]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii-svn.git/commitdiff
Interpolation of boundary values for 1d curves in 2d didn't always work because it...
authorbangerth <bangerth@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Sun, 19 Dec 2010 17:21:45 +0000 (17:21 +0000)
committerbangerth <bangerth@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Sun, 19 Dec 2010 17:21:45 +0000 (17:21 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@23007 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d


index f79ead7a06e288afd5bad213f112141fd8ea5a8d..5e74334edfcbdc206a91836c7023bea44fd59db3 100644 (file)
@@ -1244,12 +1244,17 @@ VectorTools::create_boundary_right_hand_side (const hp::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>
 // ----------- interpolate_boundary_values for std::map --------------------
-// TODO: it might be possible to avoid the specialization for 1D if we could
-// have hp::FEFaceValues<1>...
 namespace internal
   namespace VectorTools
+                                    // interpolate boundary values in
+                                    // 1d. in higher dimensions, we
+                                    // use FEValues to figure out
+                                    // what to do on faces, but in 1d
+                                    // faces are points and it is far
+                                    // easier to simply work on
+                                    // individual vertices
     template <class DH>
     static inline
     void interpolate_boundary_values (const Mapping<DH::dimension, DH::space_dimension> &,
@@ -1274,116 +1279,68 @@ namespace internal
       if (function_map.size() == 0)
-      Assert (function_map.find(255) == function_map.end(),
-             dealii::VectorTools::ExcInvalidBoundaryIndicator());
-                                      // if this 1d mesh is embedded
-                                      // in a higher dimensional
-                                      // space, it may be that it is
-                                      // a circle; in that case,
-                                      // there are no boundary nodes
-                                      // and we want to catch this
-                                      // now before we get into what
-                                      // turns out to be an endless
-                                      // loop further down below
-                                      // where we try to find the
-                                      // cell at the left or right
-                                      // edge of the domain
-      if (DH::space_dimension > 1)
-       {
-         typename DH::cell_iterator cell = dof.begin(0);
-         unsigned int count = 0;
-         while (cell->neighbor(1).state() == IteratorState::valid)
-           {
-             cell = cell->neighbor(1);
-             ++count;
-             if (count > dof.get_tria().n_cells(0))
-                                                // we looped back
-                                                // around. there is
-                                                // nothing for us to
-                                                // do here
-               return;
-           }
-       }
-                                          // now do the actual work
       for (typename FunctionMap<spacedim>::type::const_iterator i=function_map.begin();
           i!=function_map.end(); ++i)
-       {
-                                          // check whether boundary values at
-                                          // the left or right boundary of
-                                          // the line are
-                                          // requested. direction denotes
-                                          // the neighboring direction in
-                                          // which we seek the boundary,
-                                          // i.e. 0 is left boundary and 1 is
-                                          // right.
-         const unsigned int direction = i->first;
-         Assert (direction < 2,
-                 dealii::VectorTools::ExcInvalidBoundaryIndicator());
-         const Function<DH::space_dimension> & boundary_function = *(i->second);
-                                          // first find the outermost active
-                                          // cell by first traversing the coarse
-                                          // grid to its end and then going
-                                          // to the children.
-                                          //
-                                          // note that we have
-                                          // already ruled out the
-                                          // case that the mesh is a
-                                          // topological circle
-                                          // above, so we don't have
-                                          // to check here any more
-         typename DH::cell_iterator outermost_cell = dof.begin(0);
-         while (outermost_cell->neighbor(direction).state() == IteratorState::valid)
-           outermost_cell = outermost_cell->neighbor(direction);
-         while (outermost_cell->has_children())
-           outermost_cell = outermost_cell->child(direction);
-                                   // get the FE corresponding to this
-                                   // cell
-         const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> &fe = outermost_cell->get_fe();
-         Assert (fe.n_components() == boundary_function.n_components,
-                 ExcDimensionMismatch(fe.n_components(), boundary_function.n_components));
+       Assert (i->first < 2,
+               dealii::VectorTools::ExcInvalidBoundaryIndicator());
-                                  // set the component mask to either
-                                  // the original value or a vector
-                                  // of trues
-         const std::vector<bool> component_mask ((component_mask_.size() == 0) ?
