-namespace internal
- /**
- * A namespace for geometric information on reference cells.
- */
- namespace ReferenceCell
- {
- /**
- * Interface to be used in TriaAccessor/TriaCellAccessor to access
- * sub-entities of dimension d' of geometric entities of dimension d, with
- * 0<=d'<d<=3.
- */
- struct Base
- {
- /**
- * Destructor.
- */
- virtual ~Base() = default;
- private:
- /**
- * Number of vertices.
- */
- virtual unsigned int
- n_vertices() const
- {
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Number of lines.
- */
- virtual unsigned int
- n_lines() const
- {
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Number of faces.
- */
- virtual unsigned int
- n_faces() const
- {
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Return an object that can be thought of as an array containing all
- * indices from zero to n_vertices().
- */
- inline std_cxx20::ranges::iota_view<unsigned int, unsigned int>
- vertex_indices() const
- {
- return {0U, n_vertices()};
- }
- /**
- * Return an object that can be thought of as an array containing all
- * indices from zero to n_lines().
- */
- inline std_cxx20::ranges::iota_view<unsigned int, unsigned int>
- line_indices() const
- {
- return {0U, n_lines()};
- }
- /**
- * Return an object that can be thought of as an array containing all
- * indices from zero to n_faces().
- */
- inline std_cxx20::ranges::iota_view<unsigned int, unsigned int>
- face_indices() const
- {
- return {0U, n_faces()};
- }
- /**
- * Standard decomposition of vertex index into face and face-vertex
- * index.
- */
- virtual std::array<unsigned int, 2>
- standard_vertex_to_face_and_vertex_index(const unsigned int vertex) const
- {
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- (void)vertex;
- return {{0u, 0u}};
- }
- /**
- * Standard decomposition of line index into face and face-line index.
- */
- virtual std::array<unsigned int, 2>
- standard_line_to_face_and_line_index(const unsigned int line) const
- {
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- (void)line;
- return {{0, 0}};
- }
- /**
- * Correct vertex index depending on face orientation.
- */
- virtual unsigned int
- standard_to_real_face_vertex(const unsigned int vertex,
- const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const
- {
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- (void)vertex;
- (void)face;
- (void)face_orientation;
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Correct line index depending on face orientation.
- */
- virtual unsigned int
- standard_to_real_face_line(const unsigned int line,
- const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const
- {
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- (void)line;
- (void)face;
- (void)face_orientation;
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Combine face and line orientation.
- */
- virtual bool
- combine_face_and_line_orientation(
- const unsigned int line,
- const unsigned char face_orientation,
- const unsigned char line_orientation) const
- {
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- (void)line;
- (void)face_orientation;
- (void)line_orientation;
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Return reference-cell type of face @p face_no.
- */
- virtual dealii::ReferenceCell
- face_reference_cell(const unsigned int face_no) const
- {
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- (void)face_no;
- return ReferenceCells::Invalid;
- }
- /**
- * Map face line number to cell line number.
- */
- virtual unsigned int
- face_to_cell_lines(const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned int line,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const
- {
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- (void)face;
- (void)line;
- (void)face_orientation;
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Map face vertex number to cell vertex number.
- */
- virtual unsigned int
- face_to_cell_vertices(const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned int vertex,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const
- {
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- (void)face;
- (void)vertex;
- (void)face_orientation;
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Map an ExodusII vertex number to a deal.II vertex number.
- */
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_vertex_to_deal_vertex(const unsigned int vertex_n) const
- {
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- (void)vertex_n;
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Map an ExodusII face number to a deal.II face number.
- */
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_face_to_deal_face(const unsigned int face_n) const
- {
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- (void)face_n;
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Indices of child cells that are adjacent to a certain face of the
- * mother cell.
- */
- virtual unsigned int
- child_cell_on_face(const unsigned int face_n,
- const unsigned int subface_n) const
- {
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- (void)face_n;
- (void)subface_n;
- return numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Base class for tensor-product geometric entities.
