we refer to the @ref distributed_paper "Distributed Computing paper".
So how large are the largest problems one can solve? At the time of writing
-this problem, the
+this problem, the
limiting factor is that the program uses the BoomerAMG algebraic
multigrid method from the <a
href="http://acts.nersc.gov/hypre/" target="_top">hypre package</a> as
gigabyte. Currently, no program is able to visualize this amount of
data in any reasonable way unless it also runs on at least several
hundred processors. There are, however, approaches where visualization
-program directly communicate with solvers on each processor with each
+programs directly communicate with solvers on each processor with each
visualization process rendering the part of the scene computed by the
solver on this processor. Implementing such an interface would allow
to quickly visualize things that are otherwise not amenable to