-                                                 std::vector<bool> (fe.n_components(), true) :
-                                                 component_mask_);
-         Assert (std::count(component_mask.begin(), component_mask.end(), true) > 0,
-                 dealii::VectorTools::ExcNoComponentSelected());
-                                  // now set the value of the
-                                  // outermost degree of
-                                  // freedom. setting also
-                                  // creates the entry in the map
-                                  // if it did not exist
-                                  // beforehand
-                                  //
-                                  // save some time by requesting
-                                  // values only once for each point,
-                                  // irrespective of the number of
-                                  // components of the function
-         dealii::Vector<double> function_values (fe.n_components());
-         if (fe.n_components() == 1)
-           function_values(0)
-             = boundary_function.value (outermost_cell->vertex(direction));
-         else
-           boundary_function.vector_value (outermost_cell->vertex(direction),
-                                           function_values);
-         for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_vertex; ++i)
-           if (component_mask[fe.face_system_to_component_index(i).first])
-             boundary_values[outermost_cell->
-                             vertex_dof_index(direction,i,
-                                              outermost_cell->active_fe_index())]
-               = function_values(fe.face_system_to_component_index(i).first);
-       }
+      for (typename DH::active_cell_iterator cell = dof.begin_active();
+          cell != dof.end(); ++cell)
+       for (unsigned int direction=0;
+            direction<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++direction)
+         if (cell->at_boundary(direction)
+             &&
+             (function_map.find(direction) != function_map.end()))
+           {
+             const Function<DH::space_dimension> & boundary_function
+               = *function_map.find(direction)->second;
+                                              // get the FE corresponding to this
+                                              // cell
+             const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> &fe = cell->get_fe();
+             Assert (fe.n_components() == boundary_function.n_components,
+                     ExcDimensionMismatch(fe.n_components(),
+                                          boundary_function.n_components));
+                                              // set the component mask to either
+                                              // the original value or a vector
+                                              // of trues
+             const std::vector<bool> component_mask ((component_mask_.size() == 0) ?
+                                                     std::vector<bool> (fe.n_components(), true) :
+                                                     component_mask_);
+             Assert (std::count(component_mask.begin(), component_mask.end(), true) > 0,
+                     dealii::VectorTools::ExcNoComponentSelected());
+                                              // now set the value of
+                                              // the vertex degree of
+                                              // freedom. setting
+                                              // also creates the
+                                              // entry in the map if
+                                              // it did not exist
+                                              // beforehand
+                                              //
+                                              // save some time by
+                                              // requesting values
+                                              // only once for each
+                                              // point, irrespective
+                                              // of the number of
+                                              // components of the
+                                              // function
+             dealii::Vector<double> function_values (fe.n_components());
+             if (fe.n_components() == 1)
+               function_values(0)
+                 = boundary_function.value (cell->vertex(direction));
+             else
+               boundary_function.vector_value (cell->vertex(direction),
+                                               function_values);
+             for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_vertex; ++i)
+               if (component_mask[fe.face_system_to_component_index(i).first])
+                 boundary_values[cell->
+                                 vertex_dof_index(direction,i,
+                                                  cell->active_fe_index())]
+                   = function_values(fe.face_system_to_component_index(i).first);
+           }
@@ -1443,7 +1400,7 @@ namespace internal
                                   // array to store the values of
                                   // the boundary function at the
-                                  // boundary points. have to arrays
+                                  // boundary points. have two arrays
                                   // for scalar and vector functions
                                   // to use the more efficient one
                                   // respectively
@@ -4192,7 +4149,7 @@ namespace internal
           case dealii::VectorTools::W1infty_seminorm:
                 update_flags |= UpdateFlags (update_gradients);
                if(spacedim == dim+1) update_flags |= UpdateFlags (update_normal_vectors);
           case dealii::VectorTools::H1_norm:
           case dealii::VectorTools::W1p_norm:
@@ -4349,7 +4306,7 @@ namespace internal
                                                // subtracting the
                                                // normal component of
                                                // the gradient from
-                                               // the exact function.  
+                                               // the exact function.
               fe_values.get_function_grads (fe_function, function_grads);
              if(update_flags & update_normal_vectors)
                for (unsigned int k=0; k<n_components; ++k)
@@ -4363,7 +4320,7 @@ namespace internal
                  for (unsigned int q=0; q<n_q_points; ++q)
                    psi_grads[q][k] -= function_grads[q][k];
           switch (norm)
               case dealii::VectorTools::mean:
index 84e32afe293c6836a1576bdf151365f741957169..aed2338ae739693d549d5b5235269a6b96c2ce01 100644 (file)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-DEAL::1 active cells
-DEAL::3 degrees of freedom
-DEAL::1 boundary degrees of freedom
-DEAL::0 0
-DEAL::1 boundary degrees of freedom
-DEAL::1 1.00000
+DEAL::3 active cells
+DEAL::4 degrees of freedom
+DEAL::2 boundary degrees of freedom
+DEAL::0 1.00000
+DEAL::3 1.00000
+DEAL::0 boundary degrees of freedom

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.