cg.solve (temperature_mass_matrix, solution, rhs, preconditioner_mass);
temperature_constraints.distribute (solution);
-// old_temperature_solution = solution;
+ // Having so computed the current
+ // temperature field, let us set
+ // the member variable that holds
+ // the temperature nodes. Strictly
+ // speaking, we really only need to
+ // set
+ // <code>old_temperature_solution</code>
+ // since the first thing we will do
+ // is to compute the Stokes
+ // solution that only requires the
+ // previous time step's temperature
+ // field. That said, nothing good
+ // can come from not initializing
+ // the other vectors as well
+ // (especially since it's a
+ // relatively cheap operation and
+ // we only have to do it once at
+ // the beginning of the program) if
+ // we ever want to extend our
+ // numerical method or physical
+ // model, and so we initialize
+ // <code>temperature_solution</code>
+ // and
+ // <code>old_old_temperature_solution</code>
+ // as well:
+ temperature_solution.reinit(solution, false, true);
old_temperature_solution.reinit(solution, false, true);
- // this is good enough: no need to set
- // current temperature since we need this
- // field only for computing the next stokes
- // system, which depends on the temperature
- // of the *previous* time step
+ old_old_temperature_solution.reinit(solution, false, true);