbf x\in\partial\Omega.
+This is not a realistic choice of boundary conditions but sufficient
+for what we want to demonstrate here. We will comment further on this
+in the <a href="#extensions">Possibilities for extensions</a> section below.
+Finally, we choose $\kappa=1$, and the potential as
+ V(\mathbf x)
+ =
+ \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if}\; |\mathbf x|<0.7
+ \\
+ 1000 & \text{otherwise}.
+ \end{cases}
+Using a large potential makes sure that the wave function $\psi$ remains
+small outside the circle of radius 0.7. All of the Gaussians that make
+up the initial conditions are within this circle, and the solution will
+mostly oscillate within it, with a small amount of energy radiating into
+the outside. The use of a large potential also makes sure that the nonphysical
+boundary condition does not have too large an effect.