template <int dim, template <int, int> class Container, int spacedim>
unsigned int
GridTools::find_closest_vertex (const Container<dim,spacedim> &container,
// triangulation from the
// container and determine vertices
// and used vertices
- const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria = get_tria(container);
+ const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria = get_tria(container);
- const std::vector< Point<spacedim> > &vertices = tria.get_vertices();
- const std::vector< bool > &used = tria.get_used_vertices();
+ const std::vector< Point<spacedim> > &vertices = tria.get_vertices();
+ const std::vector< bool > &used = tria.get_used_vertices();
// At the beginning, the first
// used vertex is the closest one
- std::vector<bool>::const_iterator first =
- std::find(used.begin(), used.end(), true);
+ std::vector<bool>::const_iterator first =
+ std::find(used.begin(), used.end(), true);
// Assert that at least one vertex
// is actually used
- Assert(first != used.end(), ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(first != used.end(), ExcInternalError());
- unsigned int best_vertex = std::distance(used.begin(), first);
- double best_dist = (p - vertices[best_vertex]).square();
+ unsigned int best_vertex = std::distance(used.begin(), first);
+ double best_dist = (p - vertices[best_vertex]).square();
// For all remaining vertices, test
// whether they are any closer
- for(unsigned int j = best_vertex+1; j < vertices.size(); j++)
- if(used[j])
- {
- double dist = (p - vertices[j]).square();
- if(dist < best_dist)
- {
- best_vertex = j;
- best_dist = dist;
- }
- }
- return best_vertex;
+ for(unsigned int j = best_vertex+1; j < vertices.size(); j++)
+ if(used[j])
+ {
+ double dist = (p - vertices[j]).square();
+ if(dist < best_dist)
+ {
+ best_vertex = j;
+ best_dist = dist;
+ }
+ }
+ return best_vertex;
// make sure that the given vertex is
// an active vertex of the underlying
// triangulation
- Assert(vertex < get_tria(container).n_vertices(),
- ExcIndexRange(0,get_tria(container).n_vertices(),vertex));
- Assert(get_tria(container).get_used_vertices()[vertex],
- ExcVertexNotUsed(vertex));
- // We use a set instead of a vector
- // to ensure that cells are inserted only
- // once. A bug in the previous version
- // prevented some cases to be
- // treated correctly
- std::set<typename Container<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator> adj_cells_set;
+ Assert(vertex < get_tria(container).n_vertices(),
+ ExcIndexRange(0,get_tria(container).n_vertices(),vertex));
+ Assert(get_tria(container).get_used_vertices()[vertex],
+ ExcVertexNotUsed(vertex));
+ // We use a set instead of a vector
+ // to ensure that cells are inserted only
+ // once. A bug in the previous version
+ // prevented some cases to be
+ // treated correctly
+ std::set<typename Container<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator> adj_cells_set;
- typename Container<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
- cell = container.begin_active(),
- endc = container.end();
+ typename Container<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
+ cell = container.begin_active(),
+ endc = container.end();
// go through all active cells and look
// if the vertex is part of that cell
- for (; cell != endc; ++cell)
- for (unsigned v = 0; v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; v++)
- if (cell->vertex_index(v) == vertex)
- {
- // OK, we found a cell that contains
- // the particular vertex. We add it
- // to the list.
- adj_cells_set.insert(cell);
- // Now we need to make sure that the
- // vertex is not a locally refined
- // vertex not being part of the
- // neighboring cells. So we loop over
- // all faces to which this vertex
- // belongs, check the level of
- // the neighbor, and if it is coarser,
- // then check whether the vertex is
- // part of that neighbor or not.
- for (unsigned vface = 0; vface < dim; vface++)
- {
- const unsigned face =
- GeometryInfo<dim>::vertex_to_face[v][vface];
- if (!cell->at_boundary(face))
- {
- typename Container<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator
- nb = cell->neighbor(face);
+ for (; cell != endc; ++cell)
+ for (unsigned v = 0; v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; v++)
+ if (cell->vertex_index(v) == vertex)
+ {
+ // OK, we found a cell that contains
+ // the particular vertex. We add it
+ // to the list.