- */
- template <int dim>
- struct TensorProductBase : Base
- {
- unsigned int
- n_vertices() const override
- {
- return GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
- }
- unsigned int
- n_lines() const override
- {
- return GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell;
- }
- unsigned int
- n_faces() const override
- {
- return GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
- }
- unsigned int
- face_to_cell_lines(const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned int line,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const override
- {
- return GeometryInfo<dim>::face_to_cell_lines(
- face,
- line,
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 0),
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 2),
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 1));
- }
- unsigned int
- face_to_cell_vertices(const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned int vertex,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const override
- {
- return GeometryInfo<dim>::face_to_cell_vertices(
- face,
- vertex,
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 0),
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 2),
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 1));
- }
- };
- /*
- * Vertex.
- */
- struct Vertex : public TensorProductBase<0>
- {
- dealii::ReferenceCell
- face_reference_cell(const unsigned int face_no) const override
- {
- (void)face_no;
- return ReferenceCells::Invalid;
- }
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_face_to_deal_face(const unsigned int face_n) const override
- {
- (void)face_n;
- AssertIndexRange(face_n, n_faces());
- return 0;
- }
- };
- /*
- * Line.
- */
- struct Line : public TensorProductBase<1>
- {
- dealii::ReferenceCell
- face_reference_cell(const unsigned int face_no) const override
- {
- (void)face_no;
- return ReferenceCells::Vertex;
- }
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_vertex_to_deal_vertex(const unsigned int vertex_n) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(vertex_n, n_vertices());
- return vertex_n;
- }
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_face_to_deal_face(const unsigned int face_n) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(face_n, n_faces());
- return face_n;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Triangle.
- */
- struct Triangle : public Base
- {
- unsigned int
- n_vertices() const override
- {
- return 3;
- }
- unsigned int
- n_lines() const override
- {
- return 3;
- }
- unsigned int
- n_faces() const override
- {
- return this->n_lines();
- }
- std::array<unsigned int, 2>
- standard_vertex_to_face_and_vertex_index(
- const unsigned int vertex) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(vertex, 3);
- static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 2>, 3> table = {
- {{{0, 0}}, {{0, 1}}, {{1, 1}}}};
- return table[vertex];
- }
- unsigned int
- standard_to_real_face_vertex(
- const unsigned int vertex,
- const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned char line_orientation) const override
- {
- (void)face;
- static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 2>, 2> table = {
- {{{1, 0}}, {{0, 1}}}};
- return table[line_orientation][vertex];
- }
- dealii::ReferenceCell
- face_reference_cell(const unsigned int face_no) const override
- {
- (void)face_no;
- AssertIndexRange(face_no, n_faces());
- return dealii::ReferenceCells::Line;
- }
- unsigned int
- face_to_cell_lines(const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned int line,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(face, n_faces());
- AssertDimension(line, 0);
- (void)line;
- (void)face_orientation;
- return face;
- }
- unsigned int
- face_to_cell_vertices(const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned int vertex,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const override
- {
- static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 2>, 3> table = {
- {{{0, 1}}, {{1, 2}}, {{2, 0}}}};
- return table[face][face_orientation ? vertex : (1 - vertex)];
- }
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_vertex_to_deal_vertex(const unsigned int vertex_n) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(vertex_n, n_vertices());
- return vertex_n;
- }
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_face_to_deal_face(const unsigned int face_n) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(face_n, n_faces());
- return face_n;
- }
- virtual unsigned int
- child_cell_on_face(const unsigned int face_n,
- const unsigned int subface_n) const override
- {
- static constexpr unsigned int subcells[3][2] = {{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 0}};
