static const char* description_init;
+ /**
+ * A pattern that can be used to indicate
+ * when a parameter is intended to be the
+ * name of a file. By itself, this class
+ * does not check whether the string that
+ * is given in a parameter file actually
+ * corresponds to an existing file (it
+ * could, for example, be the name of a
+ * file to which you want to write
+ * output). Functionally, the class is
+ * therefore equivalent to the Anything
+ * class. However, it allows to specify the
+ * <i>intent</i> of a parameter. The flag
+ * given to the constructor also allows to
+ * specify whether the file is supposed to
+ * be an input or output file.
+ *
+ * The reason for the existence of this
+ * class is to support graphical user
+ * interfaces for editing parameter
+ * files. These may open a file selection
+ * dialog if the filename is supposed to
+ * represent an input file.
+ */
+ class FileName : public PatternBase
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Files can be used for input
+ * or output. This can be
+ * specified in the constructor
+ * by choosing the flag <tt>type</tt<.
+ */
+ enum FileType {input = 0, output = 1};
+ /**
+ * Constructor. The type of the file
+ * can be specified by choosing the
+ * flag.
+ */
+ FileName (const FileType type = input);
+ /**
+ * Return <tt>true</tt> if the
+ * string matches its
+ * constraints, i.e. always.
+ */
+ virtual bool match (const std::string &test_string) const;
+ /**
+ * Return a description of
+ * the pattern that valid
+ * strings are expected to
+ * match. Here, this is the
+ * string <tt>"[Filename]"</tt>.
+ */
+ virtual std::string description () const;
+ /**
+ * Return a copy of the
+ * present object, which is
+ * newly allocated on the
+ * heap. Ownership of that
+ * object is transferred to
+ * the caller of this
+ * function.
+ */
+ virtual PatternBase * clone () const;
+ /**
+ * file type flag
+ */
+ FileType file_type;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Initial part of description
+ */
+ static const char* description_init;
+ };
+ /**
+ * A pattern that can be used to indicate
+ * when a parameter is intended to be the
+ * name of a directory. By itself, this
+ * class does not check whether the string
+ * that is given in a parameter file
+ * actually corresponds to an existing
+ * directory. Functionally, the class is
+ * therefore equivalent to the Anything
+ * class. However, it allows to specify the
+ * <i>intent</i> of a parameter.
+ *
+ * The reason for the existence of this
+ * class is to support graphical user
+ * interfaces for editing parameter
+ * files. These may open a file selection
+ * dialog to select or create a directory.
+ */
+ class DirectoryName : public PatternBase
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ DirectoryName ();
+ /**
+ * Return <tt>true</tt> if the
+ * string matches its
+ * constraints, i.e. always.
+ */
+ virtual bool match (const std::string &test_string) const;
+ /**
+ * Return a description of
+ * the pattern that valid
+ * strings are expected to
+ * match. Here, this is the
+ * string <tt>"[Filename]"</tt>.
+ */
+ virtual std::string description () const;
+ /**
+ * Return a copy of the
+ * present object, which is
+ * newly allocated on the
+ * heap. Ownership of that
+ * object is transferred to
+ * the caller of this
+ * function.
+ */
+ virtual PatternBase * clone () const;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Initial part of description
+ */
+ static const char* description_init;
+ };
return new Anything();
-} // end namespace Patterns
+ const char* FileName::description_init = "[FileName";
+ FileName::FileName (const FileType type)
+ : file_type (type)
+ {}
+ bool FileName::match (const std::string &) const
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ std::string FileName::description () const
+ {
+ std::ostringstream description;
+ description << description_init;
+ if (file_type == input)
+ description << " (Type: input)]";
+ else
+ description << " (Type: output)]";
+ return description.str();
+ }
+ PatternBase *
+ FileName::clone () const
+ {
+ return new FileName(file_type);
+ }
+ const char* DirectoryName::description_init = "[DirectoryName";
+ DirectoryName::DirectoryName ()
+ {}
+ bool DirectoryName::match (const std::string &) const
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ std::string DirectoryName::description () const
+ {
+ std::ostringstream description;
+ description << description_init << "]";
+ return description.str();
+ }
+ PatternBase *
+ DirectoryName::clone () const
+ {
+ return new DirectoryName();
+ }
+} // end namespace Patterns
ParameterHandler::ParameterHandler ()