+ adj_cells_set.insert(cell);
+ // Now we need to make sure that the
+ // vertex is not a locally refined
+ // vertex not being part of the
+ // neighboring cells. So we loop over
+ // all faces to which this vertex
+ // belongs, check the level of
+ // the neighbor, and if it is coarser,
+ // then check whether the vertex is
+ // part of that neighbor or not.
+ for (unsigned vface = 0; vface < dim; vface++)
+ {
+ const unsigned face =
+ GeometryInfo<dim>::vertex_to_face[v][vface];
+ if (!cell->at_boundary(face))
+ {
+ typename Container<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator
+ nb = cell->neighbor(face);
- // Here we
- // check
- // whether
- // the
- // neighbor
- // is
- // coarser. If
- // it is, we
- // search
- // for the
- // vertex in
- // this
- // coarser
- // cell and
- // only if
- // not found
- // we will
- // add the
- // coarser
- // cell
- // itself
- if (nb->level() < cell->level())
- {
- bool found = false;
- for (unsigned v=0; v<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; v++)
- if (nb->vertex_index(v) == vertex)
- {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- if (!found)
- adj_cells_set.insert(nb);
- }
- }
- }
+ // Here we
+ // check
+ // whether
+ // the
+ // neighbor
+ // is
+ // coarser. If
+ // it is, we
+ // search
+ // for the
+ // vertex in
+ // this
+ // coarser
+ // cell and
+ // only if
+ // not found
+ // we will
+ // add the
+ // coarser
+ // cell
+ // itself
+ if (nb->level() < cell->level())
+ {
+ bool found = false;
+ for (unsigned v=0; v<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; v++)
+ if (nb->vertex_index(v) == vertex)
+ {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ adj_cells_set.insert(nb);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- break;
- }
+ break;
+ }
- std::vector<typename Container<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator> adjacent_cells;
- // We now produce the output vector
- // from the set that we assembled above.
- typename std::set<typename Container<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator>::iterator
- it = adj_cells_set.begin(),
- endit = adj_cells_set.end();
- for(; it != endit; ++it)
- adjacent_cells.push_back(*it);
+ std::vector<typename Container<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator>
+ adjacent_cells;
+ // We now produce the output vector
+ // from the set that we assembled above.
+ typename std::set<typename Container<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator>::iterator
+ it = adj_cells_set.begin(),
+ endit = adj_cells_set.end();
+ for(; it != endit; ++it)
+ adjacent_cells.push_back(*it);
- Assert(adjacent_cells.size() > 0, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(adjacent_cells.size() > 0, ExcInternalError());
- return adjacent_cells;
+ return adjacent_cells;
template <int dim, template<int, int> class Container, int spacedim>
typename Container<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
GridTools::find_active_cell_around_point (const Container<dim,spacedim> &container,
const Point<spacedim> &p)
- return find_active_cell_around_point(StaticMappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::mapping,
- container, p).first;
+ return find_active_cell_around_point(StaticMappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::mapping,
+ container, p).first;
const Container<dim,spacedim> &container,
const Point<spacedim> &p)
- typedef typename Container<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell_iterator;
+ typedef typename Container<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell_iterator;
// The best distance is set to the
// maximum allowable distance from
// the unit cell; we assume a
// max. deviation of 1e-10
- double best_distance = 1e-10;
- int best_level = -1;
- std::pair<cell_iterator, Point<spacedim> > best_cell;
+ double best_distance = 1e-10;
+ int best_level = -1;
+ std::pair<cell_iterator, Point<spacedim> > best_cell;
// Find closest vertex and determine
// all adjacent cells
- unsigned int vertex = find_closest_vertex(container, p);
+ unsigned int vertex = find_closest_vertex(container, p);
- std::vector<cell_iterator> adjacent_cells =
- find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex(container, vertex);
+ std::vector<cell_iterator> adjacent_cells =
+ find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex(container, vertex);
- typename std::vector<cell_iterator>::const_iterator
- cell = adjacent_cells.begin(),
- endc = adjacent_cells.end();
+ typename std::vector<cell_iterator>::const_iterator
+ cell = adjacent_cells.begin(),
+ endc = adjacent_cells.end();
- for(; cell != endc; ++cell)
- {
- const Point<spacedim> p_cell = mapping.transform_real_to_unit_cell(*cell, p);
- // calculate the infinity norm of
- // the distance vector to the unit cell.