- return subcells[face_n][subface_n];
- }
- };
- /**
- * Quadrilateral
- */
- struct Quadrilateral : public TensorProductBase<2>
- {
- std::array<unsigned int, 2>
- standard_vertex_to_face_and_vertex_index(
- const unsigned int vertex) const override
- {
- return GeometryInfo<2>::standard_quad_vertex_to_line_vertex_index(
- vertex);
- }
- unsigned int
- standard_to_real_face_vertex(
- const unsigned int vertex,
- const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned char line_orientation) const override
- {
- (void)face;
- return GeometryInfo<2>::standard_to_real_line_vertex(vertex,
- line_orientation);
- }
- dealii::ReferenceCell
- face_reference_cell(const unsigned int face_no) const override
- {
- (void)face_no;
- return dealii::ReferenceCells::Line;
- }
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_vertex_to_deal_vertex(const unsigned int vertex_n) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(vertex_n, n_vertices());
- constexpr std::array<unsigned int, 4> exodus_to_deal{{0, 1, 3, 2}};
- return exodus_to_deal[vertex_n];
- }
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_face_to_deal_face(const unsigned int face_n) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(face_n, n_faces());
- constexpr std::array<unsigned int, 4> exodus_to_deal{{2, 1, 3, 0}};
- return exodus_to_deal[face_n];
- }
- };
- /**
- * Tetrahedron
- */
- struct Tetrahedron : public Base
- {
- unsigned int
- n_vertices() const override
- {
- return 4;
- }
- unsigned int
- n_lines() const override
- {
- return 6;
- }
- unsigned int
- n_faces() const override
- {
- return 4;
- }
- std::array<unsigned int, 2>
- standard_line_to_face_and_line_index(
- const unsigned int line) const override
- {
- static const std::array<unsigned int, 2> table[6] = {
- {{0, 0}}, {{0, 1}}, {{0, 2}}, {{1, 1}}, {{1, 2}}, {{2, 1}}};
- return table[line];
- }
- unsigned int
- standard_to_real_face_line(
- const unsigned int line,
- const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const override
- {
- (void)face;
- static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 3>, 6> table = {
- {{{2, 1, 0}},
- {{0, 1, 2}},
- {{1, 0, 2}},
- {{1, 2, 0}},
- {{0, 2, 1}},
- {{2, 0, 1}}}};
- return table[face_orientation][line];
- }
- bool
- combine_face_and_line_orientation(
- const unsigned int line,
- const unsigned char face_orientation_raw,
- const unsigned char line_orientation) const override
- {
- (void)line;
- (void)face_orientation_raw;
- return line_orientation;
- }
- std::array<unsigned int, 2>
- standard_vertex_to_face_and_vertex_index(
- const unsigned int vertex) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(vertex, 4);
- static const std::array<unsigned int, 2> table[4] = {{{0, 0}},
- {{0, 1}},
- {{0, 2}},
- {{1, 2}}};
- return table[vertex];
- }
- unsigned int
- standard_to_real_face_vertex(
- const unsigned int vertex,
- const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(face_orientation, 6);
- (void)face;
- static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 3>, 6> table = {
- {{{0, 2, 1}},
- {{0, 1, 2}},
- {{2, 1, 0}},
- {{1, 2, 0}},
- {{1, 0, 2}},
- {{2, 0, 1}}}};
- return table[face_orientation][vertex];
- }
- dealii::ReferenceCell
- face_reference_cell(const unsigned int face_no) const override
- {
- (void)face_no;
- AssertIndexRange(face_no, n_faces());
- return dealii::ReferenceCells::Triangle;
- }
- unsigned int
- face_to_cell_lines(const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned int line,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(face, n_faces());
- const static std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 3>, 4> table = {
- {{{0, 1, 2}}, {{0, 3, 4}}, {{2, 5, 3}}, {{1, 4, 5}}}};
- return table[face]
- [standard_to_real_face_line(line, face, face_orientation)];
- }
- unsigned int
- face_to_cell_vertices(const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned int vertex,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const override
- {
- static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 3>, 4> table = {
- {{{0, 1, 2}}, {{1, 0, 3}}, {{0, 2, 3}}, {{2, 1, 3}}}};
- return table[face][standard_to_real_face_vertex(
- vertex, face, face_orientation)];
- }
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_vertex_to_deal_vertex(const unsigned int vertex_n) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(vertex_n, n_vertices());
- return vertex_n;
- }
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_face_to_deal_face(const unsigned int face_n) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(face_n, n_faces());
- constexpr std::array<unsigned int, 4> exodus_to_deal{{1, 3, 2, 0}};
- return exodus_to_deal[face_n];
- }
- };
- /**
- * Pyramid.
