<< "The input data for creating a triangulation contained "
<< "information about a line with indices "
<< arg1 << " and " << arg2
- << "that is supposed to have boundary indicator "
- << arg3
+ << " that is described to have boundary indicator "
+ << (int)arg3
<< ". However, this is an internal line not located on the "
<< "boundary. You cannot assign a boundary indicator to it."
<< std::endl
<< "The input data for creating a triangulation contained "
<< "information about a quad with indices "
<< arg1 << ", " << arg2 << ", " << arg3 << ", and " << arg4
- << "that is supposed to have boundary indicator "
- << arg5
+ << " that is described to have boundary indicator "
+ << (int)arg5
<< ". However, this is an internal quad not located on the "
<< "boundary. You cannot assign a boundary indicator to it."
<< std::endl