- const double dist = GeometryInfo<dim>::distance_to_unit_cell(p_cell);
- // We compare if the point is inside the
- // unit cell (or at least not too far
- // outside). If it is, it is also checked
- // that the cell has a more refined state
- if (dist < best_distance ||
- (dist == best_distance && (*cell)->level() > best_level))
- {
- best_distance = dist;
- best_level = (*cell)->level();
- best_cell = std::make_pair(*cell, p_cell);
- }
- }
+ for(; cell != endc; ++cell)
+ {
+ const Point<spacedim> p_cell = mapping.transform_real_to_unit_cell(*cell, p);
+ // calculate the infinity norm of
+ // the distance vector to the unit cell.
+ const double dist = GeometryInfo<dim>::distance_to_unit_cell(p_cell);
+ // We compare if the point is inside the
+ // unit cell (or at least not too far
+ // outside). If it is, it is also checked
+ // that the cell has a more refined state
+ if (dist < best_distance ||
+ (dist == best_distance && (*cell)->level() > best_level))
+ {
+ best_distance = dist;
+ best_level = (*cell)->level();
+ best_cell = std::make_pair(*cell, p_cell);
+ }
+ }
- Assert (best_cell.first.state() == IteratorState::valid,
- ExcPointNotFound<dim>(p));
+ Assert (best_cell.first.state() == IteratorState::valid,
+ ExcPointNotFound<dim>(p));
- return best_cell;
+ return best_cell;
const hp::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim> &container,
const Point<spacedim> &p)
- typedef typename hp::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell_iterator;
+ typedef typename hp::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell_iterator;
// The best distance is set to the
// maximum allowable distance from
// the unit cell; we assume a
// max. deviation of 1e-10
- double best_distance = 1e-10;
- int best_level = -1;
- std::pair<cell_iterator, Point<spacedim> > best_cell;
+ double best_distance = 1e-10;
+ int best_level = -1;
+ std::pair<cell_iterator, Point<spacedim> > best_cell;
// Find closest vertex and determine
// all adjacent cells
- unsigned int vertex = find_closest_vertex(container, p);
+ unsigned int vertex = find_closest_vertex(container, p);
- std::vector<cell_iterator> adjacent_cells =
- find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex(container, vertex);
+ std::vector<cell_iterator> adjacent_cells =
+ find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex(container, vertex);
- typename std::vector<cell_iterator>::const_iterator
- cell = adjacent_cells.begin(),
- endc = adjacent_cells.end();
+ typename std::vector<cell_iterator>::const_iterator
+ cell = adjacent_cells.begin(),
+ endc = adjacent_cells.end();
- for(; cell != endc; ++cell)
- {
- const Point<spacedim> p_cell
- = mapping[(*cell)->active_fe_index()].transform_real_to_unit_cell(*cell, p);
- // calculate the infinity norm of
- // the distance vector to the unit cell.
- const double dist = GeometryInfo<dim>::distance_to_unit_cell(p_cell);
- // We compare if the point is inside the
- // unit cell (or at least not too far
- // outside). If it is, it is also checked
- // that the cell has a more refined state
- if (dist < best_distance ||
- (dist == best_distance && (*cell)->level() > best_level))
- {
- best_distance = dist;
- best_level = (*cell)->level();
- best_cell = std::make_pair(*cell, p_cell);
- }
- }
+ for(; cell != endc; ++cell)
+ {
+ const Point<spacedim> p_cell
+ = mapping[(*cell)->active_fe_index()].transform_real_to_unit_cell(*cell, p);
+ // calculate the infinity norm of
+ // the distance vector to the unit cell.
+ const double dist = GeometryInfo<dim>::distance_to_unit_cell(p_cell);
+ // We compare if the point is inside the
+ // unit cell (or at least not too far
+ // outside). If it is, it is also checked
+ // that the cell has a more refined state
+ if (dist < best_distance ||
+ (dist == best_distance && (*cell)->level() > best_level))
+ {
+ best_distance = dist;
+ best_level = (*cell)->level();
+ best_cell = std::make_pair(*cell, p_cell);
+ }
+ }
- Assert (best_cell.first.state() == IteratorState::valid,
- ExcPointNotFound<dim>(p));
+ Assert (best_cell.first.state() == IteratorState::valid,
+ ExcPointNotFound<dim>(p));
- return best_cell;
+ return best_cell;