- */
- struct Pyramid : public Base
- {
- unsigned int
- n_vertices() const override
- {
- return 5;
- }
- unsigned int
- n_lines() const override
- {
- return 8;
- }
- unsigned int
- n_faces() const override
- {
- return 5;
- }
- std::array<unsigned int, 2>
- standard_line_to_face_and_line_index(
- const unsigned int line) const override
- {
- static const std::array<unsigned int, 2> table[8] = {{{0, 0}},
- {{0, 1}},
- {{0, 2}},
- {{0, 3}},
- {{1, 2}},
- {{2, 1}},
- {{1, 1}},
- {{2, 2}}};
- return table[line];
- }
- unsigned int
- standard_to_real_face_line(
- const unsigned int line,
- const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const override
- {
- if (face == 0) // The quadrilateral face
- {
- return GeometryInfo<3>::standard_to_real_face_line(
- line,
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 0),
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 2),
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 1));
- }
- else // One of the triangular faces
- {
- static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 3>, 6> table = {
- {{{2, 1, 0}},
- {{0, 1, 2}},
- {{1, 0, 2}},
- {{1, 2, 0}},
- {{0, 2, 1}},
- {{2, 0, 1}}}};
- return table[face_orientation][line];
- }
- }
- bool
- combine_face_and_line_orientation(
- const unsigned int line,
- const unsigned char face_orientation_raw,
- const unsigned char line_orientation) const override
- {
- (void)line;
- (void)face_orientation_raw;
- return line_orientation;
- }
- std::array<unsigned int, 2>
- standard_vertex_to_face_and_vertex_index(
- const unsigned int vertex) const override
- {
- static const std::array<unsigned int, 2> table[5] = {
- {{0, 0}}, {{0, 1}}, {{0, 2}}, {{0, 3}}, {{1, 2}}};
- return table[vertex];
- }
- unsigned int
- standard_to_real_face_vertex(
- const unsigned int vertex,
- const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const override
- {
- if (face == 0) // The one quadrilateral face
- {
- return GeometryInfo<3>::standard_to_real_face_vertex(
- vertex,
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 0),
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 2),
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 1));
- }
- else // One of the triangular faces
- {
- static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 3>, 6> table = {
- {{{0, 2, 1}},
- {{0, 1, 2}},
- {{2, 1, 0}},
- {{1, 2, 0}},
- {{1, 0, 2}},
- {{2, 0, 1}}}};
- return table[face_orientation][vertex];
- }
- }
- dealii::ReferenceCell
- face_reference_cell(const unsigned int face_no) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(face_no, n_faces());
- if (face_no == 0)
- return dealii::ReferenceCells::Quadrilateral;
- else
- return dealii::ReferenceCells::Triangle;
- }
- unsigned int
- face_to_cell_vertices(const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned int vertex,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(face, n_faces());
- if (face == 0)
- {
- AssertIndexRange(vertex, 4);
- }
- else
- {
- AssertIndexRange(vertex, 3);
- }
- constexpr auto X = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
- static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 4>, 5> table = {
- {{{0, 1, 2, 3}},
- {{0, 2, 4, X}},
- {{3, 1, 4, X}},
- {{1, 0, 4, X}},
- {{2, 3, 4, X}}}};
- return table[face][standard_to_real_face_vertex(
- vertex, face, face_orientation)];
- }
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_vertex_to_deal_vertex(const unsigned int vertex_n) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(vertex_n, n_vertices());
- constexpr std::array<unsigned int, 5> exodus_to_deal{{0, 1, 3, 2, 4}};
- return exodus_to_deal[vertex_n];
- }
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_face_to_deal_face(const unsigned int face_n) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(face_n, n_faces());
- constexpr std::array<unsigned int, 5> exodus_to_deal{{3, 2, 4, 1, 0}};
- return exodus_to_deal[face_n];
- }
- };
- /**
- * Wedge.
