const VectorBase &x,
const VectorBase &b) const;
+ /**
+ * Perform the matrix-matrix
+ * multiplication <tt>C = A * B</tt>,
+ * or, if an optional vector argument
+ * is given, <tt>C = A * diag(V) *
+ * B</tt>, where <tt>diag(V)</tt>
+ * defines a diagonal matrix with the
+ * vector entries.
+ *
+ * This function assumes that the
+ * calling matrix <tt>A</tt> and
+ * <tt>B</tt> have compatible
+ * sizes. The size of <tt>C</tt> will
+ * be set within this function.
+ *
+ * The content as well as the sparsity
+ * pattern of the matrix C will be
+ * changed by this function, so make
+ * sure that the sparsity pattern is
+ * not used somewhere else in your
+ * program. This is an expensive
+ * operation, so think twice before you
+ * use this function.
+ */
+ void mmult (SparseMatrix &C,
+ const SparseMatrix &B,
+ const VectorBase &V = VectorBase()) const;
* @name Matrix norms
* <i>l</i><sub>1</sub>-norm of
* the matrix, that is
* $|M|_1=
- * \max_{\mathrm{all columns } j}
- * \sum_{\mathrm{all rows } i}
+ * \max_{\mathrm{all\ columns\ } j}
+ * \sum_{\mathrm{all\ rows\ } i}
* |M_{ij}|$, (max. sum
* of columns). This is the
* natural matrix norm that is
* Return the linfty-norm of the
* matrix, that is
- * $|M|_\infty=\max_{\mathrm{all
- * rows} i}\sum_{\mathrm{all
- * columns} j} |M_{ij}|$,
+ * $|M|_\infty=\max_{\mathrm{all\
+ * rows\ } i}\sum_{\mathrm{all\
+ * columns\ } j} |M_{ij}|$,
* (max. sum of rows). This is
* the natural matrix norm that
* is compatible to the
+#include <ml_epetra_utils.h>
+#include <ml_struct.h>
namespace TrilinosWrappers
matrix->FillComplete (col_map, row_map, true);
- int length;
- int *row_indices;
- TrilinosScalar *values;
- for (unsigned int row=0; row<m(); ++row)
- if (row_map.MyGID(row))
- {
- const int local_row = row_map.LID(row);
- input_matrix.ExtractMyRowView(local_row, length, values, row_indices);
- matrix->ReplaceMyValues(local_row, length, values, row_indices);
- }
+ const TrilinosScalar * in_values = input_matrix[0];
+ TrilinosScalar * values = (*matrix)[0];
+ const unsigned int my_nonzeros = input_matrix.NumMyNonzeros();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<my_nonzeros; ++i)
+ values[i] = in_values[0];
+ void
+ SparseMatrix::mmult (SparseMatrix &C,
+ const SparseMatrix &B,
+ const VectorBase &V) const
+ {
+ const bool use_vector = V.size() == n() ? true : false;
+ Assert (n() == B.m(), ExcDimensionMismatch(n(), B.m()));
+ Assert (this->matrix->DomainMap().SameAs(B.matrix->RangeMap()),
+ ExcMessage ("Parallel partitioning of A and B does not fit."));
+ C.clear();
+ // use ML built-in method for performing
+ // the matrix-matrix product.
+ // create ML operators on top of the
+ // Epetra matrix.
+ ML_Comm* comm;
+ ML_Comm_Create(&comm);
+ ML_Operator *A_ = ML_Operator_Create(comm);
+ ML_Operator *B_ = ML_Operator_Create(comm);
+ ML_Operator *C_ = ML_Operator_Create(comm);
+ ML_Operator_WrapEpetraCrsMatrix(&*matrix,A_,false);
+ ML_Operator_WrapEpetraCrsMatrix(&*B.matrix,B_,false);
+ // create an Epetra_CrsMatrix with the
+ // vector content on the diagonal.
+ Epetra_CrsMatrix Vmat (Copy, this->matrix->DomainMap(),
+ B.matrix->RangeMap(), 1, true);
+ const int min_my_gid = this->matrix->DomainMap().MinMyGID();
+ const int max_my_gid = this->matrix->DomainMap().MaxMyGID() + 1;
+ for (int i=min_my_gid; i<max_my_gid; ++i)
+ {
+ double V_val = use_vector ? V(i) : 1;
+ Vmat.InsertGlobalValues (i, 1, &V_val, &i);
+ }
+ Vmat.FillComplete();
+ Vmat.OptimizeStorage();
+ // wrap even this matrix into ML format
+ ML_Operator *V_ = ML_Operator_Create (comm);
+ ML_Operator_WrapEpetraCrsMatrix (&Vmat, V_, false);
+ // perform triple matrix-vector product
+ ML_rap (A_, V_, B_, C_, ML_CSR_MATRIX);
+ ML_Operator_Destroy (&V_);
+ // create an Epetra matrix from the ML
+ // matrix that we got as a result.
+ Epetra_CrsMatrix * C_mat;
+ ML_Operator2EpetraCrsMatrix(C_, C_mat);
+ C_mat->FillComplete();
+ C_mat->OptimizeStorage();
+ C.reinit (*C_mat);
+ ML_Operator_Destroy (&A_);
+ ML_Operator_Destroy (&B_);
+ ML_Operator_Destroy (&C_);
+ }
SparseMatrix::add (const TrilinosScalar factor,
const SparseMatrix &rhs)