- */
- struct Wedge : public Base
- {
- unsigned int
- n_vertices() const override
- {
- return 6;
- }
- unsigned int
- n_lines() const override
- {
- return 9;
- }
- unsigned int
- n_faces() const override
- {
- return 5;
- }
- std::array<unsigned int, 2>
- standard_line_to_face_and_line_index(
- const unsigned int line) const override
- {
- static const std::array<unsigned int, 2> table[9] = {{{0, 0}},
- {{0, 2}},
- {{0, 1}},
- {{1, 0}},
- {{1, 1}},
- {{1, 2}},
- {{2, 0}},
- {{2, 1}},
- {{3, 1}}};
- return table[line];
- }
- unsigned int
- standard_to_real_face_line(
- const unsigned int line,
- const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const override
- {
- if (face > 1) // One of the quadrilateral faces
- {
- return GeometryInfo<3>::standard_to_real_face_line(
- line,
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 0),
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 2),
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 1));
- }
- else // One of the triangular faces
- {
- static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 3>, 6> table = {
- {{{2, 1, 0}},
- {{0, 1, 2}},
- {{1, 0, 2}},
- {{1, 2, 0}},
- {{0, 2, 1}},
- {{2, 0, 1}}}};
- return table[face_orientation][line];
- }
- }
- bool
- combine_face_and_line_orientation(
- const unsigned int line,
- const unsigned char face_orientation_raw,
- const unsigned char line_orientation) const override
- {
- (void)line;
- (void)face_orientation_raw;
- return line_orientation;
- }
- std::array<unsigned int, 2>
- standard_vertex_to_face_and_vertex_index(
- const unsigned int vertex) const override
- {
- static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 2>, 6> table = {
- {{{0, 1}}, {{0, 0}}, {{0, 2}}, {{1, 0}}, {{1, 1}}, {{1, 2}}}};
- return table[vertex];
- }
- unsigned int
- standard_to_real_face_vertex(
- const unsigned int vertex,
- const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const override
- {
- if (face > 1) // One of the quadrilateral faces
- {
- return GeometryInfo<3>::standard_to_real_face_vertex(
- vertex,
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 0),
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 2),
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 1));
- }
- else // One of the triangular faces
- {
- static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 3>, 6> table = {
- {{{0, 2, 1}},
- {{0, 1, 2}},
- {{2, 1, 0}},
- {{1, 2, 0}},
- {{1, 0, 2}},
- {{2, 0, 1}}}};
- return table[face_orientation][vertex];
- }
- }
- dealii::ReferenceCell
- face_reference_cell(const unsigned int face_no) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(face_no, n_faces());
- if (face_no > 1)
- return dealii::ReferenceCells::Quadrilateral;
- else
- return dealii::ReferenceCells::Triangle;
- }
- unsigned int
- face_to_cell_vertices(const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned int vertex,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(face, n_faces());
- if (face < 2)
- {
- AssertIndexRange(vertex, 3);
- }
- else
- {
- AssertIndexRange(vertex, 4);
- }
- constexpr auto X = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
- static const std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 4>, 6> table = {
- {{{1, 0, 2, X}},
- {{3, 4, 5, X}},
- {{0, 1, 3, 4}},
- {{1, 2, 4, 5}},
- {{2, 0, 5, 3}}}};
- return table[face][standard_to_real_face_vertex(
- vertex, face, face_orientation)];
- }
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_vertex_to_deal_vertex(const unsigned int vertex_n) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(vertex_n, n_vertices());
- constexpr std::array<unsigned int, 6> exodus_to_deal{
- {2, 1, 0, 5, 4, 3}};
- return exodus_to_deal[vertex_n];
- }
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_face_to_deal_face(const unsigned int face_n) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(face_n, n_faces());
- constexpr std::array<unsigned int, 6> exodus_to_deal{{3, 4, 2, 0, 1}};
- return exodus_to_deal[face_n];
- }
- };
- /**
- * Hex.
- */
- struct Hexahedron : public TensorProductBase<3>
- {
- std::array<unsigned int, 2>
- standard_line_to_face_and_line_index(
- const unsigned int line) const override
- {
- return GeometryInfo<3>::standard_hex_line_to_quad_line_index(line);
- }
- unsigned int
- standard_to_real_face_line(
- const unsigned int line,
- const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const override
- {
- (void)face;
- return GeometryInfo<3>::standard_to_real_face_line(
- line,
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 0),
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 2),
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 1));
- }
- bool
- combine_face_and_line_orientation(
- const unsigned int line,
- const unsigned char face_orientation_raw,
- const unsigned char line_orientation) const override
- {
- static const bool bool_table[2][2][2][2] = {
- {{{true, false}, // lines 0/1, face_orientation=false,
- // face_flip=false, face_rotation=false and true
- {false, true}}, // lines 0/1, face_orientation=false,
- // face_flip=true, face_rotation=false and true
- {{true, true}, // lines 0/1, face_orientation=true,
- // face_flip=false, face_rotation=false and true
- {false, false}}}, // lines 0/1, face_orientation=true,
- // face_flip=true, face_rotation=false and true
- {{{true, true}, // lines 2/3 ...
- {false, false}},
- {{true, false}, {false, true}}}};
- const bool face_orientation =
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation_raw, 0);
- const bool face_flip = Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation_raw, 2);
- const bool face_rotation = Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation_raw, 1);
- return (
- static_cast<bool>(line_orientation) ==
- bool_table[line / 2][face_orientation][face_flip][face_rotation]);
- }
- std::array<unsigned int, 2>
- standard_vertex_to_face_and_vertex_index(
- const unsigned int vertex) const override
- {
- return GeometryInfo<3>::standard_hex_vertex_to_quad_vertex_index(
- vertex);
- }
- unsigned int
- standard_to_real_face_vertex(
- const unsigned int vertex,
- const unsigned int face,
- const unsigned char face_orientation) const override
- {
- (void)face;
- return GeometryInfo<3>::standard_to_real_face_vertex(
- vertex,
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 0),
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 2),
- Utilities::get_bit(face_orientation, 1));
- }
- dealii::ReferenceCell
- face_reference_cell(const unsigned int face_no) const override
- {
- (void)face_no;
- return dealii::ReferenceCells::Quadrilateral;
- }
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_vertex_to_deal_vertex(const unsigned int vertex_n) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(vertex_n, n_vertices());
- constexpr std::array<unsigned int, 8> exodus_to_deal{
- {0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 6}};
- return exodus_to_deal[vertex_n];
- }
- virtual unsigned int
- exodusii_face_to_deal_face(const unsigned int face_n) const override
- {
- AssertIndexRange(face_n, n_faces());
- constexpr std::array<unsigned int, 6> exodus_to_deal{
- {2, 1, 3, 0, 4, 5}};
- return exodus_to_deal[face_n];
- }
- };
- /**
- * Return for a given reference-cell type the right Info.
- */
- inline const internal::ReferenceCell::Base &
- get_cell(const dealii::ReferenceCell &type)
- {
- static const std::array<std::unique_ptr<internal::ReferenceCell::Base>, 8>
- gei{{std::make_unique<internal::ReferenceCell::Vertex>(),
- std::make_unique<internal::ReferenceCell::Line>(),
- std::make_unique<internal::ReferenceCell::Triangle>(),
- std::make_unique<internal::ReferenceCell::Quadrilateral>(),
- std::make_unique<internal::ReferenceCell::Tetrahedron>(),
- std::make_unique<internal::ReferenceCell::Pyramid>(),
- std::make_unique<internal::ReferenceCell::Wedge>(),
- std::make_unique<internal::ReferenceCell::Hexahedron>()}};
- AssertIndexRange(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(type), 8);
- return *gei[static_cast<std::uint8_t>(type)];
- }
- /**
- * Return for a given reference-cell type @p and face number @p face_no the
- * right Info of the @p face_no-th face.
- */
- inline const internal::ReferenceCell::Base &
- get_face(const dealii::ReferenceCell &type, const unsigned int face_no)
- {
- return get_cell(type.face_reference_cell(face_no));
- }
- } // namespace ReferenceCell
-} // namespace internal
namespace internal